高考英语牛津译林版必修2总复习基础经典习题《Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained》2-1(江苏专用)-9

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高考英语牛津译林版必修2总复习基础经典习题《Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained》2-1(江苏专用)-9_第1页
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高考英语牛津译林版必修2总复习基础经典习题《Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained》2-1(江苏专用)-9_第2页
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高考英语牛津译林版必修2总复习基础经典习题《Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained》2-1(江苏专用)-9_第3页
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111反意疑问句测试每小题0.5分,共30小题;满分15分得分:_1.A hibernating animal needs hardly any food all through the winter, _?Aneed it Bneednt itCdoes it Ddoesnt it答案C前有hardly这样的半否定词,反意问句用肯定,此处的need为实义动词,所以选C。2You never told us why you were late for the last meeting, _?(2010山西运城市高三调研测试(一)Awerent you Bdidnt youCwere you Ddid you答案D前面是否定,后用肯定。3Sarah had his washing machine repaired the day before yesterday, _ she?Ahadnt BdidntChasnt Dwasnt it答案Bhad作“让”解,后面的反意问句的谓语要用didnt的形式。4It is love novels that Miss Williams enjoys reading, _?Adoesnt she Bisnt itCdoes she Dis it答案B强调句后的反意问句的主谓需与that前面的主谓相一致。5What a beautiful city, _? (2010江苏南通市高三上学期期末调研考试)Ais it Bisnt itCwill it Dwont it 答案B陈述部分是what a beautiful city it is的省略。6When the teacher speaks, we have to keep quiet, _?Amustnt we Bdoesnt heCwerent we Ddont we答案D主从复合句的反意疑问句一般与主句一致,前面是have to时,其后的反意问句要用do的适当形式。故选D。7You neednt do that when your maid is here, _?Aneednt you Bneed youChavent you Ddoesnt you答案B此处need为情态动词。8Alice, you pass me that bowl, _? (2010辽宁沈阳一中第九次月考)Awill she Bdoesnt sheCdont you Dwill you答案D这是一个祈使句,除lets外的祈使句,反意问句一般用will you。9I dont think what Ms.Huang said just now can be reasonable, _?Ado we Bis itCcan we Dcan she答案B主句谓语是think, believe等词时,如果主语是第一人称I,问句部分一般应与从句的主谓相一致,从句的主语是what Ms.Huang said just now,反意疑问句的主语需用it。10The girl darent go farther when she saw the snake, _?Adoesnt she Bdare sheCdares she Ddoesnt the girl答案Bdare此处为情态动词,选B项。11Lets share this novel, _?Ashall we Bwill weCshant we Dwill you答案ALets开头的祈使句,其后的反意问句一般用shall we。12The old man used to fish, _?Ausednt he Bused heCdidnt she Ddid he答案Aused to表“过去常常”,后面反意问句用didnt或usednt均可,所以选A。注:C项中的she 改为he就可选了。13He cant have come back to his dormitory last night, _ he? (2010天津南开中学高三2月月考)Adid Bdidnt Chas Dhasnt答案A陈述部分是“情态动词完成时”时,反意问句的谓语有用过去时的也有用完成时的,本题有时间状语last night所以只用过去时。故选A。14Everything seems all right, _?Adoesnt it Bisnt itChasnt it Ddont they答案A陈述部分的主语是everything时,反意问句的主语用it。所以选A。15Youd like some tea, _?Ahadnt you Bwouldnt youChad you Dwould you答案Bd like是would like的缩写形式,其后反意问句的谓语用wouldnt。16No one is going to climb next week, _?Ais she Bisnt heCare they Darent they答案C陈述部分的主语是no one时,反意问句用are they或is he均可。17She disagreed with me on the question I put forward at yesterdays meeting, _?Adidnt she Bdid sheCdid I Ddidnt I 答案A陈述部分是主从复合句时,反意问句一般需与主句一致,有否定前(后)缀词时视为肯定,其后的反意问句用否定。故选A。18I dont suppose it is going to rain this afternoon, _?Ado I Bdont ICis it Disnt it答案C主句谓语是think, suppose,believe等词时(主语是第一人称I),问句需与从句的主谓一致。19I wish you would have a good weekend, _? (2010湖南祁东育贤中学高三第二次模拟)Adont I Bwouldnt youChavent you Dmay I 答案DI wish表愿望,其后的反意问句习惯上用may I。20Im afraid she cant keep his word, _?Aarent I Bcant ICisnt she Dcan she 答案DIm afraid可视为插入语,它不是句子的重心所在,反意问句需与she cant keep his word的主谓相一致。21Jane knows much about the accident.I think she must have seen it, _?Adont I Bdoesnt sheCdidnt she Dhasnt she答案D陈述部分的主谓是I think时,反意问句需与宾语从句一致,从句是must表推测的,需变成非推测的句子,有两种可能:she saw it或she has seen it。由Jane knows much about the accident的现在时可知非推测的句子应该是she has seen it,所以选D。22She cant have passed the exam, for she is in low spirits these days, _ she?Acan Bhas Cisnt Ddid答案Cfor是并列连词,反意问句应与后面的分句保持一致。故选C。23Im not an excellent engineer now as I havent worked hard, _ I? (2010河北衡水中学高三上学期第二次调研考试)Aam Bare Chave Ddid答案A反意问句应与主句的主谓保持一致。24When youve finished with that book, dont forget to put it back on the shelf, _ you?Ado Bdont Cwill Dwont答案C反意问句应与主句的主谓一致。否定祈使句后的反意问句一般用will you。故选C。25So youve fallen in love with the pretty girl college student, _?Ahave you Bhavent youChave I Dhavent I答案A以so开头的句子,若前面是肯定,其后的反意问句也用肯定。故选A。26There was a loud scream from the backstage immediately after the concert ended, _?Awasnt there Bwas thereCdidnt it Ddid it答案A陈述部分是主从复合句时,反意问句一般需与主句一致,可排除C、D。there be结构后的问句的主语一般用there。27Mr.Woodhead must have been punished for his being rude at the meeting, _ he?Amustnt Bwasnt Chasnt Ddidnt答案B陈述部分有表推测的情态动词时,需先将它变成非推测的句子,然后再变反意问句。本句的非推测句为:Mr.Woodhead was punished for his being rude at the meeting,再在此基础上写出反意问句:wasnt he。故选B。28I know we are late, but please let us take the test this time, _? (2011湖南望城一中高三第二次月考)Adont you Bdont weCwill you Dshall we答案Cbut连接的是并列句,反意问句应与but后的分句保持一致。祈使句的后反意问句(除lets外),用will you。29Uncle Sam is crazy about gardening.He must be watering his flowers in the backyard now, _?Amustnt he Bisnt heCneednt he Ddoesnt he答案BHe must be watering his flowers in the backyard now的非推测句为:He is watering his flowers in the backyard now,其反意问句是:isnt he。所以选B。30I dont suppose our team might have been beaten by theirs last night, _? (2010山东潍坊二中高三上学期期末考试)Ado I Bmight itChasnt it Dwas it答案D陈述部分有I dont suppose时,反意问句应与其后的宾语从句相一致,本句的非推测句为:I dont suppose our team was beaten by theirs last night,反意问句为:was it。故选D。111

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