【把握高考】高三英语最新专题综合演练《Module 2 Traffic Jam》备选习题 外研版必修4

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【把握高考】高三英语最新专题综合演练《Module 2 Traffic Jam》备选习题 外研版必修4_第1页
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【把握高考】高三英语最新专题综合演练《Module 2 Traffic Jam》备选习题 外研版必修4_第2页
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【把握高考】高三英语最新专题综合演练《Module 2 Traffic Jam》备选习题 外研版必修4_第3页
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1111.(2008全国)Stand over there _ youll be able to see the oil painting better.A.but B.till C.and D.or2.(2008湖北)The teacher stressed again that the students should not _ any important details while retelling the story.A. bring outB. let outC. leave outD. make out3.(2007江西) Experts have been warning _ of the health risks caused by passive smoking.A.at a timeB.at one timeC.for some timeD.for the time【解析】本题考查time构成的短语的辨析。从句中have been warning可知,应用for some time一段时间。at a time“每一次”;at one time“曾经”。【答案】C模拟质检1.It is reported that our government is _ all possible ways to control the rising prices.A.operating B.designingC.replacingD.exploring【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意为:据报道,我们政府正在探究一切可能的办法来控制物价上涨。operate“操作,操纵”;design“设计”;replace“代替”;explore“探究,探索”。根据句意可知答案为D项。【答案】D2.The proposals are currently _ and soon the committee will make a final decision.A.take into accountB.into considerationC.under considerationD.considering【解析】be under consideration为固定搭配,意为“在考虑中,在审议中”。【答案】C3.Hearing the news,he rushed out, _ the book on the table and disappeared into the distance.A.left;lain openB.left;lay openedC.leaving;lie openD.leaving;lying open4.As is recently reported, eating colorful fruits and vegetables can help us get _ from suffering heart diseases.A.protectedB.to protectC.protectingD.to be protected5.We forgot to bring our tickets,but please let us enter, _ ?A.do youB.can weC.will youD.shall we【解析】本题考查祈使句的反意疑问句。祈使句的反意疑问句通常用will you,意思是“好吗,可以吗”。【答案】C6. _ a diary every day,and youll improve your writing.A.KeepingB.To keepC.KeepD.If you keep【解析】考查祈使句的用法。句意为:每天写日记,你的写作水平就会得到提高。and连接两个并列的句子,只有C项符合要求。【答案】 C7.It is reported that china has created the first man-made sun in the world recently, _ ?A.isnt itB.is itC.hasnt itD.has it111

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