Module 6《Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World》同步练习3(外研版必修4)

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111Module 6Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World 能 力 闯 关.单词拼写1The terrible noise f_all the people present.2It is 2,189 meters high and c_an area of about ten s_kilometers.3I saw an old lady with_(灰白的)hair get on the bus.4We are warned that if we continue to destroy the environment,many more animals and plants will become e_.5The sea c_down after the storm.6A red sky at night_(暗示;表明)that the following day will be fine.7The UK public remains_(怀疑的)about the impact caused by climate change and believes the problem is being overstated by scientists.8Your company enjoys a good_(名声)in this field.Ive heard that you take care of your employees and offer good salaries.9He_(声称)he won the horse race,though the video showed otherwise.10He has much money and doesnt care about it too much,so he often_(大方地)gives some to the poor to help them out.答案:1.frightened2.covers;square3.grey/gray4.extinct5.calmed6.indicates7.sceptical 8reputation9.claimed10.generously.单项填空1Will you go to the cinema with me this evening?Id love to,but I have_work to do this evening. Atoo many Btoo much Cmuch too Dfar too解析:句意:“今天晚上能和我一块看电影吗?”“我乐意去,但是我要做这么多功课。”考查“have much work to do”结构,too作为副词修饰much,故答案是B。答案:B2I didnt go to the party yesterday because my car broke down.You_mine.I wasnt using it.Aought to borrow Bwould have borrowedChad better borrow Dcould have borrowed解析:句意:“我昨天没去参加聚会,因为我的车坏了。”“你可以借我的,我没有用车。”这是一种虚拟用法,“could have done”本可而没有,故答案是D。答案:D3My God,Im getting late again.What will my boss say?Try to keep_,and well think of a good excuse.Astill Bcalm Cquiet Dalive解析:句意:尽量镇定下来,我们就能想出一个好的理由。still“静止的,不动的”,强调不运动;calm“镇定的”,强调不激动,从容不迫;quiet“安静的”,强调不弄出声音;alive“活着的”。答案:B4“What did he die_?”“He died_hunger.”Aof;from Bfrom;of Cfrom;from Dof;of解析:句意:“他因什么而死的?”“他是饿死的。”die from的意思是“由于而死”,一般指除了疾病或情感以外的原因造成的死亡。die of表示“因(患)而死”的意思,常指由于疾病、情感、饥饿等原因而死亡。答案:D5Research findings show we spend about two hours dreaming every night,no matter what we_during the day.Amay be doing Bcould have done Cmust have done Dmight have done解析:句意:“研究调查结果表明,我们每天晚上花费大约两小时作梦,不管我们白天做过什么。”no matter what.是让步状语从句,用“must have done”一定(判断)和“could have done”“本可,本能”(没做),不合句意,答案是D(“might have done”“也许”)。答案:D6The newcomers found it impossible to_themselves to the climate sufficiently to make permanent homes in the new country.Asuit Badapt Cfit Dmatch解析:句意:“新来的人们发现使他们自己完全适应这儿的气候,在这个新的国家长期住下是不可能的。”考查词义辨析;suit强调“合乎口味,性格,颜色,款式”;fit强调“尺寸,型号”;match强调“相配,相称。”答案B,最合句意。答案:B7The article attacked the government_its policy_education.Aon;for Bfor;on Cwith;of Dof;with解析:句意:“文章攻击政府的教育政策。”答案是B,两题均考查attack(vt.),意思是“用言论攻击”。答案:B8_no point in beating around the bush.Lets_.AIts;come straight to the point BTheres;come to the pointCThis is;get to the point DThat is;reach the point解析:There is no point that.是“没必要”;come to the point“切中主题”。答案:B.翻译句子1对于这个男子来说,这活儿太难做了。(too much)_2这种老虎在这个国家已经绝迹了。(die out)_3当你到一个新的国家时,你必须使自己适应新的风俗习惯。(adapt)_4我正要走的时候,电话铃响了。(on the point of)_5他可能还没有完成那项工作。(may not have)_答案:1.The work is too much for the boy.2The kind of tiger has completely died out in this country.3When you go to a new country,you must adapt yourself to new manners and customs.4I was on the point of leaving when the phone rang.5He may not have finished the work.完形填空He has been called the“missing link”Halfman,halfbeast.He is supposed to live in the highest mountain in the worldMount Everest.He is known as the Abominable(讨厌的)Snowman.The_1_of the Snowman has been around for_2_.Climbers in the 1920s reported finding marks like those of human feet high up on the side of Mount Everest.The native people said they_3_this creature and called it the“Yeti”,and they said that they had_4_caught Yetis on two occasions_5_none has ever been produced as evidence(证据)Over the years,the story of the Yetis has_6_.In 1916,Eric Shipton took photographs of a set of tracks in the snow of Everest.Shipton believed that they were not_7_the tracks of a monkey or bear and_8_that the Abominable Snowman might really_9_.Further efforts have been made to find out about Yetis.But the only things people have ever found were_10_footprints.Most believe the footprints are nothing more than_11_animal tracks,which had been made_12_as they melted(融化)and refroze in the snow._13_,in 1964,a Russian scientist said that the Abominable Snowman was_14_and was a remaining link with the prehistoric humans.But,_15_,no evidence has ever_16_been produced.These days,only a few people continue to take the story of the Abominable Snowman_17_.But if they ever_18_catching one,they may face a real_19_:would they put it in a_20_or give it a room in a hotel?1A.event Bstory Cadventure Ddescription解析:event意为“事件”;story意为“故事、传说”;adventure意为“冒险”;description意为“描述”。根据全文可知,关于雪人这件事是一个故事或传说。答案:B2A.centuries Btoo long Csome time Dmany years解析:从下文中的“Climbers in the 1920s”可知,关于雪人的故事已有许多年(many years),不可能是其他选项。答案:D3A.heard from Bcared for Cknew of Dread about解析:know of意为“听说”,其他选项不符合文章意思。答案:C4A.even Bhardly Ccertainly Dprobably解析:even在此用来加强语气,表示甚至有人抓到过雪人。答案 Bthough Cwhen Duntil解析:though引导让步状语从句,表示尽管目前还没有证据证明这一问题。答案:B6A.developed Bchanged Coccurred Dcontinued解析:根据文章意思,雪人的故事应当是还在继续流传。答案:D7A.entirely Bnaturally Cclearly Dsimply解析:simply在此处作“仅仅、简单的”讲,此句意为“这不只是猴子或熊的脚印”。答案:D8.A.found Bdeclared Cfelt Ddoubted解析:根据前文中believed一词我们可知,Eric Shipton没有什么证据,只能是感觉到(feel)。答案:C9A.exist Bescape Cdisappear Dreturn解析:本题考查动词词义。exist意为“存在”;escape意为“逃脱”;return意为“归还,回来”。根据上下文很容易确定答案。答案:A10A.clearer Bmore Cpossible Drare解析:从文中的意思来看,后来人们只是发现“更多的(more)脚印。”答案:B11A.huge Brecent Cordinary Dfrightening解析:由“nothing more than”来暗示“脚印”也不过是普通动物的行迹而已。答案:C12A.strange Blarge Cdeep Drough解析:结合上下文的意思,雪地里的足迹经过融化再冻会变“大”(large)。答案:B13A.In the end BTherefore CAfter all DHowever解析:however此处表示转折,因为下文写的是一名俄罗斯科学家所持的不同观点。答案:D14A.imagined Breal Cspecial Dfamiliar解析:后文讲到一名俄罗斯科学家认为雪人是与史前人类相联系,由此可见这位科学家认为雪人是“真的”(real)。答案 Bbesides Cagain Dinstead解析:上文提到的没有证据证明这种情况又出现了,故用again。答案:C16A.rightly Bactually Cnormally Dparticularly解析:actually此处指“事实上”,这位俄罗斯科学家的观点仍然没有得到事实证明。答案:B17A.lightly Bjokingly Cseriously Dproperly解析:联系上下文可知,大部分人都不相信雪人的故事了,只是少数人“认真”(seriously)对待雪人的传说,take sth.seriously意为“认真对待某事”。答案:C18A.succeed in Binsist on Cdepend on Djoin in解析:本题考查动词词组的意思。succeed in doing sth.意为“成功做某事”,符合句意。答案:A19A.decision Bsituation Csubject Dproblem解析:根据文意,应为面临的“难题”(problem)。答案:D20A.zoo Bmountain Cmuseum Dlaboratory解析:从文章的意思看,雪人如果是“人”就应当住旅馆;如果是“动物”,就应该进“动物园”(zoo)。答案:A111


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