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_四年级复习提纲Module 1重点单词: left 左边 right 右边 straight 直地 lost 迷路live 居住No. 第.号street 大街,街道road路 station车站 house 房屋supermarket 超市cinema 电影院hill 小山train 火车 near 接近,临近next to 紧挨着,临近beside 在旁边,在附近so much 十分,非常Youre welcome .不客气重点短语: behind the tree 在树后on your left在你的左边on your right 在你的右边turn left 向左拐turn right向右拐go straight on直走 excuse me 对不起,打扰了 beside the cinema 在电影院旁边up the hill 上山 down the hill下山 at the station 在车站 near the house在房子附近 next to the supermarket 紧挨着超市live at 居住在重点句子1. -Where is the train?火车在哪里?-Its up the hill/down the hill/near the house/at the station. 它在上山/在下山/在房子附近/在车站。2. -Where is Sam? -Hes behind the door.句型:Where is 人名(男名、女名)?Hes/Shes3. I live at No.2,Park Street. 我住在公园街2号。4. -Thank you so much 非常感谢。/Thank you.谢谢/Thanks.谢谢 -Youre welcome. 不客气Module 2重点单词:read 读,阅读 listen 听 talk 说话 take 拍摄 picture 照片running 跑步China 中国 child 小孩children 孩子们these 这些 those 那些重点短语listen to 听talk to 和交谈play with 玩 take pictures 拍照片 play with a toy train. 玩玩具火车 listen to music 听音乐watch TV 看电视 read a book读书play basketball打篮球 play football 踢足球 fly a kite 放风筝 ride a bike 骑自行车look at these pictures看这些照片 重点句子:1. This is my friend Maomao. 这是我的朋友毛毛 (This is 介绍某人)2. -What are you doing? 你正在干什么?-Im reading a book. 我正在读一本书。3. -What is Tom doing? 汤姆正在干什么?-Hes watching TV. 他正在看电视句型:(1)-What are you doing?-Im 动词ing.(2)-What is 人名(男名、女名)doing?-Shes /Hes 动词ing常考点:like/likes 动词ing例:I like swimming. She likes playing basketball.动词的ing形式的变化规则(现在分词):(1) 直接加ing play-playing listen-listening read-reading watch-watching talk-talking sing-singing(2) 结尾字母是e, 去掉e加ing come-coming have-having live-living make-making take-taking write-writing ride-riding (3) 双写结尾字母,再加ing sit -sitting run-running swim-swimming shop-shopping skip-skippingModule 3重点单词: kid 小孩 can 能够,会see 看见interesting 有趣的boat 船 row 划(船) people人、人们clock钟 hungry 饥饿的soya milk 豆浆draw 画 drink 喝 chess 国际象棋sing 唱jump 跳 dragon 龙 men 男人between 在之间 thing 东西重点短语:lots of 许多get on 上车lots of interesting thing许多有趣的事look at 看in the park 在公园on the lake 在湖上between the big trees在大树之间 do taijiquan 打太极row a dragon boat 划龙舟drink soya milk 喝豆浆play chess 下象棋 draw pictures/draw a picture画画 Me too 我也是Im hungry 我饿了Lets go. (Lets 动词原形)重点句子:1、 -What are they doing? 他们正在干什么?-They are rowing a boat 他们正在划船。(Theyre)2、 -What is he doing? 他正在干什么?-He is singing. 他正在唱歌。(Hes)3、 -What is she doing? 她正在干什么 -She is dancing 她正在跳舞。(Shes)4、 -What is it doing? 它正在干什么 -It is jumping 它正在跳高。(Its)Module 4重点单词:want 想要 make 制作 juice果汁 ice 冰,冰块 also 也,还 food 食物some 一些 tomato西红柿(tomatoes) potato 土豆 (potatoes) dumpling 水饺 buy 买 egg 鸡蛋重点短语:fast food快餐 make noodles 做面条make dumplings 包饺子 noodles with tomato and egg西红柿鸡蛋面 noodles with meat and potato土豆肉丝面of course 当然重点句子1、-Do you want some rice? 你想要一些大米吗?-Yes, please.(好的,请)-No, thank you. (不, 谢谢)2. -What do you want? 你想要什么?-I want _.3. How much is it? 多少钱?Its five yuan. 五元4. Can I help you? 我能帮你/你们吗?/Can we help you?我们能帮你/你们吗?We want some eggs.我们想要一些鸡蛋。5. -Here you are. 给你-Thank you.句型:Do you want some 可数名词复数/不可数名词?Do you want some apples/bananas/pears/oranges/noodles/tomatoes/potatoes?Do you want some fish/rice/meat/milk/juice/ice?肯定回答:Yes,please. 否定回答:No,thank you.Module 5重点单词:run 跑,奔跑fast 快,快速地sky 天空high 高高地 winner 获胜者far 远 afraid恐怕strong 健壮的star 明星重点短语:run fast跑得快jump high 跳得高jump very high跳得很高 jump far 跳得远ride fast 骑得快 in the sky在天空中重点句子1.- Can you run fast? 你能跑得快吗? -Yes, I can. 是的,我能。-No, I cant. 不,我不能。3. I can run fast. 我能跑得快。I cant run fast. 我不能跑得快。3. Im afraid I cant. 我恐怕我不能。4. Im the winner 我是冠军/获胜者。5.Youre the winner.你是冠军/获胜者。句型:(1)Can you_?肯:Yes ,I can. 否:No,I cant.(2)can/cant 动词原形例:I can run fast . She cant junp high.-可编辑修改-Module 6重点单词:sweets (常复)糖果 soup 汤 sorry 抱歉,对不起 bread 面dark 黑暗 well (语气词)唔,噢light 灯Halloween万圣节前夕give 给 重点短语:come in 进来 of course 当然turn on 打开trick or treat不请吃就捣蛋have some soup 喝汤have some bread 吃面包have some sweets 吃糖果have a cake 吃块蛋糕turn on the light打开灯come here来这里 Happy Birthday 生日快乐give me a sweet 给我一块糖 Happy Halloween 万圣节快乐 Here you are给你重点句子1. Can I have some sweets? 我可以吃一些糖吗? Yes, you can. 是的,你可以。2. Can I have some soup? 我可以喝一些汤吗? Sorry, you cant. 不,你不能。重点:Can I have some_? 我可以吃/喝_?肯定回答:Yes, you can 否定回答: No ,you cant.或者Sorry, you cant.3. Now you can have some sweets and some cake. 现在你可以吃一些糖和蛋糕了。4.-Can I come in?我可以进来?-Yes, of course./ Of course.当然(可以)。Module 7重点单词: horse 马 sheep羊,绵羊vegetable 蔬菜 climb 爬,攀爬 face脸,面孔 fruit 水果chicken 鸡bear 熊 pig 猪重点短语:there are 有,存在there is 有,存在have a look 看一看 climb a tree 爬树 ride a horse 骑马in the photo 在这张照片里on the bike 在行车上 eat fruit and vegetables 吃蔬菜和水果eat rice 吃饭eat sweets 吃糖 eat fruit吃水果 eat vegetables吃蔬菜 复习:run fast 跑得快 under the tree在树下重点句子1. There is a horse in the photo. 照片里有一只马。Its running fast. 它正跑得快。2. There are some nice photos here. 这里有许多好看的照片。重点:There is a/an 名词单数There are 名词的复数3. There is a girl under the tree.树下有个女孩Shes watching the cat. 她正在看着猫。4.There are three boys on the bike. 自行车上有三个男孩。句型There is a 动物名(单数) Its 动词ingThere are 动物名(复数) Theyre 动词ingThere is a girl Shes 动词ingThere is a boy Hes动词ingModule 8重点单词:visit 拜访,看望 tomorrow 明天 plane 飞机oclock .点钟 from 来自sea 大海swimsuit 游泳衣sock 短袜 fish钓鱼重点短语: get up 起床visit the zoo 参观动物园visit Hainan参观海南visit my grandpa拜访我的爷爷visit my grandma 看望我的奶奶eat some fruit 吃些水果by plane 乘飞机 be from 来自in the sea 在海里drink some juice 喝些果汁 go with you 和你一起去 at 5 oclock在5点 on Sunday 在星期天Time for bed该睡觉了重点句子1. Were going to visit Hainan tomorrow. 我们打算明天参观海南。2. Were going to swim. 我们将要去游泳。 3. Im going to visit my grandpa.我打算去拜访我的祖父。4. Im from China. 我来自中国 Im from the UK.我来自英国 。Module 9重点单词: win 胜利,取胜month 月 hundred 一百metre 米every 每个,每一day 一天,一日luck 运气subject 学科,科目(English 英语 Chinese 语文 Maths数学 PE体育 Music 音乐 Art 美术 Science 科学)重点短语:good luck 祝你好运come on 加油high jump 跳高long jump 跳远high jump 跳得高jump high跳得远 how about.?.怎么样? Sports Day 运动日on sports day 在运动日have a sports day 举行运动会 run the 100 metres 跑100米in the park 在公园every day 每天 my favorite subject 我最喜爱的科目 do the high jump 跳高do the long jump 跳远play basketball 打篮球 play football 踢足球重点句子1. -Are you going to run on sports day? 你将打算在运动会上参加跑步比赛?-Im going to run the 100 metres. 我打算参加100米跑。2. What are you going to do on sports day? 运动会上你打算做什么?3. How about you? 你怎么样?4. -Whats your favorite subject? 你最喜欢的科目是什么?-My favorite subject is English. 我最喜爱的科目是英语。句型:(一)-Are you going to?你打算? -Yes, Im going to是的,我打算. No,Im going to不,我打算(二)- What are you going to do?你们打算做.? -Were going to我们打算.- What are you going to do?你打算做.? -Im going to我打算.Module 10重点单词:family 家,家庭(father 父亲mother母亲brother兄弟 sister 姐妹 grandma 祖母、外祖母 grandpa祖父、外祖父)dinner晚餐,正餐(breakfast 早餐 lunch午餐 dinner晚餐)year年Chinese中国的festival节日 peanut花生 merry 愉快的 Christmas 圣诞节重点短语:at Christmas 在圣诞节Merry Christmas 圣诞节快乐New Year新年Happy New Year 新年快乐Happy Chinese New Year中国的新年快乐 I see 我明白了 at the Spring Festival在春节the Spring Festival 春节Happy Spring Festival 春节快乐 sing songs 唱歌give presents 送礼物make a card 制作一张卡片 重点句子1.- Whats it about? 它是关于什么的?-Its about the Spring Festival. 它是关于春节的。2. -What do you do at Christmas? 你们在圣诞节做什么?-We sing songs. 我们唱歌。/We have a Christmas tree.我们有一棵圣诞树。/We give presents.我们给礼物。/We eat lots of food.我们吃许多的食物。3. At the Spring Festival, we have a big family dinner. 在春节我们吃一顿丰盛的家庭晚餐句型:1.At the Spring Festival, we have. 在春节,我们吃2.-What do you do at Christmas?在圣诞节你们做什么?-We我们.THANKS !致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习课件等等打造全网一站式需求欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考


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