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_三年级英语(下)单元测试题Lesson 1Lesson3一、 看图写单词。 二、 找出拼写错误的单词。 ( ) 1、A waterelon B banana C apple ( ) 2、A there B these C thrre ( ) 3、A birthay B cake C candle ( ) 4、A car B cap C clea ( ) 5、A sixteen B seventeen C eightteen三、 单词归类。Sandwich pineapple twenty hungry hot dog orange thirteen thirsty pizza watermelon eighteen sick bread pear fifteen full 水果: 食物: 数字: 形容词: 四、 单项选择。 ( ) 1、Are you full? Yes, . A Im B I am C I am not ( ) 2、I want water. A a B an C some ( ) 3、How apples? A much B many C old ( ) 4、How many you want? A are B is C do ( ) 5、 I help you? A can B Can C What五、 你一定能把相应的对话连起来,快快行动吧! ( )1、Happy Birthday! A. No, thanks. ( )2、Count them. B. All right. ( )3、Have some more. C. Thanks. ( )4、Lets clean up. D. Ok.eleven, twelve. ( )5、How old is your brother? E. Hes fourteen.六、 情景对话。( ) 1、当你想知道对方是否饿了,应该怎么说?A、Are you sick? B、Are you hungry? C、Are you full?( ) 2、当你想建议对方再多吃点时,应该怎么说?A、Count them. B、Clean up your room. C、Have some more.( ) 3、当你想知道对方的妈妈多大 ,应该怎么说?A、How old is your mom? B、How old are you? C、How old is your sister?( ) 4、当别人对你表示感谢时,你应该怎么说?A、Thanks. B、Youre welcome. C、Thats all right.( ) 5、当你去购物时,应该怎么询问价格呢?A、How much? B、How many apples? C、How many do you want? ()七、 根据图片提示的情景,选择正确的句子。( ) 1、 ( ) ()( ) 2、()() 3、 备选栏:、ow old are you? 、How many do you want?、How much is it? 、Im three years old.、198 dollars. 、Two oranges. 小学三年级英语(下)单元检测题(二) Lesson 4 Lesson6Name_ Class_ Mark_四、 小朋友,用你的火眼金睛,找出以下每组里的哪个单词与其它的单词不是同类,别忘记要将它的序号要填在题前括号内哦!( )A. ten B. dollar C. eleven D. thirty( )A. orange B. water C. pear D. apple ( )A. hat B. pants C. skirt D. banana( )A. moon B. black C. yellow D. red( )A. how much B. how old C. hot dog D. how many 五、小朋友,你们认识以下的词组吗?你们能把它们的英汉意思互相写一下吗?试试吧,你们一定做的到。at seven thirty_ put on _many stars _ what time_here you are _ good night_ 起床_ 一个帽子_五个香蕉_ 几岁_ 一 小朋友们,让我们帮以下这些单词回到各自的家吧,请你一定要认真哦,可千万不能让它们走错路,回到别人家哦。好的,请把单词归类吧!bread yellow socks seventeen shirt pizza shoes nine sixteen red hot dog black 1. 数词:_2. 食品类:_3. 颜色类:_4. 衣服类:_二 小朋友们,请你选出正确的译文。( )1. 这是什么? AWhat is it? B. What is this? C. What is that?( )2. 这双鞋多少钱? AHow about this shoes? B. How much are the shoes? C. How many are the shoes?( )3. 我喜欢黑色的帽子。 AI like the yellow hat. B. I like the black hat. C. I like the blue hat.( )4. 把衬衫图成红色。 AColor the shirt green . B. color the skirt red. C. color the shirt red.八 小朋友们,你们能把下列的单词排顺序,使之成为你所熟悉的一句通顺的话吗?快来试试吧!别忘记加标点哟!1. yellow Color it2. are They green Show blue that cap a tiger Can draw 5.get time Its to up 九、阅读理解。Look! How nice! The sky(天空) is blue. The tree (树)is green. Two birds are in the tree. They are black. The flowers(花) are red.根据短文内容,连线!sky green tree blue birds redflowers black三年级单元测试卷(期中)一、 请按照英语字母顺序默写个字母。(10)二、 找出不同类的单词。(10)ww w. xkb1 .com() 1. A. apple B. banana C. bread ( ) 2. A. pizza B. milk C. orange ( ) 3. A. sixteen B. nineteen C. yellow ( ) 4. A. pear B. twenty C .watermelon ( ) 5. A. hat B. red C. green ( ) 6. A. coat B. skirt C. blue ( ) 7. A. white B. shirt C. shoes ( ) 8. A. orange B. pineapple C. twelve ( ) 9. A. nice B. pretty C. like ( ) 10.A. thir是ty B. hungry C. help三、根据图片内容, 正确选择空格上的字母。(10)1. _ neapple 2. j_ ice 3. c _ r 4. b _ g ppuata5. _ iger 新课 标 第一网无、选择填空。(5)( ) 1. I want water. A. an B. a C. some( ) 2. -How old your little brother? -He is six. A. am B. is C. are( ) 3. -What are these? - watermelon. A. These are B. These are. C. They are( ) 4. I can see stars. A. much B. many C. a( ) 5. Put this cap. A. off B. on C. up三、 情景交际,把正确答案的序号填在题前括号内。(10) ( )1. 你渴了,想喝牛奶,应说: 。A. Im hungry . I want some milk .B. Im thirty. I want some milk. ( ) 2. 询问别人的年龄,应说: 。 A. How are you? B. How old are you? ( ) 3. 别人借给你东西时,你应说: 。www .xkb 1.c om A. Here you are. B. Thank you. ( ) 4. 你想问衬衫的价钱时,应说: 。 A. How much is the shirt? B. How much is the coat? ( ) 5. 你想问一件东西什么颜色时,应说: 。 A. What color is it? B. What is it? 四、 仔细阅读短文,判断正误。(5)Good morning! My name is Amy. Im 14. I have a friend. Her name is Sarah. She is 15. My English is Miss White. I like her very much. ( ) 1. My name is Sarah. ( ) 2. My friend is 14. ( ) 3. Sarah is an English teacher. ( ) 4. Amy likes Miss White very much. ( ) 5. Sarah is Amys friend.EEC小学英语三年级(下)第79单元测试卷Name:_ Mark:_一、请把站错队的单词圈出来,并把它们在四线三格内写一遍,看谁写得最漂亮!(每题2分,共8分)1. Sunday table chair 2. snow snowball coat3. make go cold4. behind where what 二、我是小小电脑高手。下面的电脑被病毒袭击了,请你认真找出并清理病毒。(每题2.5分,共10分)skatteplaiycamputerThursdag 三、给小太阳排序,在四线三格上写出正确的句子。(每题2分,共10分)Whatdayis?it1.goCanoutyou?2.?goCanoutyou3.?isWhereJack4.四、连一连。下面是一些反义词,请你帮着连一连。(每题1分,共6分)nohothungrybigthatfullcoldgocomesmallyesthis五、请你帮助这些缩写词找到自己真正的朋友,并正确填写在横线上。(5分) can not = is not = Let us = do not = They are = 备选栏 dont isnt Lets Theyre cant六、句子大挑战:(共11分)xk b1.c om1.将下列每一天的单词补充完整:(每空0.5分,共5分)TutuJackLisaPangpangXiaolanMikeMiss WangSundayM ndayT sdayW nesdayTh sdayFr dayS t rdayplaydrawcleanthetablegooutskatesingrun2. 看例子,请照样子将句子补充完整。(每空1分,共6分)例子:Hello! I am Tutu. I play on Sunday.(1)I am Lisa. I on .(2)I am Xiaolan. I on .(3)I am Miss Wang . I on .三年级单元测试卷(期末). 笔试部分。一、 词语归类。Sunday coat yellow thirty pants Tuesday shirt white white fifty twelve Friday black 数字类: 衣服类: 颜色类: 星期类: 二、 选择填空。 ( )1. - What time is it? - ten thirty. A. Its B. They are C. Hes ( ) 2. -Please turn the light. -OK. Good night. A. off B. on C. in ( ) 3. Lets Hide-n-Seek. A. draw B. play C. sing ( ) 4. -Where you? - Oh, Im behind the door. A. am B. are C. is ( ) 5. Lets a snowman. A. eat B. make C. have ( ) 6. - What is it today? - Its Friday. A. color B. day C. time ( ) 7. Its time to goodbye. A. say B. call C. sing ( ) 8. Can you a tiger? A. draw B. help C. drink ( ) 9. - What are these? - Theyre . A. watermelon B. watermelons C. water ( ) 10. I like red. A. arent B. dont C. am not三、根据问句,选择合适的答语。 ()1. Are you hungry? ( ) 2. How old are you? ( ) 3. Can you skate? ( ) 4 What time do you get up? ( ) 5.Do you like snow?A. Im nine. B. No, Im full. C.Yes, I do. B. D. No, I cant. E. At 9 oclock.四、 情景对话。 ().当你想知道几点时,你应该说:. What time is it? B. What time it is? C. What is it? ( ) 2. 当你想知道你的连衣裙在那里应该说: A. Where is Sue? B.Where is my dress? C. Where are your socks? ( ) 3. 当你想知道今天星期几时应该说: A. What day it is? B. What day is it today? C. What day today? ( ) 4. 当你要建议大家堆雪人时应该说: A. Lets make a snowman. B. Lets make a snowball. C. Lets play with snow. ( ) 5. 当你想知道对方几岁时,你会说: A. How are you? B. How old are you? C. How much is it?五、阅读短文,判断正误。 Look! There is a big table. Its blue . Five apples are on the table. Theyre red.Tow watermelons are on the table, too. Theyre green. The sun is red. Its in the sky.Oh! Three birds are coming. They are playing. They are black. ( )1. The table is blue. ( ) 2. Four apples is blue. ( ) 3. Tow watermelons are on the table. ( ) 4. The sun is red. ( ) 5. Four birds are black. THANKS !致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习课件等等打造全网一站式需求欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考-可编辑修改-


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