酒店 豪生酒店财务职位说明书

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工作说明书Job Description职位Position:财务总监Financial Controller 部门Department:财务部Finance 汇报至Report to:总经理General Manager 批准Approved By:_任职条件Criteria:具有本科或以上学历(财经类),会计师以上职称。University degree or equivalent (Financial), CPA certificate is necessary从事财务经理工作三年以上More than three years hotel Financial Manager experience 精通英语,电脑应用熟练Good English and computer skill_职责范围 Job Scope:1 确保财务政策及程序能有效的实施,解释财务报表并监测财务程序的实施情况。并为制定计划和决定提供帮助和管理。Ensure effective implementation of all accounting policies and procedures, interpret financial results, monitor the financial position of the hotel, and provide management with the tools for business planning and decisions._工作任务 Job Tasks:1.熟悉所有管理协议的条例及遵守执行。Familiar with all terms and conditions of the management agreement and ensure that they are adhere to.2.根据公司的财务政策及地方法规条例确保财务文件全部留档。Maintain complete accounting books and records of the hotel as per the Companys policies and procedures and the local rules and regulations.3.在得到总公司的批准后,确保遵守地方政府的政策法规来执行财务会计制度。Implement local finance and accounting procedures to ensure compliance with local government regulations, after approval from the corporate office.4.准备并解释各类财务报告,并及时向酒店报告。Prepare and interpret the financial statements and reports of the hotel timely.5.审查酒店的财务报表,财务记录和业务,并尽力简化内部控制使之更有效率。Audit the accounts, records and transactions of the hotel, and exercise ongoing efforts to streamline internal control procedures.6.保障酒店资产,保证固定物、家具及设备类资产、营业设备、用品的记录,需实施适当的监控。Implement all necessary controls in order to safeguard the assets of the hotel and maintain records for the furniture, fixtures and equipments, operating equipment, supplies and inventories.7.确保每月进行存货盘点,及每季度营业设备盘点。Ensure that physical inventories of all supplies are being taken on a monthly basis and of all operating equipment on a quarterly basis.8.协同总经理及几个部门总监编写酒店所有业务的预算及预测,并保证预算的实施情况。Assist in compiling, together with the General Manager and Heads of Department, all budgets and forecasts covering all activities of the hotel and maintain proper budget any control procedures.9.协助总经理完成信用及收款程序。Assist the administration of credit and collection procedures, which are in fact the responsibility of the General Manager.10.实施必要的控制,使得成本及损失降到最低,得到最高的盈利。Implement all necessary controls to minimize cost and loss and maximize returns and profit.11.在所有经营决策上,从财务方面给于合理的建议。Give proper advice on the financial impact of all business decisions.12.了解豪生集团及酒店的税务责任,寻求当地审计师或税务专家的帮助。Understand Howard Johnson International and / or hotel tax obligations, seeking the assistance of locally-appointed auditors or tax experts.13.确保所有在外币兑换、进口事务、酒类、游泳池、娱乐表演等各方面的执照齐全,并得到相关部门的认可。Ensure all the requisite licenses are in place for foreign exchange dealings, imports, liquor, swimming pools, entertainment and so forth from the appropriate regulatory agencies.14.保证采购、收货、仓库及所有运作都按照相应程序办理。Review and ensure proper procedures and controls of purchasing, receiving, storing, and requisitioning functions.15.监控现金管理,包括经豪生集团或/和业主方批准的在管理合同中述及的定期存款操作,以及必要时的透支。Administer and control cash management which may include investing in time deposits in banks approved by Howard Johnson International and/or the owner as stipulated in the hotel management agreement, as well as obtaining overdraft facilities whenever necessary.16.根据公司的要求,联系内部及外部审计师并共同行动。Liaise with both internal and external auditors in compliance with the Companys requirements.17.对电脑房进行管理,保证酒店电脑系统及软件设施得到充分利用,并给于良好的保护及适当的保养。Administer the EDP department and ensure that the hotel computer system and software are fully utilized, well safeguarded and properly maintained.18.留存并保管所有合同、租约、保险合同、执照及所有法律文件和财务文件。Keep and safeguard all contracts, leases, insurance policies, licenses, and all legal and financial documents.19.管理所有豪生集团及酒店的保险事宜,以及所合作的保险的代理人。Administer Howard Johnson International and hotel insurance matters in conjunction with the locally appointed insurance agent.20.协助总经理将每个部门所写的条例归入酒店内部条例手册。Assist the General Manager in the compilation of all the departments written policies and procedures into the hotels own in-house policy manual.21.根据行业、公司或酒店的改变,对部门运作改动,与时并进。Respond to the changes in departmental functions as dictated by the industry, the company, or the hotel.22.在经得总经理的确认后,协同人力资源部对财务部进行人事管理,包括财务部人员选排、人员任命、人员管理、人员调动、人事表现评估、人员辞退(需有适当理由)。Manage the staffing of the Accounting Department, liaising closely with the hotels Director of Human Resources and with the approval of the General Manager. Staffing management involves the selection, employment, supervision, transfer, review, promotion and dismissal (with due cause) of individuals within the Finance Department.23.协同培训经理及部门培训专员进行适当的培训课程,如电算化、会计财务等。Implement appropriate training programs in computing / accounting / finance in conjunction with the Training Manager and to develop Departmental Trainers in the Finance Department.24.设定目标及指导方针,鼓舞员工士气,增进团队精神,以提高工作效率。Maximize productivity and morale by setting goals, providing clear guidelines and by developing team spirit.职位Position:总会计师Chief Accountant 部门Department:财务部Finance 汇报至Report to:财务总监Financial Controller批准Approved By:_任职条件Criteria:具有大专或以上学历(财经类),会计师以上职称。College degree or equivalent (Financial), CPA certificate will be good 从事财务主管工作三年以上More than three years hotel Financial supervisor experience 精通英语,电脑应用熟练Good English and computer skill _职责范围 Job Scope:1. 执行所有财务总监所编排的工作,并能够在财务总监不在时领导部门正常运作。To perform all duties as designated by the Financial Controller and be able to carry out the function of the department during the Financial Controllers absence._工作任务 Job Tasks:1.确保每日业务的相关凭证的完整性,并由财务总监和总经理审阅及签字。Ensure that the relevant support to a days transactions are complete and have been verified for the Financial Controllers and General Managers review and signature.2.协助财务总监制作月度的财务报表和财务分析。Assist the Financial Controller in preparation of all monthly financial reporting and analysis.3.协助财务总监制定预算及预测,以及协助各部门总监提供历史数据及明细资料。Assist the Financial Controller in compiling budgets and forecasts and assist Heads of Departments by providing historical data or support details.4.协助制作公司或业主方所需的统计报告。Assist in the preparation of special statistical reports which may be required by the owner or the corporate.5.完全熟悉豪生集团及酒店的财务制度及政策方针。Be fully acquainted with the Howard Johnson International finance and accounting system, its policies and procedures, and those of the hotel.6.熟悉其管理的财务人员的工作范围及责任。Be thoroughly familiar with the duties and responsibilities of all the accounting employees under his supervision.7.为了确保财务报表的及时完成,为各财务部员工制定工作方针及工作时间表。Set guidelines and time table for each employees monthly work in order to ensure timely financial reporting.8.确保财务记录有条理的、时时更新的被保存。Ensure that an organized, up-to-date filing system is maintained for all pertinent financial records.9.检查所有财务的日常信件,包括所有应收帐的进出信件。Assist in reviewing all the Finance and Accounting Departments daily mail, including all incoming and outgoing Accounts Receivable correspondence.10.随时抽查(至少每月一次)总出纳的备用金、零用现金及其他主要预付存款,如有出入立刻报告财务总监,保管所有的帐簿。Take surprise counts (at least once a month) of the General Cashiers float, petty cash and other major imprest funds and report differences to the Financial Controller. Keep custody of all books of accounts.11.处理所有财务部的问题,除了应提交给财务总监的。Handle all problems of the accounting office with the exception of those which have to be referred to the Financial Controller.12.根据行业、公司或酒店的改变,对部门运作改动,与时并进。Respond to changes in departmental functions as dictated by the industry, the company or the hotel.13.与财务总监共同组建财务办公室:公正的分派员工工作排编工作及财务人员工作的换岗确保所有员工都完全了解酒店员工守则及火灾、安全、医疗条列To organize the accounting office in conjunction with the Financial Controller: - to distribute work to employees on an equitable basis- to schedule and introduce flexible job functions through job rotation- to ensure that all employees do understand fully and adhere to the hotels employee rules and regulations, as well as to the hotels policies relating to fire, safety and health.14.管理及维护所有资产记录及报告。Supervise the preparation and maintenance of asset records and reports.15.管理外聘员工工资并计算相应的个人所得税。Prepare confidential payroll and calculate the related individual income tax.16.检查及确认酒店员工的工资。Examine and verify the hotel payroll.17.确保所有在外币兑换、进口事务、酒类、游泳池、娱乐表演等各方面的执照齐全,并得到相关部门的认可。Obtain and renew the requisite licenses for foreign exchange dealings, imports, liquor, swimming pool, entertainment and so forth from the appropriate regulatory agencies.18.协助财务总监管理现金流量。Assist the Financial Controller to administer and cash flow.19.管理月度存货盘点。Supervise the month end physical inventory counting.20.负责季度营业设备盘点,调查盘点结果并编制报告。In charge of the quarterly inventory counting of the operating equipments, investigate and report on the results of counting.21.代表业主方负责年度固定物、家具及设备的盘点。In charge of the annual FF&E counting for owner.22.确保所有固定物、家具及设备都有完备的记录,并贴有标贴。Ensure All FF&E are properly recorded and identified with labels.23.就酒店事务与银行及税务部门进行联系。Liaise with banks, tax bureau regarding hotel affairs.24.财务总监不在时代理他的工作。Deputize the Financial Controller in his absence.25.更新所有期满的合同。Renew all the expiry contracts.26.指导员工根据正确的标准和程序工作,并解决其日常工作中所碰到的问题。To instruct employees on the correct standards and procedures and to handle their problems regarding their daily work.27.协助财务人员的培训,作为提高团队效率的部分,鼓励个人发展。To assist in the training of accounting personnel as part of the effort to build and efficient team and to take an active interest in their individual development and welfare.职位Position:电脑房副经理Asst IT Manager部门Department:财务部Finance 汇报至Report to:财务总监Financial Controller批准Approved By:_任职条件Criteria:具有本科或以上电脑专业学历或相当学历University degree or equivalent (computer)五年以上电脑工作经验,三年以上酒店电脑部主管经验More than five years computer experience, three years hotel supervisor experience in computer Dept. 熟悉酒店电脑网络及管理系统Familiar with hotel website and management system _职责范围 Job Scope:1. 保证酒店的电脑系统为所有部门提供尽可能的不间断服务。为酒店的管理提供技术支持和建议。帮助其他部门得到最佳的电脑系统。Ensure that all E.D.P. systems in the hotel provide as near as possible uninterrupted service to all departments. To provide technical assistance and advice to the hotel management. To assist other departments to get the best out of the hotels E.D.P. systems._工作任务 Job Tasks:1.保证酒店所有的电脑设备的定期维护在正确的时间得到实施。Ensure that any preventive maintenance required by any E.D.P. equipment in the hotel is carried out at the correct time.2.协调所有的故障系统或设备能够及时地维修和恢复运行。Coordinate the timely repair and return to service of any faulty systems or items of equipment.3.保证电脑系统在发生紧急故障的时候能够连续的运行。Ensure the continuous availability of a hierarchy to deal with an emergency in any essential E.D.P. system.4.保证电脑系统所需的固定和消耗品的储备。Ensure the availability of any stationary or consumables required by any E.D.P. system.5.建立程序来保证电脑系统的数据备份。Establish procedures to ensure the backup of data in any E.D.P. system.6.重建数据以纠正因为硬件或软件故障造成的数据错误。Rebuild data corrupted by either hardware or software faults.7.保证酒店管理系统中的软件按照集团电脑部经理的指示保持在正确的版本上。Keep the software in the hotel management system up to the current release as instructed by the Corporate E.D.P. Manager.8.为内部和外部的审计人员提供技术支持。Provide technical assistance to internal or external audit staff.9.建议酒店管理上增加能够由现有的或将来的电脑系统和技术发展所能提供的设备。Advice the management of the hotel on additional facilities which could be provided by either existing or further E.D.P. systems and technological advances.10协调关于软件故障的报告和新增的要求的研究和定时地处理。Coordinate the investigation and timely handling of software fault reports or enhancement requests.11.建立应急流程以保证酒店在系统故障时的持续运行。Set up emergency procedures to continue the operation of the hotel in the event of a systems failure.12.帮助其他部门对其员工进行培训使之能够有效地使用电脑系统。Assist other departments to train their employees in the effective use of any E.D.P. system.13.提供所有电脑系统的使用手册并将其合成到酒店操作流程中相关的部分。Provide manuals on the use of any E.D.P. systems and incorporate those manuals into the relevant operating procedures of the hotel.14.完全理解和执行酒店的政策和程序。Be fully aware of the hotels policies and procedures and to adhere to them.15.完全理解酒店的火警、安全和健康的政策。Have a complete understanding of the hotels policy relating to fire, safety and health.16.完全理解酒店的员工手册并遵照其中的规章执行。Have a complete understanding of the hotels employee handbook and adhere to the regulations contained therein.17.执行其他指定的合理的工作和职责。Carry out any other reasonable duties and responsibilities as assigned.18.根据行业、公司或酒店的改变,对部门运作改动,与时并进。Respond to changes in departmental functions as dictated by the industry, the company, or the hotel.职位Position:电脑房主任IT Officer 部门Department:财务部Finance 汇报至Report to:电脑房副经理Asst IT Manager批准Approved By:_任职条件Criteria:具有大专或以上电脑专业学历或相当学历College degree or equivalent (computer)两年以上酒店电脑部工作经验Two years hotel computer dept working experience 熟悉酒店电脑网络及管理系统Familiar with hotel website and management system _职责范围 Job Scope:1. 协助电脑房副经理经理确保酒店电脑正常运行,及电脑房工作的有序而高效。To assist the IT Manager in ensuring the smooth and efficient operation of the EDP Department and to be of service at all times to computer users of all levels._工作任务 Job Tasks:1.确保计算机硬件和软件的正常运行及日常维护。Responsible for the proper maintenance and accountability of all computerized systems hardware and software.2.确保标准的屏幕保护,病毒,游戏和密码的设置及检查。Perform audit with regard to standard screen wallpaper, antivirus, games and passwords.3.确保计算机密码的定期更换。Ensure that computer passwords are regularly changed.4.根据上级需要,制定月末报表和其它报表。Perform computer generated month end report and prepare other reports that may be required by management.5.定期做备份。Perform the required back up regularly.6.协助财务部门调节电脑生成的分类帐科目余额,使之与另一系统生成的总帐余额一致.Assist accounting in reconciling subsidiary ledger balance as generated by computerand the general ledger balance as produced by another system.7.维护和保存所有硬件和软件。Maintain and inventory of all hardware and software. 8.安全保管所有电脑软件。Keep all software in the safe vault.9.完成软件和程序的常规的系统安装。Do the routine system set-ups as may be required by software and/or programs. 10.解决计算机硬件和软件的问题。Attend to computer problems, both of software and hardware problems.11.协助EDP经理准备排班报表。Coordinate with the EDP Manager in preparing the monthly duty roster. 12.培训职员操作特殊的电脑系统。Train staff to operate specific EDP programs.13.完成指派的其它任务。Perform other duties that may be assigned from time to time.职位Position:会计主管Accountant 部门Department:财务部Finance 汇报至Report to:总会计师Chief Accountant批准Approved By:_任职条件Criteria:具有大专以上学历(财经类),有会计师职称College degree or equivalent (Financial), CPA will be good 从事会计核算工作三年以上More than three years hotel accounting working experience 英语流利Good English skill _职责范围 Job Scope:1. 负责总账所有帐户的制作以及编制相关财务报表。Responsible for the preparation all the accounts in the General Ledger and compile the relevant financial report._工作任务 Job Tasks:1.编制以下管理及政府报表:每月损益表每月资产负债表并附有明细每月财务重点分析及统计每月现金流量表每月财务分析以物换物合同的情况表员工福利报表当地税金的返还其它需要的报告Pre the following management and government reports;Monthly profit and loss statementMonthly Balance Sheet with supporting schedulesMonthly financial highlights and statisticsMonthly cash flow statementMonthly analysis of accountsStatus of Barter AgreementReports on Employee BenefitsLocal Tax ReturnsOther required Reports2.根据制度和程序,在月末完成月度的财务报表。Finish the monthly financial reports after month-end according to established standards and procedures. 3.核算下列数据:1. 管理费2. 税金及相关费用Computer the following:1. Management fee2. Taxes and related expenses4.完成下列调节分析表:1. 银行存款帐户2. 应收及应付3. 附属公司的账户Perform the reconciliation of the following:1. Bank Accounts2. Receivables and payables3. Affiliated companies accounts5.月底进行凭证输入。Responsible for preparing the monthly journal entries at the end of the month.6.检查所控制帐户的余额。Check all balances to control accounts.7.月底制作标准及其他凭证。Prepare the standard and miscellaneous journals at the end of the month.8.检查打印所有月度财务报表,及检查月度财务报告中的报表安排。Review the monthly schedules after these have been typed and checks arrangement of these schedules in the monthly financial statements.9.审核试算平行表、审查应收帐报表中的账龄情况是否正确。Verify that the monthly trial balance of accounts receivables are correctly aged and the totals are in agreement with the controls.10.审核月度存货核算是否正确,以及是否与控制帐户一致。Verify that the monthly computations of inventories are proper and that the totals are in agreement with the control.11.审核待摊费用、递延费用以及折旧明细表是否更新,并确定与帐户中一致。Verify that prepaid expenses, deferred charges and depreciation schedules are up-to-date and in agreement with the books.12.确定所有的税金、以及其他费用是否都合理支付。Ascertain that all taxes, contributions, licenses are paid when due.职位Position:总出纳General Cashier 部门Department:财务部Finance 汇报至Report to:财务总监Financial Controller 批准Approved By:_任职条件Criteria:具有大专以上学历College degree or equivalent 具有一定的英语会话能力Basic English skill 能熟练操作电脑Good computer skill _职责范围 Job Scope:1. 核对当天的收款额,确保安全的缴存银行,确保前台和餐饮收银员的零钱供给和备用金的及时补充。To verify all of a days collected payments, to deposit them intact and to ensure the adequate supply of house funds and small change for all Front Officer Clerks Cashier and Food and Beverage Cashiers. _工作任务 Job Tasks:1.在一位证明人的陪同下,共同开启保险箱,将前台收银员和餐饮收银员前一天的缴款封包取出,核对封包金额与登记金额是否一致。 Collect, with an assigned witness, all Food and Beverage Cashier and Front Office Clerks Cashiers remittance envelopes from the drop-safe and to verify them against the Cashiers daily witness sheet (cash envelope register).2.和证明人共同核对收到的现金、支票和信用卡并检查是否和前台及餐饮收银员电脑打印出的金额一致。Count, together with the witness, cash, cheques and credit card vouchers and verify them to the Front Office Clerks Cashiers computerized remittance report details.3.把所有现金和支票准备好,交到银行,并确保它们的安全。Prepare bank deposits of all cheques and cash, and to ensure that all cash collections are deposited intact.4.按信用卡的公司编制所有信用卡的交易凭证,并与电脑中的总计数核对一致,按照与每个公司的协定,每天或每个星期提供给他们。Compile all credit card sales vouchers by credit card company, to balance them to the computer totals and to prepare them for submission daily or weekly as agreed with each company.5.按照信用卡公司每日更新,以及保存每月交易记录。Update daily and to maintain by month ongoing trans


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