高一英语备课 课堂导学《Module 2 My New Teachers》教学素材 外研版必修1

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111课堂导学文本感知.My New Teachers1.The first impression of Mrs Li to the writer is _.A.nervous and shyB.kind and patientC.a bit slower in teachingD.teaching clearly答案:A2.Which is NOT the first impression of Mrs Chen to the writer?A.Teaching too wellB.Strict.C.Serious.D.Very old.答案:B3.Mr Wu has already become popular with his students because _.A.he is handsomeB.he is full of energyC.he is humorousD.all the above答案:D4.Which of the three teachers are liked by almost all the students?A.Mr Wu.B.Mrs Chen.C.Mrs Li.D.This passenger doesnt mention it.答案:A5.Three writers write about their first teachers in the order of _.a.Later impressionb.Teaching effectsc.Teaching characteristicsd.Personal opinione.First impressionf.appearanceA.efacbB.eacbdC.fdbeaD.dcbea答案:B.Different Countries,Different Schools1.The first paragraph mainly deals with _.A.the different schools from different countriesB.the life of different schools in EuropeC.the characteristics of European schoolsD.the differences in teacherstudent relationship between different schools from different countries答案:D2.Which of the following countries doesnt put the discipline at the first place in schools?A.France.B.Russia.C.America.D.Sweden.答案:C3.From the passage,we can conclude that _.A.British and American students are harder to control than those in other countriesB.students in private schools are easier to teach that those in state schoolsC.British and American students are easier to control than those in other countriesD.those who attend private school are generally the ones who arent good at study答案:A4.Which of the following countries doesnt have both state schools and private schools?A.America.B.Germany.C.France.D.Russia.答案:D5.If you are asked to go on writing after the last paragraph,youll most probably write about _.A.the different sports in different schools from different countriesB.the differences in teaching between different schools from different countriesC.the advantages and disadvantages of both state schools and private schoolsD.why some students would like to go to state schools答案:C 难句透视1.I think perhaps she was,as it was her first lesson with us.我认为她是既紧张又害羞,因为这是她给我们上的第一节课。剖析:as it was her first lesson with us是原因状语从句,as表示“由于”;her first lesson=the first lesson of her。通常我们要在序数词前加上定冠词 the 或者是形容词性物主代词来表示顺序;若加的是不定冠词,则表示“又一个”“再一个”,而不再表示顺序了。2.She avoids making you feel stupid.她避免使你觉得自己是个笨蛋。 剖析:avoid vt. 避免,后面加名词或动名词作宾语;making you feel是“make+宾语+不带to的不定式作宾补”,意为“使某人”;feel意为“觉得”,是连系动词;stupid意为“愚蠢”,形容词作表语。 3.Ive always hated making mistakes or pronouncing a word incorrectly when I speak English,but Mrs Li just smiles,so that you dont feel completely stupid!当我讲英语时,我总是憎恨犯错误或者不能正确地读出一个单词的发音,但是李老师只是微笑,这样你就不会感觉自己很傻。 剖析:so that you dont feel completely stupid为结果状语从句。so that还可引导目的状语从句,这时,从句中一般要用情态动词;如果没有情态动词,多为结果状语从句,意为“以至于;这样”。4.I feel Im going to make progress with her.我觉得在他的指导下我将会取得进步。剖析:make progress取得进步。要注意progress是不可数名词,没有复数形式,前面也不需要加冠词。如果说很大的进步要用make rapid/much/great progress;with her是介词短语,可译为:与她在一起。5.Shes very strictwe dont dare to say a word unless she asks us to.她很严厉我们不敢说一句话,除非她让我们说。剖析:dare在此句中作实义动词用,否定形式为dont dare,后接带to的不定式;unless she asks us to是条件状语从句,相当于“if she doesnt ask us to”;asks us to是省略语,其完整形式是asks us to speak。6.Ill do well in the exam with Mrs Chen teaching.由陈老师教我们,我将会考好的。剖析:do well in在方面做得好;with Mrs Chen teaching是一个独立主格结构,构成是:with+n.+分词,用作条件、原因、伴随等状语。7.Mr.Wus only been teaching us for two weeks and hes already very popular.吴老师刚带了我们两个星期,但他已很受学生欢迎了。剖析:该句使用的时态是现在完成进行时,它与现在完成时的区别是:前者表示到现在为止持续不断的动作或状态;而后者表示已完成了的动作或状态;popular 流行的;大众的;受欢迎的。常见短语:be popular among/with 在中流行;受欢迎。8.This is true of France,Germany,and Spain,where discipline and respect for the teacher is considered very important.法国、德国和西班牙的情况就是这样,在这些国家中,纪律和尊敬师长被认为是很重要的。剖析:This is true of sb./sth. 便是这样;where.引导非限制性定语从句,意为“在那儿”;very important用作主语补足语。9.In Britain,relationships are quite relaxed,but teachers can have big problems with discipline.在英国,(师生之间的)关系非常宽松,但是老师维持纪律是非常困难的。剖析:have problems with 在某方面有困难;与有纠纷。例如:I have some problems with my pronunciation.我发音有点困难。He has problems with his classmates.他与同学有纠纷。10.Another important difference is whether schools are state schools or private schools.另一个区别是学校是公立的还是私立的。剖析:whether schools are state schools or private schools是表语从句,由whether.or.引导,意为“是还是”。要点解读一、词汇详解1.make sure确定;确信;查明;弄清楚【典型例句】To make sure that he was at home,I called him up in advance.为了确定他在家,我事先打电话给他。Make sure that you put down every word she says.切实要记下她说的每一个字。You must make sure of the time and place.你必须把时间和地点弄清楚。【知识小结】make sure 后面接that从句,that常省略;也可接of/about短语。【相关链接】(1)be sure to do 一定;必定He is sure to make progress in his study.他一定会在学习中取得进步。要注意,sure的主语是具体的人或物。(2)be sure of/about 确信;相信He is sure of winning the competition.他相信他能赢得这次比赛的胜利。(3)be certain to do 一定;必定It is certain that he will come tonight.他今天晚上一定会来。注意,certain的主语可是人、物,也可用形式主语it。如上句可改为:He is certain to come tonight.英汉互译(1)我想门已经锁了,但我最好还是去查看一下。_(2)我尽力把这个问题弄明白。_(3)It may freeze tonight,so make sure the plants are covered._答案:(1)I think the doors locked,but Id better go and make sure it is.(2)I tried to make sure of the problem.(3)今晚大概会有霜冻,一定要把花草都遮盖好。单句改错(4)It is sure that the Middle East will go to peace.提示:sure不能用 it作形式主语。答案:sure改为certain2.amusing adj.有趣的,可笑的【典型例句】It was amusing to watch the trained elephants perform.观看受过训练的大象表演很有趣。He told amusing jokes after dinner.他在饭后讲了几则令人捧腹的笑话。【相关链接】(1)amuse作动词用,意为“使欢乐,逗高兴;使发笑;消遣”。常接介词at/by/with。He amused himself by playing the flute.他吹笛自娱。(2)amused表示“被逗乐的,愉快的;顽皮的” 。The audience was amused by the performance.观众被这个表演逗乐了。(3)amusement 是名词,表示“娱乐,消遣,兴趣; 快乐的事;娱乐”。To our great amusement,the teacher sang a funny song in class.使我们感到很愉快的是,老师在课上唱了一首滑稽的歌。单项填空(1)It was too rainy to play outside,so she _herself with a book.A.treatedB.amusedC.enjoyedD.free提示:treated oneself自我对待;enjoyed oneself 玩得愉快;free oneself 自我解脱。句意为:雨大,不适合在外面玩,所以她看书消遣。答案:B(2)We are usually _by the _performances by the comic master Zhao Benshan.A.amusing;amusedB.amused;amusingC.amusing;amusingD.amused;amused提示:amusing令人愉快的;amused感到愉快的。答案:B3.intelligent adj.聪明的【典型例句】The child made a very intelligent comment.那孩子作了很有见地的评论。Elephants are intelligent animals.象是有灵性的动物。【相关链接】(1)intelligence n.智力 I.Q=Intelligence Quotient 智商(2)intelligent/clever/bright/wise/smart的区别intelligent强调有学识、理解力或推理能力,并能运用在智力。clever为普通用词,表示敏于学习和理解,思想、手段灵敏,但是缺乏深度和广度。bright常用来形容年轻人或小孩,多用于口语。wise是正式用语,用于人,表示智力发达,明辨是非,有健全的判断力,知识渊博,经验丰富。smart常用于口语,表示“机灵,精明,潇洒”。选词填空intelligent/clever/bright/wise/smart(1)The students look _in their new school uniforms.(2)The girl is _ beyond her years.(3)Its really _ of you to find your way back here.(4)When the water pipe burst,she was _ enough to turn off the water at the main.(5)Its easy to be _after the event.答案:(1)smart(2)bright(3)clever(4)intelligent(5)wise4.impression n.印象【典型例句】The new teacher made a good impression on the students.新教师给学生留下了一个好印象。What are your impressions after reading the book?你看完那本书后有什么印象? 【相关链接】(1)impression还可表示“模糊的观念;印痕;影响”。例如:I have the impression that Ive seen that man before.我觉得我以前见过那个人。The robber left an impression of his feet in the mud.强盗在烂泥里留下了他的脚印。My advice seemed to make little impression on him.我的忠告似乎对他不起作用。(2)impress vt. 给极深的印象;使感动、铭记I was very impressed by his story.他的故事深深打动了我。He impressed on me the importance of hard work.他要我牢记努力工作的重要性。英汉互译(1)我对他的印象极好。 _(2)你对中国的第一印象是什么? _(3)His speech produced great impression on the audience._(4)Frank made a good impression so the manager gave him the job._答案:(1)I had a very good impression of him.(2)What was your first impression of China?(3)他的演讲在听众中产生了巨大的影响。 (4)弗兰克给经理留下了好印象,因此经理给了他这个工作。 5.avoid vt.(故意)避开【典型例句】I avoided him as much as possible.我尽量避开他。They all avoided mentioning that name.他们都避免提及那个名字。She braked suddenly and avoided an accident.她紧急刹车,避免了一场车祸。【知识小结】avoid后面常接名词、代词和动名词作宾语。单项填空What kind of mistakes do you want to avoid _full marks in your test?A.to getB.get C.gettingD.will get提示:句意:你要避免什么样的错误才能在考试中得满分?to get不是avoid的宾语而是全句的目的状语。答案:A6.strict adj.严格的;严厉的【典型例句】The teachers are strict with their pupils.老师对学生严格要求。 We all should be strict in our work.我们都应当对工作严格要求。He is a strict but good captain.他是一个既严格又好心的船长。【知识小结】be strict with sb. 对某人要求严格be strict in sth. 在某方面严格要求单项填空Their parents are too serious and too _ their children.A.correct to B.strict with C.strict in D.strict 提示:宾语是人,要用be strict with。句意:他们的父母太严厉,对他们的孩子要求太严格。答案:B7.appreciate vt.感激【典型例句】I appreciate your help.我感激你的帮助。 She appreciated being invited.她因被邀请而感到快乐。 【知识小结】appreciate后面接名词、代词或动名词作宾语。【相关链接】(1)appreciate还可表示“赏识;欣赏”。Her talent for music was not appreciated.她的音乐才能无人赏识。(2)I would appreciate it if.是一个请求别人帮助的句式,意为“如果的话我将十分感激”。单项填空山东 Id appreciate_ if you would like to teach me how to use the computer.A.thatB.itC.thisD.you提示:it指代用来泛泛地指某事,可用于如I like it,I appreciate it等类似的句子。表示喜欢和赞赏某事。it和that均可指代前面提到的名词或事,it是人称代词,可指代同名同物,指代有不定代冠词或有其他限定词的单数可数名词,也可指代一件具体的事;that是指示代词,常指代有定冠词的单数可数名词和不可数名词,也可指代刚提到的一件具体事。答案:B8.admit vt.承认【典型例句】The thief admitted his crime.小偷承认有罪。 I admit it to be true.我认为它是真实的。 He admitted having done wrong.他承认做了错事。 I admit that I was rude and I am sorry.我承认当时没礼貌,真是对不起。 【知识小结】admit+n. or doing admit+that clause【相关链接】(1)admit作不及物动词时,常形成admit to短语,意为“承认”。He admitted to taking my book.他承认拿了我的书。(2)admit还可表示“让进入;可容纳”。例如:The host opened the door and admitted me(into the house).主人打开门让我进去(到屋子里)。 The plaza admits trucks and cars.这个停车场可停放卡车和轿车。构词成句(1)ordered,he,I,was not,admitted,to be,that,_(2)must,you,the task,to be,admit,hard,_(3)He,told a lie,admitted,having,_答案:(1)I ordered that he was not to be admitted.(2)You must admit the task to be hard.(3)He admitted having told a lie.单项填空(4)I dont know who to blame since no one _to having broken the window.A.allowedB.admitted C.recognisedD.caught提示:句意:既然没有人承认打烂了窗户,我不知道该责备谁。答案:B9.as a result 结果【典型例句】Many people helped him.As a result,he succeeded at last.许多人帮助他,因此,他最后成功了。 I was caught in the rain on my way home.As a result I had a bad cold.我在回家的路上遇到大雨,结果得了重感冒。 As a result of the flood,many people became homeless.由于这场洪水,许多人变得无家可归了。【知识小结】as a result of 因为;由于的结果,后面跟名词、代词、v.-ing 形式,相当于 because of。【相关链接】result from 由于Success results from hard work.成功来自努力。 result in 导致The plot resulted in failure.阴谋以失败告终。 英汉互译(1)上学期他学习很用功,结果考试及格了。_(2)由于这场大雪,她迟到了。 _(3)I was listening to music at that time.As a result,I didnt hear clearly what he said._答案:(1)He studied hard last term and,as a result,he passed the examination.(2)She was late as a result of the heavy snow.(3)我那时正在听音乐,因此,我没有听清他说什么。10.joke n.玩笑;笑话【典型例句】She is fond of making jokes.她喜欢说笑话。 On April Fools Day,we play jokes on friends.在愚人节,我们戏弄朋友们。【知识小结】joke作名词用时,常构成:make jokes/tell jokes说笑话;play jokes on 开玩笑。【相关链接】joke还可作动词用。joke with sb. 与某人开玩笑。单项填空Terry likes to play _ on others,which makes him unpopular among his classmates.A.fun_ B.jokesC.gamesD.enjoyment提示:play jokes on与make fun of是同义词组,意为“开某人的玩笑”。答案:B11.respect vt.&n.尊敬;尊重【典型例句】We deeply respect him.我们十分尊敬他。 He fought bravely in many battles and gained their respect.他在多次战役中英勇作战,从而赢得了大家的尊敬。 Please give my respects to your parents.请代我向你的父母致意。 【知识小结】respect 当名词作“敬意,问候”讲时,要用复数形式,此时它是可数名词;作“尊敬,考虑”讲时是不可数名词。作“考虑,重视,关心”讲时,后接 to 或 for。【相关链接】respectable adj.可敬的;值得尊敬的 What he did is respectable.他所做的事值得尊敬。respectful adj.恭敬的;尊敬人的 The old professor was respectful of tradition.那位老教授尊重传统。have/show respect for sb. (sb.s opinions)尊重某人(某人的意见) pay ones respects to sb.向某人致敬 give/send ones respects to sb. 代向某人问候 pay respect to(=have respect for) 考虑respect oneself 自尊 respect an agreement 遵守协议 单项填空(1)He was courage and unselfishness and gained his comrades_.A.respectable B.respectful C.respect D.respects 提示:此处要用名词形式作宾语。答案:C(2)He was_ selfless man that everybody _him.A.so a;respected B.a such;respected C.such a;respects D.such a;respected 提示:句意:他是那样无私的人,每个人都尊敬他。答案:D英汉互译(3)我们应当尊重他人,我们尤其应当自重。_(4)Pay our respects to the heroic revolutionary fighters._(5)The leaders should pay respect to the needs of the people._答案:(3)We should respect others,especially we should respect ourselves.(4)向英勇的革命战士致敬。 (5)领导应该关心人民的疾苦。 二、句型剖析1.It doesnt matter if/that/wh.【典型例句】It doesnt matter that you are a girl or boy,mail me if you like!男孩还是女孩没关系,只要你喜欢就给我寄邮件。It doesnt matter whether foods are eaten raw or cooked,canned or frozen.食品是生吃还是熟吃,是罐装还是冷冻,这都不重要。All these things do not matter now.所有这一切现在都无关紧要了。【知识小结】matter是不及物动词,意为“要紧,重要”。常构成“It doesnt matter.”或“What matters.”等句式。单项填空(1)Does _ matter if he cant finish the job on time?A.this B.that C.he D.it提示:句意为:如果他不能时按时完成工作这重要吗?答案:D(2)It _more to know how to prevent against diseases than how to cure them.A.mattersB.mindsC.caresD.values提示:matters在此句中表示“重要”。答案:A2.so.that. 如此以至于【典型例句】When you make mistakes,she just smiles,so that you dont feel completely stupid.当你出错时,她只是笑一笑,这样你就不会感到自己很蠢。【知识小结】so that 常引导结果状语从句,其前多有逗号与主句分开,从句中一般没有情态动词。【相关链接】so that 还可引导目的状语从句,此时从句中常有情态动词,常译为“以便能够/可以”,常与in order that引导的目的状语从句换用,但是so that 引导的目的状语从句不能放在句首。完成句子(1)She is _ good a teacher that all the students like her.(2)She is_ a good teacher that all the students like her.(3)We have _ little money that we cant afford the car.(4)They are _ little children that they cant attend themselves.(5)There are _ many people on the street that we have to push our way through the crowd.(6)The student worked_ hard that he made much progress before long.答案:(1)so(2)such(3)so(4)such(5)so(6)so3.so that 如此;以至于 【典型例句】She explains English grammar so clearly that even I can understand it.她语法讲解得如此清晰甚至连我也能听懂。【相关链接】so.that. 如此以至于,常用来引导结果状语从句,so 为副词,修饰其后的形容词或副词,常有以下句型:(1)so+adj./adv.+that.(2)so+many/few+C n.(pl.)+that.(3)so+much/little+U n.+that.(4)so+adj.+a/an+C n.(sl.)+that.注意:many/few,much/little 表示“数量多少”时才用于该句型,such.that.如此以致,常用来引导结果状语从句。such为形容词,修饰其后的名词,常有以下句型:(1)such+(adj.)+C n.(pl.)+that.(2)such+(adj.)+U n.+that.(3)such+a/an+adj.+C n.(sl.)+that.注意:该句型中的形容词不是表示“数量多少”的形容词。翻译(1)今天早晨他起床晚了,结果上学迟到了。_(2)为了能看得更清楚,她只好戴上了眼镜。_答案:(1)He got up late this morning,so that he was late for school.(2)She had to put on her glasses so that she could see it more clearly.4.with+复合宾语(宾语+宾补)【典型例句】Holms and Watson sat with the light on for half an hour.福尔摩斯和沃森坐着,让灯亮了半个小时。He used to sleep with the door open.他过去常开着门睡觉。With a boy leading the way,they started towards the village.由一个小男孩领着路,他们朝那个村子去了。With the work done,he went home.工作做完后,他回了家。With you to help us,we will finish the task in time.有你来帮助,我们将会及时完成任务。 Hong Kong looks more beautiful with thousands of lights on at night.夜里,香港万盏灯火,分外美丽。 【知识小结】 “with+宾语+宾语补足语”。宾语由代词、名词、名词词组充当,宾语补足语由分词、不定式、形容词、副词、介词短语、名词等充当。在with复合结构中,宾语和宾补之间形成逻辑上的主谓关系。当这种主谓关系表现为主动语态时,用现在分词;当这种主谓关系表现为被动语态时,用过去分词;当这种主谓关系表示将来意义时,用不定式;当这种主谓关系表示伴随意义时,用现在分词或副词。单项填空(1)_left before the deadline,it doesnt seem likely that John will finish the job.A.Though such a short time B.Because such a short timeC.With such a short timeD.As such a short time提示:with复合结构作原因状语。答案:C(2)With a lot of difficult problems _,the manager felt worried all the time.A.settledB.to be settledC.settling D.to settle提示:with 复合结构作原因状语。答案:D(3)I wont be able to go on holiday _.A.with my mother been illB.with my mother be illC.with my mother to be illD.with my mother being ill提示:with my mother being ill 原因状语,意为“我妈妈病了”。答案:D5.This is true of France.法国也是这样。The same is true of Russia.俄国也是这样。【典型例句】China is weak at football,and the same is true of other countries in Asia.中国足球薄弱,亚洲的其他国家也一样。Your family are from the south;that is true of mine.你家来自南方,我的家也一样。【知识小结】This/It/That/The same is/was true of+n.可代替第一单元所学的So/Neither+助动词/情态动词/系动词+主语,这个句式尤其常用在复杂的叙述中。单项填空I like the country life but Ill go to the city to seek my fortune,and _my brother.A.so doB.so will C.the same is true ofD.the same to提示:句意:我喜欢乡村生活,但我必须去城市寻出路。我哥哥也一样。答案:C三、语法详解跟动名词作宾语的动词/短语英语中有许多动词或短语后面跟动名词作宾语,常用的有:1.常跟动名词作宾语的动词:avoid,admit,enjoy,finish,hate,keep,imagine,practise,suggest,appreciate,escape,allow,permit,forbid,mind,miss等。2.常跟动名词作宾语的短语:insist on,object to,lead to,look forward to,devote.to,get used to,pay attention to,be fond of,be worth,feel like,give up,put off,leave off,be good at,have trouble in,spend time in,succeed in等。3.有些动词后跟动名词和不定式作宾语皆可,但意义不同:(1)remember to do sth.记住要做某事remember doing sth.记得做过某事(2)forget to do sth.忘记要做某事forget doing sth.忘记做过某事(3)regret to do sth.很遗憾要做某事regret doing sth.后悔做过某事(4)try to do sth.想方设法做某事try doing sth.试着做某事(5)mean to do sth.打算做某事mean doing sth.意味着做某事4.几种常见的其他情况:(1)begin,start 在下列三种情况下其后只能跟不定式,其他情况下后跟动名词不定式都可。当它们用于进行时时;当它们的主语是物时;当它们后面跟不可用于进行时的表示心理活动或精神状态的动词时。(2)like,dislike,love,hate,prefer等动词后跟不定式时表示特定的具体行为或还未发生的行为;跟动名词表示经常性的行为或通常的一种倾向。(3)stop 后跟动名词作宾语,表示“停止干”;后跟不定式作目的状语,表示“停下来去干”。(4)want,need,require 表示“需要”且主语是物时,其后跟动名词的主动形式表示被动或不定式的被动形式。单项填空(1)北京 I cant stand_ with Jane in the same office.She just refuses _ talking while she works.A.working;stoppingB.to work;stoppingC.working;to stopD.to work;to stop提示:stand意为“忍受”,后接动词+ing形式作宾语,表示忍受做某事。refuse意为“拒绝”,后接不定式作宾语,表示拒绝做某事。答案:C翻译(2)他们已经养成了清晨早起的习惯。_(3)他很后悔浪费了很多宝贵的时间。_(4)浪费时间就意味着浪费生命。_(5)我们应该尽力而为做好这件事而不是试试而已。_(6)当我们还在上学的路上时,天开始下雨了。_(7)请停下书写来练习听力。_(8)现在这台录音机需

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