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_take on take off take in take into take over take out take up 辨析 By Mark Zhao(一)take on:1.披上,穿上,戴上;呈现(面貌等);具有(某种性质、特征等):作文佳句:The campus has taken on a new look.校园换了新貌。The old term has taken on a new meaning.这个旧词有了新的含义。2.开始做,开始执行,开始处理;承担(责任等);担任(工作):He took on the responsibility for collecting evidence for the trial.他负责为审判收集证据。作文佳句:She took on a teaching job in 2006.比较:She began to be a teacher in 2006.注:to take on a teaching job任教3.开始交往:When did she take on with that man?她什么时候和那个人开始交往的?4.接纳(乘客);装载;允许进入:The school bus stopped to take on pupils.校车停下来让小学生上车。to take cargo on装货5.(开始)雇用;在某种关系中接受:The supermarket is taking on a few temporary assistants for the Christmas season.这家超市正在招收几名圣诞节期间上班的临时店员。to take on apprentices招收学徒6.采用,采纳,采取:He took on new ways of life after he got married.他婚后开始了新的生活方式。7.增加:She took on 10 pounds 2 months after she went back to China.回中国后两个月她体重增加了10磅。8.同(对手)较量;接受的挑战;对付: 作文佳句: Ill take you on at footballpitch咱们绿茵场上见!(我要和你们踢足球。)He wants to take on that boxing champion.他想和那个拳击冠军较量。10.装出(某种样子);摆架子;盛气凌人:He took on not to know me.他假装不认识我。11.口语(因发怒等)激动;大惊小怪;发作;悲伤:Dont take on so!别那么伤心!He took on about it.他对那件事大惊小怪。12.风行,流行;受欢迎;被接受:(注:take over也有“流行”义)That love song has really taken on.那首情歌真是风行一时。The high style didnt take on for some time.这个女装新款式没流行多长时间。(2) take off :1.脱下(衣帽、鞋子等),脱掉;拿掉,取下;He took off his coat and sat down.他脱下大衣坐了下来。to take off ones glasses摘下眼镜2. 领走;带走;带去(某物);移送(某处),如:take oneself off 口语使(自己)离开某处;离开;走掉;滚:She took the pupils off to the art exhibition.她带学生们去看美术展览。Take yourself off.滚!3.出发;匆匆离开:The professor took off for Shanghai this morning.教授今天上午动身去上海了。Tom took off at the sight of trouble.一看到要出麻烦汤姆就溜走了。4.将调离工作;休假,休息;美国方言缺勤,旷工,旷课:Both students and teachers took Christmas off.学生和老师圣诞节都休假。He took two weeks off from work.他歇工两星期。5.弄死,杀死,夺去的生命:Her father was taken off by Ebola.她父亲死于埃博拉。Take him off! 干掉他!(电影常用语)6.从去掉,扣除,减去,减(价);减损:Our shop is taking 20% off all dresses this week.我们商店本星期所有的衣服八折出售。Can you take 10 dollars off the price?你能把价钱减去10美元吗?7.(鸟等)起跳;跳起来;(飞机等)起飞:The plane took off from the airport and headed south towards Hong Kong.飞机从机场起飞往南向香港飞去。8.减轻(体重):She took off a few pounds in a month.她在一个月内减轻了几磅。9.(价格等)暴涨:Food costs took off.食品价格暴涨。10.比喻【商业】(经济状况等)开始明显好转;开始迅速发展(或增长、活动);(经济)起飞;开始获利:The product suddenly took off in September.该产品在九月份突然热销起来。11.口语开始;开始流行;突然受到广泛欢迎,突然被广泛使用;(想法、计划等)开始获得成功:Their first major design took off in high schools and colleges.他们的头一个重要的设计在大中学校流行开来。After a slow start,the plan soon took off and was accepted by all.计划开始进展很慢,但很快见成效了,而且被大家接受。备注:11,12的意思,皆和飞机起飞的本意有联系!不难理解。(3) take in:1.让进入;接纳,接受;吸收:Our club plan to take in 20 new members.我们俱乐部计划吸收20名新会员。The ship stopped here to take in goods.这艘船在这里停泊装货。2.接待;留宿;收留;收进:The old man took in the lost backpackers for the night.老人收留迷路的背包客在家里过夜。to take in the homeless收留无家可归的人3.收入,进账:Our shop takes in twice as much money every day as it used to.我们商店每天的收入是过去的两倍。4.敏锐地观察到;一目了然,一览无余: 作文佳句: The tourists took in the full beauty of the scenery.游客们充分领略这里的美景。to take the situation in看清局势5.领会,理解:I could hardly take in what the old man said.我几乎听不懂老人说了什么。The students couldnt take in the lecture.学生们听不懂这个讲座。6.口语欺骗,哄骗;使上当:He took the girl in with his story.他用一套谎言蒙骗了那个女孩。I was badly taken in when I bought that second-hand television set.买那台二手的电视机让我上了大当。(4) 。take into:1. 拿进去;带进去:He took nothing but a little food, said nothing , but prayed to the Lord to take him into his heaven. 除了一点食物外,他丝毫不取,只祈求主带他进天堂。2. 考虑到(常用在下列句式):作文佳句: Take sth into consideration考虑 ; 考虑到 ; 把某物考虑进去 ; 考虑某事take something into account顾及Take Everything Into Consideration从全盘考虑take all into consideration把一切都考虑在 ; 把一切都考虑在内(5) 。take over:1.接收,接管;接任;接办:He will take over Class 9801 next week.下星期他将接管 9801 班。Johnson took over the chairmanship of the committee yesterday.约翰逊昨天接任委员会主席一职。2.把从一地带到(或运送到)另一地,把载送过去:The ferryboat took the passengers over to the island.渡船将乘客们送到岛上。3.采用;借用;袭用;模仿:What is good and useful should be taken over.应当继承好的、有用的东西。Romans took over from the Greeks not only their philosophy but their arts.罗马人不仅承袭了希腊人的哲学而且还承袭了他们的艺术。4.取而代之;变成主要的;盛行起来:They saw a new point of view taking over.他们看到一种新的观点正在流行。Microfilms might even take over from the libraries one day.缩微胶卷甚至可能有朝一日取代图书馆。(6) take out:1.拿出,取出,拔出:He opened his schoolbag and took out a notebook.他打开书包,拿出了一个笔记本。to have a tooth taken out拔牙2.扣除,除去;抽去:There are 22 working days,taking out weekends and holidays.扣掉周末和假日,还有22个工作日。3.去掉,除掉(污迹等);涤除:You can use petrol to take out that stain.你可以用汽油去掉那个污渍。4.消除,消灭;摧毁,毁灭(人、武器、建筑物或其他军事目标);抹去,使完结;【军事】压制(火力等):They planned to take out the enemy fort by bombing it.他们计划炸毁敌人的碉堡。5.口语邀(某人)出门;带出去(游乐等);带到公共场所(或社交场合);陪同(某人)外出运动(或游玩):He took his girl friend out to the pictures.(cinema的替代词汇)他带女朋友出去看电影。Ill take you out to dinner.我要请你出去吃饭。6.仅考研等需要记:(通过申请等)取得;领得(护照、专利权等);办理(保险)手续:She took out a driving licence.她领到了驾驶执照。They took out marine insurance through American insurance firms.他们通过美国保险公司投保了海上保险。7.发泄(与on连用):He took out his anger on his secretary.他朝秘书发泄怒气。8.出发,启程:They took out for the train station.他们出发前往火车站。9.主美国英语将(餐馆饭菜)买出外吃(或买回食用):Id like a fish and chips to take out,please.劳驾,我买一份煎鱼和薯条带走。10.败(兴等):That takes all the fun out of it.那太煞风景了。(7) take up :1.拿起,捡起,举起,拔起;拿走:She took up the receiver and began to dial the number.她拿起听筒开始拨电话号码。They took up arms and fought for their faith and liberty.他们拿起武器为信仰和自由而斗争。2.占去(地方、时间、注意力等);费(时间);占据(注意力):Im sorry Ive already taken up so much of your valuable time.对不起,我占了你这么多宝贵时间。The piano takes up too much space.这架钢琴占地方太多。All available accommodation were taken up.房间都住满了。3.仅考研:安(家),定(居);在安置下来:He married a French woman and took up his residence in Paris.他和一个法国女人结了婚,并在巴黎定居。to take up ones residence with someone和某人居住在一起4.让(乘客等)上车;(车等)接纳(乘客);(船)承载(货物):The school bus stopped to take up pupils.校车停下来让小学生们上车。5.开始从事(一项事业、一种职业等),学习(某种知识、技能等);着手处理(某事);关注;对发生兴趣;论及:He took up writing after graduation.毕业后他开始从事写作。to take up swimming开始学游泳6.采纳(信仰、意见等),接受;采取(某种态度);承担:She took up my suggestion enthusiastically.她热情地采纳了我的建议。He took up a compromising attitude towards the question.他对这个问题采取了妥协的态度。7.接受(打赌、挑战、建议等),接受的打赌(或挑战、建议等):No one dared take up the challenge.谁也不敢应战。She took up my offer of a ride into town.她接受我的提议,乘车进城。8.仅考研:申请;对提出要求:to take up ones social welfare要求社会福利9.接着讲,接下去说;继续(中断的话):The teacher took up the lesson where he left off last week.老师接着上星期停下来的地方把课文讲下去。to take up ones story继续讲故事10.(把)(未完的事等)继续下去;从别人的手中接过来:Tom took up where his father left off.汤姆继承了父亲未尽的事业。11.当的保护人;收于(门下);关照;提携;赞助:The young man is so lucky that he is taken up by a famous novelist.这个年轻人很走运,他得到了一位著名小说家的指教。12.逮捕,拘捕,捉住:He was taken up for drunkenness.他因酗酒而被拘留。They took up a pickpocket.他们捉住一个扒手。13.仅考研:付清(票据);(按抵押)垫款;承兑(汇票) ;认购(公债等);募(捐);收受(抵押品);全部买去,全部买下:We will take up a collection to help the needy.我们将募捐救济穷人。All available tickets were taken up.所有的票都被买光了。14.(天气等)变晴朗;变好:The weather is going to take up at last.天气终于要放晴了。Business is taking up.生意正在好起来。15.(学校)开学;上课:The school takes up at nine.学校9点钟开始上课。16.抓住(笑话、典故等的)要点:We didnt take up his joke.我们不知道他的笑话好笑在哪里。Dont take me up wrongly.别误解我的意思。THANKS !致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习课件等等打造全网一站式需求欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考-可编辑修改-

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