unit11 lesson1《world news》学案(北师大版必修4)

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unit11 lesson1《world news》学案(北师大版必修4)_第1页
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unit11 lesson1《world news》学案(北师大版必修4)_第3页
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111M4u11L1 world newsRead the text and do the exercise True or False1. G8 stands for eight presidents of the worlds wealthiest nations2. The Group of Eight will be reformed this year.3. G8 has decided to cancel the debt of Africa.4. At 12:45 UK time today Londons name has been announced twice.5. Prince William in New Zealand ask British to celebrate activities for the news6. The topic of the meeting of G8 is about Africa.Answers: 1F 2 F 3 F 4F 5F 6T Listening and ReadingFirst listen to the cassette to improve your listening ability and correct your pronunciation. Read aloud again then do the exercise 2 to answer the questionsLanguage points1. detail n. 详情,全部细节(in detail 详细地) This issue will be discussed in more detail in the next chapter. They didnt give any detail about the game.v. 详细介绍 The brochure details all the hotels in the area and their facilities. 2. look forward to + n (高兴地)盼望,期待 Im looking forward to the weekend.look forward to + v-ingWe are looking forward to seeing you again.3. come down to sth. 可归结为What it comes down to is, either I get more money, or I leave.归结起来就是不给我加薪我就辞职。4. delighted adj. 高兴的I was delighted that you could stay. delight v. 使高兴The mother delighted her child with fairy tales.to ones delight n. 使某人高兴的是To his delight, he can go abroad with his parents. 5. concern 涉及,牵涉(某人) The event has concerned a lot of important people, we must take it seriously. 这个事件已经牵涉到一大批重要人物,我们必须谨慎对待。Grammar: The PassiveA 一 般现在时被动 am/is/are + doneB一 般过去时被动 was/ were + doneC 现在进行时被动 am/is/are + being doneD 现在完成时被动 have/has + been doneE 一般将来时被动 will/be going to + be done F含情态动词被动 情态动词+be done Homework: Translation.1. Im really _(盼望)our vacation.2. 他用自己的魅力和机智诙谐让他们感到愉快。 He _his charm and sparkling wit.3. It all _(归根到底)a choice between cutting wages and cutting staff.4. The G8 _ (由组成) political leaders from these eight countries.5. I demand that _ (约翰马上去那儿) . 6. Nothing will _ (阻止我们达到目的).Multiple choices.1 The silence of the library _only by the sound of pages being turned over .A has been broken B breaks C broke D was broken 2.Sarah ,hurry up ,I m afraid you wont have time to _before the party .A get changed B get change C get changing D get to change3 Rain forests _ and burned at such a speed that they will disappear from the earth in the near future .A cut B are cut C are being cut D had been cut 4 I need one more stamp before my collection _.A has completed B completes C has been completed D is completed 5 All the preparations for the task _, and we are ready to start .A completed B had been completed C have been completed D complete 6 Hundreds of jobs _if the factory closes.A lost B will be lost C are lost D will lose 111


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