高考英语外研版必修2《Module 3 Music》SectionIII速效提能演练

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111.词汇知识1_n(教堂里的)唱诗班;合唱队_adj.独奏的2_ n民歌;民谣;(伤感的)情歌3_vt.失去;丢失_adj.丢失的,失去的4_vt.录音_n录音机5_vt.影响_adj.有很大影响的6_n(复)歌词_n曲调7_n(大学的)讲师_n讲座,讲课8_vt.使混合_n混合物答案:1.choir;solo2.ballad3.lose;lost4.record;recorder5.influence;influential6.lyrics;tune7.lecturer;lecture8.mix;mixture.重点短语1be impressed_留下深刻印象2split_分裂;分割3_a note of记录4all_of各种各样的5refer_谈到,指的是6as well_又,也,还7change_变成8be different_与不同9be known_作为而著名10be_with sb.受某人欢迎11go_变得耳聋12take sb.to_起诉某人13_the time到的时候14_sb.to do sth.鼓励某人做某事15mix._把结合,混合答案:1.with2.up3.make4.kinds5.to6.as7.into8.from9.as10.popular11.deaf12.court13.by14encourage15.with.必背句型1Are they happy with _ they listen to music?他们对听音乐的方式满意吗?答案:the way2Ye Xiaogang, who was born in 1955, is _ a group of Chinese _known as the New Tide.叶小刚,出生于1955年,是被称之为“新潮流”的中国作曲家群体中的一员。答案:one of;composers 3If the words of a song are complex,are they easy or difficult_?如果一首歌的歌词是复杂的,那它们理解起来容易还是困难?答案:to understand.品句填词1The boy was too young to answer such a c_ question.答案:complex2Einstein was really a g_.It was he who changed the views of the universe.答案:genius3The famous poet _(创作)poems in his forties.答案:composed4It is reported that the book has a long _(影响)on students.答案:influence5The teacher found the boy had a _(音乐的)talent.答案:musical6Some of these pills shouldnt be _(混合)with drinks.答案:mixed.选词填空1The famous _ gave a lecture on American literature.答案:lecturer2The teacher always _ me up _ another student.答案:mixes;with3We should _ the key points during class.答案:make a note of4The band _after ten years together.答案:split up5The weather in summer _ the rice crops.答案:influences.语法和词汇知识1When you come across new words,take notes of_ in a notebook.解析:填them。句意:当你遇到新单词,找个笔记本把它们记下来。them指代“新单词”2In a large bowl _(mix/put)the butter and flour.解析:填mix。mix“混淆,调和”。3She _ a gift but she didnt _ it(receive/accept)解析:填received;accept。receive表示客观地“收到”。accept表示主观上“接受,领受”。4Mother told her son to keep _ record of how much money he had spent.解析:填a。keep a record of “把记录下来”。5I found _ impossible for him to work out the maths problem.解析:填it。it是形式宾语,真正的宾语是to work out the maths problem。6My junior middle school teacher had a great influence _ my career.解析:填on。have an influence on 固定搭配“对有影响”。7It is not easy to solve such a _(complex/complete) issue left from the past.解析:填complex。complex“复杂的”;complete“完整的”,句意“这个历史上遗留下来的十分复杂的问题不是很容易解决的”。8Mozart _(designed/composed) his last opera shortly before he died.解析:填composed。句意:莫扎特在创作出他最后一部歌剧后不久便去世了。compose“作曲,创作”,符合题意。design“设计”。9When such an organised group became too large for its members to travel together comfortably,it would _(split/pick) up.解析:填split。句意为:当这样一个有组织的群体变得太庞大而无法舒服地在一起时,他们就会分裂。split up“分裂;分割”,符合题意。pick up“捡起;搭载;接收”。10I dont like the way _ you introduced to us.解析:填 which/that。句意为:我不喜欢你引进的那个方法。way后面是一个定语从句,从句中的introduced缺少宾语,所以要用关系代词。比较:I dont understand the way _you worked out the problem. 此空中可以填in which、that或者不填。.完形填空Mrs.Jones was very fond of singing.She had a good _1_,except that some of her high notes _2_ like a gate which someone had forgotten to oil.Mrs.Jones was very conscious(清楚的)of this _3_,and took every _4_ she could find to practise these high notes.As she lived in a small house,where she could not _5_without disturbing the rest of the family,she _6_ went for a long walk along the country roads whenever she had time,and practised her high notes there.Whenever she _7_ a car or a person coming along the road,she stopped and _8_until she could no longer be heard be fore she started singing again.One afternoon,however,a fast open car came up behind her _9_ and so fast that she didnt hear it until it was _10_ a few meters from her.She was singing her _11_ and most difficult notes at the time,and as the car _12_ her,she saw an _13_ expression suddenly come over its drivers face.He put his brakes(刹车)on,and as soon as the car stopped,jumped out and began to _14_ all his tyres carefully.Mrs.Jones did not dare to tell him what the noise he had heard had really been,so he got back into his car and drove off as _15_ as he had been when he stopped.1A.noiseBtoneCvoice Dsound解析:选C。她喜欢唱歌,除了几个高音以外,“嗓音”很好。voice“人或鸟发出的声音”,符合题意。noise“噪音”;tone“音质,音色;腔调”;sound“各种声音的总称”。2A.seem Bsound Clook Dappear解析:选B。除了几个高音“听上去”像是生锈的门轴发出的声音以外。3A.weakness Btrouble Cquestion Dproblem解析:选A。她很清楚自己的“弱点”。4A.place Btime Cchance Dway解析:选C。所以利用一切能找到的“机会”练习这几个高音。5A.perform Bpractise Cact Dtrain解析:选B。在家里“练习”会打扰家人。6A.seldom Balmost Cusually Dhardly解析:选C。她“通常”都是顺着乡间小路走出很长一段距离才练习。7A.knew Bwatched Cheard Dwas told解析:选C。不管何时“听到”有车或人沿路过来8A.sang Bdanced Chid Dwaited解析:选D。她都停止唱歌一直“等到”别人听不到她唱歌为止。9A.silently Bloudly CstillDcalmly解析:选A。车子“悄无声息地”开了过来。10A.quite Babout Conly Dstill解析:选C。如此之快一直到离她“仅”几米的地方她才听到。11A. highest B. lowest C. best D. worst解析:选A。当时她正唱到她的“高音”部分,与前面对应。12A.hit Bpassed Cleft Dstruck解析:选B。当汽车从她身边“开过”时13A.obvious Bangry Cimportant Danxious解析:选D。她看到了汽车司机脸上“着急的”表情。14A.mend Bcheck Cexamine Drepair解析:选C。司机赶紧刹车,然后下车“仔细检查”所有车胎。check指“校对,找错”;而examine指“查看以了解情况”,故选C项。15A.sad Bpuzzled Cfrightened Ddisappointed解析:选B。司机脸上仍带着刹车时那种“迷惑不解的”表情开车走了。.阅读理解Eddie liked music very much when he was at school, but when he went to the university he decided to study medicine instead of music.When he passed his examinations and became a doctor,he had to work in a hospital for some time.There he discovered that a lot of patients were happier and caused less trouble if pleasant music was played to them.When Eddie got an office and began to work for himself,he decided to keep his patients happy by having a tape recorder in his waitingroom play beautiful music for them.But soon after the tape recorder had been put in, Eddies nurse heard a woman,who was sitting in the crowded waitingroom one morning, complained, “Here were all waiting to see the doctor, and hes just playing the violin in his office instead of doing his work.”1Eddie became a student of medicine at university_.Abecause he had lost interest in musicBbecause he thought medicine was more important than musicCto find out new use of music in hospitalDfor reasons unknown from this passage解析:选D。文章第一句只是说他去上医科大学,并没有说明原因。2From the passage we can infer that Eddie_.Adidnt do well in his examinationsBdidnt want to work in the hospitalCwas working as a practice doctor in the hospitalDwas doing some scientific research in the hospital解析:选C。从第一段“When he passed his examinations and became a doctor,he had to work in a hospital for some time.”可知答案。3Why did Eddie put a tape recorder in his office?AHe wanted to help patients waiting to see him pass the time easily.BHe discovered that music was of help to his patients.CHe enjoyed listening to music while he worked.DHe wanted to attract more patients to his office.解析:选B。从第一段“There he discovered that a lot of patients were happier and caused less trouble if pleasant music was played to them.”可知答案。4From the passage we can see that_.Athe woman thought Eddie was an unusual doctorBthe woman did not understand musicCthe woman did not understand what Eddie meantDthe woman hated to be kept waiting解析:选C。从文章最后一段可知,这位病人并没有领会医生播放音乐的意图。5With this story the writer intends _.Ato tell people that music is very goodBto advise people to listen to music oftenCto tell us a funny storyDto suggest we become musicians解析:选C。从全文可知,作者在讲述一个有趣的故事。111


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