高中英语《MODULE1 British and American English》Section B同步练习题(3) 外研版必修5

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高中英语《MODULE1 British and American English》Section B同步练习题(3) 外研版必修5_第1页
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高中英语《MODULE1 British and American English》Section B同步练习题(3) 外研版必修5_第3页
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111高中英语必修五MODULE1 British and American EnglishSection B同步练习题(3)111题组3单项选择1. _ I explained on the phone, your suggestion will be discussed at the next meeting.A. WhenB. AfterC. AsD. Since2. It is not your words but your way _ you treat me that hurts me.A. howB. of whichC. /D. which3. According to a recent US survey, children spent upto 25 hours a week _ TV.A. to watchB. to watchingC. watchingD. watch4. That mistake _ him his life.A. costedB. costC. tookD. paid5. How much money do you need to _ thetrip to Tibet?Im not sure about it, but it will _ at least 500 yuan.A. pay; costB. charge; payC. cost; takeD. cover; cost6. If the martial class I signed earlier changes to Sundays, I will have to _ so that I can _ my son from his violin lessons.A. drop in; pick outB. drop off; pick upC. drop out; pick upD. drop by; pick out7. _ you have passed the driving test, you can drive on your own.A. Now thatB. In caseC. If onlyD. Even though8. What Party _ you _?A. do; belong toB. do; belongC. are; belonging toD. are; belonging9. _ is known to all, good friends _ happiness and value to life.A. It; addB. As; addC. It; add upD. As; add to10. My sister was against my suggestion while my brother was _ it.A. in favour ofB. in memory ofC. in honour ofD. in search of11. The president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour without _ his notes.A. bringing upB. referring toC. looking forD. trying on12. According to the literary review, Shakespeare _ his characters live through their language in his plays.A. will makeB. had madeC. was makingB. makes13. The wet weather will continue tomorrow, when a cold front _ to arrive.A. is expectedB. is expectingC. expectsD. will be expected14. Why dont we choose that road to save time?The bridge to it _.A. has repairedB. is repairedC. is being repairedD. will be repaired15. Some teenagers _ their health because they play computer games too much.A. had damagedB. are damagingC. damagedD. will damage16. Dr. Smith, together with his wife and daughters, _ visit Beijing this summer.A. is going toB. are going toC. was going toD. were going to17. No decision _ about any future appointments until all the candidates have been interviewed.A. will be madeB. is madeC. is being madeD. has been made18. If their marketing plans succeed, they _ their sales by 20 percent.A. will increaseB. have been increasingC. have increasedD. would be increasing19. Over the past decades, sea ice _ in the Arctic as a result of global warming.A. had decreasedB. decreasedC. has been decreasingD. is decreasing20.What is the price of petrol these days?Oh, it _ sharply since last month.A. is raisedB. has risenC. has arisenD. is increased21. The old couple _ for 50 years.A. marriedB. is married toC. have marriedD. have been married答案与解析1111. C 句意:正如我在电话中解释的,你的建议将在下次会议上被讨论。as引导非限制性定语从句,并指代整个主句your suggestion will be discussed at the next meeting。2. C 句意:不是你的言语而是你对待我的方式伤害了我。you treat me是way的定语从句,定语从句的引导词在从句中作状语,引导词可以用that, in which或省略。3. C 句意:根据美国最近的一项调查,孩子们每 周共花25小时看电视。考查spend some time(in) doing sth.“花时间做某事”。4. B 句意:那个错误使他丧失了生命。take主语 常为it,常用句型:It takes sb. some time to do sth. “做某事花了某人多长时间”。cost的主语是物或 事情,意为“花费了什么”,宾语常是时间或钱。 另外,cost还有“代价”的意思,其过去式与原 形相同。pay的主语是人,宾语是钱,常译成“付 款,花钱买东西”。常用结构:pay for“为付钱”。5. D 句意:“你需要花多少钱到西藏旅游?”“我不确定,但是至少花500元。”第一个空cover“够用”,第二个空主语是“到西藏旅游”这件事,用it代替,cost“花多少钱”。pay主语是人,宾语是钱,常译成“付款,花钱买东西”。charge“要价,索价”。6. C 句意:如果我早期报名的武术课改成周日,我将不得不退出,这样我可以从小提琴课上把我儿子接回来。drop out“退出”;pick up“(用车)接某人”。7. A 句意:既然你已经通过了驾照考试,你可以自己驾驶了。now that“既然”,引导原因状语从句。8. A 句意:你属于什么党派?belong to“属于”,没有被动语态,也没有进行式。9. B 句意:众所周知,好朋友能增加生活的幸福和价值。第一个空考查固定用法as is known to all,as引导非限制性定语从句。第二个空考查addto“把加到中”。10. A 句意:我姐姐反对我的建议而我哥哥却支持。in favour of“同意,支持”;in memory of“为了纪念”;in honour of“为了向表示敬意”;in search of“寻找”。11. B 句意:总裁在商业会议上讲了近一个小时而没有看一眼稿子。refer to“参考”;bring up“养育”;look for“寻找”;try on“试穿”。12. D 句意:根据文学评论,莎士比亚通过戏剧中的语言使人物个性变得鲜活。题干是陈述一个客观真理,用一般现在时,故选D。13. A 句意:明天潮湿天气将会继续,预计到那时将有一次冷锋到来。be expected to do sth.预计做某事。14. C 句意:“我们为什么不选择那条路以节省时间呢?”“通向那条路的桥正在被修。”根据语境“桥正在被修”可知用现在进行时的被动形式。15. B 句意:一些青少年正在损害他们的健康,因为他们玩太多的电脑游戏。表现阶段正在进行的动作用现在进行时。16. A 句意:今年夏天,史密斯博士和他的妻子、女儿们将一起参观北京。考查动词时态和主谓一致。主语中心词是Dr. Smith,表单数,谓语动词用单数形式;together with his wife and daughters修饰Dr. Smith。时间状语是this summer,表计划性的将来,故时态用一般将来时,因此选A项。17. A 句意:在接见所有候选人之前,不能做任何关于将来约定的决定。18. A 句意:如果他们的市场计划能成功,他们将提高20%的销售量。if引导的条件状语从句中谓语动词为succeed,使用的是一般现在时表示将来,可知主句应为一般将来时。19. C 句意:在过去的几十年里,由于全球变暖,北极的海洋冰川逐渐减小。时间状语是over the past decades“在过去的几十年里”,要用现在完成时,且表示海洋冰川在过去的几十年里一直在持续减少,故选C。20. B 句意:“汽油的价格这几天怎么样?”“噢,自从上个月,它急剧上涨。”根据since last month可知应用现在完成时。arise意为“出现,产生”,不符合句意。21. D 句意:这对老夫妻结婚50年了。marry“娶,嫁”,是短暂性动作。be married表示状态111

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