高考总复习跟踪测评外研版:必修5 Module4《Carnival》

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1112012届高考总复习跟踪测评外研版:必修5 Module4Carnival. 语音知识从A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出其音标与所给单词的读音相同的选项。1. clothes A. klauz B. kluzC. kl s D. klus2. bury A. beri B. buriC. bju:ri D. b ri3. tablet A. teiblit B. teibltC.tblt D. tblet4. library A. librri B. libra:riC. laibr a:ri D. laibrri5. temperature A. temprt B. tmperitC. 1tempreitD. tmpreit. 单词拼写1. In the Torch Festival, the Yi people danced in their national c .2. The black people were no longer bought and sold as slaves after the slave trade was a .3. The lazy guy w around the town day after day with nothing to do, dreaming of unexpected fortune. 4. I dont feel like getting involved in any New Years c at present.5. Although it has been years, that event is still fresh in my m .6. This disease is thought to have (起源)in the tropics and cant be cured completely.7. As far as Im concerned, all the foreign visitors will be (运送)to the Great Wall by coach next week.8. The poor boy stopped in (困惑)when his classmates watched him with scorn.9. The guests were deeply impressed with the girls (优雅的) manners.10. China is a country with an ageold history, a brilliant civilization, and (壮丽的)landscapes.辨析填空A. dress/put on/wear/have on1. Today he such a strange hat that his friends made fun of him.2. Do you know the pretty woman sunglasses in white over there? 3. I washed and and sat by the fire waiting for him.4. Its cold outside. Youd better the overcoat before leaving.B. expand/extend/stretch/spread1. The boy a rubber band to its fullest extent and aimed it at me.2. In no time he wrapped a cloth tightly around his arm to stop the poison to his heart.3. They signed an agreement that they should the trade between the two countries.4. Australia for about 4000 km from east to west and for about 3700 km from north to south.用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空1. A committee (consist) of nine members has been sent there to look into the matter.2. Little Tom stood up, opened his note-book and (pretend) that he had understand everything. In fact, it was quite difficult.3. We are going to visit an old temple (date) back to 12th century.4. I would rather you (meet) her at the airport tomorrow morning.5. I need one more stamp before my collection (complete). 翻译句子1. 我们中国人把春节看作是一年的开始。(see .as) 2. 六月一日,孩子们盛装打扮来庆祝自己的节日。(dress up) 3. 我的大衣掉了一颗扣子。(come off) 4. 我们必须等到他们之间的讨论结束。(come to an end) 5. 该企业已被美国一家公司接管。(take over) 提升练习. 语法和词汇知识从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. The coming of the railways in the 1830s our society and economic life.A. transformed B. transportedC. transferred D. transmitted2. What a pity! The little girl had to drop out of school and the responsibilities that most parents can take, after her parents passed away in the earthquake.A. take on B. take in C. take off D. take after3. During the Spring Festival, the family will reunite and celebrate the arrival of the new year happily.A. extended B. Expanded C. registered D. revived 4. They would tell how the slaves on a ship to an American port on a rainy day.A. being brought B. could have broughtC. had been brought D. was to be brought5. What do you suppose I should wear for the party?Dont bother to . Nobody will care about it.A. turn up B. take upC. dress up D. put up6. I found the naughty boy behind the door to frighten his sister. A. hide B. to hide C. hiding D. hidden7. To be frankly speaking, it is thoroughly to sit on the sofa and watch some entertaining TV programmes after a hard days work.A. confusing B. relaxingC. terrifying D. surprising8. Having noticed that she was followed by someone, she stopped and looked at the shop window, to be enjoying the beautiful clothes.A. preventing B. pretendingC. permitting D. persuading9. I learned that tomorrows performance would a ballet entitled The Golden Harvest and a musical.A. compose of B. consist ofC. make of D. tell of 10. These days you are always reading fantasy stories. Whats up?Well, you cant imagine how wonderful they are. I have about them.A. walked off B. washed downC. become high spot D. gone wild.阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每小题后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。There are a number of special days of the year that are celebrated in different countries. The origins of most of the days are unknown. They were certainly not created by individual people. Other days, however, especially those celebrated in western countries, often owe their origins to a particular person. One of the most popular of these, even though it is fairly recent, is Mothers Day. Mothers have always been highly regarded in all cultures. The ancient Romans had a festival known as Hilaria, during which children took presents to the temple of the “Mother of the Gods”. The Christian Church adopted this idea and called it Mothering Sunday. However, over the years this custom was gradually forgotten and almost disappeared by the end of the 19th century.Born in 1864 in Virginia, USA, Anna Jarvis was a school teacher and believed children should show gratitude to their mothers for all their love and care. Encouraged by a friend, she wrote to thousands of important peoplepoliticians, churchmen, doctors, city officialsand asked them to support her idea: a special day of the year for thanking mothers.In 1910 the Governor of West Virginia introduced Mothers Day into the state. The date chosen was May 10the second Sunday in May, which is still observed in America today. This date was chosen because May 10 was the date on which in 1908 Anna Jarviss mother had died. In 1914 President Woodrow Wilson made May 10 the official date for Mothers Day throughout the United States.Soon there was a Mothers Day International Association and the custom began to be adopted in many countries of the world.Anna Jarvis, a sad and disillusioned woman, died in 1948. The custom she had worked so hard to establish and which had become almost universal had lost its original purpose. It had been taken over by business. As with Christmas, the giving of presents and the sending of cards had become a multi-million-dollar industry. 1. The story is about .A. Mothering Sunday for ChristmasB. the origin of a special day for mothersC. President Wilson and Anna JarvisD. how people celebrate Mothers Day2. Hilaria was a festival in .A. ancient RomeB. AmericaC. ChinaD. the Christian Church3. Anna Jarvis wanted to .A. thank her mother for her careB. introduce a celebration for mothersC. meet thousands of important peopleD. make her pupils celebrate her on Mothers Day4. May 10 became the date for Mothers Day because .A. May is in the American springB. it was the second Sunday in May in 1910C. President Wilson liked the dateD. this was the date that Anna Jarviss mother died5. Unfortunately, Anna Jarvis was not happy with Mothers Day when she died because .A. her mother was not there to see itB. she had never been a mother herselfC. people were too interested in making it a businessD. no one gave any presents or cards to their mothers. 任务型阅读根据短文内容,从下框的AF选项中选出能概括每一段的主题最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余选项。1. Culture consists of all shaped products of human society. This means not only such materials things as cities, organizations and schools, but also non-material things such as ideas, customs, family patterns, and languages. Putting it simply, culture refers to the entire way of life of a society, “the ways of people”.2. Language is a part of culture and plays a very important role in it. Some social scientists consider it the keytone of culture. Without language, the maintaining of culture would not be possible. On the other hand, language is shaped and influenced by culture. In broadest scene, language is the symbolic representation of a people and it comprises their historical and cultural backgrounds as well as their approach to life and their ways of living and thinking.3. We should not go further into the relationship between language and culture. What we need to be stressed is that the two interact,and that understanding of one requires understanding of the other. Language carries culture and culture gives language characteristics. There is no language living without culture or culture without language.4. Social scientists tell us that cultures differ from one another, that is to say, each culture is unique. As cultures are diverse, languages are diverse.It is only natural that with differences in cultures and differences in languages, difficulties often arise in communicating between cultures and across cultures. Thus understanding is not always easy.5. Learning a foreign language well means more than merely mastering the pronounciation,grammar, words and idioms. It also means learning to see the world as speakers of that language see it. Learning the ways in which their language reflects the ideas, customs and behaviours of their society, learning to understand “their language of the mind.” Learning a language, in fact, is inseparatable from learning its culture.A. Understanding is not always easy due to diversity of both culture and language.B. Learn its culture when learning the language.C. The close relationship between language and culture.D. What is culture?E. Culture and language are interactive and unseparated.F. The important role that language plays in culture.参考答案基础操练.1-5.B A C D A. 1.costumes 2. abolished 3. wandered 4. celebrations 5. memory 6. originated7. transported 8. confusion 9. elegant 10. magnificent. A. 1.wore/was having on 2.wearing; dressed 3.dressed4.put onB. 1.stretched2.spreading 3.expand4.extends. 1. consisting 2. pretended 3. dating 4. met 5. has been completed. 1. We Chinese see the Spring Festival as the beginning of a year. 2. On June 1, children dress up to celebrate their own festival.3. A button has come off my coat.4. We have to wait until the discussion between them comes to an end. 5. The firm has been taken over by an American company.提升练习.1. 解析:选A。词根trans含义是“从一个地方到另一个地方”。transform改革,变革,改变;transport运输;transfer转移,移动;transmit传送;疾病的传染,传播。根据句意,选A项。2. 解析:选A。句意为:真可惜,自从小女孩的父母在地震中丧生之后,那个小女孩不得不辍学,承担起几乎所有家长该承担的责任。take on意为“承担”,符合句意。take in吸收;理解;take off脱去;起飞;take after 追赶;长得像3. 解析:选A。the extended family意为“整个大家庭”。4. 解析:选C。考查间接引语。主句谓语是would tell,宾语从句中要用过去时态,而且用陈述语气。因为the slaves与bring之间呈被动关系,故选C项。5. 解析:选C。考查动词短语辨析。句意为:你觉得我应该穿什么出席晚会?别费心打扮了。没人会注意的。turn up 出现; take up 拿起;占据;从事; dress up梳妆,打扮;put up 张贴;举起;建立。6. 解析:选D。hidden表示状态,而hiding则表示动作,意为“正在藏”。7. 解析:选B。句意为:说实话,一天劳累的工作过后坐在沙发上看一些电视娱乐节目特别放松。根据句意可知,答案选B项。relaxing 令人放松的。8. 解析:选B。pretend to be doing sth. 假装正在做某事。9. 解析:选B。句意为:我知道明天的表演包括一个叫金黄的收获的芭蕾舞和一个音乐剧。consist of 由组成;包括。10. 解析:选D。考查短语辨析。walk off离开;wash down冲洗;C项不是固定搭配;go wild about sth.非常喜欢某物。根据句意,选D项。. 1. 解析:选B。主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文主要是介绍了母亲节的由来,而不是如何庆祝母亲节。2. 解析:选A。细节理解题。从第一段“The ancient Romans had a festival known as Hilaria .”可知。3. 解析:选B。细节理解题。从第二段“to support her idea: a special day of the year for thanking mothers” 可知。4. 解析:选D。细节理解题。从第三段“because May 10 was the date on which in 1908 Anna Jarviss mother had died”可知。5. 解析:选C。细节理解题。从第五段“. had lost its original purpose. It had been taken over by business . become a multi-million-dollar industry”可知。. 15. DCEAB111

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