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open Free ERP【OpenTaps】 2010年06月16日 星期三 13:5924.126.84.248RHEL-5.4=Enterprise Resource Planning(ERP)-中国中小企业对 ERP 和 CRM 的需求是迫切的,但这些中小企业在电子信息化过程中,却处于一个左右为难的地位。因为目前业界相关领域的软件对中小企业严重缺少相应的支持。大型 ERP,目前市场上已经有不少大公司在做,也有不少好产品。但这些产品造成中小企业处境困难: 成本巨大,中小企业无力购买。 这些大型 ERP 产品的公司不重视中小企业,利润低,而工作量却不比大项目少多少。 使用成本巨大,中小企业往往只有几个人,或者几十个人,要成功运行那样的大型 ERP 软件,实在不易。就目前而言,大部分的中国中小企业,都没有自己的网站,更不用说 ERP 系统,市场前景广大。使用开源的系统,对于中小企业来说,是不得已的事情,为了减小成本,只能如此,而一些开源的 ERP 系统,往往功能都不是很强,使用起来比较简单,最重要的一点是免费。这些开源系统也给中小企业带来不小的问题,主要包括:无技术支持,无培训,无售后(也就同样没有售后服务),无能力扩展,无能力修改,甚至安装使用上都有点困难,缺少相关文档,特别是中文文档,现在大多数开源系统,特别是口碑好的系统,都是国外开发的,严重缺少中文文档。同样由于是国外系统,在使用习惯上和中国有很多的不同。=【OpenTaps】和【ofBiz】=OpenTaps【简介】opentaps Open Source ERP + CRM is an Java J2EE web enabled open source Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. opentaps supports customer relationship management, sales force automation, sales opportunities management, customer support case management, sales opportunity management,order entry and order management, warehouse and inventory management, supply chain management, purchasing, material resources planning (MRP), manufacturing management, Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, General ledger, and financial reporting. opentaps offers the Apache OFBiz ecommerce system out-of-the-box and supports integration with the Magento e-commerce system, Amazon seller Central, ebay, and GoogleBase (froogle). opentaps is based on open source projects including Apache Tomcat,Apache Lucene, Apache Derby, JasperReports business intelligence, Pentaho BI suite, Spring framework, Hibernate, Funambol. Read more about why open source is the right solution for ERP.opentaps 是一个基于 ofbiz 基础开发的完全开源的企业级应用系统。它包括了完整的 ERP 和 CRM 解决方案和内建的企业智能工具。opentaps 现在在国内应用面不象 sugarcrm/vtigercrm 这些企业应用那样普遍,很大程度是由于 JavaEE 应用的逻辑结构严谨与复杂度决定其不象 PHP 应用那样容易拆分按需阅读切入。了解一个 JavaEE 的应用需要先了解其构造的框图、分层结构、每层实现的技术方式以及采用的技术。【官方网站】http:/ http:/ 【Online Demo】http:/【ReadMe】Welcome to Apache OFBiz! If you have a release build all you need to run OFBiz is a 1.4 or 1.5 series JDK (not just the JRE, the full J2SDK).However if you have downloaded ofbiz from SVN then you should load the demo data (strongly advised) with the following command on the command line:ant run-installOnce that is properly setup just run the executable jar file that comes with OFBiz, which is ofbiz.jar. To do this on the command line you would run:java -jar ofbiz.jar There are also start scripts for Windows and Unix-based operating systems, namely startofbiz.bat and OFBiz starts, you can look at the demo storefront at: http:/localhost:8080/ecommerce/and the administration interface at: http:/localhost:8080/webtools/You can log in with the user admin and password ofbiz.For more details about running a build, or for information on getting, building, and running the source please see the Apache OFBiz Setup Guide:http:/ that running with the default configuration uses an embedded Java database (Apache Derby), and embedded application server components such as Tomcat, Geronimo (transaction manager), etc.To prepare OFBiz for production use the Basic Production Setup Guide is a great place to start. It is available here:http:/ additional resources please see the OFBiz web site. Enjoy! Welcome to opentaps!Thank you for using our open source ERP and CRM system. For additional information, please visit:* http:/ for information on howto install, configure, and use opentaps* http:/ to contact an opentaps PartnerWelcome to opentaps!Thank you for using our open source ERP and CRM system. For additional information, please visit:* http:/ for information on howto install, configure, and use opentaps* http:/ to contact an opentaps Partner* http:/ and the files LICENSEand ADDITIONAL-LICENSE for information about licensing and usage.* http:/ for general information about opentapsEnjoy!=OpenTaps【运行环境】授权协议:GPL支持中文:支持(简体)编程语言:java数据库环境:IBM DB2,MicrosoftSQL,MySQL 等部署环境:B/S适用企业规模及行业:中小企业,分销行业,制造业等=【Linux】环境安装【注意】 相关服务是否已经启动:MySQL 防火墙 SELinux实验阶段,关闭 SELinux# vi /etc/sysconfig/selinux 将 SELINUX=enforcing ,改成 SELINUX=disabled 端口号- 安装 JDK 1.5 或以上版本,并在系统中配置 JAVA_HOME 及相关 PATH。【JDK 版本】Java Development Kit详见:http:/,Standard Edition,标准版,是我们通常用的一个版本,从 JDK 5.0开始,改名为 Java SE。EE(J2EE),Enterprise Edition,企业版,使用这种 JDK 开发 J2EE 应用程序,从 JDK 5.0 开始,改名为 Java EE。ME(J2ME),Micro Edition,主要用于移动设备、嵌入式设备上的 java 应用程序,从 JDK 5.0开始,改名为 Java ME。这里使用 J2EE(JDK 6 Update 20(JDK or JRE)。下载地址:http:/ wget http:/ chmod u+x jdk-6u20-linux-i586.bin# ./jdk-6u20-linux-i586.bin # java -versionjava version 1.4.2gij (GNU libgcj) version 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-46)Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NOwarranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.-# java -jar /qu6zhi/OpenTaps/opentaps/ofbiz.jar -posJava Version - Free Software Foundation, Inc. 1.4.2 - is not supported by OFBiz.Please install Java2 SDK 1.5+-此时更改 java 配置文件即可。设置 JAVA_HOME 环境变量,把 JDK 的 bin 路径加到系统的 Path 中。根据自己的需要,可以将它写到系统全局配置文件(/etc/profile ,Fedora 中可以创建一个 bash 文件 /etc/profile.d/或是用户个人目录配置文件中(/.bashrc 或 /.base_profile)。这种方法的一个弊端,就是你无法通过系统软件包管理工具进行维护。# vi /etc/profile export JAVA_HOME=/OpenTaps/jdk1.6.0_20export JRE_HOME=/OpenTaps/jdk1.6.0_20/jreexport CLASSPATH=.:$JAVA_HOME/lib/dt.jar:$JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar:$JRE_HOME/rt.jarexport PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin保存退出。# source /etc/profile 很重要 刷新环境变量# java -version 查看 jdk 是否安装成功java version 1.6.0_20Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_20-b02)Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 16.3-b01, mixed mode, sharing)-# java -jar /qu6zhi/OpenTaps/opentaps/ofbiz.jar -posSet OFBIZ_HOME to - /OpenTapsCreated OFBiz log dir /OpenTaps/runtime/logsAdmin socket not configured; set to port 0java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.ofbiz.base.splash.SplashLoaderat$ Method)at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( org.ofbiz.base.start.Start.initStartLoaders( org.ofbiz.base.start.Start.init( org.ofbiz.base.start.Start.main( 安装 MySQL 5.0 或以上版本。# yum install mysql*Installed:mysql.i386 0:5.0.77-3.el5 Dependency Installed:perl-DBI.i386 0:1.52-2.el5 -创建 opentaps 所需数据库。 # mysqlmysql create database opentaps;mysql create user opentaps;mysql grant all privileges on opentaps.* to opentapslocalhost identified by opentaps-password with grant option;数据库名 用户名 密码mysql flush privileges;生效mysql exit;# mysql -h -u opentaps -p mysql use opentaps; Database changed=OpenTaps【安装 & 配置】 -【下载】http:/ http:/ wget http:/【解压】# unzip /qu6zhi/OpenTaps# mv /qu6zhi/OpenTaps/opentaps-1.4.0 /qu6zhi/OpenTaps/opentaps# cd /qu6zhi/OpenTaps/opentaps# chmod u+x chmod u+x 【配置数据库】 # vi /qu6zhi/OpenTaps/opentaps/framework/entity/config/entityengine.xml 53 54 # 55 56 57 58 59 编辑修改datasource- name从原来的local 改为 localmysql 284 299 300 301 302 303 314 !- - 315 之间不能有“#”- 软件系统【初始化】# chmod u+x /qu6zhi/OpenTaps/opentaps/ant# cd /qu6zhi/OpenTaps/opentaps# ./ant run-install这个过程很长,机器的性能决定。BUILD FAILED/qu6zhi/OpenTaps/opentaps/build.xml:380: Java returned: 99Total time: 2 minutes 14 seconds# vi /qu6zhi/OpenTaps/opentaps/build.xml 378 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 Google 和 baidu 找不到资料,到官方网站查找信息。http:/【原因】内存不够,我的内存是 1G。这里有两种解决方案:或增加内存。或更改配置文件,降低软件对内存的要求。在这里我将内存增加至 2G,之后更改配置文件。【更改 java 虚拟机的内存】# vi /qu6zhi/OpenTaps/opentaps/build.xml21 22 23 24 25# 26 27 # cd /qu6zhi/OpenTaps/opentaps# ./ant run-installrun-install:java Error occurred during initialization of VMjava The size of the object heap + VM data exceeds the maximum representable sizejava Could not reserve enough space for object heapjava Could not create the Java virtual machine.BUILD FAILED/OpenTaps/opentaps/build.xml:380: Java returned: 1Total time: 1 minute 3 seconds


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