高二英语课下作业北师大版选修7《Unit 19 Language》Section Ⅱ课时跟踪检测

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111 Section Varieties of English & Body Language.单词拼写1He is an old mate (伙伴) of mine and we are getting on well with each other.2That was merely (仅仅) a guess of mine.Dont take it too seriously.3He tole me he purchased (购买) this stamp in that shop.4The plan had the approval (赞成) of the school authorities.5I sincerely congratulate (祝贺) you on your great discovery.6The doctor gave me explicit (清楚的) instructions on when and how to take the medicine.7He injured his head and was unconscious (不知不觉的) for one hour.8I find the plant resembles (相似) grass in appearance.单项填空1My most famous _ of all, the one who really left his mark on America, was Rob Mussel, my great grandfather.ArelativeBrelatedCrelativity Drelatively解析:选A。句意:我所有的亲戚中最著名的就是我的曾祖父Rob Mussel,他确实曾在美国留下足迹。从famous和of看出空白处要填入名词,从A项和C项里选择,从the one who看出此处表示人,relative在此处表示“亲戚”,related“有关的”,relativity“相对论”,relatively“相对地”。所以,A项最合题意,排除B、C和D项。2John and I will celebrate our fortieth wedding anniversary next month.Oh, _!Acheer up Bwell doneCgo ahead Dcongratulations解析:选D。考查情景交际。句意为:下个月我和约翰将庆祝我们结婚40周年纪念日。哦,恭喜!cheer up“振作起来,加油”;well done“做得不错”;go ahead“前进,干吧”;congratulations“祝贺,恭喜”。3Boys and girls, if you dont _ to what I said, please put up your hands.Aget on Bput onCkeep on Dcatch on解析:选D。句意:如果你们没有明白我所说的话,请举手。catch on to sth.“理解;明白”。4As is known to all, _ attention you pay to your spelling, _ mistakes you will make.Athe more; the less Bthe less; the fewerCthe less; the more Dthe more; the more解析:选C。mistake为可数名词,不能用little的比较级less修饰,排除A;B、D不合逻辑。5The children helped to carry their mothers _ from the shop.Apurchases BmattersCaccommodations Dgood解析:选A。句意:孩子们帮助妈妈搬从商店买来的东西。purchase在此是名词,意为“所购之物”。matter“事情”;accommodation“住宿,膳食”;goods“商品,货物”,good是形容词。6They found him lying _ on the floor.Aaware BunconsciousCconscious Dunknown解析:选B。考查形容词辨析。句意:他们发现他晕倒在地板上。aware“知道的,意识到的”;unconscious“无意识的,昏迷的”;conscious“有意识的,神志清醒的”;unknown“不为人所知的”。7Though pandas diets usually _ bamboo, they can also eat meat and they sometimes catch insects and small birds.Aconsist of Bconsist inCconsist with Dconsist解析:选A。考查动词短语的用法。句意:尽管大熊猫的食物主要由竹子构成,但是它们也吃肉,有时也会捕捉昆虫和小鸟。consist of“由构成”;consist in“存在于”;consist with“与一致”。故选A。8_ it is expected that students come to university with xthe ability to take a good set of notes, this is not always the case.AWhen BAsCFor DWhile解析:选D。考查连词的用法。句意:尽管人们认为考进大学的学生都有记好笔记的能力,但事实并非总是如此。while引导让步状语从句,相当于although,多放于句首,意为“虽然,尽管”。when用来引导时间状语从句;as可以引导让步状语从句,但是需要倒装;for作连词可以引导原因状语从句,不能位于句首。9(2010安徽高考)He had a wonderful childhood,_ with his mother to all corners of the world.Atravel Bto travelCtraveled Dtraveling解析:选D。考查非谓语动词。后半句是对“美好童年”的补充说明,故用现在分词作伴随状语。traveling是一个与句子谓语同时发生的主动动作。10This special school accepts all disabled students, _ educational level and background.Aaccording to Bregardless ofCin addition to Din terms of解析:选B。句意:这所特殊学校接收所有的残疾学生,不考虑他们的教育水平和背景。regardless of“不管,不考虑”,符合句意。according to“根据”;in addition to“除了(还有)”;in terms of“从的角度”。.阅读理解安徽、河南专用Chinese miracle dietA FOREIGNER trying to learn Chinese is like a couch potato trying to get in shape.The process is tough (艰难的), its difficult to start, and its easy to backslide.Just as dieters wish the pounds would evaporate without all those grueling (令人精疲力尽的) workouts, language learners dream of chattering away fluently (流利地) without sweating through hours of classes.Despite gallons of diet drinks and miles of running on gym machines, Ive yet to find the athletic routine to turn my bulging belly (鼓起的肚子) into abs of steel (紧实的腹肌)However, I have discovered a onesizefitsall program to get my head around the Chinese tones and characters HSK training.It is the best way for a foreigner to get their language skills into shape.Like tightening a beer gut (啤酒肚) into a sixpack (六块腹肌), its not easy.It requires sticking to an expertdevised (专家制订的) diet of vocabulary and an intensive (强化的) system of grammar drills, listening exercises and character writing.To pass HSKs Level 1, you have to be able to recognize 150 characters, while to get through to Level 6, you need to know 4,800.The listening comprehension is tough at every level.An example of a Level 3 exercise would be:“The nurses should have been ready at 2 pm for the operation at 4 pm.Question:When should the hospital employees have finished preparations?”At Level 4, the question might go as follows:“The surgery starts at 4.The doctor was supposed to arrive an hour early but ended up being half an hour later than he should have been, which was an hour and a half later than the nurses were scheduled to have completed the final phase of preparations.Question:By what time were the nurses scheduled to finish preparing (准备工作)?”There are no shortcuts to learning Chinese but there are keys to making it work.Using Chinese when I didnt have to (or didnt want to) proved the “no pain, no gain”theory.I wouldnt go to movies, outings or concerts until I passed the exams.Getting in physical shape is about getting off the couch, no matter how much you dont want to.But, as the HSK proves, its staying in your seat no matter how much you want to get up and give up which is the best way to firm up your Chinese.1The underlined word “evaporate” in the third paragraph is closest in meaning to _.Ago up Bstop growingCdisappear Drecover解析:选C。原文第二段的意思是,就像减肥节食的人希望体重能够不通过令人筋疲力尽的锻炼就消失,学习语言的人也会梦想不努力学习就能够流利交谈。evaporate是蒸发的意思,此处引申为消失的意思。2According to the article, the best way for foreigners to improve their Chinese is to _.Afind a good Chinese tutorBtake up systematic HSK trainingCbuild up a large Chinese vocabularyDlots of grammar drills and oral practice解析:选B。第五段的“It requires sticking to an expertdevised (专家制订的) diet of vocabulary and an intensive (强化的) system of grammar drills, listening exercises and character writing.”表明要学好汉语,最好请专家制定科学的学习计划,系统地学习。3What can be inferred from the article about the HSKs listening comprehension test?AThey get easier as the levels go up.BIt didnt take the author much effort to pass the first two levels.CThey are almost impossible for foreigners to pass.DThe higher the level you attempt, the more difficult it is.解析:选D。根据原文中三级考试和四级考试的陈述,可以发现,随着级别提高,难度也有提高。但这并不能说明作者通过前两级考试很轻松,更不能说明外国人不可能通过考试。这一事例是用来说明考试的难度的。4What does the author think helped him pass the HSK test.AHis confidence and courage.BHis determination and devotion to the task.CHis early preparations for it.DFinding shortcuts to learning Chinese.解析:选B。综合文章内容,可知作者相信no pain, no gain.没有付出就没有收获。他取得成功主要靠的是决心和毅力。福建专用A篇同安徽、河南专用BDavid Braben is a wellknown game developer who runs the UK development studio, Frontier Developments.He has developed several famous computer games.Recently, however, Braben has been trying to solve another problem:getting programming and general learning of how computers work back into schools.Braben says that since we entered the 2000s, education has turned towards teaching useful skills such as writing on computers, how to get information, and learning basic computer use skills.But they have replaced more computer sciencelike skills such as basic programming and understanding the architecture and hardware (硬件) contained in a computer.His solution is not to create his own course, but instead to make a very low cost PC that can be given to kids for free.“A personal computer is important for each student to have in class.When we say low cost, we mean so low that evenOne Laptop per Child can be realized.” Braben has developed a tiny PC.How much is the cost?$25.This is the answer to anyone that says they cant afford a computer.The new tiny PC will let the user surf the Internet and give the user a fully functional computer to play with.And it can be carried in your pocket or on a key chain.This tiny, cheap PC is going to be given to schools without charge through a new charitable foundation (慈善基金会) called the Raspberry Pi Foundation.It will help computer science studies in schools.Braben says he hopes that the computers will be given within the next 12 months.语篇解读:David Braben发明了一种小电脑,造价仅25美元,他希望借此可以帮助到学校的电脑科学学习。5What David Braben has been trying to do recently is to _.Arun the UK development studioBbring computer science studies back to schoolCcreate more advanced yet cheap computersDdevelop more computer games解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第一段末句“Recently, however, Braben has been trying to solve another problem:getting programming and general learning of how computers work back into schools.”可知选B项。6In David Brabens opinion, students _.Aeach need to have a computer in classBshould carry computers wherever they goCcan try to solve problems through computersDhave to learn basic computer use skills解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第三段“A personal computer is important for each student to have in class.”可知,Braben认为每位学生都拥有计算机很重要。7Kids can get the computers _.Afrom Frontier Developments at $25Bas awards for winning computer gamesCfor free through a charitable foundationDby attending Brabens new courses解析:选C。推理判断题。根据最后一段“This tiny, cheap PC is going to be given to schools without charge through a new charitable foundation(慈善基金会) .”可知C项正确。8What would be the best title for the text?AA tiny computer for $25BA generous computer developerCOne laptop per childDComputer science back to school解析:选A。归纳标题题。本文主要围绕25美元的小电脑展开报道。前两段介绍了小电脑发明的背景,后两段是对小电脑本身和其分发渠道及作用的介绍。故选A项。.选做题任务型读写(安徽专用)Time management is necessary in modern times, yet most advice youll find on this topic is not clear enough. What we offer here are five detailed steps but they all come from a single principle:You can only do one thing at a time, so do it right.Finish what youve started. To finish your tasks one by one is more efficient. When you sit down to work, you spend a few minutes just getting “settled in”. If you jump from task to halffinished task all the time, a lot of time will be wasted.Think small. Use a simple todo list, and complete each part without being interrupted. An example for the jobseeker:Its not “Ill look for jobs this afternoon,”its checking email for replies to previous applications, scanning preferred job sites, and writing cover letters etc.Dont delay. Once youre organizing by simple parts,its easier to dive right into the small tasks. It takes a lot of warm up and deep breaths before you jump off a highdive and well be more willing to finish each task.Play well with others. When youre working in a team, make sure you prioritize (优先对待) what you do to get the most important parts into the production line. In a job search, prioritize anyone whos waiting to hear from you;hiring managers will appreciate and remember your promptness (敏捷)Analyze your output. How could you have been more efficient? How much of your time goes to meaningless things rather than the challenging work you enjoy and that your boss values?Jobseekers, record the time you spend at various job sites, and count how long it takes to get what you want. This way you can achieve high value results.Its a multitasking world, and theres no changing it. But when a dozen things are calling for your attention, you can still organize them in your own way.TitleHow to (1)_Time Effectively?IntroductionIt is (2)_for us to have a good idea of time management in modern society.(3)_Do one thing at a time, and do it right.Five steps to (4)_Finish what youve started.(5)_on a single task to ensure your efficiency.Think small.Use a simple todo list to complete each item without (6)_(7)_delaying.Divide your task into smaller ones to make it easier to finish.Play well with others.Give (8)_to what you are supposed to do in a team.Analyze your output.High value results can be (9)_with an analysis of what you have got.ConclusionWe are able to deal with multiple tasks in an (10)_way.答案: 1.Manage2.necessary3.Principle 4.follow5.Focus/Concentrate6.interruption 7.Avoid8.preference/priority9.achieved 10.organized短文填词(福建专用)What are the students favorite jobs in the future? The following is a report on the students v_on their1._future job preference._seems to be some differences 2._between boys and girls. The most striking contrast _in teaching:3._most girls would like to become teachers w_few boys want4._to do this job._(有趣的是), many boys want to do business5._and still some want to become lawyers t_only a small part of6._girls _ interest in these two fields. The second largest group of7._all the surveyed students expect to be _(科学家). That is both boys8._and girls are w_ to display their talents in this field.9._And the third _(选择) for girls is to be interpreters or translators.10._答案:1.view2.There3.lies4.while5.Interestingly6.though7.show8.scientists9.willing10.choice任务型阅读(河南专用)Today we begin a series of programs about learning disabilities. These are disorders in the ways that people understand or use language. They can affect the ability to listen or think, or to speak or to read and write. They can also affect the ability to do mathematics._1_Researchers believe that learning disabilities are caused by differences in the way that the brain works with information. They say children with learning disabilities are not unintelligent or do not want to work._2_Researchers say that as many as one out of every five people in the United States has some kind of learning disability. Almost threemillion children in the United States receive some kind of help in school for a learning disability._3_Experts look for a difference between how well a child does in school and the level of intelligence or ability of the child. But there is no one sign of a disorder. A few signs of learning disability include not connecting letters with their sounds or not understanding what is read. A person with a learning disability may not be able to understand a funny story. They may not follow directions. They may not read numbers correctly or know how to start a task._4_ One person may have trouble understanding mathematics. Another may have difficulty understanding what people are saying. Still another may not be able to express ideas in writing. These different kinds of learning disabilities are known by different names.For example, a person who has difficulty reading may have dyslexia (诵读困难症)Experts say learning disabilities cannot be cured._5_ Teachers and parents can help young people with learning disabilities to learn successfully.ADifferent people have different kinds of learning disabilities.BTheir brains just process information differently than other people.CPeople with learning disabilities have difficulty in communicating with others.DBut people who have them can be helped.EWhy does a person have a learning disability?FA person with a learning disability has unusual difficulty in developing these skills.GHow can you tell if someone has a learning disability?答案:15FBGAD短文改错(河南专用)Dear Ms. Smith.I am secretary of the City Student Union (CSU). We were organizing an art exhibition for high school students in city. This will be held on the 9th of July in the Exhibition Hall of Beihai. More than 1,000 painting will be on show, but high school students and teachers from all the eight districts will come to the event. As you are very popularly with us Chinese high school students, wed like to invite for you to the exhibition. We would be grateful when you could join them that day.Looking forward to hear from you soon.Yours,Li Ming答案:第二句:wereare; in 后加 the第三句:ThisIt第四句:paintingpaintings;butand第五句:popularlypopular; 去掉 for第六句:whenif; themus第七句:hearhearing111

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