Join in四年级上册starter unit全单元教案.doc

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_Starter Unit Welcome back1、 教学目标:1. 能根据听到的词组ride a cow, blow a kiss, ride away, bake a cake, catch a snake, shake your leg, break an egg指认图片,并做出相应动作。2. 能看图认读相关话题(animals, clothes, food, body, classroom)单词,能根据图文说出相应的单词并能分清名词的单复数形式。3. 能根据听到的句子给图片标号,并圈出相应的单词。4. 能根据听到的指令语Stand up. Close your eyes. Open your eyes.等做动作。5. 能运用句型Whats your favourite?相互交流最喜欢的事物信息。6. 能根据图片正确书写有关星期、数字和情感的单词。7. 能根据数词正确识别名词单复数用法。8. 能读懂对话,并给问句找到相应的答句。9. 学会唱英语歌曲The Crazy Join In Rock2、 重点难点1. 能根据听到的词组ride a cow, blow a kiss, ride away, bake a cake, catch a snake, shake your leg, break an egg指认图片,并做出相应动作。2. 能看图认读相关话题(animals, clothes, food, body, classroom)单词,能根据图文说出相应的单词并能分清名词的单复数形式。3. 能根据听到的句子给图片标号,并圈出相应的单词。4. 能根据听到的指令语Stand up. Close your eyes. Open your eyes.等做动作。5. 能运用句型Whats your favourite?相互交流最喜欢的事物信息。6. 能根据图片正确书写有关星期、数字和情感的单词。7. 能根据数词正确识别名词单复数用法。8. 能读懂对话,并给问句找到相应的答句。学会唱英语歌曲The Crazy Join In Rock 3、 教学准备课件,图片,单词卡4、 教学时间第一课时 2a第二课时 2a 3b 4第三课时 5第四课时6a 6b 7第五课时 8 9第六课时 1五、教学流程第一课时 2aStep1:Warming-up 1. Greetings2. Listen to the song “The Crazy Join In Rock”.Step 2: Categories. 1. 用memory game让学生回忆单词:给学生1015秒钟看P3单词,然后关上书,尽量回忆自己看到的单词,在小组内交流,再在班上交流。把学生分成四个大组,点学生分别说记得的关于动物的单词,一组点一个同学说,如果说的动物的单词书中含有,就把该单词写在该组下面,如果不含,那组就空白,最后看哪个组留下的单词多,那组就得一分。同样方法引出其他种类的单词。2. Read the words one by one.3 让学生独立做练习4在黑板上写下种类的名称,并一一解释种类的含义。Step 3:PracticePlay a gameSay to the class, Im thinking of something you can eat. It starts with “c”The Ss try to find the correct word “chicken”, repeat with other categories and words for some time. Later, you may want to ask a Ss to take over your role. Finally, get the pupils to play the game in pairs.Find the rhyming pairs.1. 请学生翻开书P3,让学生自己认真读读单词,找出音素相同的词2. 老师在黑板上指单词,让学生大声朗读,并想想还有哪些单词有相同音素3. 再举例,让学生充分理解音素。4. 学生大声朗读单词,纠正他们的发音。5. 复习名词单复数6. 全班反馈,注意学生的发音和书写。Step 4: Finish the exercises on page 3Step 5: Homework书P3 每个词抄写2遍,中英文,读5遍,家长签字写书上。第二课时 2a 3b 4Step 1: Check the homeworkStep 2: Greeting Step 3: Lets do exercise.1.Watch me. Stand up, come out and play./ swim, swim, swim/ fly, fly, fly/ run, run, run/ sit down, clap your hands2. Follow me. Mime the actions.3. Take out your English book. Open it, close it. Open your mouth, close your mouth. Open your eyes, close your eyes. Put your books in your desk. Put your schoolbag in your desk. Put on your clothes and go to school.Step 4 Practice1. P4 3a look at the pictures, and describe the pictures.2. Listen and number the pictures.3. Check the answer.4. Pay attention to the frames of the pictures.5. P4 3b Listen and circle the words in the correct colour.6. Listen and fill in the blanks.Step 5 P4 4 Listen and mime.1. Listen and watch me.2. Listen and mime.3. Teacher mime, the students say the order.4. Say and mime in groups and show in the front.Step 6 HomeworkP4 短语抄2遍,中英文,读5遍,签字。第三课时 5Step 1 GreetingStep 2 Free talkWhats your favourite?My favourite Step 3 Exercise1. P5 5 Find the answer.2. Check the answer.3. Read the names of the students in the picture.4. Read the dialogue5. PairworkAsk and answer.Practice the dialogue in groups.Step 4 Homework.抄写句子1遍,注意书写规范非常重要。读5遍,签字。P6 6a,写在书上。第四课时6a 6b 7Step 1 GreetingStep 2 Check the answer on P6 6aStep 3 P6 7 1. Look at the picture, read the words.2. Fill in the proper forms of the missing nouns.3. Check the answer.Step 4 homework抄写词组2遍,注意格式规范。第五课时 8 9Step 1 GreetingStep 2 Review the words of feelings.1. Review the words of the animals.2. Talk about how they are feeling.3. Write their feelings on P7 8.Step 3 P7 9 1. Look at the picture, read the words.2. Review the sentences one by one.3. Match the questions with the answers. 4. Listen to the recording.5. Check the answer.Step 4 homework抄写句子2遍,注意格式规范。第六课时 1学会唱英语歌曲The Crazy Join In Rock能根据听到的词组ride a cow, blow a kiss, ride away, bake a cake, catch a snake, shake your leg, break an egg指认图片,并做出相应动作Step 1 GreetingStep 2 Presentation新课呈现1) Tobys new skills.2) Listen to the song.3) Learn the key words.4) Learn the phrases.5) Learn to sing the song.Step 3 Practice回归教材,操练巩固。1. 翻开书本,观察图片2. 播放录音,学生边听边指图片。3. 再次播放录音,模仿跟唱。4. 对重点单词的发音进行操练。Step 4. Consolidation表演运用,巩固提高。 鼓励学生表演歌曲。5. Assignments作业提升。 在家里唱给爸爸妈妈听。Step 5 Homework练习唱这首歌。六、板书设计七、作业设计:见每课时最后一条。八、课后反思:(一课一反思)THANKS !致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习课件等等打造全网一站式需求欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考-可编辑修改-

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