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_pep小学六年级上册英语教案全册Unit 1 How can I get there?教学时间:2018年9月4日 课型:新授 学生人数:应到24人,实到24人第一课时教学目标:Teaching aims: 1.能够听、说、读、写单词或短语:hospital,cinema,post office,bookstore 2.能够听、说、认读短语science museum。 3.能够听、说、认读句型:“Where is the library? Its near the post office”并进行关键词的替换操练。 4.能够理解并会吟唱Lets chant的歌谣。5.引导学生在学习过程中注重合作学习,利用课本中设计的Pair work,培养学生合作学习的意识。Teaching method:Situational Teaching Method、 TPRTeaching importance and difficulties 1、掌握Lets learn部分的四会单词和短语。 2、准确书写四会单词和掌握三会单词museum的发音。preparations: 1教师准备课件 ,单词卡片 2学生准备本单词卡片procedures: 1. Warm-up (1)Game (2)Greeting: Today, I go to school on foot.What about you? 2Presentation Lets learn (1) listen and say T: I want to post the letter. Where can I go? (post office) Oh, I feel bad, I need to see a doctor. Where can I go? (hospital) Im ok now,I want to see a film, Where can I go? (cinema) I need to buy some books, where can I go? (bookstore) Q: Where is the post office? (Its near the hospital.) E: We also can say “its next to the hospital.” Can you guess what meaning of “next to”? (Its the same as near.) (2)lets chant P14 (3)There are other two building. Look at this one,this is a science museum.the other one is library. In the map,there are 2 blanks A and B. Now, please guess where are they? Sence: I want to go to the library, but I dont know how to get to the library? Can you help me? Q: Excuse me,How can I get to the library? A: Q: Where is the library? A: Listen to the tape,read after it. (4) Make dialogues (5) Next week, we will have a long holiday. I want to go to Beijing.I prepare a map. But its too small, who can help me write it on Bb? (6) Do the same with partners.Homework Copy the 4-skilled words, each 5 times.Blackboard writingUnit 1 How can I get there?How can I get there? post officehospitalIts next to the cinema . bookstore science museumTeaching reflection Unit 1 How can I get there?教学时间:2018年9月 日 课型:新授 学生人数:应到24人,实到24人第二课时Teaching aims: 1能够听、说、认读主要句型:“Where is the cinemapost office,please ?Its nextto the hospitalcinemaIs it far from here? No,its not far”并能在实际情景中熟练运用。 2能够书写四会句子:Where is the cinema,please ?Its next to the hospital 3能够听懂Lets try部分,并能根据录音内容选择正确的答案。 4能够了解音标e,k,g,f,v,s,z的音与形;能够读出例词并选择音标与单词和配图正确连线。 5继续学唱歌曲“Where Are You Going?”Teaching method:Situational Teaching Method Teaching importance and difficulties 1 4-skilled sentences: Where is thepost office,please?Its next to the hospitalcinemaIs it f打from here?No,it is not far 2 e,k,g,f,v,s,zPreparations: 1教师准备录音机和本课时的录音带。 2教师准备Lets talk部分的教学挂图。 3学生准备好自己的城市设计图。Procedures: 1 Warm-up (1) Lets chant (2) Introduce ideal city Lets Ss describe their cities in four-people groups, then let the best one introduce for the whole class. 2. Preview lets try 3. Presentation Lets talk (1)“模拟城市” Teacher divides the class into eight parts, and each part has a name:cinema,hospital,post office,bookstore,library,school . T:“The cinema is here. The hospital is next to the cinema” “The post office is next to the hospital” (2)Q:“Is there a cinema near here?” S1:“No.there isnt” Q:“Is there a cinema near here?” S2:“Yes,there is” Q:“Where is the cinema,please?” S2: “Its next to the hospital” Bb (Where is the cinema, please? Its next to the hospital) (3)T shows the picture of the “Lets talk”. T:“Is it far from here?” pointing to a place. Ss:“No”(No,its not far) (4)Listen to tape, and play in roles. (5)Write the 4-skilled sentences. Pronunciation (1)Listen to the tape and read after it. (2)Read and match Lets sing “Where Are You Going? Homework Write a passage about your ideal city. Blackboard writingUnit 1 How can I get there?Where is the cinemapost office,please ?Its nextto the hospitalcinemaIs it far from here?No,its not far”Teaching note:Unit 1 How can I get there?教学时间:2018年9月 日 课型:新授 学生人数:应到24人,实到24人第三课时Teaching aims: 1 能够理解并会朗读Lets read部分的对话;能完成排序练习。 2 能够使学生简单了解中、西方地图不同的标识。Teaching importance and difficulties 1.The dialogues in the Lets read. 2New sentences: What are you going to do after school? Get off at the cinemaThen walk straight for three minutesTeaching method:Situational Teaching Method Preparations: 1CAI 2The pictures of Lets read and Good to know.Procedures: 1Warm-up (1)Sing the song: “Where Are You Going? (2)Greeting T:How do you go to school? S:I usually go to school by bike 2 Preview (1)一组根据教师的描述绘制地图。比一比,选出正确无误的地图,并评出最佳“搭档”。 (2)学生做活动手册A Lets talk部分的配套练习。 (3)学生听、读A Lets tall部分,并抄写四会句子。 (4)学生跟录音学唱歌曲“Where Are You Going? (5)学生仿照Lets chant替换关键词语自编歌谣。 T:Where is your home? Ss:Its near 3Presentation Lets read (1)T:“School is over.I want to buy a pair of shoes after school.” T:“What are you going to do after school?” Ss: “1 want to” Explain the “going to” (2)教师在黑板上画一张街区图,图中有各种不同的建筑,如:医院、邮电局、鞋店、书店、图书馆、超市、电影院和学校。教师手指黑板上的街区图,告诉学生自己所处的位置,然后提问,如:Where is the hospitalpost office?Is it far from here?”等。学生抢答:“Its next to the”可以分组比赛,也可以全班学生一起参与抢答,答对者予以鼓励。 (3)教师在街区图的学校和鞋店旁边分别加上一个站牌说“This is a bus stop.You can take the No301 bus here”教师继续利用街区图指出自己所在的位置:“Now I am at the schoolI want to buy a pair of shoesHow Can I get to the shoe store?学生会回答“You can go by the No301 bus”教师继续提问:“Where can I get off the bus?”一边问一边手指着shoe store的位置,提示学生回答:“Get off at the shoe store” (4)教师指着街区图继续提问:“Now Im at the shoe storeHow can I get to the?” 根据地图所示选择离鞋店最近的直行可到的建筑物提问,引导学生回答:You Can go straight ahead”教师表示肯定,说:“Yes! I can walk straight”继续问学生:“Is it far from the shoe store?”学生回答:“No”教师接下来说:YesIts not farI walk straight for three minutesThen I Can get to the” (5)教师请学生阅读对话,回答以下问题: What is Mike going To do? What is he going to buy? Where is he going? Where is the shoe store? Which bus Can he take? Is the hospital On the right or left side Of the road? (6)学生课堂上完成排序任务。 (7)教师放Lets read部分的录音,学生跟读。 (8)学生两人一组分角色朗读对话。 Good to know (1)教师出示Good to know部分的教学挂图,让学生知道如何使用地图以及要注意的四个标识:1The title 2North pointer 3Symbols 4Scale。 (2)教师出示杭州、上海或者当地的城区图,请学生找出一些地名并判断距离的远近。 4巩固和延伸(Consolidation and extension) (1)学生做A Lets read部分的练习册配套练习。 。 (2)学生听A Lets read部分的录音并跟读,然后读给朋友或家长听。板书设计:Unit 1 How can I get there?Where can I get off the bus?Get off at the shoe storeIs it far from the shoe store?YesIts not far课后反思: Unit 1 How can I get there?教学时间:2018年9月 日 课型:新授 学生人数:应到24人,实到24人第四课时教学目标: 1能够听、说、认读四个方位词:south,east,west,north。 2能够听、说、读、写短语:turn left,turn right,go straight。 3能够听、说、认读句型:“How can I get to the museum ?Go straight for five minutes.Then turn left”并能进行关键词的替换操练。 4能够理解Story time的故事。教学重、难点:1.本课时的教学重点是掌握四会短语:turn left, turn right, go straight. 2.本课时的教学难点是straight的发音和拼写。教学方法:小组合作法、游戏法教学准备: 1.教师和学生准备B Lets learn部分的单词卡片。 2.教师准备课件 3.教师准备一面小红旗。 4.教师准备一张中国地图和一张杭州西湖的风景图。教学步骤: 1热身(Warm-up) 教师准备“兔子舞”的录音带。师生温习一下第一单元的“兔子舞”,跳的时候要注意强调单词left和right,师生一起跳一跳、乐一乐。 2预习(Preview) (1)“滚雪球”游戏 教师将有关公共场所的单词卡片贴在黑板上,第一名学生说一句话,如:Ican see a hospital第二名学生在后面加上一词,如:“I can see a hospitaland a cinema,每名学生都要比前面学生说的多加一个地点名词,这样依次进行. (2)学生两人一组进行问答操练,如:Where is the?ItsIs itfar from here? (3)教师检查A部分要求四会掌握的单词的拼写。3新课呈现(Presentation) Lets learn I (1)教师伸出两只手介绍说:“This is my left hand and this is my right hand”请两名学生分别站在自己两侧介绍说:“A is on the leftB is on the right”然后提问一学生:“Where is AB?”引导学生回答:“is on the leftright (2)教师给自己发指令并做动作:Turn leftTurn rightGo straight ahead (3)“西蒙说”游戏 (4)教师用简笔画 Lets play 教师准备一面彩旗和一块蒙眼布。将学生分成两大组,各组选派一名代表到上面。表示太阳慢慢从东方升起,教学east,要求学生注意ea字母组合的发音,提醒学生发音要到位。 (5)教师出示杭州西湖的图片或照片,让学生猜测:“Where is it?”然后展示短语卡片学west。教师示范朗读,学生跟读。 (6)教师将课前准备的中国地图贴在黑板上介绍:“Tibet is in the west of ChinaZhejiang is in the east of China”教师边说边标出east和west,然后提问:“Where is Xiniiang?”教学north,教师领读该词,学生跟读,注意th字母组合的发音。教师再以同一方法教学south。教师发指令,请学生根据地图上“上北、下南、左西、右东”的方向标,听指令快速指方向,看谁反应快。 (7)教师出示museum的单词卡片,说:“1 want to get to the museumWhere is the Museum ?How can I get t0 the museum?”教师板书:“How can I get to the museum?”示范朗读,学生跟读。 (8)教师放B Lets learn部分的录音,让学生认读单词并回答问题。 (9)教师出示本部分单词卡片,给学生1015秒时间熟悉卡片,然后将单词盖上,学生以四人小组为单位看图抢读抢拼单词,拼读时小组成员可提供帮助。 4巩固和延伸(Consolidation and extension) (1)“优秀连队”活动 教师将学生分成46组,每组推荐一人当小军官,给组内成员发指令,如:“Turn right !Turn left!Go straight!”根据整组学生的表现选出优秀连队。 (2)教师先做示范,然后引导学生编歌谣如:Left hand,left hand,show me your left handRight foot,right foot,stamp your right foot (3)Story time 全班学生听Story time部分的录音,教师讲解故事内容,学生模仿跟读。教师让学生读一遍故事后回答相关的问题。学生分别说一说从故事中学习到了什么经验。 (4)学生完成B Lets learn部分活动手册的配套练习。 (5)学生抄写本部分的四会短语。教学设计: Unit 1 How can I get there?三会south,east,west,north四会turn left,turn right,go straight教学反思: Unit 1 How can I get there?教学时间:2018年9月 日 课型:新授 学生人数:应到24人,实到24人第五课时教学目标: 1能够听、说、认读句子:“Its east of the cinemaTurn left at the cinema,then go straightIts on the left”并能在情景中进行运用。 2能够四会掌握句子:Turn left at the cinema,then go straightIts on the left。 3能够根据Lets try和Lets check部分的录音选出正确答案。教学重、难点:使学生掌握句型:“Its east of the cinema Turn left the cinema,then go straightIts on the left,并能在情景中熟练运用所学对话。还要能够正确书写其中的四会掌握句型:Turn left at the cinema,then go straight 。教学方法:情景交际法、合作学习法教学准备: 1相关课件。 2教师和学生准备本课时的单词卡片。教学步骤: 1热身(Warm-up) (1)“寻宝藏”活动 教师课前为每名学生准备一张相同的迷宫图。请学生根据教师的描述应的路线,如果标对了,他们将会得到“宝藏”。该活动也可以在两人组内进行。 (2)教师可适当修改刚才的寻宝藏路线图,引导学生依照新路线编对话并进行演示。 2预习(Preview) 教师放录音,让学生按照录音内容选择正确的答案,对本单元的重要语言进行阶段性评价。 (1)Lets try 录音内容如下: Boy: Excuse me,how Can I get t0 the science museum? Girl:Take the Not2busGet off at the hospitalThen walk east for lO You can see the science museumIts next t0 the cinema Boy:Thank you Girl: Youre welcome (2)教师再放Lets try时部分的录音,学生跟读。 (3)教师指导学生根据文字提示选出正确的路线。 3新课呈现(Presentation) (1)教师将Lets talk部分的教学挂图贴在黑板上说“1 want t0 go to the post office。 Where is the post office?”引导学生回答:“Its eastwestsouthnorth of。? 接着让学生看挂图,利用图上出现的场所替换关键词进行问答。 ? (2)“爱我中华”活动 学生两人一组准备一张中国地图,进行问答,如:“Where is Jiangxi?Its east 0fHunanIts west of ZhejiangIts south of AnhuiIts north of Guangdong”等。 (3)教师将学生分成六组,仿照教学挂图所示位置,把六张单词卡片(hospital, bookstore,park,post office,cinema,sch001)分发给各组,然后教师站在图中Amy的位置上,说:I want to go to the hospitalWhere is it?”学生会说:“Its east of the park教师再问:“How can I get there?”引导学生说:“Turn left affil the cinema,and go straightThen turn right at the post office and go straight-Its on the left”学生跟读并进行一系列的替换练习。(4)教师放B Lets talk部分的录音,学生跟读。(5)学生两人一组,看地图,替换句型中的关键词自编对话,请几组学生表演 对话。 (6)教师引导学生书写四会句型。 4巩固和延伸(Consolidation and extension) 学生做小组练习,再叫几名学生描述某一场所的位置,全班学生一起猜。 学生完成本单元B Lets talk部分活动手册配套练习,并抄写四会句子。 学生听B部分Lets talk的对话,读给家长或同伴听。 学生吟唱Lets chant部分的歌谣并用录音机录下来。教学设计: Unit 1 How can I get there?Its east of the cinema Turn left at the cinema,then go straightIts on the left教学反思: Unit 1 How can I get there?教学时间:2018年9月 日 课型:新授 学生人数:应到24人,实到24人第六课时教学目标: 1能够理解并会朗读Lets read部分,能够完成选词填空练习。 2能够完成Tasktime的任务。 3能写简单的路线说明并了解写信的基本格式。教学重、难点: 本课时的教学重点和难点是能够听、说、认读句子:“Start from the bus stop .Get off Of our schoolTake the No17 busGet off at the post officeWalk east for three minute.Find the white building On the leftLook for me near the door教学准备: 教师本课时的课件。教学步骤: 1热身(Warm-up) (1)师生共唱歌曲“Ten Little Candles Dance” (2)“优秀小警察”活动 。 教师将B Lets talk部分的教学挂图贴在黑板上说:“1 want to buy some books Where can I go? How Can I get there?请学生扮演小警察指路。师生一起评选出优秀小警察并给予奖励。 2预习(Preview) 师生进行日常会话。以下问题可供参考: How old are you? How d0 you go to school? Which bus do you take? Where is your home? Whats the colour of the building you live in? 3新课导入(Presentation) (1)教师课前安排一名学生站在教室外面充当邮递员,上课铃响后,邮递员敲门递给教师一封信说:“There is a letter for you”教师接过信,看了看信封说:“This letter is from Sarah”然后从信封中取出一张邀请卡,说:“Its an invitationWhat does it say?”教师请学生粗读段落,回答该问题。 (2)教师出示教学挂图说“Yes,Look !Its Sarahs birthdayHow old is she? Where is her home ?How Can we get to her home? Lets read again”让学生带着问题阅读对话,提出不懂的单词或句子,教师答疑。 (3)“过三关”活动 教师朗读Lets read部分,朗读时故意读错三处,请学生看课文听教师朗读,听到错误及时指出。如果所出现的三处错误没有被学生发现,则表明教师已闯过三关。 (4)教师指导学生完成选择填空。 j (5)教师要求学生根据Sarah信中的说明,画出到她家的路线图。比一比谁画得既快又好。 (6)教师事先准备课文当中指示路径的六个句子,随意打乱顺序,要求学生正确排序,看哪一组排得既快又准确。 4巩固和延伸(Consolidation and extension) (1)Task time 教师引导学生仔细看Task time中的地图,观察各处场所的位置以及公交车路线。然后让学生两两分组依照对话泡中的示范语言询问和回答某场所的位置以及到达该场所的路线。教师可适当提示学生图中交通指示灯四周的场所都可步行到达;而museum和hospital则可乘一一路公共汽车到达。 (2)学生听录音、跟读本课的目标语言。教学设计:Unit 1 How can I get there?Start from the bus stop .Get off Of our schoolTake the No17 bus Get off at the post office Walk east for three minute. Find the white building On the leftLook for me near the door教学反思:THANKS !致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习课件等等打造全网一站式需求欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考-可编辑修改-


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