Module 4《Carnival》-Vocabulary教案1(外研版必修5)

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111Module 4 Carnival(Period 3)Teaching aim: Deal with language points1. Carnival originates from _./ the origins of carnival 狂欢节的起源originatevt.使产生; 创始; 创办; 发明;发起; 引起origin用作名词,表示“起源,开端,来源”。 The origin of the custom are unknown.该风俗的起源不详。There are several sayings about the origins of life on earth。They originated the plan. 他们首先提出这一计划。联想拓展original adj. (无比较级)最初的;原始的;创新的 originate in/ from sth. 起源/发生于 originate with 由某人发起”首创”All theories originate from / in practice and in turn serve practice. 任何理论都来源于实践,反过来又为实践服务。The film originated in / from a short story. 这部电影取材于一篇短篇小说。The use of steam originated many other reforms. 蒸汽的使用引起了许多其他改革。The optic theory originated with Einstein. 光学理论是爱因斯坦首创的。【巩固运用】The quarrel _ (源于)in rivalry between two tribes; they were quarrelling about which was the _(起源)for ancient art. 2. Think of carnival, and you think of crowds, costumes and confusions. 想起狂欢节,你就想起拥挤的人群,节日的服饰和混乱的场景。 祈使句+ and/or +陈述句句型, 祈使句表示条件,与陈述句之间要用连词and / and then (就;那么) 或or/ or else/ otherwise (否则;不然的话) (1) Work hard, and youll make much progress. (=If you work hard, youll make much progress.)努力学习,你就会取得很大进步。(2) Put on more clothes, or youll catch a cold. (=If you dont put on more clothes, youll catch a cold.) 穿上衣服,否则你会感冒。有时祈使句会由一个名词短语充当。One more step, and you will be killed.More efforts ,and youll succeed.One more minute, and Ill complete the work.【巩固运用】(1) _ the test. 再努力一点,你就会通过考试。(2) _the test. 再努力一点,否则你就不会通过考试。(3) _(听医生的建议,否则) your cough will get worse. 3. “Carnival” comes from two Latin words, meaning “no more meat”. 狂欢节来自两个拉丁单词,意思是“没有更多的”肉。本句中meaning “no more meat”是现在分词作定语修饰words,相当于定语从句which mean The students, following the teachers instructions, passed the exam.学生们在老师的指导下,通过了考试The question being discussed is important. 正被讨论的这个问题非常重要。【巩固运用】(1) The flowers _sweet in the garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature. A. to smell B. smelling C. smelt D. to be smelt (2) From time to time Jason turned round as though _ for someone. A. searching B. to search C. searched D. was searching 4. In Europe, where it began, carnival was followed by forty days without meat, as people prepared for the Christian festival Easter. 在欧洲狂欢节开始的地方,节日之后人们要斋戒40天,为基督节日复活节做准备。prepare v.准备,预备prepare (sb/sth) (for sb/sth) 使(某人)有准备; 把(某事物)准备好; 预备be prepared for sth 对某事物(尤指令人不愉快者)作好准备be prepared to do sth be able and willing to do sth 能够 并愿意做某事prepare sb for sth 使某人对某事物(尤指令人不愉快者)有所准备prepare for trouble 准备应付麻烦事 prepare a meal,预备饭菜The troops were being prepared for battle/to go into battle. 部队已作好战斗准备/已准备好投入战斗. She was prepared for anything to happen. 她已准备好应付一切.I am prepared to lend you the money if you promise to pay it back.我愿意把钱借给你,你得答应还给我.Prepare yourself for a nasty shock! 有件令人十分震惊的事, 你要有所准备!All the students are making preparations for the exam. 所有同学都在为考试做准备。【即学即练】完成句子(1) Im _speech _(为 做准备)the meeting. (2) Im _(乐意做)anything for you. 5. People saw Carnival as a last chance to have fun at the end of the winter season.人们把狂欢节看成是在冬季结束时可以尽情玩乐的一个最后机会。1) see sth./ sb. as sth. 把某人/某物看成某物America is seen as the land of opportunity. 美国被看成是机会的土壤。Jack saw any man who spoke to his wife as a potential threat. 杰克把任何跟他妻子说话的男人都当作潜在的危险。表示“把看作,视为”的短语有:treat as , regard as, think of as, consideras, look onas/uponThe parents look on their children as the best ones. 父母认为他们的孩子是最棒的。We all think of the plan as a perfect one. 我们都认为这是一个完美的计划。 2)chance c. n. 机会;u. n. 可能v. 偶然发生, 试试看I never miss a chance of playing football.我从不错过踢足球的机会。We may lose a lot of support, but thats a chance well have to take.我们或许会失去很多支持,但这个风险我们必须冒一冒。It was the chance she had been waiting for. 这就是她一直等待的机会。Is there any chance of getting tickets for tonights performance?有可能得到今晚演出的票吗?The old man chanced/ happened to be in the park when I was there.我在公园时碰巧老人也在公园里。opportunity 是一种有利的状态或合适的时机; chance 常意味着因为运气或偶然而出现的机遇 Dont throw this chance away; it wont come around again. 机不可失,失不再来。【巩固运用】(1) 她摔倒受伤时我碰巧路过。 (2) 不要把所有的陌生人都看成是敌人。6. Many crimes went unpunished. 很多罪行都逃脱了惩罚。go unpunished 未被惩罚的, 本句是系表结构。go是系动词,意为“变成,变得; 变为;成为;处于.状态”常接形容词或过去分词作表语,表示状态的改变,通常指由好变坏或由正常变为特殊。例如:go mad / bad / wrong / red / hungry 疯了/ 变坏 / 出错/ 脸色变红 / 挨饿Her hair is going grey. 她的头发日渐变白。 The milk has gone sour. 这牛奶馊了。Police are worried that many crimes go unreported. 警方感到不安的是许多罪行发生后无人报案。【巩固运用】(1) The crowd was _. 人群激动的发狂。(2) All her complaints _. 她的一切抱怨无人理睬。(3) He _(生气)because of his naughty boy.7. For weeks on end people walked round the streets wearing masks doing what they wanted to do without being recognized. 接连几个星期,人们带着面具走街串巷,为所欲为而不被认出来。 on end 连续地,不断地;竖起,直立着He would disappear for weeks on end. 他常常连续几周不见人影。Place the box on end. 将这盒子竖起来放。【归纳比较】 place/ stand sth. on end 把竖起来 make ones hair stand on end 使某人毛骨悚然 three times in a row 接连三次【巩固运用】(1) It rained _. 连续下了三天雨。(2) When he heard the strange cry, his hair _.(都竖起来了)8. Their use was limited by laws, the first of which dates back to the fourteenth century. 面具的使用受到了法律条文的限制,这最早可追溯到14世纪。 (1)limit vt.限定限制n. limit to 的界限/限制limit sth (to sth) 限制(在范围内) beyond the limit of ones power 超过某人权力限度 reach the limit of ones resource 山穷水尽We must limit our expense to what we can afford. 我们必须使开支不超出我们的支付能力。There is a limit to the amount of money I can afford. 我能付的出的钱数是有限的。(2)the first of which 引导一个定语从句,在关系词which前可以使用介词。He is reading a book,the name of which I dont know. 他正在读一本书,书的名字我不知道。The house in which the old man lived was on fire last night. 那位老人居住的房子昨天晚上着火了。 (3) date back to追溯,上溯【用法示例】 The prosperity of the family dates back to the war. 这家人的发迹始于大战时期。【归纳比较】 date back to / date from追溯,后接表示具体时间的名词 date back 追溯,后接表示一段时间的名词【巩固运用】(1)The history of their family _ hundreds of years and the house where they live _ the 18th century. 他们的家族已有几百年的历史,并且他们住的房子也始建于十八世纪。(2)把演讲限制在5分钟之内。 (3)The dictionary, the few pages _(字典的)are missing_ (追溯到)12th century. 9. If they broke the laws, they were put into prison for up to two years.如果他们触犯法律,就会被判处多达两年的监禁。put into prison 投入监狱The murderer was put into prison. 杀人犯被关进监狱。联想拓展in prison 坐牢;蹲监狱 take sb. to prison 把某人送进监狱 send sb. to prison把某人关进监狱 throw sb. to prison把某人投进监狱 prison 表示“囚禁”时不加冠词。加冠词后仅强调地点。He was taken to prison and lost freedom. 他被送进监狱,失去了自由。He was put into prison related to a robbery. 他因参与抢劫被关进监狱。【巩固运用】While he was at _college, he took part in the march and was soon thrown into _prison. A. the; 不填 B. 不填; the C.不填; 不填 D. the; the 10. Hotels are fully booked and the narrow streets are crowded with wonderful costumes. 旅店被订满,狭窄的街道挤满了身着各种华美服饰的人们。crowd n. (可数)人群 v. 群集;拥挤;挤满There are crowds of people in the theater. 剧院里有许多人。There is/are a crowd of people in the park. 公园里有一群人。联想拓展crowded adj. 拥挤的挤满的 be crowded with 满是,挤满 So many people crowded into the crowded hall. 许多人挤进拥挤不堪的大厅。The road is crowded with cars. 路上挤满了车。11. If the masks come off, the magic is lost. 如果其面具摘掉了,其魔力也就消失了。come off 脱落,分开How did your button come off? 你的纽扣怎么掉的?come off onto 掉在 come off sth. 从脱落下来 come off well/ badly 进行得顺利/不顺利【巩固运用】(1) Some wet paint _. 一些湿油漆粘到了她的手上。(2) The hook _ (挂钩掉了下来) when I hung my coat on it.(3) Despite the problems, the wedding _. (婚礼进行得还是非常顺利)答案:1. originated; origin 2. Work harder, and then you will pass; Work harder, otherwise, you will not pass; Follow the doctors advice, or 3. B; A 4. preparing, for; prepared to do 5. I chanced to be passing when she fell and hurt herself./Dont see all the strangers as enemies. 6. going wild with excitement; went unheard; went angry 7. three days on end; stood on end 8. dates back; dates back to /Try to limit your speech to five minutes./of which; dates back to 9. C 11. came off onto her hands /came off the wall/came off very well111

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