Module 2《My New Teachers》同步练习3(外研版必须1)

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111英语:Module2My New Teachers练习(1)(外研版必修1)Section OneIntroduction & Reading and Vocabulary.勇闯单词关1Young people are always energetic(精力充沛的) and full of vitality.2The building was completely(完全地) destroyed by the big fire.3Ill appreciate(感激) it if you can give us an answer immediately.4His trip to India made a strong impression(印象) on him.5Many students feel rather nervous(紧张的) before examinations,so they cant do very well.6Strictly(严格) speaking,the book is not a novel,but a short story.7Youll just have to be patient(耐心) and wait till I finish my work.8He is a kind teacher and is respected(尊敬) by all his students.选择合适的短语用其适当的形式填空make sure,make progress,as a result,would rather,rather than,make mistakes,on time,do well in 1I was listening to music at that time.As a result,I didnt hear clearly what he said.2I think the door has been locked,but youd better go and make sure of it.3In my opinion,its easy to improve ones listening ability,but its very hard to make progress in writing.4Li Lei did well in the exam so his teacher spoke highly of him.5To tell you the truth,I would rather study history than geography.6The traffic jam kept us from getting there on time.7My uncle prefers to go out for fishing rather than stay at home,watching TV.8He has lived in the United States for over 3 years,but sometimes he still makes mistakes when speaking English.根据所给汉语提示完成句子1除非明天下大雨,否则飞机会正常起飞。The plane will take off as usual unless it rains heavily tomorrow.2这个问题是如此难,以致于班内没有一个人能回答正确。The question is so difficult that none of the students in the class can answer it correctly.3随着油价迅速上涨,我们买不起车。We cant afford a car,with oil prices rising so fast.4在一天中最热的时候你最好避免外出。Youd better avoid going out during the heat of the day.5他的小弟弟宁愿在户外站着也不愿意在室内学习。His little brother prefers to stand outside rather than study indoors.单项填空1I would appreciate back this afternoon so that we can make an immediate decision.Ayou to call Byou callCyour calling Dyoure calling答案C解析appreciate后面要用动名词作宾语,C为动名词的复合结构。2Although Mr.Anderson,the manager of the company,is with the employees,they still like him very much.Astrict Bpopular Cpatient Dfamiliar答案A解析be strict with对严格;be popular with受喜爱,欢迎;be patient with对耐心;be familiar with对熟悉。由于上句由although引导,则表示与下句是转折的关系,再结合“they still like him very much”,可知答案是A项。3I I have to do the speech in front of so many people.Ahate to Bhate forChate when Dhate it when答案D解析句意为:我不喜欢在那么多人面前演讲。hate it when表示“不喜欢的时候”,其中it作形式宾语。4 the key,he stayed outside his place all night and fell on the floor.AAs a result he lost;sleepingBSince he lost;sleepyCAs a result of his losing;asleepDAs he lost;aslept答案C解析as a result of后面接表示原因的名词或代词;as a result后面接表示原因的句子;fall asleep为固定搭配,意思是“睡着”。5How you say such a thing to your parents?You should respect them all the time.Awould Bdare Cdo Dmight答案B解析注意dare的使用语境。句意为:你怎么敢对你的父母说出这样的话?你应该尊重他们。6He tried to avoid my questions in class.Ato answer BansweringCto have answered Dhaving answered答案B解析avoid为本单元重点词汇,其后要加动名词作宾语。7She admitted some bicycles from her neighbourhood.Asteal Bto stealChaving stolen Dto have stolen答案C解析admit后v.ing形式,此处为v.ing的完成式,表示steal这一动作在主句谓语动词admit之前发生。8You look so tired,Jane.I my mother clean the house all the day.Ahave helped Bhave been helpingCwas helping Dam helping答案B解析A项表示动作已完成了,答非所问,不可选。C、D两项也与该题情景不符。B项用现在完成进行时表示该动作一直在进行,现在可能刚刚结束。9 production up by 60%,the company has had another excellent year.AAs BForCWith DThrough答案C解析本题考查with的复合结构。10With your help,I have made progress my study.Aon BaboutCin Dtowards答案C解析本题考查固定搭配。make progress in在某方面取得进步,所以答案是C项。.完形填空A shepherd was herding(放牧) his sheep when suddenly a brandnew sports car came out of a dust cloud towards him.The 1 was a young man in a new designer suit,designer 2 ,designer sunglasses and a designer tie.He 3 out the window and asked the shepherd,“If I tell you 4 how many sheep you have here,will you give me one?”The shepherd 5 the man,then his peaceful sheep and 6 answered,“Sure,why not?”The young man 7 his car,took out his 8 ,connected it to his mobile phone,surfed to a page on the Internet where he called up a satellite navigation system(卫星导航系统) 9 ,he printed out a fullcolor,150page report on his hitech 10 ,he turned to the shepherd and said, “You have exactly 1,586 sheep.”“Thats right.” said the shepherd,“I guess you can 11 one of my sheep.”The shepherd then said to the young man,“Hey,if I can 12 you exactly what your 13 is,will you give me back my sheep?” The young man thought about it for a (an) 14 and then said,“Okay, 15 ?”“You are a consultant (顾问),” said the shepherd.“Wow! Thats 16 .” said the young man,“But how did you 17 that?”“No guessing required.” answered the shepherd.“You showed up here 18 nobody called you.You want to get 19 for an answer that I already knew,to a question I 20 asked and its obvious you dont know a thing about my business.Now give me back my sheep.”1Acyclist BdriverCteacher Dpilot答案B解析因为第一句话中有sports car,所以此处应该选B。2Aclothes BtrousersCsocks Dshoes答案D解析因为suit是一套衣服的意思,所以此处选择D最合适,和后面的sunglasses和tie相对应。3Aleaned Btook Cput Dlooked答案A解析此处是跑车司机倚靠在车窗上,所以选择lean,意思为“倚靠”。其他的选项都不合题意。4Aexactly BgenerallyCquickly Dsimilarly答案A解析句意为:如果我能够确切的说出你这儿羊的数量,你能够给我一只羊吗?所以此处选择A选项。exactly是“确切地”意思;generally是“一般地”意思;quickly是“很快地”意思,强调速度快;similarly是“相似地”意思。5Aturned to Bstared atClooked at Dpointed to答案C解析此处表达的是牧羊人看了看这个人,然后看了看羊,所以用look at。turn to是“转向”的意思;stare at是“盯着”的意思;point to是“指着”的意思。6Astilly Bquietly Cangrily Dcalmly答案D解析根据牧羊人很肯定地回答可以看出,牧羊人很平静。所以选择D。7Amoved Bturned Cparked Dran答案C解析此处是“停车”的意思,所以选择C。8Acounter BcomputerCbook Dpencil答案B解析此处是跑车司机拿出电脑接到手机上,然后上网,所以选择B。9AFinally BHoweverCEven DTherefore答案A解析这个地方缺少一个表示时间的副词。前面的parked,took,connected和surfed是一系列的动作,所以此处应该选择A,表示最后。10Acar BInternet Cprinter Dphone答案C解析根据“he printed out a fullcolor,150page report”可知是在打印机上打印出来的,所以选择C。11Abring Bfetch Ctake Dcarry答案C解析牧羊人回答的是“我想你可以带走我的一只羊”。所以应选择C项。bring是“带来”的意思;fetch是“去拿来”的意思;carry是“运送”的意思,不强调方向性。12Aknow Bguess Ctell Dlook答案C解析牧羊人问“如果我能准确地辨别你的职业,你会还给我的羊吗?”所以此处选择辨别tell。13Abusiness BcarCcomputer Dmatter答案A解析根据12题的解析,我们可以得到此题的答案为A。14Ahour Bday Cminute Dsecond答案D解析跑车司机稍微想了一会,强调即时性,所以选择D。15Afor what Bwhy notCwhy Dif not答案B解析跑车司机稍微想了一会,表示同意,所以选择B。16Aall right BallCcorrect Dso答案C解析牧羊人猜对了跑车司机的职业,所以回答正确,选择C。17Aget Bguess Cwork Dhave答案B解析跑车司机对于牧羊人猜对自己的职业感到很奇怪,并且可以从牧羊人的回答 “No guessing required.”看出,此处选择B。18Aas though Beven soCif so Deven though答案D解析即便没有人给你打电话,你也能到这儿。句中缺少的是一个让步状语从句,所以选择D。19Apaid Bpraised Cdone Dcalled答案A解析牧羊人回答:“为了一个我从来没有问你的问题很明显你不知道关于我的职业的一件事情,并且是我已经知道了的答案,你都想得到回报。”所以,此题选择A。20Aoften BconstantlyCsometimes Dnever答案D解析根据上题的解析可以看出此题的答案为D。Section TwoGrammar.根据题意,用所给单词的适当形式填空1You must have your luggage weighed (weigh) at the airport.2After measuring (measure) the room,I found it was twenty feet wide and thirty feet long.3Its dangerous to carry a hot pan with burning (burn) oil.4They said they would open (open) a western food restaurant on Beijing Road next month.5His mothers death was caused (cause) by the heart disease.6The girl who was examined (examine) by the doctor yesterday afternoon is my good friend.7Has the population of China been controlled (control) in the past five years?8Some people (had) escaped (escape) into the street before the firefighters were sent there.9I hadnt known (not know) that you would come here until your father told me.10The man is walking to gate to sound (sound) the bell for lunch.单项填空1My watch needs ,but I have no time to go to town to have it .Ato repair;repaired Bto be repaired;repairingCrepairing;repaired Dbeing repaired;repaired答案C解析.need doing.need to be done需要被做;have sth.done让别人做,为习惯用法。2She reached the top of the hill and stopped on a big rock by the side of the path.Ato have rested Bresting Cto restDrest答案C解析stop to rest停下来休息一下;而B项stop resting意为“停止休息”。3Cant we go there on foot? to take a boat.AI feel like BWed betterCId prefer DYes,Id like答案C解析feel likedoing;Wed betterdo;D项语意矛盾;would prefer to do sth.宁愿/更愿干某事。4It is no use without doing.Ato promise BpromisingCpromise Dto be promised答案B解析Its no use doing sth.做没有用。5I have been knocking at the door,but no one answers.Why not at the back door?Atry knocking Btry to knockCto try knocking Dto try to knock答案A解析try doing sth.试着做某事;try to do sth.尽力做某事。6 loud music in public is against the law in the UK.APlay BHaving playedCPlaying DBeing played答案C解析句意为:在英国,公共场合播放喧噪的音乐是违法的。动名词的一般式作句中主语不强调时间上的先后动作,且动词play与music构成逻辑上的主谓关系。动词短语不能充当主语;此处不强调动作上的先后关系,故C项正确。7Last weekend Peter had a great deal of fun with his family kites in a park.Afly Bflew Cto fly Dflying答案D解析句意为:上周末皮特和家人在公园里放风筝,玩得很开心。have fun (in) doing sth.为习惯搭配,意为“做某事很开心”,故D项正确。8(全国高考)They use computers to keep the traffic smoothly.Abeing run BrunCto run Drunning答案D解析句意为:他们用电脑使交通运转顺畅。keep宾语宾补, 此处traffic与run之间为主谓关系,故用现在分词作宾补。9(陕西高考)I still remember to the Famen Temple and what I saw there.Ato take Bto be takenCtaking Dbeing taken答案D解析remember to do sth.记着去做某事;remember doing sth.记着做过某事。句意为:我依然记着别人领我去法门寺以及我在那儿看到的事物。10In some parts of London,missing a bus means for another hour.Awaiting Bto waitCwait Dto be waiting答案A解析mean doing sth.表示“意味着做某事”;mean to do sth.表示“打算、意欲做某事”。句意为:在伦敦的一些地区,错过公交车意味着再等一个小时。11At the beginning of class,the noise of desks could be heard outside the classroom.Aopened and closedBto be opened and closedCbeing opened and closedDto open and close答案C解析本题考查非谓语动词作定语。过去分词作定语表完成、被动;不定式作定语表将来;现在分词作定语,表示正在进行。句意为:开始上课时,在教室外面就能听到开关课桌的声音。表示开关课桌的动作正在进行,因此用现在分词作定语。12One learns a language by making mistakes and them.Acorrect BcorrectingCcorrects Dto correct答案B解析and前后为并列关系,前有介词by,因而用correcting。13Victor apologized for to inform me of the change in the plan.Ahis being not able Bhim not to be ableChis not being able Dhim to be not able答案C解析根据apologize for (doing) sth.结构可知,此处应用动名词,排除B、D两项。非谓语动词的否定式是在非谓语动词之前加not,故选C项。14“We cant go out in this weather,”said Bob, out of the window.Alooking Bto look ClookedDhaving looked答案A解析本题考查v.ing短语在句中作伴随状语。15Why me about it earlier?Anot to tell Bdont you to tellCnot tell Dnot telling答案C解析Why dont youWhy not后加动词原形表示征求对方意见。16My parents have always made me about myself,even when I was twelve.Afeeling well Bfeeling goodCfeel well Dfeel good答案D解析make sth.为固定句型;feel为系动词后跟形容词,因此用feel good。17(福建高考)Come on,please give me some ideas about the project.Sorry.With so much work my mind,I almost break down.Afilled BfillingCto fill Dbeing filled答案B解析本题考查非谓语动词。with复合结构中,宾补可以是adj.,adv.,prep.phrase,doing,done或to do,此处so much work与fill之间为主谓关系,并且强调此时状态,故用现在分词短语作宾补。.短文改错Time is valuable but limit. Theres a famous saying,1.limitlimited“Time is money”, this shows the importance of time. When2.thiswhichtime has gone, it will never return back.3.returnturn或去掉backIt is a pity when many people make poor use of time. They4.whenthatspend precious time sleeping, drinking and traveling.5.spend后加theirThey dont realize wasting time is equal to waste part of their life.6.wastewastingThey always regret having made a little achievement so far.7.去掉aTherefore, we should form the habit of value time. Do not8.valuevaluingput off what can be done today until tomorrow. Laziness9.will not only bring us failure, but also lead us on the road10.ontoof poverty and even death.Section Three Speaking;Listening and Vocabulary; Pronunciation;Function and Speaking; Everyday English & Writing.勇闯单词关1Three years ago,our school had a headmistress,but today our school has a headmaster.2She studied French history for a long period(一段时间) of time.3The final examination is coming.All the students are doing their revision(复习)4If you give her a topic(话题),she can talk a long time.5The winter vacation is not as long as the summer one.6Strict discipline (纪律) is required in our school.短语互译1at present 目前;现在2in the future在未来3stressed sound重音4be up to sb.由某人来决定5a couple of两个;一些6do/try ones best尽某人最大努力7get a good mark考高分8Thats settled.就这么定了。.单项填空1Shall we go skating or stay at home?Which do yourself?Ado you rather Bwould you ratherCwill you rather Dshould you rather答案B解析考查sb.would rather do sth.。2I prefer studying English at home the match.Ato watching Bthan watchingCrather than Dto watch答案A解析考查prefer doing doing sth.喜欢而不喜欢。3Shall we go out? AShall we?BIll follow your suggestion.CI dont know.DIts up to you.答案D解析Its up to you.“由你来决定”,为固定搭配。4I had but to wait for the next bus.Achoices Bno chooseCa choice Dno choice答案D解析have no choice but to do.别无选择只有。5Im sure youd rather she went to school by bus, ?Ahadnt you Bwouldnt youCarent I Ddidnt she答案B解析在反意疑问句中,如果主句的谓语动词是think,suppose,believe,imagine,be sure等,且主语为第一人称,简略问句仅有肯定或否定与主句相对应,而主语和时态要与宾语从句一致。6(山东高考)Shall we have our picnic tomorrow? it doesnt rain.AUntil BWhile COnce DIf答案D解析句意为:明天我们去野餐吗?只要不下雨(就去)。7She took a shortcut home again,letting herself in through her garden and the back door.She to wait.Asettled in Bsettled downCset down Dcalmed答案B解析由第一句话的内容知是:她最终安顿下来等。所以B项正确。8After dinner,the old prefer to have a walk in their garden.Apair Bcouple Cman Dwoman答案B解析couple夫妇两人。由空后的prefer知C、D两项不正确。9I pay Tracy a visit,but Im not sure whether I will have time this Sunday.Ashould Bmight Cwould Dcould答案B解析由后句“我不知这个星期天是否有空”知是有可能去拜访Tracy。10Do remember to take this medicine three times a day with boiled water. .AHeard it BMade itCGot it DTaken it答案C解析句意为:记住这种药一天吃三次,而且用开水冲服。明白了。此句用Got it表示“明白了”。made it的意思是“成功”。.阅读理解If there is no difference in general intelligence (智力) between boys and girls,what can explain girls poor performance in science and mathematics?It seems that their treatment at school is a direct cause.Mathematics and science are seen as subjects mainly for boys,and therefore,as girls become teenagers,they are less likely to take them.Interestingly,both boys and girls often regard the subjects for boys as more difficult.Yet it has been suggested that girls do not take mathematics courses,not because they are difficult,but for social reasons.Girls do not want to be in open competition with boys because they are afraid to appear less feminine (女性的) and attactive. However,if we examine the performance of boys and girls who have taken mathematics courses,there are still more highachieving boys than there are girls.This difference appears to be worldwide.Biological explanations have been offered for this,but there are other explanations too.Perhaps the difference which comes out during the teenage years has its roots in much earlier experiences.From their first days in kindergarten,boys are encouraged to work on their own and to complete tasks.Facts show that outstanding (杰出的) mathematicians and scientists have not had teachers who supplied answers.Besides,there can be little doubt that teachers of mathematics and science expect their boy students to do better at these subjects than their girl students.They even appear to encourage the difference between boys and girls.They spend more time with the boy students,giving them more time to answer questions and working harder to get correct answers from them.They are more likely to call on boys for answers and to allow them to take the lead in classroom discussion.They also praise boys more frequently.All of these seem to encourage boys to work harder in science and mathematics and to give them confidence (信心) that they are able to succeed.Such a way of teaching is not likely to encourage girls to take many mathematics and science courses,nor is it likely to support girls who do.When it comes to these subjects it seems certain that school widens the difference between boys and girls.1Girls are likely to think that .Ascience courses are for both boys and girlsBscience courses make them more popularCscience courses make them successfulDscience courses are difficult for them答案D解析第二段第三句“Interestingly,both boys and girls often regard the subjects for boys as more difficult.”说明女孩似乎认为科学课程对她们来说很难。2The text mainly discusses reasons for the difference between boys and girls in scientific achievements.Abiological BhistoricalCsocial Dpersonal答案C解析第二段第四句“Yet it has been suggested that girls do not take mathematics courses,not because they are difficult,but for social reasons.”和作者在下面几段中对这个原因的论述说明了这篇短文主要讨论了造成男孩与女孩在学习科学课程方面的差异的原因是一种社会原因。3What are boys usually encouraged to do at school?ATo get help with their homework.BTo play the leading role in class.CTo work with girl students in class.DTo learn to take care of others.答案B解析倒数第二段第四句“They are more likely to call on boys for answers and to allow them to take the lead in classroom discussion.”告诉我们,教师常常鼓励男孩在课堂上起主导作用。4What does the passage say about great mathematicians?ATheir teachers did not supply answers to them.BThey started learning mathematics at an earlier age.CThey showed mathematical abilities in their teenage years.DTheir success resulted from their strong interest in mathematics.答案A解析从第四段最后一句“Facts show that outstanding mathematicians and scientists have not had teachers who supplied answers.”可知,对于伟大的数学家来说,教师不给他们提供答案。5The author would probably agree that .Aboys and girls learn in the same wayBboys and girls are equal in general intelligenceCgirls are more confident in themselves than beforeDgirls should take fewer science courses than boys答案B解析作者在短文的开头就提出了一个十分尖锐的问题:If there is no difference in general intelligence between boys and girls,what can explain girls poor performance in science and mathematics?接着,作者表明了自己的态度:男孩和女孩在智力上不存在差异,而女孩学习科学课程困难的原因是一种社会原因。.书面表达现在你已经进入高中一个月了,请写一篇英语短文来介绍你的英语老师。要点如下表所示:序号要点提示1.老师特点长发大眼,非常漂亮2.教学特色课堂生动有趣,和同学相处融洽3.多才多艺折纸、唱歌、弹钢琴参考词汇:折纸fold papers注意:词数100左右。参考范文Teachers are often compared to gardeners,because their teaching students is simi


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