高考英语一轮复习课时作业10:Unit 1《Advertising》(牛津译林版必修4通用)

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高考英语一轮复习课时作业10:Unit 1《Advertising》(牛津译林版必修4通用)_第3页
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111课时作业(十)必修模块4Unit 1Advertising限时:30分钟.单项填空1This software _ to protect computers from being attacked by viruses.Ais meantBmeantCmean Dmeans2My father _ take a nap after supper,but now hes _taking a walk.Agot used to;used to Bused to;used toCused to;got used toDgot used to;been used to3He tricked me _lending him all my savings.Aout BintoCto Dout of4In many peoples opinion,that company,though relatively small,is pleasant _.Ato deal with Bdealing with Cto be dealt with Ddealt with5The hat that you are wearing is bigger than _ my father bought for me yesterday.Aone BitCthat Dthis6Were_at the_news that Saddam was sentenced to death.Aamazing;amazed Bamaze;amazing Camazed;amazing Damazed;amazed7Steps must be taken _ this kind of disaster will never happen again.Abecause Beven if Cas Dso that8What do you want to do next? We have half an hour until the basketball game._.Whatever you want to do is fine with me.AIt just depends BAll right CTake your time DIts up to you8Can you tell me how many students _ in your class?Aare there Bthere are Cthere be Dis there9He asked me _ I could sing the song My Heart Will Go On.Athat Bwhere Cwhen Dwhether10Edisons father asked him _ he wanted a science lab for.Awhy BwhichCwhat Dwhy11Whose advice do you think I should take?_.AYou get it BUp to you CAnyone you like DYou speak12The teacher told us that the earth _ around the sun.Amoved Bmoves Cmoving Dhas moved13Tom told me that he _.Awill help me with my geographyBwill help me for my geographyCwould help me with my geographyDwould help me for my geography14Im trying to _ to him the importance of taking care of his personal information.Aget on Bget across Cget away Dget through15He has many hobbies_playing pingpong,singing pop songs,collecting stamps and so on.Afor example BasCsuch as Das example.阅读理解Advertisement can be thought of “as the means of making known in order to buy or sell goods or services”The media are all used to spread the message.The press offers a fairly cheap method,and magazines are used to reach special sections of the market.The cinema and commercial radio are useful for local market.Television,although more expensive,can be very effective.Public notices are fairly cheap and more permanent in their power of attraction.Other ways of increasing consumer interest are through exhibitions and trades fairs as well as direct mail advertisement.There can be no doubt that the growth in advertisement is one of the most striking features of the western world in this century.Many businesses such as those handing frozen foods,liquor,tobacco and medicines have been built up largely by advertisement.We might ask whether the cost of advertisement is paid for by the producer or by the customer.Since advertisement forms parts of the cost of production,which has to be covered by the selling price,it is the customer who pays for advertisement.However,if largescale advertisement leads to increased demand,production costs are reduced,and the customer pays less.It is difficult to measure exactly the influence of advertisement on scales.When the market is growing,advertisement helps to increase demand.When the market is shrinking,advertisement may prevent a bigger fall in scales than would occur without its support.What_is_clear_is_that_businesses_would_not_pay_large_sums_for_advertisement_if_they_were_not_convinced_of_its_value_to_them.16Advertisement is often used to_.Apush the scaleBarouse suspicionCcheat customers Dincrease production17Advertisement is mainly paid by _.Aincreased scalesBthe producerCreduced pricesDthe customer18Advertisement can increase demand _.Ain any circumstancesBall the timeCin a shrinking marketDin a growing market19From the last sentence of the passage we conclude that _.Aadvertisement could hardly convince people of the value of the goodsBadvertisement usually costs businesses large sum of moneyCbusinesses usually do not pay much for advertisement Dbusinessmen know well that advertisement could bring them more profits.任务型阅读请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。注意:每个空格只填1个单词。Camping goes back to trendy in the UK.With students and parents tightening their belts in the face of the global economic crisis,the overseas holiday tourism around the world is suffering a lot.For many young Brits,during uncertain times,cheap,traditional and homemade alternatives are the choice.A lot of these people are developing a particular taste for camping holidays.The Camping and Caravanning Club is reporting a 40 percent increase in booking this year,as well as an increase in new membership applications.Campsites in the UK generally fall into two categories: holiday parks and wild camping.The holiday parks are usually large,and accept caravans (旅居车) and tents and have many facilities,from swimming pools to laundry services to bars and shops.For example,young people can find much fun in the Wild Boar Inn campsite in Cheshire northwest England.Theres live music every Saturday,with 60s,70s and 80sinspired acts for an evening of laughs.These places are good for young Britons to get social.And its cheap,only around 5 pounds for entry and people can use all the facilities.For others,the beauty of camping is in enjoying nature and tranquility(宁静),so a wilder camping experience is also attractive.These people choose anywhere remote,with no light or noise pollution.The campers often choose relatively small campsites.For example,the Highlands of Scotland and Danmoor in southern England.Camping _20_become popular again in the UKFacts* a _21_increase in booking the Camping and Caravanning Club*more new membership applications this year_22_* global economic crisisparents and students cant afford the _23_travelling cost camping is a_24_ price,traditional and homemade alternativeKinds/CategoriesCamping_25_FeaturesExamplesholidayparkspark* large*accepting caravans and tents*having many_26_*interesting,cheapthe Wild Boar Inn campsite_27_campingwilderness*small*enjoying nature and tranquility*remote,no _28_or noise pollution*the Highlandsof Scotland*_29_in southern England课时作业(十).1.Abe meant to意为“目的是,旨在”。句意为:这种软件旨在保护电脑防御病毒攻击。2B第一个used to指“曾经”,由but可知;第二个be used to指“习惯于”,由taking可知答案。3Btrick及物动词,“骗,坑(某人)”。句意为:他欺骗我把我所有的钱都借给他了。4A不定式to deal with与主语that company之间存在动宾关系,放在pleasant,difficult,easy,hard等形容词之后时要用主动表被动。5C考查替代词。it特指同一事物;that特指同类事物;one则泛指同类事物,结合句意可知此处选that。6Camazed形容人;amazing形容物。7Dso that“以便于”,表示目的。句意为:必须采取措施,以便于这种灾难永不再发生。8B考查宾语从句的陈述句结构。9Dask后面的宾语从句常用含有疑问语气的词语连接,根据句意可知,应该用whether表示“是否”。10C根据介词for可知,本题是问“为什么”,所以选C项,what .for相当于why。11B本题考查提出建议的情景会话用语。“Its all up to you.”表示“由你来决定”,是针对对方举棋不定问话最恰当的答语。You get it,“你说对了”;最后两项明显不合英语语境。 12B宾语从句是客观事实,所以用一般现在时。13C考查固定短语help sb. with sth.,符合句意“汤姆告诉我他愿意帮我学习地理”;另外还考查主从句时态的一致性。14B考查get构成的短语用法。get across“使别人明白(自己的意思)”。句意为“我竭力让他明白照看自己私人信息的重要性。”get on“相处”;get away“走开;逃脱”;get through“经历”。15C考查插入语。句意:他有许多嗜好,诸如:打乒乓球,唱流行歌曲,收集邮票等等。for example一般用来列举事例,位置比较灵活。such as列举具体的事物时,需置于这些事物的前面。故本题选C项。.16.A细节理解题。由文章的前四句话可知应选A。17. D细节理解题。由 “Since advertisement forms parts of the cost of production,which has to be covered by the selling price,it is the customer who pays for advertisement.”可知应选D。18D细节理解题。由“When the market is growing,advertisement helps to increase demand.”可知应选D。19D推理判断题。文章最后一句说明商人非常清楚广告能够给他们带来很多利润。.20. holidays21. 40%22. Reasons23.overseas24. lower25. sites26. facilities27. wild28. light29. Danmoor111

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