高考英语牛津译林版选修7总复习教案《Unit 3 The World online(江苏专用)

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111 Unit 3The world online.单词默写1package n包裹,包;一揽子计划,整套计划2analyse v. 分析;分解;解析3drawback n. 缺点,欠缺,不利条件;障碍4accurate adj. 精确的,准确的,正确无误的5troublesome adj. 令人烦恼的,麻烦的,棘手的6present vt. 提出,呈现;赠送,授予7brief adj. 简要的,简洁的,简短的8classify vt. 将评估,对评价;对鉴定9solid adj.充分的,确实的,有根据的;固体的;牢固的10evaluate vt. 评估,评价11withdraw vt. pull away from12common adj. usual or frequent13addicted adj. unable to stop taking or using something14abundant adj. more than enough15assumption n. a belief that something is true or will happen.词汇拓展1value n价值,给估价,给评价;重视,珍视valuable adj.有价值的2employ vt.雇用;使用employment n雇用,职业employer n. 雇主,东家employee n雇员,雇工3strength n优点,长处weakness(反义词) n缺点,弱点4damage vt.损害,伤害destroy(近义词) vt.破坏,毁掉5consideration n考虑,思考consider vconsiderate adj.考虑周到的considerable adj.相当大/多的considering prep.就而论;考虑到语境助记词不离句,句不离段The specialist presented its solid value and classified its advantages and disadvantages briefly.He was considerate to do so.短语落实1search for 搜寻,寻找2turn to 转向;求助于3drop out 辍学;退出4be addicted to 对上瘾5worn out 疲惫的,筋疲力尽的;磨破的,穿旧的6make_an_effort尽力7make_a_difference 有所不同,起作用8keep._in_mind 记住,牢记9do_research_on 对进行调查/研究10take_into_consideration 考虑,考虑到.句子翻译1These problems do not occur as often when people use traditional reference materials,such as books,newspapers and magazines.(Page 35)如果人们用传统的参考资料:如书籍、报纸,这些问题就不会经常发生。2首先,它对于那些寻找信息的人来说是有价值的。(Page 34)The_first_is_its_value_for_people_who_are_looking_for_information.3他们宣称使用因特网是浪费时间。(Page 34)They_claim_that_surfing_the_Internet_is_a_waste_of_time.4你搜寻到的结果按具体的主题进行了分类。(Page 46)The_results_of_your_search_are_divided_into_specific_subject_categories.5你在搜索时有几件事要考虑到。(Page 46)There_are_several_things_to_take_into_consideration_when_you_are_searching.教材设题句型转换(每空不超过3个单词)1When people are in need of information,from the news and weather forecasts to travel packages and academic research,the Internet is now the first source they turn to.(教材P34) When people_need_information,from the news and weather forecasts to travel packages and academic research,the Internet is now the first source they turn to.2Internet users can communicate with experts on all sorts of topics,and read articles written by people who are leaders of their fields.(教材P34) Internet users can communicate with experts on various_topics,and read articles written by people who are leaders of their fields.3What is more,people who are disabled and must stay in their homes can correspond and communicate with others around the globe who have similar interests.(教材P34) What is more,people who are disabled and must stay in their homes can correspond and communicate with others around the globe with common_interests4This requires you to be patient as you have to read the imformation.(教材P46) It is required that you should_be patient as you have to read the information.5There are several things to take into consideration when you are searching.(教材P46)There are several things that should_(will)_be_considered/you_should_consider/need_considering when you are searching. value n价值,重要性,益处 vt. 给估价,重视,珍视【课本原句】 The first is its value for people who are looking for information.(P34)首先,它(因特网)对于那些寻找信息的人来说是有价值的。(be) of value valuable (adj.) 有价值的be of little/some/no value to sb 对某人几乎没有/有些/没有价值be bad/poor value不划算market value 市场价 hold value 保值 increase in value 升值 family value 家庭观念 value sth 尊重某事/物 value sth at 给某物估价【联想拓展】valueless 没有价值的 priceless 无价的,尊贵的 worthless 无价值的,无用的看看高考怎么考A critical (批判的)eye is valuable(有价值的),and the media should present information in such a way that could allow people to make informed decisions.(2011重庆卷阅读理解E)People in every country value_friendship(重视友谊). Youll find this map of _ in helping you to get around London.(2012邵阳市二中10月份月考)Aprice Bcost Cvalue Dusefulness答案C occur vi.发生,出现【课本原句】 These problems do not occur as often when people use traditional reference materials,such as books,newspapers and magazines.(P35)如果人们用传统的参考资料:如书、报纸和杂志,这些问题就不会经常发生。Many floods occur every year,which kill many lives in many areas.在许多地区每年暴发多次洪水,许多人命丧其中。Many mistakes occur in your composition.你的作文出现了许多错误。【联想拓展】occur to sb(主意、观点、想法等)突然浮现于脑海中It occurs/occurred to sb that.某人突然想起The thought of giving up never occurred to me.我从未想过要放弃。It occurs to him that he hasnt watered his flowers for two days!他突然想起来,他已经两天没有浇花了!辨析happen/occur/take placehappen指偶然或未能预见地发生occur当“发生”讲时相当于happentake place一般指非偶然性事件的“发生”,即这种事件的发生一定有某种原因或事先的安排An earthquake happened in Yushu on Apr.14,2010.2010年4月14日玉树发生了地震。It never occurs to me that I get full mark for my English,thinking I may have failed.我以为我的英文会不及格,我却获得了满分。看看高考怎么考Didnt it ever _ to you that one day you would be fired because of your carelessness?Adream Boccur Cexpect Dhappen答案BI _ along the street looking for a place to park when the accident _.Awent;was occurring Bwent;occurredCwas going;occurred Dwas going;had occurred答案CThe 30th Olympic Games will _ in London in 2012.Ahappen BoccurCtake place Dcome about答案C advantage n有利条件,有利因素,优势【课本原句】 .two students gave at a debate about the advantages and disadvantages of Internet use.(P34)两位学生在辩论中提出因特网使用中的优缺点。disadvantage_n缺点,劣势,不利因素have an advantage over 占优势to ones advantage 对某人有利take advantage of 利用;欺骗看看高考怎么考Companies fearful of losing their competitive_advantage(竞争性的优势) spend much time and money looking for ways to pick up the speed.(2011四川卷阅读理解E)If you take_full_advantage_of(充分利用)your speech class,you will be able to develop your skills as a critical thinker in many circumstances.(2011北京卷七选五) Men usually have_an_advantage_over(比有优势)women when hunting for jobs.Havent you learned of the advantage you should _ others weak points in order to win the match?(2012隆回一中月考)Amake on Bmake ofChave to Dtake of 答案D judgement n判断;审理;裁决【课本原句】 My judgement is that the Internet is beneficial.(P37)我认为,因特网是有助的。Judge whether.判断是否judge. from 根据判断as far as one can judge 据某人判断;据某人认为judge the first race 担任首场比赛的裁判看看高考怎么考He was_judged(被认为)unfit to return to sea and took a shore job in Glasgow for the rest of the war.(2011湖南卷Reading Comprehension,Passage B)The judge_sentenced_him_to(法官判决他)five years in prison.What was _ to be a stopgap (权宜之计) trip turned into a new life.(2011四川卷完形填空)Asaid Bproved Csupposed Djudged答案C_ your accent,you must be from the south.(2012长沙田家炳中学月考)AJudged by BTo judge byCJudged from DJudging by答案D connection n. 连接;联系【课本原句】 A world of connections 一个相连的世界(P33)connection n连接;联系The gas board said there would be a connection charge of $30.煤所部门说要收30美元的接通费。I wonder if you have any business connections abroad.我想知道你们在国外是否有业务联系。【联想拓展】connect v. 连接;衔接connect A with/to B 把A同B连接be connected with 与有关系/联系in connection with 与有关系;关于The suicide bomb explosion isnt connected with terrorism.这次自杀式炸弹爆炸与恐怖主义无关。The Suez Canal connects Africa with Asia.苏伊士运河把非洲和亚洲连接起来了。看看高考怎么考有证据表明这种病与吸烟有关吗?Is there any evidence to prove that the disease is_connected_with smoking?请帮我接通这个号码。Please connect me to this number.警方想和他谈谈关于他妻子失踪的事。The police want to talk to him in connection with his wifes disappearance. popular adj.流行的,受欢迎的,大众的【课本原句】 Some of the most popular types of charts are.(P42)一些最流行的图表类型是Red wines from France are very popular.法国红酒非常受欢迎。The book was so popular that they made a movie out of it.这本书很畅销,人们甚至把它改编成了一部电影。【联想拓展】be popular with 为所喜欢;受欢迎be popular in 在受欢迎popularity n. 普及,流行;名气;受大众欢迎Her songs are popular in Southeast Asia.她的歌在东南亚流行。The teacher is popular with her students.这位老师受到了她的学生的喜爱。His first work gained great popularity among people.他的处女作受到了大家的极大欢迎。看看高考怎么考约翰在同学中不得人心。John is not popular_with his classmates.他在社会上很有名望。He is popular_in society.Zhu Zhiwen is very _ with young people,who like his songs and style.Afamiliar Bpopular Csimilar Dparticular答案B equal vt.等于;与相当 adj.相等的;胜利的【课本原句】 Being relevant and correct,though,does not equal being up to date.(P46)确定了相关性的正确性,不过这并不等同于它们就是最新的。Increased population equals increased demand.人口的增加意味着需求的增加。Four times five equals twenty.4乘5等于20。Men and women should receive equal pay for equal work.男女应该同工同酬。【联想拓展】equal (doing) sth 与某事物相等/等同equal sb in sth 在方面与某人匹配be equal to 等于equally adv. 相等地,平等地,公平地The crop output this year is equal to that of last year.今年稻田作物的产量与去年持平。None of us can equal her in beauty.我们谁也不如她漂亮。I shared out the money equally among us.我把这些钱平分给了大家。看看高考怎么考The island is _ attractive in spring and autumn because of the pleasant weather in both seasons.Apartly Bmerely Cnearly Dequally答案DSocial stability is as _ as individual rights now.Afair Breasonable Cequal Dproper答案C patient adj.有耐心的;n.病人【课本原句】 This requires you to be patient as you have to read the information to decide whether it is linked to what you are researching .(P46)当你必须看这些信息来决定它是否与你所研究的东西有关时,这就要求你应该耐心些。【联想拓展】patience n. 耐心in patience 耐心地have no patience with. 不能容忍have the patience to do. 有做的耐心lose patience with. 对失去信心patiently adv. 耐心地看看高考怎么考Mike Parker Pearson,an archaeologist at Sheffield University,said:“Archaeologists have_been_extremely_patient(从来都很耐心) because we were led to believe the ministry was sorting out this problem,but we feel that we cannot wait any longer.”(2011上海卷阅读理解C)Then I saw he suddenly became patient(有耐心的);he had discovered something he really liked:a large tin drum.(2011辽宁卷完形填空)I think I am_quite_a_patient_person(我是一个相当有耐心的人)You should have been more patient _ that customer;Im sure that selling him the watch was a possibility.(2012长沙周南中学月考)Aof Bwith Cfor Dat 答案B attach vt. 附上,贴上;系,绑;固定,连接【课本原句】 When you are finished,you should always acknowledge where you got your date by attaching a list of the websites you got your information from.(P47)完成报告时,你应该记得你在哪儿获取的数据,并附上你获得信息的网址清单。【联想拓展】attached adj. 依恋,爱慕;附属于attach sth to. 把某物连接到attach importance/significance to.重视,认为重要The Food Ministry is attached to the Ministry of Agriculture.粮食部隶属于农业部。看看高考怎么考What happened would depend on how strongly the things were_attached_to(附着于) the Earth.(2010安徽卷阅读理解B)Parents _ much importance to education.They will do their best to give their children that priceless gift.(2010江西卷单项填空25)Aattach BpayClink Dapply答案AWeve grown very _ to this house and would hate to move.(2012岳阳市一中11月份月考)Aattached BresponsibleCresistant Dcontrary 答案A turn to 求助于,转向;翻到页【课本原句】 When people are in need of information,from the news and weather forecasts to travel packages and academic research,the Internet is now the first source they turn to.(P34)从新闻、天气预报,到包价旅游、学术研究,当人们需求信息时,因特网现在已是许多人的首选。turn your attention/thoughts/efforts to sth 开始注意到/想到/致力于某事turn sb on to sth 使某人对某事产生兴趣看看高考怎么考Tom is that friend of mine who_turned_me_on_to_classical_music (让我对古典音乐产生兴趣的)Our talk turned_to(转向了)football.You look upset .Whats the matter?I had my proposal _ again.(2011江苏卷单项填空30)Aturned over Bturned onCturned off Dturned down答案DThe children all turned _ the famous actress as she entered the classroom.(2012长沙地质中学月考)Alook at Bto look atCto looking at Dlook at 答案B take into consideration 考虑,考虑到【课本原句】 There are several things to take into consideration when you are searching.(P46)你在搜索时有几件事要考虑到。in consideration of 考虑到,由于under consideration 在考虑之中on no consideration 决不consider v. 考虑;认为;看作consider doing sth 考虑/打算做某事consider.as. 把当作满分作文之佳句aThank you for your consideration.bHowever, considering the time limit,I decided to apply for the nursing course.cTaking into account all the factors above,I require the company should have a change of it for me as soon as possible.dIll avoid using unrecyclable things like paper cups and disposable chopsticks, given that they are causes for environment pollution.eAnd I think it especially helpful to you beginners.看看高考怎么考He considers_his_efforts_worthwhile(认为他的努力是值得的)(2011山东卷阅读理解B)Two thirds of customers say that environmental_considerations(环境考虑) inform their purchases to the same degree as they did a year ago,while more than a quarter say that they are now even better aware of the environmental effect on what they buy.(2010福建卷阅读理解C)John did quite well in his exams considering(consider) how little he studied.Everything _ into consideration,he was a good man.(2012长沙市一中月考)Ataking Btaken Cmaking Dmade答案B find oneself doing 发现自己正在做【课本原句】 When you learn a little bit about a new topic,you may find yourself wanting to know more.(P44) 当你稍微了解一个新话题时,你可能发现自己想要知道更多。When the old man came to,he found himself lying in hospital.老人醒过来的时候,发现自己躺在医院里。Finally,I found myself standing at the top of the mountain.最后我终于爬到了山顶。【联想拓展】find后接复合宾语(1)“find oneself宾语补足语”指(不知不觉地)发现自己处于某种情况中,可用形容词、介词短语、现在分词、过去分词作宾补。(2)可用于这种结构的动词还有:see,hear,watch,notice,keep,have等。I found myself in an entirely new world the moment I arrived in Beijing.我一到北京就感到耳目一新。After wandering around,we found ourselves back at the hotel.我们四处漫步后发现不知不觉回到了饭店。I heard him singing when I passed his room.当我走过他房间时,听见他正在唱歌。看看高考怎么考Even the best writers sometimes find themselves _ for words.Alose BlostCto lose Dhaving lost答案BHe was heartened to find the people _ better than ever before.Ato live BlivesCliving Dbe living答案C.短语填空in need of;be addicted to;deal with;have an effect on;keep in touch with;get accustomed to;make out;make sense;make of;turn to1You look sleepy.You are in_need_of sleep.2Can you tell me how to deal_with these old books?3Li keeps_in_touch_with his parents by telephoning them regularly.4She has grown up and I cant make her out5Turn_to me for help if you have any difficulty.6Theyve got_accustomed_to going to bed early and getting up early.7Raising sheep and cows in hilly areas really makes_sense8This table is made_of solid dark wood.9The medicine has_an instant effect_on me.I am fine now.10Those who are_addicted_to drugs are suffering greatly.同义转换1Weve made sure of our tickets for the movie.Weve made sure that we got the movie tickets.2He is the youngest boy in the class.He is younger than any other boy in the class.3Be careful,or youll get hurt.If you arent careful,you will get hurt.Unless you are careful,you will get hurt.4I had a strong wish to know who won the final game.I was eager to know who won the final game.5All the doctors can not perform such an operation.Not all the doctors can perform such an operation.完成句子1How much do you know about international current affairs (时事)?2Do you know how to search_for answers to questions (搜索问题的答案) on Internet?3With no one to turn to (求助),she felt hopeless and homesick.4He prefers to go online (上网) rather than (而不是) go shopping with his wife.5Have you taken into consideration (把考虑进去) all the possible delays on the way before leaving for his office?.单项填空1The boy has _ a fine knowledge of geography by careful study.Arequired Binquired Cacquired Daddressed答案Cacquire knowledge获取知识。2When I was young,I was always _ to my elder brother wherever he went.Aattached Battacked Cattended Dsurrounded答案Aattach to sb和某人在一起,缠着某人。3I didnt speak any French,but a nice man came to my _ and told me where to go.Away Baid Caim Ddirection答案Bcome to ones aid帮助某人。4As is known to all,Chinese arts have won the _ of a lot of people outside China.Aenjoyment BappreciationCentertainment Dsuccess答案Bwin the appreciation of.赢得的赞叹。5_ to climbing the steep mountains,he had no difficulty reaching the top.AAccustomed BTo be accustomedCHaving been accustomed DAccustoming答案A考查过去分词短语作状语。6It _ to me that I might turn to my English teacher for help.Ahappened Bpassed Coccurred Dopened 答案Coccur to sb想起,想到。7I consider _ the party until Saturday evening,and it is considered _ practical.Aputting off;being Bputting off;to beCto put off;being Dto put off;to be答案B考查consider的两个结构:consider doing sth考虑做某事;consider sb/sth to be.认为某人/某物是。8_ and out of breath,we reached the top of the mountain and stopped _ the beautiful scenery.ATiring;to admire BBeing tired;admiring CTired;to admire DTired;admiring答案C第一空为形容词作状语,其逻辑主语是we,故用tired;stop to do sth停下来去做某事。9The theory he sticks to _ to be of no use to our studies.Aproves Bis provedCproving Dto be proved答案Aprove在句中作谓语,且无被动语态。10You should take _ of the opportunity and try to make a good impression on your new boss.Acare Bplace Ccharge Dadvantage答案Dtake advantage of利用。11Please stand _ for a moment while I am taking your photograph.Acalm Bstill Csilent Dquiet答案Bcalm平静的,镇定的;still静止的,不动的;silent不出声的;quiet安静的。句意:我给你拍照的时候,请站着别动。12It is known that tigers _ meateating animals feed on meat.Abelonged to Bbelonging toCare belonged to Dbelong to 答案Bbelonging to在句中作定语。这个短语没有被动形式。13Any information in this report is based _ date obtained _ sources considered to be reliable.Aat;by Bon;withCat;for Don;from答案Dbe based on以为根据;obtain.from.从中获取。14How is it that he _ to get the ticket?Oh,a friend of his helped him.Amanaged BattemptedCsucceeded Dintended答案Amanage to do sth设法做到某事;attempt to do sth试图做某事;intend to do sth 打算做某事。从下句可断定,他已得到了票,故选A。15Did all of the boys go to the cinema?No.They _ went to the Internet bar instead.Aalmost Bnearly Cnever Dmostly答案Dmostly大多数,大部分。111


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