英语牛津译林版 必修一Unit2《Growing pains》教案period 10

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英语牛津译林版 必修一Unit2《Growing pains》教案period 10_第1页
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111Period 10 Project: Writing an advice letter教学设计一整体设计教材分析The project in this unit is designed to help the students improve English through doing a project. The two letters in Part A are for students to read and find out what has happened between the father and his son.The purpose of this section is to let students use what they have learnt to finish a project by working together. In the course of doing the project, the students will discuss what has happened between the father and his son, what they can do to help the two and write letters to give them some advice to solve their problems. They will search and find some information and do some writing and drawing. In order to make an attractive poster, they are expected to know how to cooperate and how to fulfil each part of the task. 三维目标1. To learn two letters about the problems that happened between the father and his son.2. To learn about some expressions: insist, suggest, forbid, as though, insist on, at the moment.3. To help the students learn how to write an advice letter and enable students to present an advice letter in groups.4. To help students learn how to work together and write an advice letter to solve problems. 重点难点1. How to write an advice letter.2. Enable students to assign roles to each group member and work together to solve problems. 教学方法1. Discussion in pairs or in groups.2. Task-based in-class activities.3. Explanation of some language points. 教具准备A tape recorder and the multimedia. 课前准备Teachers can ask students to read two letters on page 38. Ask the students to read it fast and to find out the answers to the following questions: 1. Why does the father write the letter?2. What does the father think about his son?3. What is the father worrying about?4. Why does the son write the letter?5. What are his problems?6. How does he feel about his father?Besides those, ask the students to find out the main idea for each paragraph. 教学过程Step 1 Greeting and check the homework.Activity 1 Acting out a dialogueAt the beginning of this period, teachers can ask some students to act out the dialogues between Christina and her mum and the host of the “Talk Time” show. Present their dialogues that they wrote yesterday to the class. Step 2 Lead-inTeachers give the students enough time to discuss the questions below with their partners. Several minutes later, let the students exchange their different ideas.Questions: 1. Who do you think loves you more, your mother or your father?2. When you experience some problems with your parents, how will you solve the problem?Sample answers: 1. My mother loves me more. She is very caring and considerate. She takes care of almost everything for me. I really cant imagine life without her. But my father looks so serious. I am afraid of him. /I think my father loves me more. He can understand my problems and my feelings. I always talk to him when I feel bad or have some difficulties.2. Generally, mothers love is different from that of fathers. They all love you, although in different ways. Sometimes you may misunderstand them for what they have done to you. As we all know, there are many hotlines on the radio or advice columns on newspaper which deal with family or other interpersonal problems. They are very helpful because they help people solve small problems before they become big ones. So when you feel upset or unhappy about some problems, you may turn to them for help. I think they always work well. Have you ever thought of being an advice columnist, helping others solve their problems? What should they do? Step 3 DiscussionAsk the students to discuss the following questionsHave you ever thought of being an advice columnist, helping others solve their problems? What should they do?Sample answer: I like to be an advice columnist. That will be a great job. I like helping others solve their problems.What an advice columnist should give: Get a rough idea about the troubleAnalyze the troubleFind out the roots of the troubleGive proper suggestionsKeep in regular contact with the senderFeedback informationT: In almost every family there are problems that may upset teenagers and their parents. A father has some problems with his son. They have both written letters to a magazine, asking for advice. Today were going to help them solve their problems. Step 4 ReadingHave the students answer some questions about the letters: 1. Read the first letter and answer the following questions: 1)Why does the father write the letter?2)What does the father think about his son?3)What is the father worrying about?Answers: 1)to ask for some help so as to help his son.2)problems the father thinks about his son: disobeys everything his parents ask him to dois rude to themrefuses to spend time with themrefuses to do his homeworkspends too much time watching DVDs, listening to foreign music, chatting in Internet cafes, playing games and surfing the Internet3)His son may fail at school or worse.2. Read the second letter and answer the following questions: 1)Why does the son write the letter?2)What are his problems?3)How does he feel about his father?Answers: 1)To be helped with some problems he has at home.2)problems the son thinks about his father: doesnt listen to him when he wants to do something orshouts at him when he tries to talk to himfights like crazy when he refuses to his fathermakes him do things he doesnt likecalls him selfish and unloving when he wants to be alonegets very angry when he plays foreign musicsends him to bed or tell him to study when he watches a DVDforbids him from meeting his friends at the Internet3)He loves his father a lot. He hopes his father can understand him better and respect the things he wants to do. Step 5 DiscussionT: Will you have the same list if you are given a chance to complain about your parents? What advice will you give to the father or the boy if you are an advice columnist?1. Ask the students to work in groups of four and find suggestions to the son: Sample answers: Try to be a docile kid at home no matter whether you are an outstanding student at school.Never attempt to change your fathers character and to be an ideal father.Communicate with your father through letters if he happens to be short-tempered.Come up to your dad and tell him how much you care about him.Remember that its correct for a father to urge his son to study hard.Make your father believe youll be successful in life by doing what you like.2. Ask the students to work in groups of 4 and find suggestions to the father: Sample answers: Try to look at things from your sons angle. If you trade your role with your son, I believe you will realize some of the problems you mentioned in your letter are easy to solve.Prepare to have a heart-to-heart talk with him. Music is part of a young peoples life. You cant stop him just because good communication will smooth the problems. Your son wants you to treat him as your equal while you act as a commander. Thats where all the problems come from.Remember what your son needs is more than material comfort.Youd better not put too much pressure on your son. Be a good motivator.Try to encourage him to find himself, to build up self-confidence.Cut out harsh remarks when your son falls short of your expectation. Unconditional love is very important, because he is your son. Step 6 Self-readingGive the students some time to read and understand the two letters by themselves. If they have some problems, ask them to discuss these problems with their partners or put them forward later to discuss with the whole class. Learning to ask questions while reading is very important for students to develop their reading ability. If necessary, teachers can offer them some help. Step 7 Language points1. At the moment, he refuses to do almost everything his mother and I ask him to do.目前, 我和他母亲让他做的事情他几乎什么都不做。1)at the moment 用于现在时, 意为“此刻”“目前”, 相当于at this moment, right now, at present; 用于过去时, 意为“那时”“当时”, 相当于at that moment, then。如: Im busy at the moment. 我现在很忙。I should have been willing to lend him the book he asked for, but I hadnt it with me at the moment.他要借的那本书, 我本有意借给他, 可是当时书不在我身边。At the moment, he was busy preparing his lessons.那时, 他正忙于准备功课。The number is engaged at the moment. Try again in five minutes.这个号码现在占线, 请五分钟后再拨。Hes unemployed at the moment. 他目前失业了。2)for the moment 意为“暂时, 目前, 这时”。如: I want to leave this for the moment and talk about something else.我希望把这事暂时搁一下, 谈谈其他的事。Were happy living in a flat for the moment but we may want to move to a house soon.目前我们住单元房很满意, 但不久我们也许想住个独门独户的房子。Stop discussion for the moment. 请暂停讨论。3)for a moment 意为“片刻,一会儿”。如: Let me think for a moment what is the best method to solve the problem.让我想一会儿什么是解决这个问题的最佳方法。He paused for a moment and then went forward.他停顿了一会儿然后继续向前。I had to think for a moment before I remembered his name.我想了一会儿才想起他的名字。4)in a moment 意为“一会儿,立刻,马上”。如: Ill come in a moment. 我一会儿就来。Could you make a decision in a moment? 你能马上作出决定吗?Tell him to call me up in a moment. 叫他过一会儿打电话给我。5)at any moment 意为“在任何时候, 随时”。如: We can ask him for help at any moment.我们随时可以请他帮忙。We shouldnt lose heart at any moment.我们在任何时候都不能失去信心。2. His grandparents buy him many things, and yet he is still rude to us.他爷爷和奶奶给他买东西。可就是这样他还是对我们很无礼。1)be rude to sb. 意为“对某人粗鲁、没礼貌”。如: Dont be rude to the taxi driver. Its not his fault that the traffic is heavy.不要对那个出租车司机粗声粗气的。交通拥挤不是他的过错。Hes very rude to the old people. 他对老人很没礼貌。【注】 介词to和for经常跟在一些形容词或名词后表示“对于”, 那么, 什么情况下用to, 什么情况下用for呢? 这个问题比较复杂, 原因在于, 后边可以跟to或for的形容词很多, 这些形容词与to或for搭配, 各有其原因。当主语是表示人的名词或代词, 且形容词表示主语对某人或某事的主观态度或感情常用to,这样的形容词有good, bad, blind, faithful, kind, cruel, deaf, generous, grateful, open, polite, rude, thankful等。如: His stepmother is good to him. 他的继母对他很好。We should be faithful to our country. 我们应该对国家忠诚。The woman was unkind to her mother-in-law. 这女人对她婆婆不好。Dont be cruel to animals. 不要虐待动物。The merchant is very generous to the villagers. 那商人对村民们很慷慨。Im grateful to you for your help. 我感谢你的帮助。You should be polite to your parents. 你应该对你的父母有礼貌。2)与这些形容词相对应的名词后一般也跟to而不跟for。如: I admire him because of his kindness to everyone.他对大家都很友好, 我很敬佩他。This showed their loyalty to the party.这表明了他们对党的忠诚。3)当主语是表示事物的名词或代词时, 一些表示给人某种感觉的形容词后常用to。如: The scene was astonishing to everyone standing by.这场面令旁观者大为吃惊。English is interesting to me. 我觉得英语有趣。The business is new to him. 他不熟悉这种事。4)表示“有害”“有益”“适合”等意义的形容词后常用for。如: Dont read in the sun. Its bad for your eyes.不要在阳光下看书。那样对眼睛有害。Fresh air is good for you. 新鲜的空气对你有好处。I dont think he is fit for the job. 我认为他不适合做这工作。This is a place suitable for a picnic.这是一个适合野餐的地方。Shes extremely well qualified for the job.她极胜任这一工作。3. Recently he has been refusing to do his homework, and instead insists on wasting his time watching DVDs and listening to foreign music.最近, 他就是不做家庭作业, 而总是把时间浪费在看DVD和听外国音乐上。1)has been refusing为现在完成进行时形式,该时态强调动作从过去开始, 一直进行到现在该动作可能仍在进行, 也可能刚刚停止。它常用于表示延续至今的连续性或重复性动作。Youre out of breath. Have you been running?你上气不接下气, 是不是跑步来着?He has been writing letters to the hospital.他一直在给那家医院写信。现在完成时主要用于表示已完成的动作及其对现在的影响或与现在的关系。I have taught the class. 我教过那个班。I have been teaching that class. 我教着那个班。2)insist onupon后接名词或动名词, 意为“一定要”“坚决主张”“坚持说”。如: We insist upon a definite answer.我们一定要得到一个肯定的答复。They always insist on a high standard.他们一贯坚持高标准。He insisted on his correctness. 他坚称他是对的。She insisted on going there. 她坚持要去那里。He insisted on seeing us home. 他一定要送我们回家。We insist on your giving us a straightforward answer.我们一定要你们给我们一个直截了当的回答。We ought to have insisted on your taking a thorough rest before going back to work.我们本来应该坚持让你彻底休息好后再回去工作的。We insisted on his coming to the party.我们坚持要求他来参加聚会。3)insist用作及物动词, 意为“坚持说”“坚决认为”, 后可接that宾语从句, 从句中不用虚拟语气。如: He insisted that he had done right. 他坚持认为他做得对。I insisted that he was mistaken. 我坚持说他搞错了。He insisted that he could get back in time.他坚持说他能及时赶回来。He insisted that Xiao Yang was not to blame.他坚持说不怪小杨。She insisted that she needed no help. 她坚持说她不需要帮助。4)insist用作及物动词, 意为“定要”“坚决要求”“坚决主张”, 后接that宾语从句, 从句中要用“should+动词原形”, should可以省略。如: They all insisted that they (should) not rest until the work was done.他们坚决要求不完工就不休息。I insisted that he should come with us. 我定要他与我们同行。I insisted that he should go. 我一定要他去。I insist that you take immediate action to put this right.我坚决要求你立刻采取行动把事情处理好。辨析: insist on与stick toinsist on指“坚持(自己的意见和想法)”。stick to意为“坚持做”, 后接名词, 表示始终如一坚持某人的观点、目的、决定、计划等。如: Each side stuck to its own position on this question.在这问题上, 双方都各自坚持自己的立场。Dont stick to your own opinions. 不要坚持己见。If you stick to main roads, you wont get lost.如果你一直走在大路上, 你就不会迷失方向。We will stick to our decision. 我们将坚持我们的决定。Whatever you say, I will stick to my plan.不管你说什么, 我都将坚持我的计划。4. He and my mother always make me do things I dont like such as playing the piano and learning Japanese.我爸爸和我妈妈总是强迫我做我不喜欢做的事情, 比如弹钢琴或者学习日语等。1)make是使役动词, 可接不带to的动词不定式。make sb. do意为“使某人做”, 用在被动语态中要加to。如: Another famous building that makes people think of seashells is the Opera House in Sydney.另一个使人们想到海贝壳的著名建筑是悉尼的歌剧院。What he said made us all laugh. 他所说的话使我们大笑起来。He made me repeat the story. 他逼我把故事重复一遍。She must be made to keep her promise. 必须逼她遵守诺言。2)make是使役动词, 后面可以接形容词作宾语补足语。如: It is our duty to make our country more beautiful.使我们的国家更美丽是我们的职责。What he did made me very happy.他所做的事使我非常高兴。The exciting news made us very excited.那个令人兴奋的消息使我们很激动。I made it clear that I didnt agree with your idea.我明确表示不同意你的观点。3)“make+宾语+过去分词(作宾补)”的结构, 常见的有make oneself seenheardbelievedknown, 意为“使自己被看见、听见、相信、知道”。如: When introduced, you should stand up to make yourself seen.当介绍你的时候, 你应该站起来让人看到。She couldnt make herself heard because of the noise of the traffic.由于交通嘈杂声。她无法让别人听到她的声音。A person who often lies cant make himself believed.常说谎的人是难以让别人相信他的。The man made himself known by writing short stories.那个人通过写短篇故事使自己出名。She read English in a high voice so as to make herself noticed.她高声朗读英语, 以使自己被注意。辨析: be made of, be made from, be made into, be made up of(1)be made of指物理变化, 能够看到其组成原料。如: This table is made of glass.这个桌子是由玻璃制成的。I want to buy a ring made of pure gold.我想买一个由纯金制成的戒指。(2)be made from意为“由制成的”, 指化学变化, 不能够看到其组成原料。如: Paper is often made from wood. 纸一般是由木头制成的。Wine is made from grapes. 葡萄酒是用葡萄酿制的。I enjoy this kind of drink made from apples.我喜欢喝这种用苹果制成的饮料。(3)be made into意为“某物被制成”, 其主语为原物, into后接新物。如: Bamboo can be made into tables. 竹子可以被制成桌子。Grapes can be made into wine. 葡萄可以制成酒。(4)be made up of意为“由组成”,是整体与独立个体的关系。如: Our class is made up of fifty students.我们班是由五十个学生组成。The UK is made up of four countries.联合王国由四个国家组成。The committee is made up of representatives from every state.该委员会是由来自各州的代表组成的。4)make for意为“朝方向移动,有助于做某事物”。如: The ship made for the open sea. 轮船朝着公海行驶。When the bell rang, everyone made for the dining room.当铃声响的时候, 大家都涌向食堂。Cultural exchange makes for better understanding.文化交流有助于更好的交流。5)make out意为 “了解(某人性格)”“辨认出”“理解某事物”。如: What a strange person she is! I cant make her out at all.她这个人真奇怪! 我根本无法了解她。With the light out, I couldnt make out anything.灯熄灭了, 我辨认不出任何东西。I cant make out what he wants. 我不明白他想要什么东西。I couldnt make out whether she likes reading or not.我不知道她是否喜欢阅读。6)make up 意为“化妆”“组成”“编造”“弥补”“配(药)”等。如: Every girl likes making up. 每一位女孩子都喜欢打扮。China has a population of 1. 2 billion, making up 20 of the world population.中国有12亿人口, 占全世界人口总数的20%。Our English teacher asked us to make up a dialogue.我们的英语老师要我们编一个对话。Hard work can make up for a lack of intelligence. 勤能补拙。Nothing can make up for the loss of a child.孩子的死亡是什么都无法弥补的。5. Also, every time I watch a DVD, he sends me to bed or tells me to spend more time studying.还有,每次我看DVD时,他让我去睡觉或告诉我多花些时间学习。句中every time为从属连词, 引导时间状语从句。注意从句中不可使用表示将来的will, 可用一般将来时, 用现在完成时代替将来完成时。each time, the first/last/next time, the moment/minute等名词性短语皆可用作从属连词, 引导时间状语从句。Every time he comes, he asks me for money.他每次来总向我要钱。Every time I was in trouble, he would come to help me out.每次我处于困境中, 他总来帮我脱离困境。Dont forget to call on me next time you come to our city.下次来我们市, 别忘了来找我。The first time I saw her, I fell in love with her.我对她一见钟情。The last time I saw her, she was lying in bed.我最后一次看到她时, 她躺在床上。The moment/the minute/the second I saw her, I recognized her.我一见到她, 我就认出了她。Step 8 Writing an advice letterActivity 1 PlanningAsk students to work in groups of four.First let them discuss and choose which letter to focus on.Then decide which of the answers suggested by your partners should be included in the letter the group will write.Discuss the tasks listed below and decide which group members will be responsible for what tasks. (Remember, two or three people can work on the same task! )Research the style an advice letter should be written in_ .Write an outline for the letter_.Write the letter_.Activity 2 PreparingIn this step, students will prepare for writing the letter. They will discuss and write an outline for the letter first.Members responsible for doing research need to find examples of advice letters. The group should discuss the information found, and decide how the letter should be written. They may look at the following resources for information: MagazinesNewspapersInternet sitesTV shows for teenagersThose responsible for writing the outline need to make a draft and have it approved by the other group members.Activity 3 ProducingIn this step, students will write the letter by following the style and the outline they just completed. All members need to proofread the draft before the writers can make a final version. The final version has to be approved by the whole group.Sample letters: Dear Liu Wei,Thanks for your attention to our magazine. After reading your letter, I know you are in trouble with your family. Dont worry. Id like to tell you something about myself when I was at the same age as you.Nowadays you meet the problems which are still common in the modern society. Here I want to give you some advice. First, you must honor your parents, not shout at them. Second, maybe you can often talk to your parents to let them understand you.I hope its helpful to you. Im looking forward to receiving your good news.Yours,Mr ZhuActivity 4 PresentingAsk several groups to present what they have written to the whole class. Answer any questions the classmates have about the letter. Display the letter where it can be seen. Step 9 SummaryIn this class, we have talked about how to write an advice letter. We have learned two letters written by a father and his son. After that, we spent some minutes in discussing how to solve the problems mentioned by the father and his son. Finally, we get down to writing an advice letter to the father or his son. Now I give you your homeworkwrite an advice letter to your parents in order to get them to know how to get along well with youtheir sons or daughters. Step 10 Homework1. Write an advice letter to your parents.2. Translate the following sentences.1)他坚持要求被派到前方去。(insist)2)他坚持认为有必要帮助她。(insist)3)他每次都给我带来一本好书。(every/each time)板书设计problems the father thinks about his son: disobeys everything his parents ask him to dois rude to themrefuses to spend time with themrefuses to do his homeworkspends too much time watching DVDs, listening to foreign music, chatting in Internet cafes, playing games and surfing the Internetproblems the son thinks about his father: doesnt listen to him when he wants to do something or

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