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严肃声明:中文翻译仅代表译者个人观点,仅供参考,如有不妥之处,欢迎指正。01.通过“At the Market”(在集市)的阅读,小朋友可以学会用英语表达“我能看见”I can see + 名词1. I can see the apples.我能看见苹果。2. I can see the bananas.我能看见香蕉。3.I can see the eggs.我能看见鸡蛋。4. I can see the cheese.我能看见奶酪。5. I can see the milk.我能看见牛奶。6. I can see the bread.我能看见面包7. I can see the meat 我能看到肉8. I can see the market.我能看见集市。02. 通过“Rex”(小恐龙雷克斯)的阅读,小朋友可以学会用英语表达“我喜欢”I like to +动词1. I like to swing.我喜欢荡秋千2. I like to run.我喜欢跑步3. I like to climb.我喜欢爬树。4. I like to hang.我喜欢挂在树上。5. I like to jump.我喜欢跳跃6. I like to slide.我喜欢滑滑梯。7. I like to ride.我喜欢骑自行车。8. I like to swim.我喜欢游泳03. 通过“Funny Things”(滑稽的东西)的小篇章阅读,小朋友可以学会用英语表达“看!”Look at +名词1. Look at the funny shoes.看这双滑稽的鞋子!2. Look at the funny socks.看这双滑稽的袜子!3. Look at the funny pants.看这条滑稽的裤子!4. Look at the funny shirt.看这件滑稽的衬衫!5. Look at the funny coat.看这件滑稽的大衣!6. Look at the funny wig.看这头滑稽的假发!7. Look at the funny hat.看这顶滑稽的帽子!8. Look at the funny clown.看这位滑稽的小丑!04. 通过“The Baby Animals”(幼兽)的小篇章阅读,小朋友可以学会用英语表达“过来看看。”Come and see +名词.1. Come and see the baby bird.过来看看这只幼鸟。2. Come and seea baby chick.过来看看小鸡。3. Come and see the baby duckling.过来看看这只小鸭。4. Come and seea baby puppy.过来看看幼犬。5. Come and see the baby kitten.过来看看这只小猫。6. Come and seea baby lamb.过来看看羔羊7. Come and see the baby piglet.过来看看这只小猪。8. Come and see the baby animals.过来看看这些幼兽。05. 通过“Over the River”( 在河的上方)的小篇章阅读,小朋友可以学会用英语表达“我们可以看到。”We can see1. We can see a mouse go over the river.我们可以看到一只老鼠在过河。2. We can see a squirrel go over the river.我们可以看到一只松鼠在过河3. We can see a rabbit go over the river.我们可以看到一只兔子在过河。4. We can see a skunk go over the river.我们可以看到一只臭鼬在过河。5. We can see a fox go over the river.我们可以看到一只狐狸在过河。6. We can see a deer go over the river.我们可以看到一只鹿在过河。7. We can see a bear go over the river.我们可以看到一只熊在过河。8. We can see the bear go in the river.我们可以看到熊掉进河里了。06. 通过“My Big Bear”(我的大熊)的小篇章阅读,小朋友可以学会用英语表达“看看我的大熊。他有。”Look at my big bear. He has +名词.1. Look at my big bear. He has a big nose.看看我的大熊。他有一个大鼻子。2. Look at my big bear. He has a big mouth.看看我的大熊。他有一个大嘴3. Look at my big bear. He has big eyes.看看我的大熊。他有大眼睛。4. Look at my big bear. He has big ears.看看我的大熊。他有大耳朵。5. Look at my big bear. He has big arms.看看我的大熊。他有大手臂。6. Look at my big bear. He has big legs.看看我的大熊。他有大腿。7. Look at my big bear. He has big feet.看看我的大熊。他有大脚。8. Look at my big bear. He has alittle bear.看看我的大熊。他有一只小熊。07. 通过“Making Soup”(做汤)的小篇章阅读,小朋友可以学会用英语表达“这是做汤的。”Here is/are+名词 for the soup.1. Here is the pot for the soup.这是汤锅。2. Here is the water for the soup.这是做汤的水。3. Hereare the beans for the soup.这是做汤的豆子。4. Hereare the potatos for the soup.这是做汤的土豆。5. Hereare the onions for the soup.这是做汤的洋葱。6. Here is the corn for the soup.这是做汤的玉米。7. Hereare the carrots for the soup.这是做汤的胡萝卜。8. Here is the soup!这是汤!08. 通过“My Family”(我的家人)的小篇章阅读,小朋友可以学会用英语表达“喜欢做”like/love to+动词1. This is my mom. My mom likes to dig.这是我的妈妈。我的妈妈喜欢挖土2. This is my dad. Mydad likes to bake.这是我的爸爸。我的爸爸喜欢烘培。3. This is my sister. Mysister likes to sing.这是我的姐姐。我的姐姐喜欢唱歌。4. This is my brother. Mybrother likes to paint.这是我的弟弟。我的弟弟喜欢绘画。5. This is my grandma. Mygrandma likes to read.这是我的奶奶。我的奶奶喜欢看书。6. This is my grandpa. Mygrandpa likes to run.这是我的爷爷。我的爷爷喜欢跑步。7. This is my family. Myfamily likes to eat.这是我的家人。我的家人喜欢吃饭。8. And my family loves to play!而且,我的家人喜欢玩耍!09. 通过“Mouse“(老鼠)的小篇章阅读,小朋友可以学会用英语表达“喜欢/喜欢做”like/love+名词;like/love to +动词1. Mouse likes cake. She likes to eat cake in bed.老鼠喜欢蛋糕。她喜欢在床上吃蛋糕。2. Mouse likes cookies. She likes to eat cookies in bed.老鼠喜欢甜饼干。她喜欢在床上吃甜饼干。3. Mouse likes sandwiches. She likes to eat sandwiches in bed.老鼠喜欢三明治。她喜欢在床上吃三明治。4. Mouse likes pizza. She likes to eat pizza in bed.老鼠喜欢比萨饼。她喜欢在床上吃比萨饼。5. Mouse likes apples. She likes to eat apples in bed.老鼠喜欢苹果。她喜欢在床上吃苹果。6. Mouse likes bananas. She likes to eat bananas in bed.老鼠喜欢香蕉。她喜欢在床上吃香蕉。7. Mouse loves cheese. She loves to eat cheese in bed.老鼠喜欢奶酪。她喜欢在床上吃奶酪。8. And mouse likes to dream in bed, too.老鼠也喜欢在床上做梦。10. 通过“Mop”的小篇章阅读,小朋友可以学会用英语表达“”1. Come here, Mop,Jill said. But Mop did not come.“快过来,Mop”,Jill说,但是Mop没有过去。2. Sit, Mop,said Jill. But Mop did not sit.“坐下,Mop”,Jill说,但是Mop没有坐下。3. Jump up, Mop,said Jill. But Mop did not jump.“跳起来,Mop”,Jill说,但是Mop没有跳。4. Jill said,Get the stick, Mop. But Mop did not get the stick.Jill说,“捡起棍子来,Mop”,但是Mop没有捡起棍子。5. Get the ball, Mop,said Jill. But Mop did not get the ball.“捡起球来,Mop”,Jill说,但是Mop没有捡起球来。6. Run, Mop,said Jill. But Mop did not run.“跑起来,Mop”,Jill说,但是Mop没有跑。7. Stop!said Jill. Stop, Mop!“快停下!”,Jill说,“快停下,Mop!”8. But Mop did not stop!但是Mop没有停止。11. 通过“Mom”(妈妈)的小篇章阅读,小朋友可以学会用英语表达“妈妈正在。”Mom is+动词ing.1. Mom is walking. 妈妈正在走路。2. Mom is reading. 妈妈正在看书。3. Mom is jumping. 妈妈正在跳绳4. Mom is swimming. 妈妈正在游泳。5. Mom is riding. 妈妈正在骑车。6.Mom is shopping. 妈妈正在购物。7. Mom is eating. 妈妈正在吃饭。8. Mom is hugging me. 妈妈正在拥抱我。12. 通过“Dad”(爸爸)的小篇章阅读,小朋友可以学会用英语表达“爸爸正在。”Dad is+动词ing.1. Dad is driving.爸爸正在驾车2. Dad is cooking.爸爸正在烧饭。3. Dad is singing.爸爸正在唱歌。4. Dad is running.爸爸正在跑步。5. Dad is digging.爸爸正在挖土。6. Dad is writing.爸爸正在写字。7. Dad is painting.爸爸正在油漆。8. Dad is hiding!爸爸正在躲藏!13. 通过“At the Zoo”(在动物园)的小篇章阅读,小朋友可以学会用英语表达“我们能看见。”We cansee +名词.1. We can see a monkey.我们能看见一只猴。2. We can see a snake.我们能看见一条蛇。3. We can see a bear.我们能看见一只熊。4. We can see a lion.我们能看见一只狮子。5. We can see an elephant.我们能看见一头象。6. We can see a giraffe.我们能看见一只长颈鹿。7. We can see a zebra.我们能看见一匹斑马。8. We can see a bird.我们能看见一只鸟。14. 通过“On the Way to School”(在去学校的路上)的小篇章阅读,小朋友可以学会用英语表达“我看见。”Isee +名词.1. I see the sign.我看见路牌。2. I see the bus.我看见公共汽车。3. I see the driver.我看见司机。4. I see the children.我看见孩子们。5. I see the school.我看见学校。6. I see the playground.我看见游乐场。7. I see the door.我看见门。8. I see my teacher.我看见我的老师。15. 通过“The Park”(公园)的小篇章阅读,小朋友可以学会用英语表达“我能。”I can +动词.1. I can see the grass.我能看见青草。2. I can see the flowers.我能看见花朵。3. I can see the trees.我能看见树木。4. I can see the birds.我能看见小鸟。5. I can see the slide.我能看见滑滑梯。6. I can see the swings.我能看见秋千。7. I can see the children.我能看见孩子们。8. I can see the park.我能看见整个公园。16. 通过“Tom”(小猫汤姆)的小篇章阅读,小朋友可以学会用英语表达“汤姆能。”Tom can+动词.1. Tom can run.汤姆能奔跑。2. Tom can play.汤姆能玩耍。3. Tom can hide.汤姆能躲藏。4. Tom can eat.汤姆能吃饭。5. Tom can drink.汤姆能喝水。6. Tom can jump.汤姆能跳跃。7. Tom can sleep.汤姆能睡觉。8. Tom can purr.汤姆能呜呜叫。17. 通过“I CanRead”(我能朗读)的小篇章阅读,小朋友可以学会用英语表达“我能对朗读。”I can read to+名词.1. I can read to my mom.我能对我的妈妈朗读。2. I can read to my dad.我能对我的爸爸朗读。3. I can read to my grandma.我能对我的奶奶朗读。4. I can read to my grandpa.我能对我的爷爷朗读。5. I can read to my brother.我能对我的弟弟朗读。6. I can read to my. dog我能对我的狗朗读。7. I can read to my bear.我能对我的小熊朗读。8. I can read to myself.我能对我自己朗读。18. 通过“Baby”(婴儿)的小篇章阅读,小朋友可以学会用英语表达“婴儿正在。”Baby is+动词ing.1. Baby is sleeping.婴儿正在睡觉。2. Baby is crying.婴儿正在哭泣。3. Baby is eating.婴儿正在吃饭4. Baby is sitting.婴儿正在坐着。5. Baby is crawling.婴儿正在爬行。6. Baby is playing.婴儿正在玩耍。7. Baby is smiling.婴儿正在微笑。8. Baby is laughing.婴儿正在大笑。19. 通过“Playing Dress Up”(换装游戏)的小篇章阅读,小朋友可以学会用英语表达“我是。”I am +名词.1. I am a little cat.我是一只小猫。2. I am a little bee.我是一只小蜜蜂。3. I am a little duck.我是一只小鸭子。4. I am a little monster.我是一只小怪兽。5. I am a little dancer.我是一个小舞蹈家。6. I am a little dog.我是一只小狗。7. I am a little bunny.我是一只小兔子。8. I am a little girl.我是一个小女孩。20. 通过“Little Cub”(小虎崽)的小篇章阅读,小朋友可以学会用英语表达“我正在。”I am +doing.1. I am eating.我在吃饭。2. I am running.我在奔跑。3. I am riding.我在乘车。4. I am drawing.我在画画。5. I am kicking.我在踢球。6. I am playing.我在玩耍。7. I am reading.我在读书。8. I am dreaming.我在做梦。21. 通过“My Room”(我的房间)的小篇章阅读,小朋友可以学会用英语表达“我喜欢。”I like +名词.1. I like my bed.我喜欢我的床。2. I like my books.我喜欢我的书籍。3.I like my lamp.我喜欢我的台灯。4.I like my chair.我喜欢我的椅子。5.I like my toys.我喜欢我的玩具。6.I like my picture.我喜欢我的图片。7.I like my bear.我喜欢我的小熊。8.I like my room.我喜欢我的房间。22. 通过“The Baby”(宝宝)的小篇章阅读,小朋友可以学会用英语表达“宝宝有。”The baby has+名词.1. The baby has a bottle.宝宝有一个瓶子。2.The baby has a book.宝宝有一本书。3.The baby has a blanket.宝宝有一条毯子。4.The baby has a block.宝宝有一块积木。5.The baby has a bear.宝宝有一只小熊。6.The baby has a duck.宝宝有一只小鸭子。7.The baby has a toy.宝宝有一个玩具。8.The baby has a smile!宝宝有一个微笑!23. 通过“去Going sledding”(去乘雪橇)的小篇章阅读,小朋友可以学会用英语表达“看看。”Look at +名词.1. Look at my pants.看看我的裤子。2.Look at my jacket.看看我的夹克衫。3.Look at my socks.看看我的袜子。4.Look at my boots.看看我的靴子。5.Look at my hat.看看我的帽子。6.Look at my mittens.看看我的连指手套。7.Look at my sled.看看我的雪橇。8.Look at me!看看我!24. 通过“Making a Snowman”(做一个雪人)的小篇章阅读,小朋友可以学会用英语表达“看看。”Look at +名词.1. Look at the snow.看雪。2. Look at the hat.看帽子。3. Look at the buttons.看纽扣。4. Look at the carrot.看萝卜。5. Look at the banana.看香蕉。6. Look at the scarf.看围巾。7. Look at the stick.看树枝。8. Look at the snowman!看雪人!25. 通过“My Lunch“(我的午餐)的小篇章阅读,小朋友可以学会用英语表达“这是。”Here is+名词.1. Here is my apple. 这是我的苹果。2.Here is my juice. 这是我的果汁。3.Here is my bread. 这是我的面包。4.Here is my cheese. 这是我的奶酪。5.Here is my lettuce. 这是我的生菜。6.Here is my cookie. 这是我的甜饼干。7.Here is my napkin. 这是我的餐巾。8.Here is my lunch. 这是我的午餐。26. 通过“Toys“(玩具)的小篇章阅读,小朋友可以学会用英语表达“这是。”Here is+名词.1. Here is a car. 这是一辆汽车。2.Here is a ball. 这是一个球。3.Here is a truck. 这是一辆卡车。4.Here is a bus. 这是一辆公共汽车。5.Here is a boat. 这是一艘船。6.Here is a plane. 这是一架飞机。7.Here is a train. 这是一列火车。8.Happy birthday!生日快乐!27. 通过“Little Things“(小东西)的小篇章阅读,小朋友可以学会用英语表达“我有。”I have+名词.1.I have a little bed.我有一个小床。2.I have a little table.我有一个小桌。3.I have a little chair.我有一个小椅子。4.I have a little lamp.我有一个小灯。5.I have a little clock.我有一个小钟。6.I have a little stove.我有一个小炉灶。7.I have a little sink.我有一个小水槽。8.I have a little house!我有一个小房子!28. 通过“Packing MyBag“(整理我的包)的小篇章阅读,小朋友可以学会用英语表达“我有。”I have+名词.1.I have my pants.我有我的裤子。2.I have my shirt.我有我的衬衣。3.I have my socks.我有我的袜子。4.I have my shoes.我有我的鞋子。5.I have my toothbrush.我有我的牙刷。6.I have my pajamas.我有我的睡衣裤。7.I have my bear.我有我的小熊。8.I have my bag.我有我的包。29. 通过“Setting the Table “(整理桌子)的小篇章阅读,小朋友可以学会用英语表达“这是。”Here is the+名词.1.Here is the mat.这是垫子。2.Here is the napkin.这是餐巾。3.Here is the plate.这是盘子。4.Here is the knife.这是小刀。5.Here is the fork.这是叉子。6.Here is the spoon.这是调羹。7.Here is the glass.这是玻璃杯。8.Here is the table.这是桌子。30.通过“The Flower“(花)的小篇章阅读,小朋友可以学会用英语表达“这是。”Here is+名词.1.Here is the pot.这是花盆。2.Here is the dirt.这是泥土。3.Here is the seed.这是种子。4.Here is the water.这是水。5.Here is the sun.这是阳光。6.Here is the stem.这是茎。7.Here is the leaf.这是叶子。8.Here is the flower.这是花。31. 通过“Playing Together“(一起玩)的小篇章阅读,小朋友可以学会用英语表达“我们喜欢。”We like to+名词.We like to play with the blocks.我们喜欢玩积木。We like to play with the trucks.我们喜欢玩卡车。We like to play with the dolls.我们喜欢玩布娃娃。We like to play with a ball.我们喜欢玩皮球。We like to play with the bears.我们喜欢玩小熊。We like to play with the puzzles.我们喜欢玩拼图。We like to play with the cars.我们喜欢玩小汽车。We like to play with the toys.我们喜欢玩玩具。32. 通过“Polly“(鹦鹉波利)的小篇章阅读,小朋友可以学会用英语表达“喜欢。”likes the+名词.1.Polly likes the banana.波莉喜欢香蕉。2.Polly likes the carrot.波莉喜欢萝卜3.She likes the apple.她喜欢苹果。4.She likes the tomato.她喜欢番茄。5.Polly likes the orange.波莉喜欢橘子。6.She likes the corn.她喜欢玉米。7.She likes the flower.她喜欢花。8.Polly likes the hat!波莉喜欢帽子。33. 通过“At the Farm“(在农场)的小篇章阅读,小朋友可以学会用英语表达“在农场” is at the farm.1.A cat is at the farm.一只猫在农场。2.And a little kitten is at the farm, too.而且,一只小猫也在农场。3.A dog is at the farm.一只狗在农场。4.And a little puppy is at the farm, too.而且,一只小狗也在农场。5.A duck is at the farm.一只鸭子在农场。6.And a little duckling is at the farm, too.而且,一只小鸭子也在农场。7.A pig is at the farm.一只猪在农场。8.And the little piglet is at the farm, too.而且,这只小猪也在农场。34. 通过“The Sidewalk“的小篇章阅读,小朋友可以学会用英语表达“” Look at the 1.Look at the bus.看公共汽车。2.Look at the bird.看鸟儿。3.Look at the flower.看花朵。4.Look at the dog.看狗狗。5.Look at the car.看小汽车。6.Look at the tree.看树木。7.Look at the rainbow.看彩虹。8.Look at the rain!看雨!35. 通过“The Hat“(帽子)的小篇章阅读,小朋友可以学会用英语表达“进入帽子。”名词 + went into the hat.1.The bear went in the hat.这只熊进入帽子。2.The fox went in the hat.这只狐狸进入帽子。3.A rabbit went in the hat.一只兔子进入帽子。4.A duck went in the hat.一只鸭子进入帽子。5.The squirrel went in the hat.这只松鼠进入帽子。6.A mouse went in the hat.一只老鼠进入帽子。7.The ant went in the hat.这只蚂蚁进入帽子。8.Pop!砰的一声!36. 通过“The Pet Store“(宠物店)的小篇章阅读,小朋友可以学会用英语表达“这是。”Here is +名词.1.Here is a kitten.这是一只小猫。2.Here is a puppy.这是一只小狗。3.Here is a fish.这是一条鱼。4.Here is a frog.这是一只青蛙。5.Here is a gerbil.这是一只沙鼠。6.Here is a bird.这是一只鸟。7.Here is a snake.这是一条蛇。8.Here is a bunny.这是一只兔子。37.通过“Going on Vacation“(去度假)的小篇章阅读,小朋友可以学会用英语表达“我们把。”we put the+名词.1.We put the bags in the car.我们把包放进车里。2.We put the toys in the car.我们把玩具放进车里。3.We put the blankets in the car.我们把毯子放进车里。4.We put the balls in the car.我们把皮球放进车里。5.We put the bears in the car.我们把小熊放进车里。6.We put the food in the car.我们把食物放进车里。7.We put the dogs in the car.我们把狗狗放进车里。8.Good-bye!再见!38. 通过“Wheels”(轮子)的小篇章阅读,小朋友可以学会用英语表达“有轮子。”名词 + has wheels.1.A bike has wheels.自行车有轮子。2.A car has wheels.汽车有轮子。3.A trunk has wheels.卡车有轮子。4.A bus has wheels.公共汽车有轮子。5.A van has wheels.厢式货车有轮子。6.A plane has wheels.飞机有轮子。7.A train has wheels.火车有轮子。8.A wheelchar has wheels!轮椅有轮子!39. 通过“Hiding”(捉迷藏)的小篇章阅读,小朋友可以学会用英语表达“波夫喜欢躲在。”Likes to hide + 名词 1.Puff likes to hide in the box.波夫喜欢躲在箱子里。2.Puff likes to hide in the bag.波夫喜欢躲在包里。3.Puff likes to hide in the closet.波夫喜欢躲在壁橱里。4.Puff likes to hide behind the chair.波夫喜欢躲在椅子后。5.Puff likes to hide in the basket.波夫喜欢躲在篮子里。6.Puff likes to hide under the rug.波夫喜欢躲在地毯下。7.Puff likes to hide under the bed.波夫喜欢躲在床下。8.Puff likes to hide in the bed,too.波夫喜欢也躲在床上。40. 通过“The Show”(演出)的小篇章阅读,小朋友可以学会用英语表达“过来看看。”Come and see +名词.1.Come and see the clown.过来看看这小丑。2.Come and see the horse.过来看看这马。3.Come and seea dog.过来看看狗。4.Come and seea bear.过来看看熊。5.Come and seethe lion.过来看看狮子。6.Come and seean elephant.过来看看大象。7.Come and seea tiger.过来看看老虎。8.Come and see the show!过来看看这演出!41. 通过“Hop, Hop, Hop ”(跳呀跳)的小篇章阅读,小朋友可以学会用英语表达“我能在蹦跳。”I can hopon/in/up+名词.1.I can hop in the grass.我能在草地里蹦跳。2.I can hop in the leaves.我能在树叶里蹦跳。3.I can hopon the wall.我能在墙上蹦跳。4.I can hop on the rocks.我能在石头上蹦跳。5.I can hop ina puddle.我能在水坑里蹦跳。6.I can hopup the stairs.我能在楼梯上蹦跳。7.I can hop,hop, hopon the bed.我能在床上蹦跳,蹦跳,蹦跳。8.And I can hop in the tub.我能在浴盆里蹦跳。42. 通过“The Puppet Show“(木偶戏)的小篇章阅读,小朋友可以学会用英语表达“我能看见”I cansee +名词1.I can see the children.我能看见小孩们。2.I can see the ticket.我能看见入场券。3.I can see the popcorn.我能看见爆米花。4.I can see the seats.我能看见座位。5.I can see the stage.我能看见舞台。6.I can see the puppets.我能看见木偶。7.I can see the show.我能看见演出。43. 通过“Rain“(雨)的小篇章阅读,小朋友可以学会用英语表达“看那雨!雨落在上面”Look at the rain! The rain is falling on +名词Look at the rain! The rain is falling on a pig.看那雨!雨落在猪的身上。Look at the rain! The rain is falling onthe grass.看那雨!雨落在草的上面。Look at the rain! The rain is falling on a frog.看那雨!雨落在青蛙的身上。Look at the rain! The rain is falling onthe flowers.看那雨!雨落在花的上面。Look at the rain! The rain is falling on a bird.看那雨!雨落在鸟的身上。Look at the rain! The rain is falling onthe trees.看那雨!雨落在树的上面。Look at the rain! The rain is falling on a dog.看那雨!雨落在狗的身上。Look at the rain! The rain is falling on me.看那雨!雨落在我的身上。44. 通过“My Baby Sister“(我的小妹妹)的小篇章阅读,小朋友可以学会用英语表达“看.” Look at the +名词1.Look at the ball.看皮球。2. Look at the book.看书。3.Look at the bear.看小熊。4.Look at the rattle.看拨浪鼓。5.Look at the duck.看小鸭。6.Look at the dog.看小狗。7.Look at the baby.看宝宝。8.Look at the smile!看微笑!45. 通过“ So Big“(好大)的小篇章阅读,小朋友可以学会用英语表达“看.”Look at1.Look at my hat.My hat is big.看我的帽子。我的帽子很大。2.Look at my coat.My coat is big.看我的外套。我的外套很大。3.Look at my bag.My bag is big.看我的包。我的包很大。4.Look at my bowl.My bowl is big.看我的碗。我的碗很大。5.Look at my spoon.My spoon is big.看我的调羹。我的调羹很大。6.Look at my book.My book is big.看我的书。我的书很大。7.Look at my chair.My chair is big.看我的椅子。我的椅子很大。8.Look at me.I am big,too!看我。我也很大!46. 通过“ The parade“(游行)的小篇章阅读,本篇文章的主要句型为“Look at the.”意思为看这.1.Look at the flags.看这些旗2.Look at the clowns.看这些小丑3.Look at the band.看这乐队4.Look at the truck.看这辆卡车5.Look at the car.看这辆汽车6.Look at the ballons.看这些气球7.Look at the people.看这些人8.Look at the parade.看这场游行47. 通过“Fun At School“(学校的乐趣)的小篇章阅读,小朋友可以学会用英语表达“我们在学校。”We +动词 at school.1.We read books at school.我们在学校看书。2.We write stories at school.我们在学校写故事。3.We paint pictures at school.我们在学校画画。4.We sing songs at school.我们在学校唱歌。5.We eat lunch at school.我们在学校吃午饭。6.We play games at school.我们在学校玩游戏7.We make puppets at school.我们在学校做玩偶。8.We make friends at school.我们在学校交朋友。48. 通过“At School“(在学校)的小篇章阅读,小朋友可以学会用英语表达“我喜欢在学校。”I like to +动词 at school.1.I like to read at school.我喜欢在学校看书。2.I like to write at school.我喜欢在学校写字。3.I like to build at school.我喜欢在学校盖房子。 4.I like to cut at school.我喜欢在学校剪纸。5.I like to draw at school.我喜欢在学校画画。6.I like to paint at school.我喜欢在学校绘画。7.I like to play at school.我喜欢在学校玩耍。8.I like school.我喜欢学校。49. 通过“My Big Brother“(我的哥哥)的小篇章阅读,小朋友可以学会用英语表达“我的哥哥喜欢和我一起。”Mybig britherlikes to +动词 with me.1.My big brother likes to paint pictures with me.我的哥哥喜欢和我一起画画。2.My big brother likes to ride bikes with me.我的哥哥喜欢和我一起骑自行车。3.My big brother likes to swing with me.我的哥哥喜欢和我一起荡秋千。4.My big brother likes to jump with me.我的哥哥喜欢和我一起跳跃。5.My big brother likes to climb with me.我的哥哥喜欢和我一起攀爬。6.My big brother likes to slide with me.我的哥哥喜欢和我一起滑滑梯。7.My big brother likes to read books with me.我的哥哥喜欢和我一起看书。8.My big brother likes me. And I like my big brother!我的哥哥喜欢我。而且,我喜欢我的哥哥!50. 通过“Getting Ready“(做准备)的小篇章阅读,小朋友可以学会用英语表达“看看我的。”Look at my +名词.1.Look at my pants.看看我的裤子。2.Look at my socks.看看我的袜子。3.Look at my shoes.看看我的鞋子。4.Look at my shirt.看看我的衬衣。5.Look at my cap.看看我的帽子。6.Look at my ball.看看我的球。7.Look at my bat.看看我的球棒。8.Look at my dad.看看我的爸爸。51. 通过“Play And Ride“(玩与乘坐)的小篇章阅读,小朋友可以学会用英语表达“看看。我可以玩/乘坐。”Look at +名词. I can play with / ride in+名词.1.Look at this little truck. I can play with this truck.看看这个小卡车,我能玩这个卡车。2.Look at this big truck. I can ride in this truck.看看这个大卡车,我能乘坐这个卡车。3.Look at this little boat. I can play with this boat.看看这艘小船,我能玩这艘小船。4.Look at this big boat. I can ride in this boat.看看这艘大船,我能乘坐这艘船。5.Look at this little train. I can play with this train.看看这个小火车,我能玩这个火车。6.Look at this big train. I can ride in this train.看看这个大火车,我能乘坐这个火车。7.Look at this little car. I can play with this car.看看这辆小汽车,我能玩这辆汽车。8.Look at this big car. We can ride in this car.看看这辆大汽车,我们能乘坐这辆汽车。52. 通过“My Bear“(我的小熊)的小篇章阅读,小朋友可以学会用英语表达“我可以。”I can 1.I can ride with my bear.我能和我的小熊一起骑车。2.I can eat with my bear.我能和我的小熊一起吃饭。3.I can dance with my b


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