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_-可编辑修改-四年级英语上册期末测试卷一、读一读,选出不同类的一项。 ( )1、A. write B. talk C. letter ( )2、A. monkey B. tiger C. orange ( )3、A. football B. swim C. run ( )4、A. left B. live C. right ( )5、A. light B. milk C. soup ( )6、A. football B. basketball C. peanuts ( )7、A. fast B. swim C. far 二、火眼金睛,单项选择。 ( )1.what are you doing. Mum? Im _vegetable. A. cooking B. cook C. run ( )2. Amy , can you _fast? A. running B. runs C. run ( )3.Can you play the flute.Sam? No .I_ A.can B. cant C.dont ( )4.They_going to Hainan. A. is B.are C.am ( )5.Were going _plane. A.by B.on C.in ( )6.She is going to_her teacher. A .look B.see C.visit ( )7. Xiaohong is going to get up_5oclock. A.On B.at C.for ( )8.Were going to have a_ A.Sports Day B.sport day .C.sports day ( )9.Im the_. A. winer B.win C.winner ( )10.Im going to_the high jump. A.do B.make C.have ( )11.whats that? Its_animal. A.the B.an C.a ( )12.-Happy birthday.Amy. A.Thank you B.excuse me C.ok ( )13.好朋友过生日时.你应该怎么祝福她_ A.Im very happy B. Happy birthday to you C.Thank you ( )14.lingling的妈妈想知道她想吃什么时.应该怎么说_ A.Do you want some rice ? B. Do you want rices ? ( )15.姐姐有一个运动日.你祝福她应该怎么说:_ A.Come on B.Thank you C.Good luck ( )16.你为运动场上的运动员加油时.你应该说_ A.Come! B.Come in please. C.Come on! 三、画龙点睛,用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Can I _(have)some bread? 2. Hes hungry.he wants some_(sweet)3. There _(be) twelve boys on the bike. 4. Im_(go)to go to Hongkong in July 5. He_(like) February. 四、连词成句。 1.Sports , we , have , are going , a day , to. 2.going to , Hainan , were , go to 3. going to , get up , 5oclock , at , were. 4. jump far , she , can. 5. is, Daming, dragon, boat, a, rowing. 五、读句子选出相应的图片,将图片代号填入括号中.A B C D E( ) 1. Lingling is writing a letter. ( ) 2. Daming is taking pictures. ( ) 3. Turn left. ( ) 4. Amy is talking to her friend. ( ) 5. Tom is playing with a toy train. 六、从B 栏中选择正确的答语,将序号填入题前的括号中。 A 栏 B栏 ( )1.Can you ride fast? A.Im fine. ( )2.How are you? B. No, I cant. ( )3.What are you doing? C.Im reading a book. ( ) 4.Have you got a lion? D. Turn right. ( )5.Where is the supermarket? E. Yes,I have. 七、英汉短语互译 1、向右转_ 6、go straight on_2、在车站_ 7、get on _ 3、照相_ 8、ride a horse _ 4、听音乐_ 9、on Sports Day _5、跳得远_ 10、get up _ 八、阅读理解,判断正(T)误(F) This is Jims bedroom. Its new and nice. A bed and a chair are in it. A desk is on the floor. Some flowers are on it .A bookshelf is behind the bed. Some English books are on the shelf. A picture is on the wall. Some people are in the picture. The man is his father. The woman is his mother. Who is the boy? Do you know? ( )1.Whose room is it ? A. Jims room. B. Fathers room. C. Mothers room. ( )2.Where are the flowers?http:/www.dlrzy.com A. On the floor. B. In the desk. C. On the desk. ( )3.Whats on the shelf? A. Some Chinese books. B. Some math books. C. Some English books. ( )4.Who is the woman? A. Jim. B. Jims mother. C. Jim aunt. ( )5.Who is the boy? Its _. A. Jim B. Mike. C. David.四年级英语练习一、 找出不同类别的单词,将其序号填入题前括号内(10分)( )1. A.high B. happy C.apple ( )2. A. some B. tiger C.chicken ( )3. A. sweets B. bread C. today ( )4. A. jump B. sport C. run ( )5. A. luck B. dragon C. listen 二、单项选择。(30分) ( )1.what are you doing. Mum? Im _vegetable. A. cooking B. cook C. run ( )2. Amy ,can you _fast? A. running B. runs C. run ( )3.Can you play the piano,Sam? No .I_ A.can B. cant C.dont ( )4.They_going to Haina. A. is B.are C.am ( )5.Xiaohong is going to get up_5 oclock. A.On B.at C.for ( )6.Were going to have a_ A.Sports day B.sport day C.sports day ( )7.Im the_. A. winer B.win C.winner ( )8.Im going to_the high jump. A.do B.make C.have ( )9.We can go to the park_Sunday. A.on B.at C.in ( )10.好朋友过生日时.你应该怎么祝福她_ A. Im very happy B.Happy birthday to you C.Thank you ( )11. 当别人祝你生日快乐时.你应该说_ A.Yes.Im B.Of course C.Thank you very much ( )12.你想知道有多少人在7月过生日时.你应该说_ A.How much birthday are there in july? B.How are you in july? C.How many birthdays are there in july? ( )13.姐姐有一个运动日.你祝福她应该怎么说:_ A.Come on B.Thank you C.Good luck ( )14.你为运动场上的运动员加油时.你应该说_ A.Come! B.Come in please. C.Come on! ( )15.明天你想要去游泳,你会说: A.Im going to swim. B Im going to swimming. C. Im going swim. 三、将答语标号填入正确的问句前面的括号里。(20分) ( )1 What are you doing ? A.Sorry, you cant.( )2.Can I have some noodles? B.Yes, I can. ( )3.Do you want some apples? C. Im taking photos. ( )4.Can you play chess? D.They are going to swim. ( )5.What are they going to do? E .No,I dont. 四、连词成句。(25分) 1.Sports we have are going a day to. 2. are five there in children photo the . 3. going to Hainan were go to. 4. your whats name? 5. going to get up 5 oclock at were. 五、给Amy写一封信,告诉她你去公园看到了什么,注意书信的格式,书信内容不少于6句话(15分) Dear: From外研版(三起)四年级英语上册期末测试卷 一请把下列字母按正确顺序写到四线三格内。(12分) Ff Ss Ll Ww Ii Dd 二、英汉互译。(30分) 1.turn on the light_ 2. 十二月_ 3.come in_ 4.January_5. 当然_ 6.good luck_7.汤_ 8.糖果_9.运动日_ 10.起床_11. high jump_ 12.play flute_ 13.跑_ 14. 能够_ _15.dragon_三、选词填空,请将答案写到横线上。(每小题2分,共10分) 1. Were going to go to Shanghai by _. 2. Sam is England. 3. There are 5 birthdays in . 4. Im going to a dragon. 5. Were going to the Ming Tombs. 四、单项选择。(每小题1分,共24分) ( )1. Im going to _ in the sea. A. swimming B. swim C. swims ( )2. There twelve months in a year. A. is B. am C. are ( )3. What are you going to do _Sports Day? A. at B. for C. with ( )4. How many months in a year? There are _. A. twelve B. thirteen C. eleven ( )5. My father can play _ flute. A.a B. the C. an ( )6.what are you doing. Mum? Im_vegetable. A. cooking B. cook C. run ( )7. Amy .can you _fast? A. running B. runs C. run ( )8.Can you play the flute.Sam? No .I_ A.can B. cant C.dont ( )9.They_going to Haina. A. is B.are C.am ( )10.were going _plane. A.by B.on C.in ( )11.she is going to_her teacher. A .look B.see C.visit ( )12.xiaohong is going to get up_5oclock. A.On B.at C.for ( )13.were going to have a_ A.Sports day B.sport day .C.sports day ( )14.Im the_. A. winer B.win C.winner ( )15.Im going to_the high jump. A.do B.make C.have ( )16.whats that? Its_animal. A.the B.an C.a ( )17.Happy birthday.Amy. A.Thank you B.excuse me C.ok ( )18.we can go to the park_july. A.on B.at C.in ( )19.好朋友过生日时.你应该怎么祝福她_ A. Im very happy B. happy birthday to you C.thank you ( )20. 当别人祝你生日快乐时.你应该说_ A. Yes.Im B.Of course C.thank you very much ( )21.你想知道有多少人在7月过生日时.你应该说_ A.how much birthday are there in july? B.how are you in july? C.how many birthys are there in july四年级英语上学期期末检测 笔试部分 一、 从下列每组单词中,选出与所给单词同一类的一个。 ( )1. cake A. rice B. some C. Want ( )2. do A. make B. pan C. Dumpling ( )3. nineteen A. kites B. five C. High ( ) 4.soup A.bread B.milk C.cake ( )5. tiger A. cake B. plane C. Lion ( )6. football A. basketball B. play C. visit 二、根据要求完成下列各题。 1. black( 反义词) 2.win(名词) 3. write (动词-ing形式) 4. havent (完全形式) 5.run(动词-ing 形式) 6. right(同音词) 7. children (单数) 8.have (第三人称单数) 9.luck(形容词) 10.they are(缩写形式) 三、英汉互译。 1.在一月 2.come on 3.在公园里跑 4. train every day 5.向左转 6. good luck 7.许多书 8. make dumplings 9.洗衣服 10.fly kites 四、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。 1.Lingling cant r fast. 2. Im going to v my grandpa. 3. How m birthdays are there? 4.So youre very h ! 5.We are going to go by p . 6. Im from C . 五、选择填空。 1.Can you a cake? A.make B. making C.makes 2.This is pen. A. Amy B. Amys C. Amys 3.Im going to in the sea. A. swimming B. swim C. Swimmming 4.What are you going to do Sports Day? A. in B. at c. for 5. Can I have soup? A. a B. some C.any 6.Its in January in China. A. cloudy B. rain C. cold7.There my friends. A. is B. are C. am 8.Good luck , Daming . . A.Thank you B. Good C. Okay D. Oh! Hooray! 9. There are books. A.lot of B. lots of c.a lot 10. How many are there in your family? A. people B. peoples C. a people 六. 连线。(给问题找答语) Can you run fast? I am going to do the high jump What are you going to do? It is sunny. Can I have some sweets? No,thank you. What is the weather like? Yes,you can. Do you want some cake? NO,I can not. 七.根据表格内容判断下列句子正( T )误( F ) ricefishbreadbiscuitcakesoupDaming Lingling Amy Sam ( ) 1.Daming dosent want to have any bread.He wants to have some rice. ( ) 2.Lingling wangts to have some biscuits.She dosent like cake.( ) 3 Amy wants some bread. ( ) 4.Sam likes biscuit but Daming likes soup.四年级上册英语期末复习试题 一根据单词首字母及句子提示,完成单词 1、Linda has g black hair. 2.Please w to me soon. 3.This is a p of Daming. 4. He is l to CDs. 5.Today is my b . - Lingling gives me a present. 6.I like traditional Mexican food and traditional (舞蹈) 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.Hi,Mary! What are you (do) 2.Last year,I (am) a teacher. 3. (China) people like eating delicious food. 4.They (be) very clever. 三、英汉互译 1.go ice-skating 2.see a film 3.fall over 4.从摔下来 5.听 6.出去 7.去长城 8.买书 9.爬到顶端 10.玩的高兴 11.一次学校旅行 12.去电影院 13.读书 14.爬上长城 15.come back 16.come out 17.go back 18.take away 19.出海 20.跑开 21.出来玩 22.一个淘气的男孩 23.一个老妇人 24.弄坏我的玩具 25.kiss them 26.put them to bed 27.来到中国 28.赢得一场比赛 29.拜访我的爷爷奶奶 30.出去上班 31.骑自行车 32.去骑自行车 33.put it on the bike 34.fall on the watermelon 35.buy a bike 36、发生 37.追赶公共汽车 38.当心、小心 39.给打电话 40.敲门 41.at home 42.at school 43.胃痛 44.一个特别的日子 45.做作业 46.去超市 47.去游泳 48.去伦敦 49.玩雪 50堆雪人 51.出海 四连词成句 1.a. cake.ate. a. lake. we .next. to 2.a picture the Great Wall of its 3.people important Chine things invented 4.didnt Lingling at six past get up half 5.a there dad was man 6. gave bread them she 7. didnt this old woman food have 8.the monster wanted the boys eat to 9.Wednesday they last came 10.win I a will competition 11.children some came China English to 12.did they what do 13.went last Friday there we 14.you happened what to 15.bick ride he went a for 16.cut hand dont your 17.sand glass there in is the 18.hamburgers you eat how many did 19.you did your break toy 20.the watermelon Sam on bike his put 五写出过去式 help- clean- wash- finish- are- paint- phone- cook- take- say- cry- come- listen- wash- put- fall- see- eat- 六 划线提问 1.He came to school last Monday.2.They saw a big dog. 3.This is Cai Lun. 4.There are six books on the desk. 5.Amy is swimming.6.They were at home yesterday. 7. It is important.(改为一般过去时)8.I am very happy. (改为一般过去时) 9. We ate some bananas.(改为一般现在时) 10.Did your mother go to work? (改为陈述句) 七单项选择 ( )1.Yesterday,I my room. A.clean B.cleand ( )2.My trousers very dirty. A.was B.were ( )3. But she didnt to school yesterday. A.walk B.walked ( )4.Yesterday National Day. A.was B.is ( )5.Lingling TV and played with her toy. A.watch B.watched ( )6.She usually to school. A.walks B.walked ( )7. people invented printing. A.English B.Chinese C.Japanese ( )8.English people invent paper. A. didnt B.isnt C.arent ( )9. invented paper? -Cai Lun. A.What B.Where C.Who ( )10. Chinese people very clever? Yes. A.Is B.Are C.Am ( )11.Bi Sheng invented . A.Telephane B.paper C.printing ( )12.Its a picture the Great Wall. A.for B.of C.to ( )13. did you see? I saw some birds. A. What B. Where C.How ( )14.Was it beautiful? A.Yes,it is. B. Yes,it was. C Yes,it does. ( )15.I you a new bicycle last year. A. buy B. bought C. buys ( )16. The Great Wall is very A. big B. tall C. long ( )17.Yesterday, we on a school trip. A.go B.goed C.went ( )18.I didnt over again. A.fell B.fall C.falled ( )19.The ice was very A.cold B.warm C.hot ( )20.Thank you your letter. A.to B.for C.of ( )21.She played her toys. A.for B.to C.with ( )22.It was A.rain B.rained C.raining ( )23.I play football yesterday. A. didnt B.didnt C.doesnt ( )24.Ma Liang a good boy. A.was B. were. ( )25. Ma Liang a paintbrush. A. have B. had ( )26. The bad man painted gold the paintbrush. A.with B. in ( )27. Ma Liang was from A. China B.America ( )28. He went to sea his ship. A.in B. with C. to ( )29. He clean his room.

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