Unit 10《Money》Lesson 3 Your Money同步练习4(北师大版必修4)

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Unit 10《Money》Lesson 3 Your Money同步练习4(北师大版必修4)_第1页
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Unit 10《Money》Lesson 3 Your Money同步练习4(北师大版必修4)_第3页
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111Unit 10MoneyLesson 3 Your MoneyI单词拼写1. The i_ of washing ones hands before a meal is that it prevents infection.(感染)2. Last week, a robber broke into his house and forced him to hand over some d_(钻石)3. The child couldnt keep his b_ on his new bicycle4. We are all p_ where all his money goes each week5. I am a_ 6 feet tall.6. We must take immediate actions to control Yellow River e_7. The little boy b_(表现) with great courage in the face of the gunman.8. The book c_ (包含)some amusing passages.9. Big cities have many a_(娱乐活动) 10. You must pay for the book in a_(提前).11. In 1751, I r_(搬走) from the country to the town12. The government is a_(呼吁) to everyone to save water.II短语归纳1.一袋饼干 _ 2.使喜欢,吸引某人/呼吁_3.同意这个观点_ 4.而且;更有甚者_5.准确的说_6.中国第二大河_7.保持生态平衡_8引起严重的水土流失_9.迫使某人做某事_ 10.国际组织_11. in fact _ 12.play an important part in_ 13. make a living _ 14.develope local economy _ 15. have an effect on _16.change into _ 17. tree-planting programme _18.take a look at _ 19 deal with _ 20.persuade sb. to do sth._III课文填空contains, balance, removed, , destroyed, fact, living, play, economies, effect, admire, more. erosion, forced, do ,appeal, approximately changed What can you _with 5 yuan? If buying a bag of candies or cookies doesnt _ to you, you can buy a tree along the banks of the Yellow River. Every year,_ 1.6 billion tons of soil flows into the Yellow River. The soil _materials to keep the natural _of the area. Over time, a lot of soil has been _, which has caused serious_. In some areas in Shanxi Province, this has _almost all the land, and has_ many local farmers to move to other areas.In _, you have the most important role to_ in stopping Yellow River erosion. For a start, you can use 5 yuan to buy a tree, which will help make soil stay on the land.local with rich soil farmers can grow crops to make a _. With the money they earn from their crops, farmers buy goods or services. This help to develop local_.If you are still puzzled how your 5 yuan can have so much_, just take a look at the fact below. Since 1997, a tree-planting program has _ the Jiuchengong Valley in inner Mongolia into a green homeland. Visitors from all over the world now come to _this great achievement. What is_, the success of the programme has greatly improved the lives of the local people.IV单项选择1. How did you find your visit to the museum,Jane? _.A. Oh,wonderful indeed B. By taking a number 3 busC.I went there alone D.A classmate of mine showed me the way2. David has made great progress recently _.A. So has his sister Julia B. So his sister Julia hasC. His sister Julia has so D. Has his sister Julia so3.The vaccine(疫苗) was used to _ the whole population _ Bird Flu (禽流感)。 A. keep, out of B. protect, from C. keep, away D. make, out of4.Would you like some more chicken?No, thanks. I am _ a diet and Im trying to _ weight. A. on, lose B. on, put on C. in, have D. in, lose5.Whats the matter with you?_ the window, my finger was cut unexpectedly. A. Cleaning B. To clean C. While cleaning D. While I was cleaning6.We heard them_ about money after the concert, and they looked very angry. A. quarrelling B. quarrelled C. were quarrelling D. had quarrelled7.Was _ that I saw last night at the concert? A. it you B. not you C. you D. that yourself8. I suggest_ that another building _ .A. him, should be builtB. to him, be builtC. him, will be builtD. to him, will be built9.My family_ very interested in playing bowls, which_ very much in fashion now. A. is, is B. are, are C. is, are D. are, is10.What makes him so happy? .A. Because of his being fatter.B. Losing much weightC. Because he has lost some weightD. For losing much weight11. I dont know why they had the light _ all day long.A. burning. B. burnt. C. to burn. D. burn.12.Have you moved into the new office?Not yet._.A. Its being painted B. They are being paintedC. Its been painted D. It is painted13. He is going to buy the same notebook_ I bought last week.A. as B. like C. when D. that 14. He stepped into the dark cave, _high above his head.A. holding a burning stick B. held a burnt stickC. holding a burnt stick D. held a burning stick15.Youve agreed to go. So why arent you getting ready?But I_ that you would have me start at once.A. dont realize B. didnt realize C. hadnt realized D. havent realized16. _ meet her at the railway station, he had to get up early.A. In order that B. In order to C. So that D. So as to 17. His parents died when he was very young, so he was _ by his grandmother.A. brought up B. grown up C. taken up D. picked up18. “I _ awake all night, thinking of you,” he_ to me.A. lay; lay B. lied; lay C. lied; lied D. lay; lied19. The dishes my mother cooked _. Everyone at the party liked it.A. tastes good B. tasted good C. tastes well D. tastes bad20. The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see _ the next year.A. carry out B. carrying outC. carried out D. to carry outV完成句子1.他半夜才回家,更有甚者,他还喝醉了。He came home after midnight, and _, he was drunk.1.动画片对年幼的儿童尤其有吸引力。Cartoon programmes especially _ young children.3. 尽管我认为他是诚实的人,但我在某种程度上并不赞同他的意见。 I think he is an_ man, but I dont_ him in _4.吸烟对我们的健康有坏的影响。Smoking _ our health.5.妇女在中国所起的作用是重要的。 The part_ in China is quite important6.对青少年来说,了解钱的价值非常有必要。It is extremely_ for teenagers _ the value of money参考答案:I.单词拼写1.importance 2.diamonds 3.banlance 4.puzzled 5.approximately 6.erosion 7.behaved 8.contains 9. amusements 10.advance 11.removed 12.appealingII.短语归纳1. A bag of cookies 2. appeal to 3.agree with this point of view 4.whats more 5.to be exact 6. Chinas second longest river 7. keep the natural balance 8. cause serious erosion of land 9.force sb. to do sth. 10. international organization 11.事实上,实际上12.再某方面起重要作用 13.谋生 14.发展地方经济15对有影响 16把变成 17植树工程 18看一看 19 处理,对付 20. (成功)劝说某人做某事III.课文填空do appeal approximately contains balance removed erosion destroyed forced fact play living economies effect changed admire more IV.单项选择1. A how did you find.? 你觉得怎么样?2. A so + 助动词 + 主语 倒装句,表示某人也是如此.3. B be used to 表示被用来, protectfrom 保护某人以免受到的侵害4. A on a diet 节食 lose weight 减肥5. D 前后主语不一致,只能用从句6. A hear sb. doing sth.7. A 强调句型8. B suggest to sb.向某人建议,从句中使用虚拟语气should do sth. should 可以省略9. D family 此处指全家人,表示复数概念 which 在定语从句中指代playing bowls ,谓语用单数10. B 动名词作主语.即losing his weight makes him so happy11. A have复合结构 have sb/sth doing 让一直12. A 现在进行时被动语态13 A定语从句 the same as 结构 (和一样)14 A holding a burning stick 举者火把.现在分词作状语表示伴随动作15. B原来没想到, 用过去时16. Bso as to 不能句首 in order that, so that 后应接从句17. A bring up 抚养18. Dlie(躺)-lay-lain lie(说谎)-lied-lied19. B taste 连系动词过去时态20 Csee the plan carried out 定语从句中that作宾语IV.完成句子1. He came home after midnight, and whats more, he was drunk.2. Cartoon programmes especially appeal to young children.3. I think he is an honest man, but I dont agree with him in some way.4. Smoking has a bad effect on our health.5. The part that women play in China is quite important.6. It is extremely necessary for teenagers to learn about the value of money. 111


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