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情态动词用法,1,情态动词的语法特征 情态动词有词义吗? 情态动词有人称和数的变化吗? 3.情态动词有时态吗? 4.情态动词能单独做谓语吗?,2,情态动词的语法特征 情态动词有一定的词义,表示某种情绪或 态度,表示可能、愿望、必要、允许、能力等。 2. 情态动词没有人称和数的变化,即不随主语的不同而变化。 3.must, need没有时态,但有些情态动词如can、may,will,have to有一般式和过去式的变化。 4. 情态动词不能单独做谓语,必须和实义动词原形一起构成谓语。,3,情态动词的“时态”形式并不是时间区别的 主要标志, 不少情况下, 情态动词的现在式 形式和过去式形式都可用来表示现在时 间、过去时间和将来时间。,4,can / could,1) 表示能力。意思为“能够、会”,could表示过去的能力,can表示现在的能力。,He could play the piano at the age of 6. A computer cant think for itself.,5,表示能力: can, could, be able to 1)时态上:,2)意义上:,be able to 能用于各种时态。 can / could 只能表示现在或过去的能力。,can / could表示个人有某种能力 was / were able to : 表示某人通过努力 克服困难做成某事“设法做成某事” 相当于:,managed to do sth. succeeded in doing sth.。,6,如: _ you understand the meaning of this sentence? In the fire, he _ escape from the burning building.,7,2)表示请求和允许。,You can go with them if you like. - Could/Can I have a look at your new design? - Yes, of course you can.,(注意此处答语不能用could),表示请求,口语中常用could代替can,使语气更委婉。,8,3)用在肯定句中,表示_,Anybody can make mistakes. Driving on the snowy roads can be very dangerous.,客观上有可能,9,4)表示主观的_,主要用在否定句和疑问句中。,It cant be Mary. She is in Shanghai now.,猜测,表示推测时,could不是过去式,只是语气更委婉,It couldnt be Dad. He wont be back this time of evening.,10,1. A computer _ think for itself; it must be told what to do. A. cant B. couldnt C. may not D. might not,2. The fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyone _ get out. A. had to B. would C. could D. was able to,11,3. -Could I borrow your dictionary? -Yes, of course you_ A. might B. will C. can D. could,12,4. Mary _ speak three languages.,5. Children _ dress up and go to their neighbours homes to ask for sweets.,6. Traffic accidents _ happen in such snowy weather.,7. It _ be Mary. She has fallen ill.,能力,许可,客观上的可能性,推测,13,2. may / might,1)表示允许,许可,might用于过去时,May I come in?,He said I might use his pen.,- May I borrow your bike?,肯定答语,否定答语,-Yes, you may./You can./ Certainly./Sure.,- No, you mustnt./No, you cant./Youd better not.,表许可时,等同于can/could,14,2)表示主观的可能性,might比may可能性更小。,It may be true. He might not come today.,15,May the new year bring you peace, joy and happiness.,(3) 表示愿望,May you succeed!,May you have a good journey!,祝你旅行开心! 祝你成功!,16,Some festivals are held to satisfy the ancestors, who might return either to help or to do harm.,推测,17,- Excuse me. Is this the right way to the Summer Palace? - Sorry, I am not sure, but it _be. A. might B will C. must D. can,18,- Are you coming to Jeffs party? - Im not sure. I _go to the concert instead. Amust Bwould Cshould Dmight,19,翻译 -我能在这个房间抽烟吗? . - 可以。 - 不行,,-Might/ May I smoke in this room? - Yes, you can. - No, you mustnt,20,1. 表示意愿,will表示现在的意愿,would表示过去的意愿。 I will stick to my plan though all of you are against it. I told him to give up smoking, but he wouldnt listen.,3. will/would,21,2.用于第二人称表示请求、建议等,would比will语气委婉、客气。 Will you type this, please? Would you please open the window?,肯定答语,-Yes, you will./No problem./,22,3. 表示习惯和倾向性 will表示现在的习惯,would表示过去的习惯(=used to do)。 Fish will die without water. When he was a child, he would often go skiing.,23,I will never do that again. 2. They asked him if he would go abroad. 3. During the vacation, he would visit me every four days. 4. Will / Would you pass me the ball, please? 5. Birds will fly to the south in the winter.,意愿,意愿,习惯,倾向,请求,过去的习惯,24,4. shall,1)shall用于第一、第三人称疑问句中,表示说话人征求对方的意见或向对方请示。 Shall we put off the sports meet until next week? Shall we go by train? Henry is waiting outside. Shall he come in, sir?,25,2)shall用于第二、第三人称的陈述句,表示说话人给对方的许诺、命令、警告、威胁等。,Tell Jack he shall get a gift if he performed well.,(许诺),(警告),You shall be punished if you break the rule.,(威胁),You shall fail if you dont work hard.,26,Shall,When the chairman turns up, nobody shall say a word. Students shall remain in their seats until the papers have been collected. There is a rule that students shall wear uniform. I tell you that you shall regret some day. He shall fall behind if he is always so lazy. He shall be punished if he insists on doing that You shall have a nice present for your birthday if you make progress in study. They shall get what they want if they keep their word. Nothing shall stop us from carrying out the plan.,决心、承诺、警告、命令 you heshethey shall(二三人称陈述),命令,警告,承诺,决心,27,3)shall用于第三人称,用于叙述条约、规定、法律等文件. Those belonging to our club shall wear uniforms. 我们俱乐部的成员都应该穿制服。,- What does the sign over there read? - “No person _ smoke in this area.” Awill Bmay Cshall D. must,28,5. should,1. should表示义务、职责、劝告,意为 “应该”。,eg: You should keep your promise.,Students should respect teachers.,29,2)表示说话人_等特殊情感。 Its surprising that Mary should not know Lei Feng.,It is a wonder that rice should grow in the desert. You should make friends with such a selfless person. How should I know who he likes?,惊讶,30,3)表示推测,译作“应该”“理应”。 Its already 10. She promised to come by 10. She should turn up at any moment.,- Shall I go and buy more fruits for the party? - No, I have already bought 3 baskets. That _ be enough. A. can B. should C. may D. might,31,Its nearly seven oclock . Jack _be here at any moment. A. must B. need C. should D. could,32,dare “敢”,多用在否定或疑问句中。 The little girl dare not speak in public. 小女孩不敢在公众面前说话。 Dare you catch the little cat? 你敢抓小猫吗? dare 当实义动词要考虑人称单复数,时态,后跟动词不定式to do,但to可以省略。 Do you dare( to )walk in the dark? He doesnt dare to tell the teacher what happened that day.,33,I dont like this TV set. We must buy a new one. There was no bus. They had to walk home.,1.表“必须” 时,must 和have to 的区别,must着重说明主观意愿,have to 强调客观不得不。另外,have to 能用于更多时态。,6.must,34,2.must用于一般问句中,肯定回答用_否定式用 _,做 “不必”, mustnt表示_, Must I finish all homework at a time?,Yes, you must. No, you neednt.,must,neednt或dont have to,“禁止,不允许”,35,3.表示_,意思是_,抱怨,偏要,非得,Must you make so much noise? If you must smoke, please go out.,36,Must you shout so loudly? Must you copy my homework? My aunt must give lucky money to me.,must表示“偏要, 硬要”, 指做令人不快的事情,37,4.must 表示推测时,只能用于肯定句,表示“准是”, “一定”,must have done 对过去发生的事情作出的肯定判断,must be doing/be+adj/n 对正在进行的动作进行肯定推测,他现在一定在看小说。,He must be reading novels now.,路是湿的。昨天晚上一定下雨了。,The road is wet. It must have rained last night.,38,情态动词考题:,1. Put on more clothes. You be feeling cold with only a shirt on. A. can B. could C. must D. would 2. “Must I drive to his house and pick up the children?“ “No, .“ A. you shouldnt B. you might not C. you neednt D. you mustnt,39,注意: 1. 情态动词否定形式的用法:,mustnt 不准, 禁止 neednt 没必要 ( = dont have to ) cant 不能; 不可能 may not 不可以; 可能不 shouldnt 不应该 ( = ought not to ),40,注意: 2. 表示推测的情态动词:,May/ might,must,should,Cant/ couldnt,表示主观推测,might的可能性比may小,用于肯定句,表示肯定,一定,表示理应,表示不可能,41,不同的“推测”程度可按下列层次排列: He is at home. (事实) He must be at home.(非常肯定的推断) He should be at home.(很可能) He may be at home.(仅仅可能而已) He might be at home.(或许, 非常不确定) He might/may not be at home.(也许不在家) He cant be at home.(一定不在家) He isnt at home.(事实),42,+do: 表示对现在或将来的情况的推测;,+be doing: 表示对正在进行的情况的推测;,+have done: 表示对过去所发生事情的推测,+be doing,+ do,+ have done,43,对正在发生的事,情态动词be doing的形式。如:,1) He isnt in the classroomHe mustmay might be playing football on the playground 他不在教室里。他一定可能在操场上踢足球。 2) Its 12 pmShe can could not be typing now. 已经是夜里十二点了,她不可能现在还在打字。 At this moment, our teacher must be correcting our exam papers.,44,情态动词表推测 1). 汤姆可能去上海了, 但我不是很肯定. Tom _ to Shanghai, but Im still not sure about it. 2). 地板很干, 昨晚不可能下雨了。 The ground is very dry, so it _ last night . 3). 一定有人闯入了我们的卧室, 谁会这样做呢? Someone must have broken into our bedroom. Who _ it?,may have gone,cant have rained,could have done,45,4. I dont know where she is, she _ be in Wuhan. 5. At this moment, our teacher _ our exam papers. 这时,我们老师肯定在批改试卷。 6. The road is wet. It _ last night. (rain),may,must be marking,must have rained,46,7. Philip _ seriously in the car accident. 菲利普可能在车祸中受了重伤. 8. -Linda has gone to work, but her bicycle is still here. -She _ (go) by bus.,may (might) have been hurt,may (might) have gone,47,注意:3. 情态动词+have done 表示后悔,责备,遗憾和惋惜等情绪。,could have done Should have done Shouldnt have done Neednt have done,原本可以但事实上并未做到 本来应该但事实上并未做到 本不应该但事实上已做 本来没必要但事实上已做,48,Eg:1. The accident _ (原本可以避免的), but the driver was too careless. 我本不应该对妈妈大吼大叫的,_, but it was too late. 你本来没必要买一台新电视, _, for the old one is still in good condition.,could have been avoided,I shouldnt have shouted at my mom,You neednt have bought a new TV set,49,高考考题: 1. I thought you _like something to read, so I have brought you some books. A. may B. might C. would D. must 2. Where is my pen? I _it. A. might lose B. would have lost C. should have lost D. must have lost 3. I didnt hear the phone. I _asleep A. must be B. must have been C. should be D. should have been,B,D,B,50,4. -There were already five people in the car, but they managed to take me as well. -It _a comfortable journey A. cant be B. shouldnt be C. mustnt have been D. couldnt have been 5. Its nearly seven oclock . Jack _be here at any moment. A. must B. need C. should D. could,D,C,51,1The thief _ in from the kitchen window as the door was closed. A. may climb B. must have climbed C. could have climbed D. should have climbed,52,- Do you know where David is ? I couldnt find him anywhere. - Well. He _have gone far his coat is still here. A. shouldnt B. mustnt C. cant D. wouldnt,53,2. Johnny, you _ play with the knife, you _ hurt yourself. A. wont; cant B. mustnt; may C. shouldnt; must D. cant; shouldnt,1. Its nearly seven oclock. Jack _ be here at any moment. A. must B. need C. should D. can,54,3. Professor Smith, many students want to see you. _ they wait here or outside? A. Do B. Shall C. Will D. Would,55,I think Ill give Bob a ring later in the week. You _. You havent been in touch with him for ages. A. will B. may C. have to D. should,练习坊,I. Choose the correct answer.,56,2. John, look at the time. _ you play the piano at such a late hour? A. Must B. Can C. May D. Should,57,3. There _ any difficulty about passing the road test since you have practiced a lot in the driving school. A. mustnt be B. shant have C. shouldnt be D. neednt have,58,4. The World Wide Web is sometimes jokingly called the World Wide Wait because it _ be very slow. A. Should B. must C. will D. can 5. Helen _ go on the trip with us, but she isnt quite sure yet. A. shall B. must C. may D. can,59,6. Someone is knocking at the door. _ it be Venis? No, it _ be her; she left for New York this morning. A. Can; mustnt B. Might; cant C. May; doesnt D. Can; cant,60,7. Mike promised his doctor he _ not drink, and he has never drunk ever since. A. might B. should C. could D. would,61,8. Is there a movie on in the cinema tonight? There _ be. I will phone the cinema and find it out. A. might B. should C. can D. must,62,9. When I was studying at Beijing University, I _ take a walk along the lake every evening. A. will B. would C. could D. shall,63,10. Mr Brown, many students want to see you. _ they wait here or outside? A. Shall B. Will C. Can D. Would,64,考例1 It is usually warm in my hometown in March, but it _ be rather cold sometimes. (福建 2008) A. must B. can C. should D. would,考点点拨 考例回顾,65,考例2 You _ be hungry already you had lunch only two hours ago! (浙江 2008) wouldnt B. cant C. mustnt D. neednt,66,

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