高中英语Unit2《Fit for life》-Projec导学案2(选修七译林牛津版)

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111M7U1 Living with technology Name Project To phone or not to phone? (1) Learning aims :1. Improve English through doing a project.Important and difficult points:1. Learn to find information while reading.(培养阅读找信息能力)2. Master the meanings and usages of key words and phrases.(掌握重点和考点词汇)Learning procedures: Step 1自主学习Do you know these new words? Try your best!1.取代 take ones place 2. 放出,发出let out3.肿胀,膨胀swell up 4. 沉溺于,对入迷be addicted to5.把和联系起来replace to 6.同意,赞成subscribe to7.认为是recommend as 8.消退,褪去fade away 合作探究A. Fast reading. 1.What is the text mainly about? It is mainly about Chinese acupuncture.2. How many different kinds of needles were there? There were nine different kinds of needles.3. When acupuncture was first practised, how many points were there?When acupuncture was first practised, there were 365 points.4. Is it clear that how acupuncture reduces and relieves pain?No, it is not clear.B. Careful reading 1 Decide whether the following statements are True or Talse(1) No one knows exactly when Chinese acupuncture was first practised. ( T )(2) The needles used for acupuncture were made of different materials. ( T )(3) The needles used for acupuncture have the same shape. ( F )(4) Acupuncturists can insert needles at any point on the body. ( F )(5) Experienced acupuncturists can find out which energy channel does not have enough energy by checking patients pulses. ( T )(6) Acupuncture can treat any medical problem. ( F )(7) Chinese traditional herbal medicine is not popular in the West. ( F )Step 3 展示交流Step 4 点拨总结A. 重点词汇点拨及其短语积累:1. let out (L11)用法讲解1) 泄露 Dont let out the plan to the press.2) 出租 They let out horses by the day.3) 发出 Each time she moved her leg, she let out a moan.4) 放出 The prisoners were let out to work in the garden.翻译并归纳let out的不同含义1) He has let the news out_泄露_2) He let out a yell and ran home._ 发出_3) He lets out his car on hire._ 出租_4) I have let out the coat before I can wear it._ (把衣服)加长_5) School lets out at three oclock._ 放学_拓展: 用适当的词组填空let down使失望; let in渗透; let off燃放; let up(雨雪)渐渐停止 let go放开,放手;let loose放开,让自由活动;let on 泄露,透露6) It snowed for three days before it_ let up _ and we could go out doors.7) Dont _ let on _ that we saw them coming out of the shop.8) The farmer opened the gate and _ let _ the bull _ loose _ in the pasture.9) The roof _ lets in _ rain.10) The boy grabbed Jacks coat and would not _ let go _.11) The terrorists _ let off _ a bomb near the building.12) He _ let _ the team _ down _ by not trying hard enough.2. subscribe用法讲解vt1) 认捐 He subscribed 5000 pounds a year to an institution.2) 签署 He subscribed the will as a witness.19 practicevi3) 定期订阅 Which journals does the library subscribe to?4) 赞成 The rest of us do not subscribe to this theory.翻译并归纳subscribe的用法1)I subscribe wholeheartedly to this plan. _赞成_2) She subscribed to Readers Digest and TV Guide._ 订阅_3) They started to subscribe to local charities. _捐款_4) Mr. White subscribed his mark at the end o f a will. _签署画押_B. 聚焦考点及其针对训练:(非常学案P28 重点句型)1. 现在完成时的用法 2.让步状语从句 Step 5 巩固提高I. Please fill in the blanks with proper prepositions1. Chinese medicine has amazed many people around the world with its different approach _ to _ health and is becoming more and more accepted by people in the West.2. Some people think that it has been practised in China _ for _ about 4,000 years.3. They think that the use of acupuncture began _ during _ the Stone Age when stone knives or sharp-edged tools, called bian, were used to make holes on swollen areas of the body.4. These needles were made _ of _ different metals, such as gold and silver.5. The main needle now used _ for _ acupuncture is fine and sharp.6. Acupuncture involves putting stainless steel needles into the skin _ at _ certain points on the body so that a disease can be cured or a health problem solved.7. The number of acupuncture points was the same _ as _ the number of days in a year.8. However, over the last 2,000 years, this number has gradually increased _ to _ about 2,000.9. Some acupuncturists insert needles at or near the site of the disease, while others select points based _ on _ the symptoms that the patient has.10. There are twelve different pulses, six on each wrist, and every one of them is connected _ with _ a major body organ or function of an organ.11. Some people have also used acupuncture to treat addiction _ to _ cigarettes, drugs, alcohol and food(overeating).12. One theory suggests that acupuncture blocks pain signals _ from _ reaching the spinal cord or brain.II. Rewrite the following sentences:1. Some people think that it has been practised in China for about 4,000 years. It _ is _ thought _ that Chinese people _ have practised_it for about 4,000 years.2. As acupuncture developed, the simple bian stones were replaced by stone and pottery needles._ With _ the _ development _ of acupuncture, stone and pottery needles _ replaced_ the simple bian stones.3. Eventually, metal needles began to appear and these took their place._ In the end_, metal needles began to appear and these _replaced _them.4. The main needle now used for acupuncture is fine and sharp.The main needle _ which is _ now used for acupuncture is fine and sharp.5. The number of acupuncture points was the same as the number of days in a year.The number of acupuncture points _ was equal_ to the number of days in a year.6. Some people have also used acupuncture to treat additions to cigarettes, drugs, alcohol and food(overeating).Acupuncture _ has _also _ been used _ to treat those people who are _ addicted _ to cigarettes, drugs, alcohol and food(overeating).7. How acupuncture reduces and relieves pain is unclear._ It _ is unclear _ how _ acupuncture reduces and relieves pain.8. One theory suggests that acupuncture blocks pain signals from reaching the spinal cord or brain.One theory suggests that acupuncture _ stops(prevents / keeps)_ pain signals from reaching the spinal cord or brain.Step 6. Homework Students Book P110 D1 D2学习感悟: 1. 我学会了:_2. 我的困惑是(还有哪些不理解的地方):_111


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