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_六年级英语教案设计学科:英语年级:六年级备课人:吴媛媛课题:Starter unit A plan for the new school year 课时:1教材解读:用生动的卡通画和有声有色的语言夸张表现的方式,启动孩子们对英语的感知能力;用强烈音乐节奏刺激的英语韵文,让孩子们轻松自然地形成良好的发音习惯和标准的发音;用易学而又优美动听的英语歌曲,使孩子们在艺术的陶冶中得到英语表现的美感;用模仿、做游戏、表演等多种活动形式,激发每个孩子的兴趣,培养他们的合作精神.教学内容:单词:sunny, cloudy, windy, raining等天气单词。短语:get on / off . put on . / take off .句子:Whats the weather like? Its . Hows the weather? Its .教学目标:能听说读写:sunny, cloudy, windy, raining等天气单词。能四会并运用短语:get on / off . put on . / take off .能运用句子:Whats the weather like? Its . Hows the weather? Its . 进行简单的天气交流。教学重难点:能听说读写:sunny, cloudy, windy, raining等天气单词。能四会并运用短语:get on / off . put on . / take off .能运用句子:Whats the weather like? Its . Hows the weather? Its . 进行简单的天气交流。预习作业设计:收集关于天气的词汇教学版块 教师指导活动 学生学习活动 预设调整第一板块(情境导学)Greeting 1. Welcome back to school, hows your summer holiday?Whats the weather like in summer?1.Say hello to teacher and classmates.1. Talk about summer holiday in groups.Talk about the weather in summer holiday.第二板块(体验共振)Presentation1. Whats your favourite weather? Why?2. Hows the weather like today?3. What do you like to do in . days?1. T: My favourite weather is spring.Because its warm in spring, and there are many beautiful plants, and there are green everywhere. What about you?S1: I like . because .S2: I like . because .2. Ss: its . T: On . days, I want to go swimming, and I can take a bus, at . Road, get on the bus, and at . road, get off the bus. Before i get into the water, i should take off my dress and put on my swimming costume.3. Ss talk in groups.第三版块(拓展共生)Practice1. Number the picture2. Pair work1. Listen and number the pictures.2. Point to the pictures in 4, and ask the partner about the weather. Then change roles.板书设计: sunny get on the bus cloudy get off the bus windy put on his shirt raining take off his shirt作业设计:1. 你还知道哪些关于天气的词语,请你把它写下来。2. 和你的伙伴编写一段关于天气的对话。教学反思:课题:Starter unit A plan for the new school year课时:2教学目标:1. 掌握该单元的四会单词。2. 完成阅读和听力练习。教学重难点:掌握该单元的四会单词。完成听力练习。培养学生在众多信息中找到有效信息的能力。教学版块 教师指导活动 学生学习活动 预设调整第一板块(情境导学)1. GreetingsT: Whos your favourite star? What kind of star is he/she? I like Leehom Wang, hes a singer.S1: l like . Shes a . S2: i like . Hes a . 第二板块(体验共振)Presentation1. Listen.2.Reading.1. Listen to the story and answer the questions:T: Whos my friends favourite star? What kind of star is he?What does he love? What does she hate? Why?S1: Kevin Dee.S2: TV star.S3: Sweets.S4: Sweets and Kevin Dee. Her tummy hurt.2. Fill in the missing words. 第三版块(拓展共生)1. Listen again2. ReadListen and check the answer.Read the story out loud.板书设计: Kate lee like Kevin Dee love sweets Kate lee hate sweets hate Kevin Dee 作业设计:背诵短文。教学反思:课题:Starter unit A plan for the new school year课时:3教学目标:1. 四会单词tourist office, police station, post office, museum, church, bus stop, train station, hospital, cinema, supermarket2. 四会方位词:opposite,next to,beside和表示方向turn left/right, go straight ahead等词与词组3、学会运用句型“First,then,then”来指示行走路线。教学重难点:四会方位词:opposite,next to,beside和表示方向turn left/right, go straight ahead等词与词组学会运用句型“First,then,then”来指示行走路线。教学版块 教师指导活动 学生学习活动 预设调整第一板块(情境导学)1. Greetings2. 出示路标,学说单词left、right和go straight ahead。Say a chant and do the actions:Left, left. Turn left, turn left. Go left, go left.Right, right. Turn right, turn right. Go right, go right.Straight ahead, straight ahead. Go straight ahead, go straight ahead.第二板块(体验共振)1. 出示地图,学习单词:park、school2. Show a map to teach the words 3. A game: Can you get the ice cream?a) T: There are many trees and flowers in it. People like to go there at the weekend. Where is it? (park) Ss guess spell the word “park” read the word group by group read the word together.b) T: Its a very big house and there are many classrooms in it. Where is it? (school) 练习方法同上.1.Ask and answer: What can you see in picture? 用同济医院图片引出新词hospital、航空路邮局引出post office、体育馆车站引出bus stop、汉口火车站引出train station、湖北省博物馆引出museum .2.Learn to say the new words:police station, post office, hospital, park, train station, museum, tourist office, church, bus stop 第三版块(拓展共生)1. Read and number the pictures.2.Number the sentences.Read and act the dialogue in pairs.Listen and check the answer.板书设计:作业设计:Make a new dialogue with your friends.教学反思:课题:Starter unit A plan for the new school year课时:4教学目标:1. Sentences: Excuse me, wheres the ? 2. Ss can say something about the pictures.3. Ss can describe use the sentences in daily life.教学重难点:1.学习运用:Excuse me, wheres the?Go straight ahead/turn left/turn right.2.巩固运用有关建筑物的单词和词组.教学版块 教师指导活动 学生学习活动 预设调整第一板块(情境导学)1. Greetings2. 出示路标,学说单词left、right和go straight ahead。Say a chant and do the actions:Left, left. Turn left, turn left. Go left, go left.Right, right. Turn right, turn right. Go right, go right.Straight ahead, straight ahead. Go straight ahead, go straight ahead.第二板块(体验共振)Presentation1. 创设情景:A day in London.2. Show a map.3. Make a dialogue.1. Play the tape, listen and tick the answers. 反馈答案,同时复习说left、right和straight ahead2.复习各建筑物单词和方位词opposite, next to.3. Check the answer. T:Look at the photo, what is it?S: Its a bus stop.T: Yes. The bus stop is opposite the park.1. T:Were visiting London Bridge now. Next, we are going to visit the Big Ben. But we dont know the way. What can we do?Ss:问路。T:Yes, asking the way! But how to ask?第三版块(拓展共生)1. Act the dialogue2. Work in pairs, practice the dialogue in 7 and 8.1. Act the dialogue.2. Work in pairs, practice the dialogue in 7 and 8.板书设计:A: Excuse me, wheres the? / Excuse me, please tell me the way to ?B: Thats easy. First ,then, then A: Thank youB: Thats OK./ You are welcome./ Its my pleasure.作业设计:教学反思:课题:Starter unit A plan for the new school year课时:5教学目标:能听懂并运用句型good to see you again, how was your summer holiday?能理解一般过去时的动词简单变化方式,和一般将来时的句型结构教学重难点:能听懂并运用句型good to see you again, how was your summer holiday?能理解一般过去时的动词简单变化方式,和一般将来时的句型结构.教学版块 教师指导活动 学生学习活动 预设调整第一板块(情境导学)Greeting 1. Talk about your summer holidayT: I was in . this summer holiday.S1: I was in .第二板块(体验共振)Presentation 1. Talk about your summer holiday. 2. Talk about the plan in new school year.T: It was blue and cool there, the water is clean, and the air is fresh. What about you? Hows your summer holiday?S1: It was .T: there are some plans here, whats your plan, talk with your friends.Eat healthy food and eat better.Drink more waterExercise moreLaugh more oftenEnjoy lifeGet good gradesLearn something newStudy oftenRead more booksWatch less televisionPlay fewer gamesTake a tripGet along better with peopleMake new friendsSpend more time with family and friendsHelp others第三版块(拓展共生)1. Listen and read.2. Read and talk.1. Listen and read, then tick true or false.2. Read and talk with your friends about your plan for the new school year.板书设计:How was your summer holiday?It was .Have you got a plan for Year 6?What are you going to do in Year 6? 作业设计:Make a your own plan for Year 6教学反思:课题:Unit1 School is great fun 课时:1教学目标:四会单词:Chinese, Maths, English, Science, Music, Art, History, PE, Drama, French, Geography, ICT能运用句型I like . I love . 来描述自己喜欢的学科。教学重难点:四会单词:Chinese, Maths, English, Science, Music, Art, History, PE, Drama, French, Geography, ICT能运用句型I like . I love . 来描述自己喜欢的学科。教学版块 教师指导活动 学生学习活动 预设调整第一板块(情境导学)Warm up1. Greeting2. Sing a song1.Greeting2.Sing a song第二板块(体验共振)Presentation1. Talk about school subjects.2. Guessing game.3. Talk about your favourite subject.T: Do you like English?Ss: Yes/No.T: Whats your favourite subject?S1: I like .S2: I love .Look at the pictures and guess, what subject is it .S1:I like. I like . . S2: I like . I like . 第三版块(拓展共生)Practice1. Talk with your partner.2.listen and learn.S1:I like. I like . . S2: I like . I like .2.listen and learn the words for school subjects.板书设计:Chinese, Maths, English, FrenchMusic, Art, History, DramaGeography, ICT, Science, PE作业设计:Talk about your favourite subject with your partner.教学反思:课题:Unit1 School is great fun课时:2教学目标:能四会单词Chinese, Maths, English, Science, Music, Art, History, PE, Drama, French, Geography, ICT能在第一人称和第三人称中灵活转换。教学重难点:掌握三单动词的变化能在第一人称和第三人称中灵活转换。教学版块 教师指导活动 学生学习活动 预设调整第一板块(情境导学)Warm up1. Greeting2. Sing a song3. Talk about your favourite subject.S1:I like. I like . . S2: I like . I like . 第二板块(体验共振)Presentation 1. Guessing game.2. Read and guess.Guess teacherT: can you guess, whats my favourit subject? I like . I often . .S1: .?Guess studentsS2:I like . I often . .S3: .?S4:I like . I often . S5: .?What are their favourite subject?Then write out the words.第三版块(拓展共生)Pair workAsk and answer.1. What subjects do the children love?2. What do they often do?3. What do they like doing?板书设计:I love . I often . .He/ she loves . He/she often .s .作业设计:Talk about your friends.教学反思:课题:Unit1 School is great fun课时:5教学目标:能四会单词Chinese, Maths, English, Science, Music, Art, History, PE, Drama, French, Geography, ICT能在第一人称和第三人称中灵活转换。教学重难点:掌握三单动词的变化能在第一人称和第三人称中灵活转换。教学版块 教师指导活动 学生学习活动 预设调整第一板块(情境导学)Warm up1. Greeting2. Talk about your favourite subject.S1:I like. because I like . . S2: I like . because I like . 第二板块(体验共振)Presentation1. Talk about your class, teachers and your favourite subjects. 2. What do you like in English? T: What does Mario like doing in English?3. Talk in groups.4. Read, listen and repeat the text. 1. How many pupils are there in your class?2. Whats your favourite day? 3. What subject do you have on that day?4. What subject do you like best? Why?5. Whos your favourite teacher? Hows he / she?S1:In English, I like . .S2: In English, he likes. .第三版块(拓展共生)Practice1. Read again.2. Complete the sentences.1. Read again.2. Complete the sentences.板书设计:Unit1 School is great fun In my class there are _ pupils:_ boys and _ girls. Our teachers name is _ . He / she is _. _ is my favourite subject. I like _ best. 作业设计:1. Read the text.2. Write about yourself.教学反思:课题:Unit 2 Big cities课时:1教学目标:1. 能听说认读地名:the great wall, the palace museum, tower bridge, the London eye, the white house, the Smithsonian castle.2. 能听说认读国家和城市名:Beijing, London, Washington DC, China, UK, US3. 能知道每个建筑属于哪个城市,每个城市是哪个国家的首都。教学重难点:1. 能听说认读国家和城市名:Beijing, London, Washington DC, China, UK, US2. 能知道每个建筑属于哪个城市,每个城市是哪个国家的首都。教学版块 教师指导活动 学生学习活动 预设调整第一板块(情境导学)Warm up1. Greeting.T: How are you today?Ss: Im fine.T: Have you ever been to the Happy valley? Where is it?S1: Yes, it is in Wuhan / Guangzhou . T: I think its a big city.第二板块(体验共振)Presentation1. Teach the phrases:the Great Wall, the Palace Museum, Tower Bridge, the London Eye, the White House, the Smithsonian Castle 2. Listen and point.3. Talk about the cities and the countries. Learn the phrases:the Great Wall, the Palace Museum, Tower Bridge, the London Eye, the White House, the Smithsonian Castle with the pictures.Listen and point the phrases.The Great Wall and the Palace Museum are in Beijing, its the capital of China. Tower Bridge and the London Eye are in London, its the capital of the UK. The White House and the Smithsonian Castle are in Washington DC, its the capital of the US. 第三版块(拓展共生)PracticeListen and match. Listen to the tape, and match the capital and the country.板书设计: Unit 2 Big cities Beijing China London UK Washington DC US作业设计:教学反思:课题:Unit 2 Big cities课时:2教学目标:1. 能听说认读国家和城市名:Beijing, London, Washington DC, China, UK, US2. 能知道每个建筑属于哪个城市,每个城市是哪个国家的首都。3. 能了解三个城市的简单信息。教学重难点:1. 能听说认读国家和城市名:Beijing, London, Washington DC, China, UK, US2. 能知道每个建筑属于哪个城市,每个城市是哪个国家的首都。3. 能了解三个城市的简单信息。教学版块 教师指导活动 学生学习活动 预设调整第一板块(情境导学)Warm up1. Greeting.T: Which city do you like?S1: I like . .T: What do you know about the city?S2: Its the capital of . . Its in the . of . . The . and . are the most popular.第二板块(体验共振)Presentation1. Learn something about Beijing.2. Read the text about London, Washington DC, then answer the questions. 3. Talk about in groups.1. Its in the north of China.2. Its the capital of China.3. There are many interesting places in China.4. The great wall and the Palace museum are the most popular.1. Where is it?2. What are the interesting places?3. Which one is the most famous?第三版块(拓展共生)PracticeListen and read.1. Listen and read the text after the tape.1. Read the text in groups.板书设计: Unit 2 Big cities Beijing China London UK Washington DC US作业设计:1. Read the text.2. Talk about other cities and the countries. 教学反思:课题:Unit 2 Big cities课时:3教学目标:1. 能听说认读单词:Sydney, Shenzhen,Sydney Opera House,Kingkey 100,summer Olympic Games 2. 能知道每个建筑属于哪个城市,每个城市的著名景点有哪些。3. 能了解两个城市的简单信息,并读懂新旧深圳的区别。教学重难点:1. 能听说认读单词:Sydney, Shenzhen,Sydney Opera House,Kingkey 100,summer Olympic Games 2. 能知道每个建筑属于哪个城市,每个城市的著名景点有哪些。3. 能了解两个城市的简单信息,并读懂新旧深圳的区别。教学版块 教师指导活动 学生学习活动 预设调整第一板块(情境导学)Warm up1. Greeting.T: Which city do you like?S1: I like . .T: What do you know about the city?S2: Its the capital of . . Its in the . of . . The . and . are the most popular.第二板块(体验共振)Presentation4. Learn something about Sydney.5. Read the text about Sydney and Shenzhen, then answer the questions. Talk about in groups.1.Its in Australia.2.Its the not the capital of Australia.3.There are many interesting places in Australia.4.its famous for Sydney Opera House and the 2000 summer Olympic Games. 5.Where is it?6.What are the interesting places?Which one is the most famous?第三版块(拓展共生)Practice1. Read and tick true or false.2. Listen then number the answer.3. Read and answer the questions.1. Read and tick true or false.2. Listen then number the answer.3. Read and answer the questions.板书设计: Unit 2 Big citiesTodays Shenzhen : busy city, many tall buildings, clean and beautiful Yesterdays Shenzhen:small town, only some small shops, not any tall buildings作业设计:Read the text, and talk about your home city.教学反思:课题:Unit 2 Big cities课时:4教学目标:1. 能四会单词left,right,the first,the second,the third2. 能理解并会说词组go straight ahead, take the first/second/third left/right3. 能运用所学词组帮人指路。教学重难点:1. 能四会单词left,right,the first,the second,the third2. 能理解并会说词组go straight ahead, take the first/second/third left/right3. 能运用所学词组帮人指路。教学版块 教师指导活动 学生学习活动 预设调整第一板块(情境导学)Warm up1. Greeting1. T: Do you know something famous in Wuhan? S1: East Lake, Yellow Crane Tower.第二板块(体验共振)Presentation1. Show a map about Wuhan.2. How to ask the way.3. Teach the phrases: go straight ahead, take the first/second/third left/right4. Choose a place, and ask and answer in pairs.T: Its a map about Wuhan, and I want to go to the East Lake . If Im here now, how can I get there? Excuse me, how can I get to the East Lake?S1: . .S1: Excuse me, how can I get to the East Lake?S2: Go straight ahead, then take the . . S1: Excuse me, how can I get to the . ?S2: Go straight ahead, then take the . . 第三版块(拓展共生)Practice1. Listen and tick the correct answer.2. Listen and number the pictures.Listen and tick the correct answer.2. Listen and number the pictures.板书设计: 作业设计:Draw a map and ask the way with your friends.教学反思:课题:Unit 2 Big cities课时:5教学目标:1. 能听懂,理解文本内容。2. 能学会明信片书写格式,并能把图文连线。教学重难点:1. 能听懂,理解文本内容。2. 能学会明信片书写格式,并能把图文连线。教学版块 教师指导活动 学生学习活动 预设调整第一板块(情境导学)Warm up1. GreetingT:Today is a nice day, the weather is very good. Its good for us to travel between the cities.Lets have a trip. 第二板块(体验共振) Presentation1. T:Read the text in group.2. Team1, Team2 try to find out What can we see in Guangzhou? Circle the key words.3. Team3, Team4 try to find out What can we do in Guangzhou? Underline the sentences.T: Shanghai is very beautiful.Today Yoyo wants to tell you something about the city where she lives.T: Now listen and try to get which city she is talking about?T: Guangzhou is a modern city. Its a place for your holiday. Is . a beautiful city? S: Yes.T: What are the sights in . ?S: Liangs Garden第三版块(拓展共生)PracticeGroup work: Discuss what can people do in the other sights, and draw the mind map.Discuss what can people do in the other sights, and draw the mind map.板书设计:Unit7 Big Cities tall buildings big parks visit sights shopping malls go shopping restaurants eat yummy food作业设计: Design your own postcard教学反思:课题:Unit 3 Festivals课时:1教学目标:(1) Learn to use functional sentences, key structures, and words.(2) To know something about the festivals of different countries and try to express their ideas about them by listening, speaking, reading and writing.教学重难点:(1) Learn to use functional sentences, key structures, and words.(2) To know something about the festivals of different countries and try to express their ideas about them by listening, speaking, reading and writing.教学版块 教师指导活动


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