高三英语复习教案模块八《Unit 2 The universal language》牛津译林版

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111Module 8 Unit 2新课标单词111universal adj. 普遍的,共通的,公认的;宇宙的splendid adj. 极好的;壮丽的,辉煌的,光辉的star vt. 由主演,由担任主角,使成为明星musician n. 音乐家cast vt. 选派扮演某角色;为(戏剧、角色)选派演员butterfly n. 蝴蝶cold-hearted adj. 冷酷的,无情的marriage n. 结婚,婚姻correctly adv. 正确地;恰当地outdoor adj. 户外的,室外的,野外的handsome adj. 英俊的triangle n. 三角形;三角关系unconditional adj. 无条件的dare vi. 敢,敢于,胆敢disturbing adj. 烦恼的,恼人的terrify vt. 恐吓,使感到恐怖torture vt. & n. 折磨guard n. 卫兵,护卫人员affection n. 感情;喜爱;爱慕aloud adv. 大声地stage vt. 上演,表演direct vi. & vt. 导演;指挥,指导heartbreaking adj. 令人心碎的component n. 成分,组成部分breathless adj. 喘不过气来的,呼吸急促的authentic adj. 真实的,可信的fluent adj. 流利的,流畅的condemn vt. 判刑,处刑;谴责,声讨superb adj. 极好的,棒的privilege n. 特别待遇;特权desire n., vi. & vt. 愿望,渴望,欲望hire vt. 雇用;租用;出租performer n. 表演者unemployment n. 失业tremble vi. & n. 颤抖,发抖status n. 地位,身份;情形,状态tutor n. 指导教师,家庭教师symphony n. 交响乐,交响曲bachelor n. 单身汉;学士学位ballet n. 芭蕾舞;芭蕾舞剧;芭蕾舞乐曲fame n. 名声,声誉transatlantic adj. 跨大西洋的voyage n. 航海旅行jazz n. 爵士乐slavery n. 奴隶制度swing n. 摇摆;摇摆乐 vi. & vt. 摇摆,摇晃decline n. & vi. 衰落,衰败;下降pianist n. 钢琴手,钢琴演奏家violinist n. 小提琴手,小提琴演奏家trend n. 倾向,趋势,潮流mixture n. 混合;混合物guitar n. 吉他discrimination n. 歧视;辨别,区别promoter n. 推销商,推广者;促进者prayer n. 祈祷,祈求,愿望draft vt. 征招入伍;起草,草拟 n. 草稿regain vt. 重新获得,恢复frontier n. 前沿,领域appeal n. 吸引力break up 解散,解体,分手phenomenon n. 现象mental adj. 精神的,心理的haircut n. 发式;理发catalogue n. 目录;唱片目录;产品目录课文出现短语1. be set in2. fall in love (with sb)3. exercise control over sb4. be upset by5. leave in ones hands6. tell the difference between and 7. serve as8. earn sb a gold record9. take a brief look at sth10. the founding father of11. be intended for sth12. make a fortune13. regain his earlier charm14. imagine doing sth15. take on16. allow sb to do sth17. be desperate to do sth18. the key components of sth19. develop ones interest20. a number one hit21. play an important role in sth22. an essential part of sth23. lead to sth24. turn out to be sth25. break up26. be perfect for27. be drunk with28. break ones promise29. win ones affection30. consist of31. deserve ones status as 32. make friends with sb33. split up34. see sb as35. go into a bit of decline36. release ones album37. be based on一单词应用根据单词的首字母或汉语意思填写正确单词,注意形式变化1. Music has been called the u language because people do not need to speak the same language to understand it.2 .After months of overworking, Jack was suffering from m and physical exhaustion.3. Shylock was a c _ (冷酷的)moneylender, who was always cruel to the people who borrowed money from him.4. He was found guilty and c to death.5. Big Joe Tuner never achieved much fame when he was alive mainly because there was still racial d_ in the USA then. 6. The film is a (令人心碎的)love story.7. That man is with(醉心于)power.8. Princess Turandot (折磨)Liu , and Liu kills herself.9. She speaks (流利的) Italian.10. An orchestra is a group of m that mostly play classic music.11. Bill spent two weeks in the hospital r his strength after the operation.12. If the factory is closed, many people will face u .13. She went to live abroad after the break-up of her (婚姻).14.The pain caused the boy to cry (大声地).15. Rain and snow are (现象) of the weather.16. Not only did she speak (正确地),but she spoke easily.17. When she came out of the water, she was t with cold.18. All the while she was (使感到恐惧) by the fear that she had cancer.二词形转换1. marriage n. - _ (v.) 2. recite v. -_ (n.)3. unemployment n. - _(反) - _ (v.) 4. mixture n. -_ (v) 5. promoter n. - _(v.) - _(n.动作)6. universal adj. - _(n) 7. fluent adj. - _(n.)8. prayer n. - _(v.) 9.unconditional(adj. )-_(反)三选词填空exercise control over, transform into, break ones promise, be desperate to, turn out, apply for, for the first time, be drunk with, play a leading role, consist of, break up, be married to, cut short, fall in love with, be set in, be intended for, the first time, devote to , live with, turn in, turn into1. The company _ an international corporation from a family business.2. He _ see her that he waited outside her house the whole night. 3. If you want to be successful, you should always remember “never _”. In other words, you should keep your words. 4. The children are easily affected by the outside world. We should do something to _ them to ensure they do not make serious mistakes. 5. When I met the foreigner _, I was too shy to speak an English word.6. The man is a person who_ power, so we all dislike him.7. He had high prestige among the workers, and he _in the strike. 8. Those flowers _ your mother on her fiftieth birthday, but as she is away, I would be glad if you accept them. 9. After working together for many years, they _each other.10. _ I met an American, I was too shy to speak an English word to him.11. The interviewer _ his guest in mid-sentence.12. The police _ the crowd to stop the fighting. 13. As we know, a chess set _ 32 chessmen.14. The film _ the USA in the 19th century.15. I was told that she_ a rich man for nearly a month. 16. He used to _ his teaching when he was young. 17. I regret to inform you that your son has been _ to the police for breaking the street lights. 18. I dont enjoy the situation, but I can _ it.19. She is the only one of the girls who _ the position in the company. 20. The actress who had been thought highly of _ to be a great disappointment. 四句型结构1. universal adj.the Universal Declaration of Human 世界人权宣言/ 宇宙的 ;全世界的a universal rule 普遍规律/ 普通的;一般的;全体的=generala universal meter 通用电表/ 通用的万能的2. witnessn.目击者,证人,证据A witness told the police how the fire started,vt.目睹,目击,作证,说明He witnessed the accident on the highway.Ex:After the explosion,the policeman did a lot of work to find out some clues from the _-A. lookers-on B. viewers C. people D. witness3. star n. the North/polar star北极星a shooting star 流星The sun is a star 是恒星a five pointed star 五角星/ 星状物a film star 明星In the list the starred questions are the most difficult. (starred; starring) 常用被动态用星(或星状物)装饰;加星号an old film starring Charlie Chaplin 以为主演练习: We know something about the play which _ Wang Ji.A. stars B. starring C. to star D. having starred4. cast vt.及物动词 vt. 投;抛;掷;脱落-He shut me up in the copper jar and had it cast into the sea. -他把我禁锢在坛子里,并叫人把坛子抛入大海。 -The fisherman cast his net into the water. 渔民把网撒在水里。 -The horse cast a shoe. 马脱了蹄铁。 选派演员,分派角色He was cast for the part of Yang Zirong.他扮演杨子荣。The part was cast to him.这个角色分配给他演。5be set in 以为背景The book is set in the 17th century Spain.这本书是以17世纪的西班牙为背景。6for the first time 第一次,首次, the first time 第一次做某事的时候(引导时间状语从句)练习: _ (第一次) I went abroad. I could hardly understand what the foreigners said.This is _ (第二次)that you have been late this week.This is the first time she had been out with him alone.=This is the first time _ her being out with him alone.The first time the second time7. take on 呈现出;演绎take on:招收,雇佣,接纳,增加(人手);承担(任务、职责),接受(角色、职位)Her eyes took on a hurt expression 她的眼睛里流露出受委屈的神情Ex:翻译下列句子:The company is taking on new staff.He is always ready to take on heavy responsibilities.Jackie Chen is going to take on the leading role in this movie.8be drunk with 醉心于.,对.痴迷,陶醉于.He is drunk with success练习:translate:不要沉迷于网络。Dont be drunk with internet.They are drunk with making a fortune. 他们痴迷于碰运气。9. dare vt/viHe dare speak in public.He dare to speak in public.10.exercise control over 对.实施控制,控制We should think of a way to exercise control over our expenses.lose control of/be(get) out of control 失去控制be in control of sth 在。控制下,指挥,管理某事物under the control of 被。控制着bring/get sth.under control;be under control抑制;控制练习:翻译1)He exercise his right as a citizen.他行使作为公民的权利 2)Teachers exercise authority.老师行使权利。11terrify vt.恐吓,使感到恐怖The thunderstorm terrified the child.大雷雨把这孩子吓坏了。terrified adj.害怕的,吓坏了的The animals were terrified by the storm.动物被风暴吓坏了They were terrified by his sudden appearance.他的突然出现,把他们吓了一跳。The children were terrified of being scolded.那孩子害怕挨骂。12.threaten v. 恐吓,威胁;预示V的凶兆;有的危险He threatened to make the phone public.他恐吓说要把那张照片公开。The heavy black clouds threaten a storm.乌云密布预示着暴风雨将到来。The robber threatened me with a gun.threaten sb with death用死威胁某人threaten to do sth威胁要做谋事13condemn vt.判刑,处刑;声讨;谴责Most people are willing to condemn violence of any sort as evil.任何人都愿意把任何暴力行为视为恶行加以谴责。相关搭配:be condemned to death被判死刑;be condemned to被宣告.condemn a person for theft:判某人盗窃罪be condemned to a life imprisonment:被判无期徒刑练习:The judge _ him for fraud.A. denounced B. condemned C. charged D. accusedKEY:AII. 完成句子1. 几位世界顶级歌唱家担当主演,许多中国音乐家也参加了演出。It _ some of the worlds great singers. Many Chinese _ were also _.2. 它变成了一个美丽而令人心醉的爱情故事的发生地。It has been _ _the _ _a beautiful and _ love story.3. 不可能有比这更好的场景了。There _ _ be a _ setting.4. 故事随后演绎了发生在卡拉夫、图兰朵和柳儿三人之间的经典三角恋情。The story then _ _ a classic love _ _ Calaf, Turandot and Liu.5. 图兰朵不顾一切地想知道他的名字,她威胁、恐吓柳儿。Turandot is _ _ learn his name and _ and _ Liu6. 歌剧在一段美妙的终曲二重唱中结束。The opera _ _ a beautifully- _ final _.7. 他称得上是最受欢迎的作曲家之一。He _ his _ as one of the most popular composers.8. 这次表演让我激动得屏住呼吸。The performance left me _ _ excitement.五语法应用(省略)省略是英语中的一种避免重复,突出关键词语,并使上下文紧密连接的语法手段。英语中,省略的原则是既不损害语法结构,同时又不能产生歧义。1 不使用替代词的省略(1) 省略主语I have done more than (what ) is required.(You) Open the window and the door for me,please.(2) 省略主谓语或主谓语的一部分Why (do) not (you) say goodbye to your lovely cousin ?(Are you ) Ready ?Try to answer these questions in your own words.(3) 省略宾语-Which of them is better ?-Well,it is hard to tell (which of them is better).(4) 省略表语-Are you hungry ?-Yes, I am (hungry).(5) 省略所有格后面的名词Jack and his sister stayed in his uncles(home) during the summer vacation.The girls handwriting is much better than his brothers (handwriting).(6) 省略定语从句中的关系代词关系代词that, which, whom在定语从句中作宾语时通常都可以省略。如:The book (that) he bought last week is written by Guo Jingming.Here is the wonderful book (which )I have read many times.The man (whom) you had said hello to was my English teacher.(7) 不定式中的省略a 英语中为避免重复,经常省略上下文已提到的动词原形,只保留不定式中的 小品词to;这类动词有:expect, forget, hope, intend, mean, prefer, refuse, try, want,wish, would like和love等。如:She asked me to dance with her, but I didnt want to (dance with her).-Do you want to give us a lecture about how to use an English dictionary?-No,I prefer not to (give a lecture about how to use an English dictionary)b 在have to, need, ought to, be going to, used to等后省略动词。如:I really didnt want to go there with him, but I had to (go there with him).c 在某些形容词等后省略后面的动词。如:-Will you join in our discussion ?-Ill be glad to (join in your discussion).d 如果不定式中带有be, have, have been等,通常保留be, have, have been。如:-Did he pass the driving test ?-No, but he ought to have (passed the driving test).2使用替代词的省略(1) 通常情况下,在省略了某个词、短语或句子时,还需要用某个替代词。常用的替代词有:do /does /did,so,not,neither,nor和the same等。用助动词do /does /did来替代上下文出现的动词,以免重复。如:She speaks English more fluently than her elder sister does.(2) 用so可替代单词、短语或句子,作believe, be afraid, expect, do, fear, hope, suppose, say, think 等的宾语。如:-Will it be fine tomorrow?-I hope so. (I hope that it will be fine tomorrow.)3. 常见的省略结构省略的特殊用法:1当几个不定式并列时,第一个不定式通常保留to,而后面的不定式通常省略to。2由两个或两个以上的that引导的宾语从句相并列时,通常第一个that可以省略,而后面的that不可省略。3Possible / necessary 与if, when, where, whenever, wherever等连用时总是省略“it is”等。4asas possible 结构常表达“尽可能”。5if only 后常加一个虚拟句,表达“要是就好了”。6what if / though句式常用来表示“要是 / 即使怎么办”。7what / how about 常用来提出建议或征求对方意见。8why / why not 常跟动词原形,用来询问为什么或为什么不。9在下列短语或结构中v-ing之前的介词可省略。 have difficulty / trouble (in) doing sth. spend / waste / pass (in / on) doing sth. There is no use / good (in) doing sth. stop / prevent (from) doing sth. be busy (in) doing sth. have a good / pleasant / hard time (in) doing sth. 省略的常见句型1. If (he is) given more intention, the boy could have turned out better.2. Tom raised his hand as if (he was going) to say something.3. You should have thanked her before you left.-I meant to, but when I was leaving I could find her anywhere.4. -Do you think its going to rain over the weekend?-I believe not.5. What do you think made Mary so upset? -Losing her new bicycle(made her so upset).练习巩固1. Dont come in unless _.A. invitingB. inviting to C. invited to D. being invited to2. I usually go there by train. Why not _by boat for a change?A. to try goingB. try to go C. to try and go D. try going3.The doctor did what he could _the boy,but in vain.A. saveB. to save C. savingD .saved4. All the girl wants _do is _stay at home and study hard.A. /;to B .to;to C to;/D. either B or C5.Although _to stop,he kept on working.A. tellB. told C. was toldD .having told6.Ask him to take you home_ possible. A .atB. whileC .ifD. if they7. The English book for kids is the best of its kind _.A .that has ever been madeB .ever madeC. ever been madeD .has ever been made8. Look out for cars _the street.A. when crossedB. when crossing C. if you crossedD. while you are crossing9. She worked very hard _still rather poor in health.A. though she B. although she C .though D. although was10.What happened to the boy? Hes making so much noise.He wanted to play football,but his mother warned him _.A. notB. to C .not toD.不填11.Are you a film star? _.A. Yes,I was B.I used to be C.I used to D. Im used to12.Frightened by the noise in the night,the girl did not dare _in her room.A. sleepingB. to sleeping C. sleepD .slept 13. They have done a good job. _.Lets go to congratulate them.A. So they have doneB .So they have C. So have theyD .So is it14.He smokes a lot. Does his father _?A. smoke soB. smoke that C .do so D .did that15. Please dont make a noise. _. Ill be as quiet as a mouse.A. No, I wont B. No, I will C. Yes, Ill D. Yes, I wont16. Is it raining this afternoon? I _. A. dont hope so B. hope not C. dont hope to D. hope not to 17. When _, he has nothing to live on. A. being outside home B. outside home C. leaves home D. he leave home 18. Will he go on a trip this weekend? If he _. A. wants B. will want C. wants to do D. wants to 19. Why dont you arrange your trip _ you did last summer?A. in the way which B. the way which C. the way D. by the way that 20. Cold chicken is delicious _ salad.A. when eaten with B. when to eat with C. when to be eaten with D. when eating with六翻译句子1、这本书写得很好,很受欢迎2、被写于很久以前使得一些古典文学对于一些人来说难以阅读。3、标志牌上写着“禁止吸烟”。 4、他的受伤增加了我们对比赛的担心。5、他现在摆脱了财政困扰。6、这笔财富使他摆脱了财政困扰。7、他宁愿死也不愿意向敌人投降8、我讨厌某人说话时嘴里满是食物。9.新房子是旧房子的四倍大。七单项选择1. The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him _A. not to B. will C. not do it D. do not to2. _ everyones delight, the boy was saved at last. A. With B. ToC. ForD. In3. The Beijing government _ all the citizens to learn English so as to get ready for the 2008 Olympic Games. A. calls on B. calls up C. calls out D. calls off4. Mr. Brown, _ works as manager of the company.A. we got here in his car B. we got here by his car C. in whose car we got here D. by whose car we got here5. By the time I saw the angry expression on his face, I _ exactly what I was having to face. But not for a moment _ I should quit.A. had known; I thought B. have known; had I thought C. would know; I would think D. knew; did I think6. _ their assignments, the students went out of the classroom. A. Finished B. Finishing C. Having finished D. Being finished7. How beautifully she sings! Ive never heard_.A. the better voice B. a good voice C. the best voice D. a better voice8. - There are only ten minutes left. Shall we _ for the concert? - OK. Lets go. A. speed up B. make up C. take up D. link up9. - May I use your cellphone? - Sorry. Its out of order and it _. A. is repaired B. is under repairing C. has been repaired D. is being repaired10. _ shall be punished if he breaks the law. A. No matter who he is B. No matter who is he C. Whoever he is D. Whoever is he11. It shames me to say it, but I told a lie when _ at the meeting by my boss.A. questioning B. having questioned C. questioned D. to be questioned12. We will have a meeting next week, but we dont know _A. who B. where C. as D. which13. - I wont be home until mid-night. - Well, _ I wont cook dinner. A. in that case B. if not C. as it is D. that is to say14. - Shall we go to the art exhibition right now? - _. A. Its up to you B. Its your decision C. I never mind D. I dont know15. - What do they usually do on Saturdays? - Well, it isnt very _. Sometimes they stay at home watching TV. A. sure B. certain C. convenient D. simple16. My sister speaks English _, if not better than , my brother.A. as well B. as well as C. so well D so well as17. Do you think Jack is going to watch a football match this weekend? _.A. I believe not B. I believe not so C. I dont believe it D. I dont believe18. It was five oclock in the afternoon _they arrived at the hotel.A. since B. before C. that D. when19. I can hardly imagine Peter _ across the Atlantic Ocean in five days.A. sail B. to sail C. sailing D. to have sailed20. -What have you been _ these days? -Preparing for my daughters wedding party. A. up of B. on C. up to D. on to21. _ about wild plants that they decided to make a trip to the mountain. A. The couple was such curious B. So curious were the couple C. How curious the couple were D. So curious was the couple22. With no one to _ in such a frightening situation, she felt extremely helpless. A. turn out B. turn on C. turn down D. turn to23. The young man _ drugs was sent to hospital yesterday. A. was addicted to B. addiction to C. addicted to D. was addiction to24. It was thanks to luck _ judgment _ the driver succeeded in avoiding an accident. A. better than, that B. rather than, that C. other than, who D. more than, which25. -Did you work in the lab every afternoon? -No, but


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