高考英语一轮复习课时作业24:Unit 1《The written word》(牛津译林版选修8湖南专用)

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高考英语一轮复习课时作业24:Unit 1《The written word》(牛津译林版选修8湖南专用)_第1页
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高考英语一轮复习课时作业24:Unit 1《The written word》(牛津译林版选修8湖南专用)_第3页
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111课时作业(二十四)选修模块8Unit 1The written word限时:30分钟.语法填空1To enjoy the scenery,Irene would rather spend long hours on the train _ travel by air.Aas Bto Cthan Dwhile2Knowing how long the test would last,the students who finished _ back and waited until the end of the exam.Asettle Bsettled Csettling Dto settle3I really appreciate _ time to have a rest.I dont doubt _ able to do so.Ato have;you to be Bhaving;that you being Cto have;you are Dhaving;that you are4_ full preparations,we decided to put off the meeting till next Friday.ANot having made BHaving not made CWe had not made DWe did not make 5The girl has no _ at all.She is still trying to please her boyfriend,even though he is so cold.Acharacter BreputationCdignity Dfigure6Mrs.Smith managed to settle the quarrel between Michael and Allen without hurting the feelings of _.Aneither BnoneCeither Dboth7Its the first time that he has been to Australia,_?Aisnt he Bhasnt heCisnt it Dhasnt it8David threatened _ his neighbor to the police if the damages were not paid.Ato be reported Breporting Cto report Dhaving reported9Both men had _had time to realize what was happening when they were thrown violently into the sea.Aseldom Bnever Chardly Dbarely10Working outside can mean too much sun exposure,which _can lead to skin cancer.Ain return Bin turn Cin vain Din demand11The performance of the host,_ to please the audience and draw their attention,was greeted with a cold silence,though.Ahad intended Bintended Cbe intended Dintend 12I quarreled with my deskmate the other day.Try to make up with him.Once _,friendship cant be regained.Alosing Bis lost Clost Dyou lose13He left the place,_ never to come back.Adetermined Bto determineCbeing determined Dhaving determined13The new mayor,who adored _ to the volleyball match,didnt approve _ the new building plans at the meeting.Agoing;of discussing Bgoing;to discussCto go;of discussing Dto go;discussing14Had she_her promise,she would have made it to Yale University.Alooked up to Blived up toCkept up with Dcome up with 15Guangzhou was the second Chinese city_ the right _the Asian Games.Aobtaining;to host Bto obtain;hostedCto obtain;to host Dobtaining;hosting.完形填空(一)I stood by and watched her and her mother busily decorating her college dorm(宿舍). Everything was in place, with boxes under the bed and photos of her dearest friends on the wall. I closely monitored that this time things were _16_. I began to accept that her room at home is no longer hers. It is now ours, our room for her when she visits. I _17_ myself thinking of when I held her in my arms sitting in a chair by my wifes hospital _18_. One day old. So small, so beautiful, so perfect, so totally reliant on her new parents. My wife changed from the day I drove this little baby home from the _19_. I saw myself differently that day, too. The last few days _20_ she left for college, I touched her arm, her faceanything, _21_ that when my wife and I returned home, she would not be with us and there would be nothing to touch. I had so much to say, but no words with which to say it. Suddenly she looked up, _22_ me staring at her, which caused her to say to her mother, “Mom. Dads looking at me funny.” She then said, “Itll be fine, Dad. Ill be home from school soon.” I told her she would have a _23_ year. But I said little else. I was _24_ that I would say something too small for what I was feeling, so I only held on to our goodbye hug a little longer, a little tighter. My wifes eyes followed her as she left us. Mine did not. I _25_ she hadnt gone. I knew that the life she was going towards was exciting and wonderful. I remembered what the world looked like to me when everything was _26_. On the way back home, my eyes were wet, my heart sore, and I realized that my _27_ was changed forever.16A.importantBenjoyable Cconvenient Ddifferent 17A.sent Bstopped Cfound Dset 18A.desk BwallCroom Dbed 19A.kindergarten BhospitalCschool Dpark 20A.before Bafter Csince Dwhen21A.wondering BsayingCknowing Dshowing 22A.observing BcatchingCwatching Dkeeping 23A.whole Bcomfortable Cdifficult Dgreat24A.aware Bafraid Csure Dsorry 25A.imagined BthoughtCguessed Dexpected 26A.good Bbright Cnew Dperfect 27A.life BheartCdream Dbelief .阅读理解The crisis at Japans Fukushima DaiIchi nuclear energy center has raised questions about the future of the nuclear energy industry. Arjun Makhijani is president of the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research in the United States. He says the disaster in Japan is historic.This week, the chairman of Americas nuclear agency said there is little chance that harmful radiation from Japan could reach the United States. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Chairman Gregory Jaczko also said America has a strong program in place to deal with earthquake threats. No new nuclear power centers have been built in the United States since 1979.That was when Americas worst nuclear accident happened at the Three Mile Island center in Pennsylvania. The accident began to turn public opinion against nuclear energy.To support more clean energy production, the Obama government has been seeking billions of dollars in government loan guarantees to build new centers. Presently, about twenty percent of electricity in the United States comes from nuclear energy. But critics say nuclear power is too costly and dangerous to be worth further expansion.German prime minister Angela Merkel said Germany would close all seven nuclear power centers for a moment while energy policy is reconsidered. The European Union is planning to test all centers in its twentyseven member nations.Developing nations are less willing to slow nuclear expansion. China said it would continue with plans to build about twentyfive new nuclear plants. And India, under a cooperation agreement with the United States, plans to spend billions on new centers in the coming years.Japan has made nuclear energy a national priority since the 1970s. Unlike many major economies, Japan imports eighty percent of its energy. The Nuclear Energy Institute said twentynine percent of Japans electricity came from nuclear sources in 2011.The government planned to increase that to forty percent by 2017.Nuclear plants supply fourteen percent of global electricity. Nuclear energy is a clean resource, producing no carbon gases. But radioactive waste is a serious unresolved(未解决的) issue. So_is_the_presence_of_nuclear_power_centers_in_earthquake_areas_like_the_one_near_Bushehr,_Iran.28Which of the following countries is the least likely to expand its use of nuclear energy?AChina.BIndia. CIran. DGermany.29The government of Japan intended to increase its nuclear energy in 2017 by _ compared with 2011.A29% B40%C69% D11%30Which of the following statements about the use of nuclear power in the US. is TRUE?AMost of the electricity comes from nuclear energy in the US.BThe Obama government is against building nuclear power plants.CA small number of nuclear power plants have been built since 1979.DA serious nuclear accident happened in America at the end of the 1970s.31Whats the main idea of this passage?AThe nuclear crisis in Japan has spread to other parts of the world.BThe situation of the worlds nuclear power development after the crisis in Japan.CJapans nuclear disaster will slow the expansion of nuclear plants all over the world.DJapans nuclear disaster wont affect the nuclear energy production in other countries.32From the last sentence of the passage, we can see the writers attitude towards building a nuclear power plant near Bushehr, Iran is_.Asupportive BoptimisticCnegative Duncertain课时作业(二十四).1.C考查固定搭配would ratherthan宁愿做而不愿做,故此题答案为C。 2B该题考查句子结构。学生易犯思维定式的错误而选C,其实who finished是定语从句,该处缺谓语动词。3Dappreciate后跟v.ing形式作宾语;I dont doubt that“我毫不怀疑”。4A本题考查非谓语动词作状语的用法及其否定形式。因C、D两项没有状语从句的引导词,可先排除。现在分词的否定结构是在其结构前加not。5C考查名词词义辨析。根据接下来的句子可以判断:这个女孩根本没有尊严。6C考查代词。根据语意可知,Mrs.Smith设法调停了Michael与Allen两个人之间的争吵,并且没有使他们任何一方的感情受到伤害,因此选择either,指两者中的任何一个。neither 两者都不;none 没有一个,毫无;both 两者都。both不用于否定意义的句子,而either可以。7C考查反意疑问句。按照前肯后否的句式,选C符合语法表达习惯。8C题意为:大卫威胁他的邻居,如果不赔偿损失就报警。threaten to do 表示威胁做某事。主语David和动词“report”是主动关系,因此选C。9C句意为:他们两个还没来得及意识到究竟发生了什么事情,就被猛烈地抛入海里。根据题意选C。10B考查介词词组。句子含义为“在外面工作就意味着大量的日晒,而这会导致皮肤癌。”据此,选in turn“转而”,其他三项中in return“作为报答”;in vain “徒劳”;in demand “需要”。11Bbe intended to do sth.旨在做某事,目的是为了做某事。由此结构可判断此处用过去分词作定语。12C考查状语从句的省略。其完整形式为:Once (friendship) is lost,D项错在lose缺少宾语。13A考查非谓语动词。adore其后应接动名词作宾语,排除B、C两项;“同意做某事”其正确表达为“approve of doing sth.”,故选A。14B句意:如果她当年履行了自己的诺言,她就会进入耶鲁大学了。look up to(抬头看,尊重),keep up with(跟上,追上),come up with(追赶上;想出;提出),只有live up to(履行,实行)符合题意。15C第一空为后置定语修饰Chinese city,Chinese city 前面有序数词修饰,故用不定式。第二空同样为后置定语修饰the right,the right to do sth. 做某事的权利。故选C。.女儿上大学了,看着女儿跟她的母亲一起细心地整理自己的寝室,父亲不由得想起了许多往事,从初为人父的喜悦到送女儿上大学的酸楚,心中久久不能平静。但女儿面对的是灿烂的未来,心中虽有不舍,但也得主动适应新生活的变化。16D因为女儿要第一次离开家独自去大学生活,父亲感觉到情况跟以前不一样了。17C I find myself doing是一个常见句型,意思是“我情不自禁”,其他动词均无此用法。18D因为妻子是在医院生下女儿的,因此“我”是坐在妻子的床边。19B上文已经提到妻子是在医院里生下女儿的,因此这里是指作者开车从医院接妻儿回家。20A根据后面的意思,这里是指女儿离家上大学前,作者非常留恋地抚摸女儿。 21C因为知道女儿离开家了,以后想爱抚都没有爱抚的对象了,根据意思应该选择knowing“知道”。22B这里意思是女儿突然抬起头,正好“逮着”父亲正呆呆地看着她。catch sb. doing sth.“逮着某人正在做某事”。23D“我”告诉女儿她会度过灿烂的一年的。这里只有选择great才能形容度过一个灿烂或精彩的一年。whole没有任何感情色彩,comfortable“舒适的”,含义太清、太淡;difficult又不符合作者的本意。24B除了祝福女儿外,“我”没有说其他什么话,因为“我”害怕会说一些自己感情不能控制的东西。根据意思这里应该选择afraid“害怕”。25A 因为心中有太多的不舍,“我”没有目送女儿远走,“我”想象她还没走开。这里使用imagined是表示女儿没走开只是一种想象。thought意思为“认为”;guessed意思是“猜测”,含义不对,expected意思是“期待,估计”,也不符合本意。26C这里是指作者又回忆起当时自己面对新生活时的模样,借此表示女儿将要面对的新生活。27A在回家的路上,作者感觉到自己的生活又将有一个新的变化。.本文为新闻。主要报道各国的核能使用状况及相关态度。28D细节理解题。根据第四段German prime minister Angela Merkel said Germany would close all seven nuclear power centers for a moment while energy policy is reconsidered.可知德国将暂时关闭七座核电站,故选D。29D细节理解题。根据倒数第二段The Nuclear Energy Institute said twentynine percent of Japans electricity came from nuclear sources in 2011.The government planned to increase that to forty percent by 2017.可推断选D(40%29%11%)。30D细节理解题。根据第二段No new nuclear power centers have been built in the United States since 1979.That was when Americas worst nuclear accident happened at the Three Mile Island center in Pennsylvania.可判断选D。31B主旨大意题。日本核辐射引发了全球对核能使用的反思,继而报道了各国对核能的使用状况及相关态度,由此判断全文主题应该是B项。32C推理判断题。根据画线句前的But radioactive waste is a serious unresolved(未解决的) issue.再结合对画线句的理解可判断,作者对在伊朗布什尔地震多发地区建立核电站的做法持反对态度,故选C。111


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