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_三、完形填空 One oclock in the morning, the last guest finally left. Though we had 36 their stay, my wife and I were quite thankful to shut the door on them. We left all the dirty dishes and glasses 37 they were, and after opening a few windows to let some 38 air in and the smell of food out, we climbed into bed and 39 asleep. I 40 have been asleep for more than half an hour when I 41 with a strong smell of smoke. 42 half asleep, I stepped into the living-room, and there, 43 heavy clouds of smoke, I saw one of our curtains was on fire. I should have 44 the windows then without delay, 45 instead I tried to beat out the fire with a folded (折叠的)newspaper. 46 this failed, I 47 into the kitchen to carry a bucket of water. At the same time, I shouted to Barbara, who 48 phoned to summon the fire brigade (消防队) 49 coming to help me. We had to work at top speed 50 buckets of water from the kitchen to 51 the fire, fanned by the wind from the windows, 52 . We were unable to 53 out the fire, but we managed to 54 it under control until the arrival of the firemen. Fortunately, they arrived 55 , and they had little difficulty in putting out the fire. 36. A. liked B. hated C. enjoyed D. asked37. A. where B. as C. what D. that38. A. hot B. warm C. fresh D. cold39. A. fell B. felt C. got D. went40. A. must B. may C. couldnt D. mustnt41. A. sensed B. felt C. awoke D. slept42. A. Not B. Still C. No D. Only43. A. through B. by C. from D. in44. A. broken B. opened C. closed D. removed45. A. and B. but C. so D. or46. A. For B. When C. And D. If47. A. went B. got C. hurry D. rushed48. A. eagerly B. nervously C. hurriedly D. certainly49. A. before B. for C. after D. when50. A. taking B. getting C. sending D. carrying51. A. beat B. fight C. prevent D. make52. A. rising B. burning C. lighting D. spreading53. A. get B. put C. keep D. take54. A. keep B. leave C. make D. hold55. A. at one time B. at a time C. in no time D. at no time四、阅读理解AIf you called someone a scientist in the early eighteenth century they would have thought of someone who improved on practical designs. Benjamin Franklin was such a scientist. He liked asking questions and then trying to find out the answers. For example, he thought that storms moved in the opposite direction to the winds that went with them. He suggested that it would be possible to mark the path of a storm on a map. To prove it he rode into a storm and then followed it down the road. Today people do not chase storms but they do mark their journeys down on maps. Since Benjamin Franklin spent so much time sailing from America to Europe, he became very interested in sea currents. In November, 1783, when he was in Paris, he happened to watch the first hot air balloon flight. He thought that hot air balloons could be used for war, perhaps for spying or dropping bombs on an enemy! But sadly he died before the first American hot air balloon flight. 56. The passage mainly tells us that Benjamin Franklin . A. worked on electricity B. thought scientificallyC. liked to do experimentsD. could do things better than others57. The example in the first paragraph is used to suggest .A. Franklin was thinking in a different way B. storms and their winds go in different directions C. Franklin was someone who tried to find out how things workedD. Franklins observation is of great use to todays meteorology 58. What can we infer from the last paragraph?A. The first known hot air balloon flight took place in November, 1783. B. In Benjamins times, people began to travel in hot air balloon. C. Benjamins prediction about balloon flights has come true. D. Benjamin was interested in peaceful uses of hot air balloon flights. BOne day Haydn and Mozart had a competition. Mozart bet Hayden that he could not play the entertaining piece which Mozart had composed earlier that day. Haydn happily agreed to the bet as he was famous for his sight-reading of music. So Mozart produced the piece of music and put it on the keyboard. At first Haydn had no trouble with it. He began well but all of a sudden the music stopped and his hands fell to his sides. There was a difficulty. This piece of music required the pianist to play at opposite ends of the keyboard while a note was being played directly in the centre of the piano. How could this be achieved? It seemed impossible! Haydn sat and looked at the music and was finally forced to agree that Mozart had won the bet. “But you can only win if you play this piece yourself,” he said. Mozart willingly agreed. He took his place at the piano and began to play. Sure enough his two hands were soon busy at either end of the keyboard just as the note in the centre of the keyboard needed to be played. Haydn watched in amazement as Mozart bent his face towards the keyboard. As the time for the note to be played arrived, Mozart bent his head very close to the keyboard that. Then he picked out the note and played it with his nose. Haydn laughed and had to agree that Mozart had won the bet fair and square!59. What did Mozart and Haydn bet?A. They bet that Haydn couldnt read a piece Mozart had composed.B. They bet that Haydn couldnt play a piece Mozart had composed.C. They bet that Haydn couldnt produce a piece as Mozart required.D. They bet that Haydn couldnt tell whether a piece was composed by Mozart.60. Haydn was famous for .A. reading music by sightB. composing musicC. commenting on musicD. playing music with a piano61. We can infer from the passage that .A. Haydn enjoyed a better reputation than MozartB. Haydn thought it was an unfair competitionC. Mozart was better than Haydn in playing musicD. Mozart was confident he would win in the competition62. Which of the following is the best title of the passage?A. A Gifted Musician B. Friendship between Two MusiciansC. An Interesting Competition D. A Famous Piece of MusicC The Sabara Festival is a three-day African celebration of the very recent past, which takes place every year either in November or December. It is part military display and part competition. The military display comes first. It is very popular with tourists and local people and especially with government leaders. During the opening ceremonies, the government leaders first make speeches. They welcome everybody to the display and hope that everyone will enjoy themselves. Then there is a display of soldiers who march very smartly in front of the place where the government leaders sit. Then horsemen from several different countries show off their beautiful clothes and their good riding skills. One after another they come and dancers from all over the Sahara take their turns to show off their wonderful traditional clothes and dances. They are accompanied by men playing drums and beating strong rhythms for the dancers. The highlight of the opening ceremony are the races which take place in the evening. It is the grand finale of the day. Men ride their horses very fast. Some ride with their legs in the air, others ride in pairs on different horses. It is so fast and so wonderful!63. The Sabara Festival is a festival which . A. has a very long history in North AfricaB. is not celebrated on the same dates each yearC. is attended mainly by the people in the SaharaD. is celebrated only by travellers from different countries64. Before the races begin, take part in the activities during the opening ceremonies.A. horsemen, dancers, horses and soldiersB. horsemen, horses, government leaders and dancersC. government leaders, horsemen, dancers and soldiersD. musicians, soldiers, government leaders and soldiers65. The underlined word “finale” in the third paragraph most probably means the of the opening day. A. first part B. middle C. last part D. whole66. This passage mainly tells readers . A. what happens on the opening day of the Sahara FestivalB. how people celebrate during the three-day Sahara FestivalC. what takes place at the closing ceremonies of the Sahara FestivalD. how animals race on the first and the last days of the Sahara FestivalDWhat is teaching? Its a difficult question to answer. In fact, as long as teachers fail to distinguish between teaching and learning, they will continue to undertake to do for children that which only children can do for themselves. Teaching children to read is not passing reading on to them. It is certainly not endless hours spent in activities about reading. Douglas insists that “reading cannot be taught directly and schools should stop trying to do the impossible”. Teaching and learning are two entirely different processes. They differ in kind and function. The function of teaching is to create the conditions and the climate that will make it possible for children to devise the most efficient system for teaching themselves to read. Teaching is also a public activity. It can be seen and observed. Learning to read involves all that each individual does to make sense of the world of printed language. Almost all of it is private, for learning is an occupation of the mind, and that process is not open to public scrutiny. If teacher and learner roles are not interchangeable, what then can be done through teaching that will aid the child in the quest(探索) for knowledge? Smith has one principal rule for all teaching instructions. “Make learning to read easy, which means making reading a meaningful, enjoyable and frequent experience for children”. When the roles of teacher and learner are seen for what they are, and when both teacher fulfil them appropriately, then much of the pressure and feeling of failure for both is eliminated. Learning to read is made easier when teachers create an environment where children are given the opportunity to solve the problem of leaning to read by reading. 67. According to the passage, learning to read will no longer be a difficult task when _. A. reading enriches childrens experienceB. teacher and learner roles are interchangeableC. teaching helps children in the search for knowledgeD. children become highly motivated 68. The instruction of reading will be successful if . A. teachers can enable students to develop their own way of readingB. teachers can improve conditions at school for the studentsC. teachers can devise the most efficient system for readingD. teachers can make their teaching activities observable69. The underlined word “scrutiny” most probably means “ ”. A. inquiryB. suspicionC. controlD. observation 70. The main idea of the passage is that _. A. teachers should do as little as possible in helping students learn to readB. teachers should encourage students to read as widely as possibleC. reading is more complicated than generally believedD. reading ability is something acquired rather than taught 五、阅读下面的短文,根据上下文和空白处首字母的提示补全单词Table manners vary from culture to culture. What is a 71 in one country may be considered extremely rude in another. Here we will tell you about the ancient table manners and the m 72 table manners in Korea. Traditionally, it was the womans d 73 to cook food and s 74 the table. The woman would sit b 75 her husband to make sure that he had everything he needed for a pleasant meal. Only when the husband f 76 , would the woman and her children eat. Nowadays, table manners have changed a lot. Most of the family members eat t 77 at the same time. It is common to see everyone help with the meal, i 78 the husband. One tradition, h 79 , has not changed. It is t 80 the oldest person starts the meal. Staying until the oldest person is finished is considered to be a basic tradition of Korean table manners. 71. a 72. m 73. d 74. s 75. b 76. f 77. t 78. i 79. h 80. t 六、书面表达假设你是校学生会主席,请你为大家讲解下周要举行的英语演讲比赛的评分标准,建议包含以下要点:1. 文章主题明确:202. 语言表达清楚:103. 发音准确地道:204. 语速适中:105. 带有感情色彩:40注意:不要逐条翻译,100词左右。_参考答案三、完形填空36. C解析:从though一词和后文的客人走了之后用thankful形容我们可以看出,他们玩得很开心。故最佳答案为enjoy。37. B解析:as it is表示“听之任之”。38. C解析:开窗当然是为了让新鲜空气进来,让食物的气味排放出去。39. A解析:fall asleep为固定短语,表示“睡着”。40. C解析:与下一空相搭配,表示“我睡了顶多不过半个钟头”,用否定句式have hardly/not done sth when ;而must不用于否定句中表示推测。41. C解析:D意思不对,A、B与介词with搭配不对。42. B解析:早上两点才睡觉,睡了才半个小时,此时仍然睡眼朦胧。43. A解析:through指“从中间穿过”,透过满屋烟雾,“我”看见是怎么回事。44. C解析:上文已提到“我”睡觉前将窗户打开了,因此A、B不对,remove表示“挪开,拿走,去掉”,不合文义。句义为“我本该把窗户关上的”,下文(第51空所在句)提到窗外的风助火势。45. B解析:根据上下文用but表转折,表示“本该,可是”。46. B解析:从上下文看,fail这个动作已经发生,因此用when不用if,用报纸灭火没有用时,“我”就用其他办法。47. D解析:事情紧急,“我”冲进了厨房。C选项错在时态。48. C解析:家里失火了,要救火,当然迫在眉睫,用hurriedly才妥。49. A解析:先打电话再来帮“我”,句义为“来帮我之前给消防队打电话”。50. D解析:将水从厨房运到房里灭火,47空所在句中有提示。51. C解析:与下一空前面的介词from(被省略)构成搭配,表示“不让火蔓延”,中间插入了过去分词短语作定语。52. D解析:不让火势蔓延,与上文prevent (from) doing构成搭配,与下文it under control相呼应。53. B解析:句义为“我们不能扑灭大火”,put out the fire表示“灭火”。54. A解析:bring/keep sth under control表示“控制”。55. C解析:in no time表示“立刻,马上”。四、阅读理解56. B解析:本文并未提到Franklin在电学方面的成就,因此A不对;而C和D也未涉及。57. C解析:从第二行practical一词可以看出C选项正确。58. C解析:A不是推断出来而是直接呈现的;B与最后一句话不符;D选项错在peaceful一词上。59B解析:第一段第二句告诉了答案,即:Mozart bet Hayden that he could not play the entertaining piece which Mozart had composed earlier that day. 60. A解析:由第一段第三句可知正确答案是选项A。61. D解析:从Mozart后来的表现和倒数第六行的willingly一词可以看出选项D正确。62. C解析:A、D明显与文章不符;文章并没有如B所说强调友谊,而只是一次有趣的打赌。63. B解析:从第一段就能发现A、C、D是错误的。由第一段第二行的either or可以看出它的日期不定。64. C解析:第二段中逐个介绍了开幕式中参加表演的人。65. C解析:从前后的信息中可以看出这部分应该是当天开幕式的高潮,也是最后部分了。结合the evening和finale本身与final的联系来看,也应选C。66. A解析:文章第二段和第三段的中心词都是opening ceremonies,闭幕式从没提到,也没有提到三天具体的活动,所以选A。67. D解析: 依据文章第四段、第五段所提供的信息,特别是第五段第三行Learning to read is made easier when teachers create an environment where children are given the opportunity to solve the problem of learning to read by reading. (当教师们创造了一种环境,使孩子们有机会自己通过阅读解决所遇到的问题时,学习阅读就变得容易多了),可以看出D项与之最为相近。68. A解析:依据文章第二段第二行The function of teaching is to create the conditions and the climate that will make it possible for children to devise the most efficient system for teaching themselves to read. (教学的任务是为学生能够找出自己最有效的自学阅读的方法创造条件和氛围),A项符合上述意思,为正确答案。注意与选项C的区别。69. D解析:猜测词义题。inquiry 询问;observation 观察;control 控制;suspicion 怀疑。该词出现在第三段最后两句process is not open to public scrutiny,考生可从该句的上文作出推测。最明显的提示出现在第二段最后两句Teaching is also a public activity. It can be seen and observed. 所以,scrutiny最可能的词义应该是observation,故D项正确。70. D解析:依据文章第一段最后一句reading cannot be taught directly and 说明阅读能力并不是通过教师教就能掌握的。教师应做的是给学生创造一个好的环境和条件,激发学生阅读的渴望,培养出良好的阅读习惯和方法,只有这样,才能掌握阅读技能,提高阅读水平。所以选项D正确。五、阅读下面的短文,根据上下文和空白处首字母的提示补全单词71. acceptable72. modern73. duty74. set75. by/beside 76. finished77. together78. including79. however80. that 六、书面表达参考范文:Provided that you want to gain a relatively good grade in the coming English speech competition next week, first, you must have a good piece of writing whose subject is quite clear. Also the article should have very good wording. And then, when you are giving the speech, you must pronounce every word correctly and you should have standard intonation and proper speed. The most important of all, you should give the speech with emotion. I hope that everybody is well prepared according to the rules mentioned above. Wish you good luck. THANKS !致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习课件等等打造全网一站式需求欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考-可编辑修改-

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