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冀教版四年级英语上册教案Unit 1 The Clothes We WearLesson 1 Skirt and Trousersu教材分析This is the first lesson in this module. The main topic is to describe the students clothes, It s important to describe the clothing and the color that corresponds to it.u教学目标【知识目标】Key vocabulary: red, yellow, shirt, skirt, trousers, T-shirt, sweater, favorite, green, white, blue and so on.Key sentence pattern : This is a red skirt.These are yellow trousers.He/She is wearing a.【能力目标】通过孩子结合自己的生活经验和已学的英语知识,掌握本文重点词汇,会用句型:This is a red skirt. These are yellow trousers. He/She is wearing a.,来有 条理地描述身边人的穿着打扮。【情感目标】通过对本课的学习,让学生懂得使用本课重点句式与同学们进行交流,教会学生 有条理的描述身边人的穿着变换。培养学生对身边环境的观察力,使学生养成注重观察细节,观察生活的情感态度。u教学重难点【教学重点】there be句型单复数变化的对比使用。【教学难点】通过孩子结合自己的生活经验和已学的英语知识,掌握本文重点词汇,会用句型:This is a red skirt. These are yellow trousers. He/She is wearing a.,来有 条理地描述身边人的穿着打扮。u课前准备Tape recorder, Multimediau教学过程Step 1.Greetings and warm-up activitiesReview the color words, such as red, blue ,green ,white ,pink.Step 2.Watch the picture and answer the questionsShow: shirt ,skirt ,trousers ,T-shirt ,sweaterQuestions :Is this a _? YesNo.What is this?Is this a _ or a _? It s a _.Show:This is a _.These are _.Ask students to practice the words and patterns.Step 3. Match and colour.Step 4. What s he/she wearing?Let students to describe their clothes.Step 5. GameGroup work. Listen and guess.Step 6.Homework1. Copy the words and text of Unit 1.2. Recite the text well and practice the words.u教学反思Unit 1 The Clothes We WearLesson 2 New and Oldu教材分析This class we will learn new and old. The main topic is to distinguish between old and new things. It s very important to describe the clothing is new or old and i mproving the students abilities of listening and speaking on this topi c.u教学目标【知识目标】Key vocabulary: new, old, big, small, birthday, gift, thanks, chant and so on.Key sentence pattern : This is a new sweater.These are old trousers.I like.Is it new?【能力目标】通过孩子结合自己的生活经验和已学的英语知识,掌握本文重点词汇,会区分物品的新旧,会用句型:This is a new s weater. These are old trousers. Is it new? I like.来有条理地描述物品的颜色及新旧。【情感目标】通过对本课的学习,让学生懂得使用本课重点句式与同学们进行交流,教会学生 区分开物品的新旧,并有条理的描述物品的颜色及新旧。培养学生对身边环境的观察力,使学生养成注重观察细节,观察生活的情感态度。u教学重难点【教学重点】there be句型单复数变化的对比使用和用a/an,new/old修饰物品。【教学难点】通过孩子结合自己的生活经验和已学的英语知识,掌握本文重点词汇,会区分物品的新旧,会用句型:This is a new sw eater. These are old trousers. Is it new? I like.来有 条理地描述物品的颜色及新旧。u课前准备Tape recorder, Multimediau教学过程Step 1. Greetings and warm-up activitiesShow the picture: shirt ,skirt ,trousers ,T-shirt,sweater.通过展示图片带学生复习学过的生词。Step 2. New or old?1.Show:new sweater,old sweater,new trousers,old trousers.在原先图片的基础上加上new和old的形容词修饰,引入今天新的句型:This is a new/old利用图片带领学生反复操练。Eg. This is a new sweater.This is an old sweater.These are new trousers.These are old trousers.2. 让学生两两一组互相介绍自己身上的衣服,使用句型:This is a new/old。Step 3. Look and write.Let s sort it together.老师先利用PPT带领学生完成PPT上的练习,然后让学生自己完成课本中对应的练习。Step 4. I like your skirt.1.播放录音让学生听录音,然后阅读课文;2.老师根据学生反馈为学生解决课文中的字词问题;3.让学生两人一组进行对话,角色扮演。A:I like your skirt.B:Thanks!A:Is it new?B:Yes ! Its my birthday gift.B:I like your trousers.Are they new?A:No.They re old.A:They re my favourite trousers.B:They re nice.Step 5. Let s chant.Listen and chant.1.让学生听录音,学唱歌,邀请唱得好的同学上台表演。2.让学生分成24个小组,比比看看哪个小组唱得最好。Step 6. Homework1. Copy the words and text of Unit 2.2. Recite the text well and practice the words.u教学反思Unit 1 The Clothes We WearLesson 3Coat and Scarfu教材分析This class we will learn some clothes.Like coat,scarf,gloves,cap.They are all the clothes we wear in our lives.I t is very important to know and speak what it is.u教学目标【知识目标】Key vocabulary: coat, scarf, gloves, cap, readyKey sentence pattern: What is she wearing?She is wearing a coat.It s nice.Is this your cap,Danny?Are you ready?【能力目标】通过孩子结合自己的生活经验和已学的英语知识,掌握本文重点词汇,认识生活中我们常见常穿的几种衣物,会用句型:What is she wearing? She is wearing a coat. It s nice. Is this your cap,Danny?Are you ready?来进行简单对话。【情感目标】通过对本课的学习,让学生懂得使用本课重点句式与同学们进行交流,认识并能用英语说出生活中我们常见常穿的几种衣物。培养学生对身边环境的观察力,使学生养成注重观察细节,观察生活的情感态度。u教学重难点【教学重点】通过孩子结合自己的生活经验和已学的英语知识,掌握本文重点词汇,认识生活中我们常见常穿的几种衣物,会用句型:What is she wearing? She is wearing a coat.It s nice.Is this your cap,Danny?Are you ready?来进行简单对话。【教学难点】What is she wearing? She is wearing a coat.It s nice.Is this your cap,Danny?Are you ready?等句式的应用。u课前准备Tape recorder, Multimediau教学过程Step 1.Greetings and warm-up activitiesShow the picture: anew skirt, an old sweater带领学生复习上节课的内容,引入新的教学内容。Step 2. What is she wearing?1.先通过一张全身图引入目标句型What is she wearing?2.展示图片,带领学生学习新的生词。Showpictures: coat, scarf, gloves, cap3.回到第一张图,引入目标句型:She is wearing a coat.It s nice.4.然后利用刚刚学过的新生词反复操练目标句型。Step 3.Read and draw.完成书中read and draw的练习,对学过的句型进行巩固练习。He is wea ring a red cap, a blue coat, bl a c k trousers and yellow gloves.She is wearing a green sweater, an orange skirt and a brown scarf.Step 4.Is this your cap?1.播放录音让学生听录音,然后阅读课文;2.老师根据学生反馈为学生解决课文中的字词问题;3.让学生两人一组进行对话,角色扮演。T:Is this your cap,Danny?D:No!It s Kim s cap.T:Danny,are these your gloves?D:No, Miss Zhang. See?T:Yes,Danny. I see!Step 5. Let s play!Group work. Ask and answer.四人一组,老师为学生准备一些衣物相关的卡片,一个学生背过身去,另外三个学生分别选取卡片,然后让第一个人猜测,他们都别都拿到了什么?使用目标句型:A: Is this your?/A re these your?B: Yes./No, they are .Step 6.Homework1.Copy the words and text of Unit 3.2.Recite the text well and practice the words.u教学反思Unit 1 The Clothes We WearLesson 4 Shoes and Socksu教材分析This class we will learn some clothes. Like dress, shoes, socks, shorts.They are all the clothes we wear in our lives. So it is very important to know and speak what it is.u教学目标【知识目标】Key vocabulary:dress, shoes, socks, shorts, coolKey sentence pattern : What are they wearing?He is wearing shorts. He is cool.She is wearing a dress. She looks nice.This or these?Are these his shorts?Is this her dress?【能力目标】通过孩子结合自己的生活经验和已学的英语知识,掌握本文重点词汇,认识生活中我们常见常穿的几种衣物,会用句型:What are they wearing?He is wearing shorts. He is cool.She is wearing a dress. She looks nice.This or these?Are these his shorts?Is this her dress? 来进行简单对话。【情感目标】通过对本课的学习,让学生懂得使用本课重点句式与同学们进行交流,认识并能用英语说出生活中我们常见常穿的几种衣物。培养学生对身边环境的观察力,使学生养成注重观察细节,观察生活的情感态度。u教学重难点【教学重点】What are they wearing?He is wearing shorts. He is cool.She is wearing a dress. She looks nice.This or these?Are these his shorts?Is this her dress? 等句式的应用。【教学难点】通过孩子结合自己的生活经验和已学的英语知识,掌握本文重点词汇,认识生活中我们常见常穿的几种衣物,会用句型:What are they wearing?He is wearing shorts. He is cool.She is wearing a dress. She looks nice.This or these?Are these his shorts?Is this her dress? 来进行简单对话,明白哪些衣物该用单数修饰,哪些该用复数修饰。u课前准备Tape recorder, Multimediau教学过程Step 1.Greetings and warm-up activitiesShow the picture: coat, scarf, gloves, cap 带领生复习上节课的内容,引入新的教学内容。Step 2. What are they wearing?1.通过图片带领学生熟悉新单词Show:dress, shoes, socks, shorts2.PPT结合图片展示目标句型:He is wearing shorts. He is cool.She is wearing a dress. She looks nice.Step 3. Look and write.让学生完成书中的练习。首先让学生看图片,说出新学的生词,然后老师板书“ This or these? ”,带领学生完成第一个书写“ This is a dress ”,再让学生自行完成后面的书写。最后老师带领学生总结 Thisis和 These are的用法。Step 4. Are these his shorts?Is this her dress?1.老师带领学生完成第 3 部分的练习,操练 Are these his shorts?Yes, they are. / No, they arent. Is this her dress? Yes, it is./ No, it isnt的问答。2. 老师指着学生的衣服,结合学生实际情况进行问答。3. 让学生两两一组进行句型操练。Step 5. Let s do it!Look,read and tick.让学生完成书中的练习,进行巩固操练。Step 6.Homework1. Copy the words and text of Unit 4.2. Recite the text well and practice the words.u教学反思Unit 1 The Clothes We WearLesson 5 Days of the Weeku教材分析This class we will learn seven days of the week. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.u教学目标【知识目标】Key vocabulary: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.Key sentence pattern : What day is it?What day is today?It s Monday.How many days are there in a week?【能力目标】通过孩子结合自己的生活经验和已学的英语知识,掌握英文的一周七天,会用句型:What day is it?What day is today?It s Monday.How many days are there in a week?来进行简单对话。【情感目标】通过对本课的学习,让学生懂得使用本课重点句式与同学们进行交流,认识并能用英语说出每周的七天。培养学生 热爱生活的态度及日常交流的能力。u教学重难点【教学重点】What day is it?What day is today?It s Monday.How many days are there in a week? 等句式的应用。【教学难点】通过孩子结合自己的生活经验和已学的英语知识,掌握一周七天的英文 Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.会用句型What day is it?What day is today?It s Monday.How many days are there in a week?来进行日常交流。u课前准备Tape recorder, Multimediau教学过程Step 1.Greetings and warm-up activitiesShow the picture: dress, shoes, socks, shorts 带领学生复习上节课的内容,引入新的教学内容。Step 2. What day is it?1.通过图片展示新单词,图片加深学生记忆:Show:Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.2.展示课文对话,操练句型:What day is today?It s Monday.How many days are there in a week?Seven.先让学生听课文录音,然后是师生对答,最后让学生两人一组操练句型,挑选说得好的上台表演。Step 3.Let s sing!让学生通过歌曲练习星期天的说法,先让学生听录音,然后让学生集体合唱,最后挑选学生独唱。Step 4. Letters and sounds学习元音字母 a e i o u的说法,先让学生集体跟读,然后让学生以“开小火车”的形式 一个个读,老师检测并纠正学生的发音。Step 5. Homework1. Copy the words and text of Unit 5.2. Recite the text well and practice the words.u教学反思Unit 1 The Clothes We WearLesson 6 Bettys Clothesu教材分析It s story time! This class we will listen a story of Betty. Betty is lovely girl. She will going to a party on Saturday. What will she wear? Let s have a look.u教学目标【知识目标】Key vocabulary: partyKey sentence pattern : I m going to a party.What will I wear?I can wear the shorts on Monday.The sweater is my favourite.It s nice for a party!I will wear my red dress today.It s a birthday gift from my mum.【能力目标】通过孩子结合自己的生活经验和已学的英语知识,掌握本文重点词汇,会 使用学过句型结合实际环境和情况进行日常对话,讲述自己的故事。【情感目标】通过对本课的学习,了解 Betty的故事,并结合自己的真实情况表演 Betty 遇到的情况。培养学生 热爱生活的态度及日常表述的能力。u教学重难点【教学重点】be going to 句式的应用。【教学难点】通过孩子结合自己的生活经验和已学的英语知识,掌握本文重点词汇,会用句型I m going to a party.What will I wear?I can wear the shorts on Monday.The sweater is my favourite.It s nice for a party!I will wear my red dress today.It s a birthday gift from my mum. 来讲述自己的故事。u课前准备Tape recorder, Multimediau教学过程Step 1.Greetings and warm-up activitiesShow the picture: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.带领学生复习上节课的内容,引入新的教学内容。Step 2. Story time1.课文导入Lessonhook:现在,我们来认识一位女孩,她叫Betty,她将要参加一个聚会,他要穿什么衣服去呢?让我们从课文中找出答案吧!看图片预测。2.Presentation:读前活动:看图讨论看教科书,理应每一幅图讨论故事梗概。思考问题 :Where is the girl? Whats the girl doing?What clothes are in the picture? What are they talking about?阅读活动:讲故事从头到尾逐图过一遍,帮助学生理解故事情节。Pane l 1: Whats the girls name? What day is it?What is she going to do?Panel 2: What color are the shorts? What else can you see in the closet?Panel 3: What color are the trousers? What color is the T-shirt? Does Betty like them?Panel 4: What color is the sweater? Does Betty like the sweater?Panel 5: What color is the shirt/skirt? When will Betty wear them?Panel 6: What day will Betty wear this scarf?Panel 7: What clothes does Betty decide to wear?Panel 8: What do you want to wear at the party?Step 3. Talk and act大声朗读:1. 教师范读,速度要慢,辅以动作和手势。适当解释个别不懂的单词。2. 播放光盘,学生大声跟读,读出韵味。读后活动:1. 用汉语复述故事。2. 分角色表演故事。将全班分成 8 人一组( Betty 和 7 件说话的衣服),给学生一些时间来练习语言和动作,然后在全班展示。Step 4. Homework1. Copy the words and text of Unit 6.2. Recite the text well and practice the words.u教学反思Unit 2 At HomeLesson 7 Homeworku教材分析This is the second lesson in this module. This class we will talk about what do you do in the evening?It s very important to i mprov e the students abilities of listening and speaking on this topi c.u教学目标【知识目标】Key vocabulary: evening, homework, read, write, draw, sing, play, game.Key sentence pattern : What do you do in the evening?I do my homework.I read a book.I write a story.I draw a picture for my story.I sing a song.【能力目标】通过孩子结合自己的生活经验和已学的英语知识,掌握本文重点词汇,会用句型:What do you do in the evening?I do my homework. /I read a book./ I write a story./ I draw a picture for my story./ I sing a song. 来讲述自己的晚上做的事情。【情感目标】通过对本课的学习,使学生可以有条理的讲述自己在晚上做的事情,培养学生 热爱生活的态度及日常表述的能力。u教学重难点【教学重点】疑问句式 What do you do in the evening?的应用。【教学难点】通过孩子结合自己的生活经验和已学的英语知识,掌握本文重点词汇,会用句型:What do you do in the evening?I do my homework.I read a book.I write a story.I draw a picture for my story.I sing a song. 来讲述自己的晚上做的事情。u课前准备Tape recorder, Multimediau教学过程Step 1.Greetings and warm-up activities1. Show the picture: party, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.通过展示图片带学生复习学过的生词。2. 课文导入:我们一周五天上学,但我们在家度过的时间更多。今天我们学习一些谈论在家庭活动时要使用的单词和句子。Step 2.What do you do in the evening?1. 谈论家庭作业有哪些方面?2. 解释 homework的含义:Home的概念:家:即我们和家人一起生活的地方。Work :工作、 学习。Homework的含义:从学校带回家并在家里做完,然后回校时要带回课堂的一些工作。3. 看书讨论第一部分四幅图:W hat does Li Ming do in the evening?板书 :I do my homework.I read a book.I write a story.I draw a picture for my story.4. 播放光盘录音,学生跟读,讨论:What do you do in the evening?5. 说和做 Say and act: I do my homework. / I read a book. /I write a story. /I draw a picture for my story.Step 3. Let s play!Act and guess. 看书,解释活动要求,再练习。Step 4. Let s sing!This is the way I wash my clothes1. 出示 Jenny 从星期一到星期六的活动图,说说每天干什么:What does Jenny do everday?2. 朗读歌词,理解词义。3. 播放光盘录音,学生跟唱。Step 5. Let s play!Group work. Act and say.读一读,解释游戏内容:第一个人说并做动作,下一个人说出上一个人的话并增加一句,第三个人把前两个人的话都说出来,再增加一句话。Step 6.Homework1. Copy the words and text of lesson 7.2. Recite the text well and practice the words.u教学反思Unit 2 At HomeLesson 8 TV and Phoneu教材分析This class we will talk about what do you do at home? We will learn some new household appliances, like TV, computer, phone and so on. And we will learn some preposition of locality.u教学目标【知识目标】Key vocabulary: TV, computer, phoneKey sentence pattern : What do you do at home?I help my mum and dad.I talk on the phone with my friends.I watch TV after dinner.I play on the computer.I read a book.【能力目标】通过孩子结合自己的生活经验和已学的英语知识,掌握本文重点词汇,会用句型:What do you do at home?I help my mum and dad.I talk on the phone with my friends.I watch TV after dinner.I play on the computer.I read a book.来讲述自己在家做的事情。【情感目标】通过对本课的学习,使学生可以有条理的讲述自己在家做的事情,培养学生 热爱生活的态度及日常表述的能力。u教学重难点【教学重点】疑问句式 What do you do at home?的应用。【教学难点】通过孩子结合自己的生活经验和已学的英语知识,掌握本文重点词汇,会用句型:What do you do at home?I help my mum and dad.I talk on the phone with my friends.I watch TV after dinner.I play on the computer.I read a book. 来讲述自己在家做的事情。u课前准备Tape recorder, Multimediau教学过程Step 1.Greetings and warm-up activities1.Show the picture: do homework, read a book, write a story, draw a picture. 通过图片巩固复习上节课学过的短语。2. 课文导入:我们在家可以做很多事情,比如写作业、读书。我们今天来学习更多的在家能做的事情吧!Step 2.What do you do at home?1.课件出示图片,学习新单词 TV, computer, phone问:Wha ts this? 出示每幅图片及相应单词,板书短语:watch TV, play on the computer, talk on the phone 领读几遍。2. 看书讨论:What s Jenny doing at home?3. 播放录音跟读。4. 小组讨论练习:What do you do at home? 尽量用英语表达。Step 3. Let s do it!1.Look and write.看图片完成句子。a. The phone is the chair.b. Theisthe box.c. Theis the desk.(2) Pair work. Ask and answer. Then tick.What do you do at home?I read a book.Step 4. Checkfor understanding巩固检验Checkfor understanding: 活动手册 page20Step 5. Homework1. Copy the words and text of lesson 8.2. Recite the text well and practice the words.u教学反思Unit 2 At HomeLesson 9 In the Bedroomu教材分析This class we will talk about what do you do in your bedroom? We will learn some new vocabul ary about bedroom, like bedroom, bed, teddy bear and so on.u教学目标【知识目标】Key vocabulary: bedroom, bed, teddy bear, music, doctorKey sentence pattern : What do you do in your bedroom?I make my bed.I clean my bedroom.I play with my teddy bear.I listen to music.【能力目标】通过孩子结合自己的生活经验和已学的英语知识,掌握本文重点词汇,会用句型:What do you do in your bedroom?I make my bed.I clean my bedroom.I play with my teddy bear.I listen to music.来讲述自己在卧室做的事情。【情感目标】通过对本课的学习,使学生可以有条理的讲述自己在卧室做的事情,培养学生 热爱生活的态度及日常表述的能力。u教学重难点【教学重点】疑问句式 What do you do in your bedroom?的应用。【教学难点】通过孩子结合自己的生活经验和已学的英语知识,掌握本文重点词汇,会用句型:What do you do in your bedroom?I make my bed.I clean my bedroom.I play with my teddy bear.I listen to music. 来讲述自己在卧室做的事情。u课前准备Tape recorder, Multimediau教学过程Step 1.Greetings and warm-up activities1. Show the picture: TV, computer, phone. 通过图片复习上节课学过的生词和短语,达到巩固复习的效果。2. 我们今天来学习讨论人们睡觉的场所,并认识一个小动物泰迪熊。你喜欢它吗?Step 2.What do you do in your bedroom?1.学习新单词bed, clean, listen:卡片出示 bed 图及单词,读出单词及句子:This is a bed. 三个单词都依次处理。2.看书22页,讨论四幅图片,Where is Jenny? What does Jenny do?板书句子:make my bed. / clean my bedroom. / play with my teddy bear./ listen to music.领读 3 遍,指几名读,练习做动作,说出英语。播放光盘第一部分,学生边听边跟读。3. 小组学习:自由结对子,用英语对话,说说自己在卧室所做的事情。出示例句:Imake my bed. / Iclean my bedroom. / I play with my teddy bear./ I listen to music.Step 3. Let s chant!看书讨论:How many teddy bears? Where are they? Whats the girl doing?(making a phone call)朗读歌谣,播放光盘,学生跟读。Step 4. Check for understanding巩固检验 Checkfo r understanding: 活动手册 Page 22.Step 5. Homework1. Copy the words and text of lesson 9.2. Recite the text well and practice the words.u教学反思Unit 2 At HomeLesson 10 Brush and Washu教材分析This class we will talk about what do you do in the morning? We will learn some new word groups to express what we do every morning.u教学目标【知识目标】Key word groups : brush my teeth, wash my face, brushmy hair, put on my clothesKey sentence pattern : What do you do in the morning?I brush my teeth.I wash my face.I brush my hair.I put on my clothes.I make my bed.【能力目标】通过孩子结合自己的生活经验和已学的英语知识,掌握本文重点词组,会用句型:What do you do in the morning?I brush my teeth.I wash my face.I brush my hair.I put on my clothes.I make my bed.来讲述自己每天早上做的事情。【情感目标】通过对本课的学习,使学生可以有条理的讲述自己每天早上做的事情,培养学生 热爱生活的态度及日常表述的能力。u教学重难点【教学重点】疑问句式 What do you do in the morning?的应用。【教学难点】通过孩子结合自己的生活经验和已学的英语知识,掌握本文重点词组,会用句型:What do you do in the morning?I brush my teeth.I wash my face.I brush my hair.I put on my clothes. I make my bed. 来讲述自己每天早上做的事情。u课前准备Tape recorder, Multimediau教学过程Step 1.Greetings and warm-up activities1.Show the picture: bedroom, bed, teddy bear通过图片复习上节课学过的生词,达到巩固练习的效果。2. 课文导入:我们起床并为新的一天做准备。Step 2.What do you do in the morning?1.分别出示 brush my teeth, wash my face, brush my hair, put on my clothes的图片,老师提问:T :What do you do in the morning?第一幅图brush my teeth: 领读短语后,出示实物牙刷、梳子,教学brush, teeth。教师做出夸张的动作表示刷牙、梳头,让每个人边做动作边说:Ibrush my teeth.其余三幅图都以此方法进行,做洗脸、梳头和穿衣的动作,然后念句子,并让学生跟读2.播放录音,学生看书跟读课文。3.练习:耳语游戏。四名志愿者到教室前站成一排,按照顺序,教师小声地把第一个短语 brush my hair 告诉第一名志愿者,让他做动作,其余三名志愿者说出英语。第一名志愿者将新的短语告诉下一个志愿者。重复游戏,把新学短语练完为止。Step 3. Let s do it!1.Pair work. Ask and answer.同桌讨论,问答 :What do you do in the morning?I 2. Read and match.大声阅读句子,回答:What s Jenny doing in picture 1-11?Step4. Checkfor understandingCheckfor understanding 巩固检验:活动手册 Page2 4Step 5. Homework1. Copy the words and text of lesson10.2. Recite the text well and practice the words.u教学反思Unit 2 At HomeLesson 11 Toysu教材分析This class we will talk about what do you do on Saturday? We will learn some new vocabulary and word groups to express what we do on Saturday.u教学目标【知识目标】Key vocabulary: toys, ball, kite, funKey word groups : play with friends, fly ki tes, play catch with a ball, read books, play with toys.Key sentence pattern : What do you do on Saturday?On Saturday, I play with my friends.We fly kites.We play catch with a ball.We read books. Jenny plays with her toy.Saturday is fun.【能力目标】通过孩子结合自己的生活经验和已学的英语知识,掌握本文重点单词,词组,会用句型:What do you do on Saturday?On Saturday, I play with my friends.We fly kites.We play catch with a ball.We read books. Jenny plays with her toy.Saturday is fun.来讲述自己周六做的事情。【情感目标】通过对本课的学习,使学生可以有条理的讲述自己周六做的事情,培养学生 热爱生活的态度及日常表述的能力。u教学重难点【教学重点】疑问句式 What do you do on Saturday?的应用。【教学难点】通过孩子结合


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