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_深圳版小学英语四年级下册Unit1 一: 英汉互译1.how often _ 5.一周一次_2.good habits_ 6.一日三次_3.eight times a week_ 7.整理书包_4.set the table_ 8.洗盘子_二:选择题。( )1. I finish my homework _eight thirty in the evening. A. in B. at C. on( )2.I usually wash my clothes_ Monday. A. at B. in C. on( )3.Tim and Pat _talking about a class survey. A. is B. are C. can( )4.Bob _good habits A. has B. have C. having( )5.She _once a day A brush her teeth B. wash her face C. combs her hair( )6.KoKo is going to_ at Pats home A. Stay B. stays C. staying( )7.He _the plants and _the table once a week. A. Water/set B. waters/sets C. water /set ( )8.Sam usually _lunch at school A. has B. have C. having三:读一读,写一写How often does.?Susan Candy Tom wash her face 2/day 3/day 2/day wash her hands3/day 4/day 2/dayclean the house 4/week 1/week 1/weekWash the dishes 1/week 6/week 5/week1.Susan washes her face_2.Candy_three times a day.3.Susan_four times a week.4.Tom washes the dishes_5.Candy_four times a day.6._clean the house once a week.7.Susan and Tom wash their faces_四连词成句1. mother /in /is/tims/ hospital _2. usually /i/my/twice/brush/a /teeth/day_3for/ its / school /time/. _4.no/ theres/today/school/ _ 五,模仿例句写出新的句子。I /Tom /Candy /My sisterwash his face /sweep the floor /Comb her hair /Make the bed once a day /three times a week /twice a day 1_ sweep the floor once a day.2_ _ _3_ _ _4_ _ _5_ _ _6_ _ _7_ _ _8_ _ _Unit4根据中文意思补充下列单词。1.M _ nd _ y 2.S _ nda _ 3.F _ _ day 星期一 星期天 星期五4.T _ _ sday 5.Sat _ _ day 6.W _ dn _ sday星期二 星期六 星期三 按规律填写单词。1.Monday _ Wednesday 2._ Friday Saturday3.Tuesday _ Thursday 4.Saturday _ Thursday5.Monday _ Saturday6._ Wednesday Thursday选择填空( )1、What do you have on Monday morning? A.lesson B.lessons C.subjects ( )2、 eight ,we have Chinese. A.at B.At C.On( )3、Its . We dont go to school. A.Monday B.Friday C.Sunday ( )4、I play badminton Monday. A.at B.in C.on ( )5、lets to school. A.go B.goes C.going 连词成句1. dont, on,we, Sunday, go, school,to (.)2. play, I, on, on, Tuesday, badminton, too (.)3. do, have, what,on, lesson, we, Monday(.)4. eight, we, Chinese, at, have(.)5. go, we, school, to, Monday,on(.)根据中文,选答案( )1.今天是周日,应该说:A、Today is Sunday . B.Today is Wednsday ( )2.周日我们不上学,应该说:A.Its Sunday B.We dont go to school on Sunday( )3.周一上午学语文,应该说: A.We have Chinese on Monday. B.We have Chinese on Monday morning.( )4.九点我们学科学,应该说: A.At nine ,we have science . B.At nine ten, we have science .( )5.如果你通常在星期三打羽毛球,可以说:A.I usually play badminton on Wedensday.B.I am playing badminton on Wednsday.单词辨音( )1.A.Monday B.vollyball c.does ( ) 2.A.subject B.music C.Sunday ( ) 3.A.home B.go C.no ( ) 4.A.good B.football C.school ( ) 5.A.play B.Sunday C.TuesdayUnit5上一、选择题。1. They _ going _ tomorrow.A.is ; to swim B. am ; swim C. are ; to swim D./ ; to swim2. He _ with his friends now.A. playing B. plays C. is playing D. is play3. How many _ are there in a year?A. season B. seasons C. weather D. month4. Whats the weather like? (同义句)A. How is the weather like?B. Whats the day like? C. How is the weather?5. David _ TV _ a week.A. watches; two times B. watches; twice C. is watching ; twice D. watching; two times6. Its time _ school.A. to B. for C. of D. at7. Do you _ your homework? - Yes,_A.finishes; I do B.finish; I do C. finishes; I am D. finish; I am8. You should_ in the library. You shouldnt _ in it.A.quiet; run B.be quiet;run C.be quiet; to run D.quiet; running9. Where are you from?(同义句)A. Where are you come from? B. Where do you come from?C. How do you come from?10. The weather is _ now. Lets _ swimming.A. hot; going B. hotting ; going C summer; go D. hot; go11. My sister _ buy a present for her friend. A. wants B. wants to C. want to D. want二、翻译下列短语。刷牙 摆桌子洗脸 浇花整理书包 洗盘子梳头 两周一次挂衣服 一天两次完成作业 一个月四次扔垃圾 在走廊在春天 感冒发烧 胃痛头痛 看医生去医院 骑自行车堆雪人 放风筝去游泳 许多的蔬菜和水果牙齿外表面三、找出A列中与B列相对应的句子,将答案写在A列题目前。1、What time is it? 2、What day is it today?3、When do you go to school? 4、How often do you wash your clothes?5、Where are you from? 6、Whats the weather like today?7、Whats wrong with you ? 8、How are you?9、How old are you ? 10、Whose books are these?11、Are there any students in the classroom?12、Who is she? 13、What is this?14、Where is your brother? 15、What is Jack doing?16、What are you going to do? 17、What would you like?A、Three times a week. B、Its Sunday.C、Its eleven oclock. D、I come from Shen Zhen.E、Its cool and dry. F、I go to school at seven in the morning. G、Fine,thank you. H、Im twelve.I、Yes, there are . J、I dont feel very well.K、Its theirs. L、Its a puppy.M、 He is reading. N、Shes our teacher.O、Hes in the living room. P、Id like a hamburger.Q. Im going to do my homework.Unit5下I.look and write.(看一看,写一写)1.Should not(缩写)_ 2.tooth(复数)_3.wash (第三人称单数)_ 4.beautiful(反义词)_5.hot (反义词)_ 6.snowman(复数)_7.polite(反义词)_ 8.get(现在分词)_9.rain(形容词)_ 10.sun(形容词)_IITrabslation .中英互译.1.三好学生_ 2.twice a day_3.有礼貌_ 4.walk in the corridors_5.看海报_ 6.because_7.在冬天_ 8.go camping_9.堆雪人_ 10.ride a bike_III.Write.(给单词的正确形式填空)1.She _ (go)to school every day.2.Pat _(brush) her teeth _(two)a day.3.Look!The boy is _(run) in the corridor.4.You should _(help) others.5.Mary is _(throw) the rubbish in the bin.6.It is often_(snow) in winter.7.There are many _(rule) in school.8._(no) be noisy.9.Well _(do),Mary.10.Where _(do) he _(come)from?VI.Choose .(选择题)1.( )What is the weather _ there ?A lookB like C at 2.( )She can _kites.A flys B is flying C fly 3.( ) I go to bed_9;30_the morning.A at; in B on ;in C in;at 4.( ) There is _school today.A some B any C no5.( )You are _of the_.A student;year B Student ;Year C Student; year6.( )_do you brush your teeth?Twice a day .A How soon B How long C How often7.( )It is time _ bed.A to B for C of 8.( ) There _ rubbish on the floor.A is some B are some C is any9.( )Why do you want to go there?_I can swim.A So B Because C And 10.( ) _it often _in London?A Does; rain B Is ;rain C Does; rainsV Read and write.(连词成句)1.how do wash often your you face_2.library we quiet in should the be _3.be dont noisy_4.I for to summer swim go want a in _5.the weather what is in like autumn _VI.Choose and write.(选择填空)note in walks runs model good helps Candy is a _ girl.She wants to be a _student,too.That night,Candy reads a _ from Koko.Every day Candy _the teachers._ the playground,she throws rubbish in the bin.In the corridors,she _and never_.She help the young students ,too.Unit4-6笔试部分(60分)五.找出下列每组词中不同类的一个,将其选项写在题前括号中。(每小题2分,共20分。)( )1. A .sandals B. boots C. potato ( )2. A .cheap B. expensive C. hen ( )3. A. apple B. ten C. seven ( )4. A .big B. pig C. duck ( )5 A carrot B onion C goat ( )6 A shorts B short C long ( )7 A teacher B dinner C farmer ( )8 A bread B hand C head( )9 A strong B shirt C fat ( )10 A math B mouth C Chinese 六.选择正确答案填空,并将其字母番号填入题前括号内。(每小题2分,共20分。)( )1.- Mom, can I wear my new shirt today? -_ . Its cold. A. Yes, you can. B. No, you cant. C. No, you arent.( )2. - Is it warm today? -_ . A. No, she isnt. B. Yes, it is. C. Yes, she is.( )3.- Whats the weather like today? -_ . A .My name is Tom. B. Its rainy here. C. Its red.( )4. This my bedroom. A. are B. is C. am( )5. I from China.A. are B. is C. am.( )6. How is this dress ? Its fifty yuan. A. many B. much C. old( )7. Mike a new shirt. A .has B. have C. is( )8.- Are they horses? -_ . A. Yes, it is. B. No, Im not. C. Yes, they are.( )9. What are they? They goats. A are B is C am( )10 Its snowy today. We wear a shirt. A. can B. cant C .do七、根据汉语意思完成英语句子。(10分)1.Its _ (寒冷的)in Beijing. 2. Its _(暖和的) in Chongqing.3.The shirt is too (短).4.I want five (梨).5.Are they (马)?八. 阅读, 判断正误,正确的打,错误的打。(10分)NameClothes(衣服)PriceExpensiveCheapAmydress99yuanSarahT-shirt10yuanBai Lingskirt50yuanChen Jiejacket200yuanMiss Whitesweater300yuan( )1 Bai Lings skirt is not expensive.( )2 Sarahs skirt is 10yuan.( )3 Sarahs and Chen Jies Clothes are cheap.( )4 Amys dress is 99yuan.( )5 Miss Whites sweater is very(非常) expensive.Unit8Unit 8 Helping Tourists 一、英汉互译 1、深圳飞机场_ 2、Chinese Art Museum _ 3、向左转 _ 4、Look at the map _ 5、火车站 _ 6、turn light _ 7、劳驾 _ 8、go straight down _ 10、102路汽车 _ 11、Christmas Day _二、选择填空。 ( )1、Wheres the bus stop? Its _ the right. A、in B、on C、at ( )2、You dont look well. Whats wrong _ you? A、on B、with C、at ( )3、How many seasons are there in a year? There are _ . A、three B、four C、five ( )4、Wheres Chinese Art Museum, please? Turn left _ the library.A、on B、in C、at ( )5、Will there be a big train station here? _ A、No, there willnt . B、Yes, it will. C、No, there wont.三、根据情景,选择最佳答案。( )1、老师问你问题时,你不知道,你应该说: A、Sorry, I dont know. B、I can not. C、No.( )2、你不小心碰到别人了,你应该说: A、I m sorry. B、Sorry, I dont know. C、I cant see you.( )3、你告诉别人不要粗鲁,应该说: A、Dont be noisy. B、Dont be rude. C、Dont be quiet.( )4、你打扰别人时,你应该说: A、Sorry. B、Excuse me. C、Help me.( )5、别人不小心撞到你并向你道歉时,你应该说: A、Sorry. B、Thats all right. C、Thank you.四、阅读理解。(一) My name is Candy. I have a robot. It is very big and pretty. In the morning he is cleaning the desk at eight. At nine he is sweeping the floor. At ten he is cleaning the bathroom. At eleven he is cooking. He is setting the table at eleven thirty. At twelve he is washing the dishes. In the afternoon he is watering the plants at two. He is watching TV at four. He never makes the bed, and he never sleeps. I like my robot. He is my friend.( )1、Candy has a small robot.( )2、At twelve the robot is washing dishes.( )3、The robot is setting the table at eleven thirty.( )4、He makes the bed at four in the afternoon.( )5、Candy doesnt like the robot.(二) Bill and Kate are good friends. They are brothers. They are young pioneers. They are in Grade Four. They throw rubbishes in the bin. They walk in the corridors. They are quiet in the library. They often help our teacher every day. They finish homework every day. They water the plants once a week. They grow quickly. They are nice.( )1、Bill and Kate are brothers.( )2、They are young pioneers.( )3、They arent in Grade Three.( )4、They are not polite students.( )5、They often help our teacher. Unit6-8小学四年级英语第八册(6-8课)单元测试题I. 选择填空。5( ) 1. Will the robot wash the vases? A.Yes, he will. B. Yes, she will. C. No, it wont.( ) 2. Will there be a kitchen in the future? A. Yes, there is. B. Yes, there be. C. Yes, there will.( ) 3. Can robots walk downstairs? A. Yes, they do. B.Yes, they can. C. Yes, it can.( )4. What will the house _ the future be like? A. of B. on C. at( )5. They will _ a card for Teachers Day? A. have B. make C. writeII. 根据所给的情景,选择恰当的表达。(可选多项) 10( )1.你看到你的朋友不高兴,你想问他发生了什么事情,可以问: A. Whats the matter? B. Whats the matter with you? C. Whats wrong? D. Whats wrong with you?( )2.当你有事想问别人时,你应先说声: A. Excuse me. B. Im sorry. C. Hello. D. Thank you.( )3. 有外宾向你问路,告诉他后,他对你说“Thank you.”,你应该说: A. Dont thank me. B. Youre welcome. C. All right. D. Thats all right.( )4. 你想知道动物园在哪里,你可以这样问: A. How can I get to the zoo? B. Wheres the zoo? C. How do you go to the zoo? D. Is there a zoo?( )5. 别人想帮助你,说“Can I help you?”,你应该说: A. Yes, please. B. Yes, do it. C. No, please. D. No, thanks.III. 根据情景图画,完成对话。10 ( 1 ) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) ( 4 )1. John : Will there be _ and dogs in the future? Mr Li: Yes, _ _.2. John : Will children go to school _ bus in the _? Mr Li: No. There _ be any roads.3. John : _ there be space food in this _? Mr Li: Oh, no! There wont _.4. John : Will we _ to the Future Hotel for a holiday? Mr Li: Sure. Lets get tickets now.IV.选择正确的单词填空。101. Bees_(help / helps) the flower make new seeds.2. I want_(grow / to grow) some tomatoes.3. _(How often / How many) should we water the plant?4. What_(do / does) plants need? Can you remember?5. _(To give / Give) this plant a little water twice a day.6. Please sweep the floor. Its _(clean / dirty).7. Im not hungry. I dont want _(some / any).8. She likes _(eating / drinking) oranges. 9.They _ to the supermarket by bus.(goes, go)10. The bus stop is over there, _ Fahua Temple.(beside, about)V. 根据对话的内容写出图中的A、B、C、D分别是什么地方。4A: Excuse me. Is there a bank near here?B: Yes, there is. Walk down Beijing Road. You can see a post office. And then turn left. Its next to the post office.A: Can I take a bus?B: Sure. But you must walk up Nanjing Road. The bus stop is opposite to(在对面) the cinema.A: Which bus can I take? B: I think you can take the bus No.10.A is the _B is the _C is the _D is the _A: How can I get to the bank by bus?B: Take the bus No.10 and get off(下车)at Shanghai Road. Youll see the bank. Its between the bookshop and the post office.A: Thanks very much. B: Youre welcome.Unit 9 Festivals 单元练习题一、英汉互译 1、吃巧克力蛋_ 、watch boat races _ 3、拿压岁钱 _ 4、go trick or treat _ 5、收到礼物_ 6、Christmas Day _ 7、在春天 _、go straight _ 9、龙舟赛 _ 10、at Easter _二、选择填空。( )1、What does he do at Easter? He _ chocolate eggs.A、eat B、eats C、eating( )2、What do you do _ Easter?A、of B、in C、at( )3、Whens Easter? Its _ Spring.A、in B、on C、November( )4、My favorite festival is Halloween. Its in _A、October B、September C、November( )5、Christmas Day is _ December 25.A、in B、on C、at( )6、What do you do at Christmas? We _.A、buy new clothes B、get presents C、get lucky money三、根据情景,选答案。( )1、你喜欢万圣节,你应该说: A、I like Halloween. B、I like Easter. C、I like Christmas.( )2、老师问你问题时候,你不知道,最有礼貌的说法是: A、No. B、I cannot. C、Sorry. I dont know.( )3、你请别人帮忙时,应该说: A、Can I help you. B、Can you help. C、I can help you.( )4、你问哪路和去飞机场,你应该说:A、Sorry. B、Excuse me. C、I help you.( )5、你问别人复活节干什么,应该说: A、What do you do on Easter? B、What can you do on Easter?C、What do you do at Easter?四、阅读短文,选择正确答案。 We have many holidays in a year. New Years Day is in January. Chinese New Years Day is in February. We like this Festival, because we can put on new clothes and eat dumplings(饺子) and get lucky money. Easter is in spring. Childrens Day is on June 1st. We can sing and dance. The Dragon Boat Festival is in summer. Teachers Day is on September 10st. National Day is on October 1st. Halloween is on October 31st. Christmas Day is on December 25st. We can get many presents. We have a lot of fun in the holidays.( )1、How many festival are there here? There are _. A、nine B、ten C、eleven( )2、The fifth festival is _. A、the Dragon Boat Festival B、Childrens Day C、Womens

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