高二英语(选修七)《Unit 3 Under the sea》说和写 人教版

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高二英语(选修七)《Unit 3 Under the sea》说和写 人教版_第1页
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111Teaching goals 教学目标1. Target language 目标语言a. 重点词汇和短语pure magic, extraordinary beauty, fantastic thing, scared to deathb. 功能句式Thats not good enough. Im sorry but . Im afraid . Im feeling (annoyed with / unhappy about / unsatisfied with .). Im not feeling (happy about / satisfied with .).Id like to talk to the manager. Id like a full refund. Thats no good for me. Id like a refund, please. 2. Ability goals能力目标Enable the Ss to describe a place and the plants or animals there with the target language. Enable the Ss to make complaint using the expressions given.3. Learning ability goals学能目标Help the Ss learn how to write a description of a place and the plants or animals there with the target language.Help the Ss learn how to make complaint with the target language. Teaching important and difficult points教学重难点Help the Ss to master the useful expressions and learn to use them to express blame and Complaint in certain situations. Teaching methods教学方法Discussing, guided writing and speaking. Teaching aids教具准备A projector and a computer. Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式Step RevisionT: Yesterday, I asked you to work in groups to check the meanings of the expressions given on Page 24 and talk about the times you had feeling like these. Have you done that? Now who would like to tell about a time you had these feelings? Then ask some Ss to tell about the times they had feelings like these.StepWriting (1)T: In last period we read a dairy, in which the writer used very beautiful words and phrases to describe colours, patterns, shapes and behaviour of the animals. Now please write a paragraph to describe a place and the plants or animals there. You can read the third and the fourth paragraph of the dairy as model for your own writing. Five or six minutes later Ill check your work.The Ss will read the third and fourth paragraph before they start writing. When they are writing, the teacher should walk around to see if they have any problems to deal with. Five or six minutes later, show one or two copies on the screen and check them with the whole class. Sample writing:When we came into the arboretum, our sight was attracted by all the vivid colours of varieties of flowers at oncereds, yellows, purples, white, blue, pinks, oranges and so on. I loved Lilies very much, which were shaped like horns. The white ones were the most sweet-smelling with large size; the pink ones were beautiful in both colour and sweet and the orange ones were vivid in colour with no sweet and small size. I loved Roses the best. They have all advantages in the large flower sizes, good-looking shapes, rich colours and sweet smell. A new type of Rose named Blue Yaoji was so charming that I just wanted to kiss the gem-blue flowers. The Butterfly Orchids were both rare and beautiful. They came from Taiwan Province with a long bloom time. They got the name Butterfly Orchids because of the flower shapes badly like butterflies. Most of them were purples and white. But I found a yellow kind, on which the flowers were a bit small like yellow jade. They were really beautiful. Seeing the extraordinary beauty, I felt every cell in my body woke up. It was like discovering a whole new dimension of life.Step Speaking Speaking and writing P27T: In our daily life, we sometimes meet with something unpleasant and make complaint. So when you go to another country, you should learn to complain politely, then you may get a good solution. Look at the three situations on Page 27. Have you ever met these situations in your life? What did you say at that time? Or what will you say if you are in such situations? Think about it. . Now read the expressions above the situations and see how they can help you to make complaint for each of the situation. Then work in pairs, choose one situation and make up a dialogue for it.After a while, check their work by asking several pairs to act out their dialogues. Step Writing (2)WRITING TASK P68T: We have learned the story of Sedna. Can you retell the story? You may feel it difficult to retell such a long story. Dont worry. Turn to Page 68. Look at the topic sentences of each paragraph, using them as a guide. Then you will find it easier to tell the story. Now work with your partner, take turns to tell the story. Show the topic sentences on the screen. Ask a student to retell the story before the class. Then get the Ss to write down the story individually, using the topic sentences as a guide. 111


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