Unit 2《Wish you Were here》Welcome to the unit教案2(牛津译林版必修2)

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Unit 2《Wish you Were here》Welcome to the unit教案2(牛津译林版必修2)_第1页
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Unit 2《Wish you Were here》Welcome to the unit教案2(牛津译林版必修2)_第2页
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Unit 2《Wish you Were here》Welcome to the unit教案2(牛津译林版必修2)_第3页
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111课 题B2U2 Wish you were here 课时7-1备 课 日 期2006.12.主备人教 学 内 容Welcome to the unit复备人教 学 目 标Train Ss spoken English by talking traveling 教学重、难点To make the students familiar with the background knowledge教 、学 具 multimedia预 习 要 求教 师 活 动 内 容、方 式学 生 活 动 内 容、方 式旁 注Step 1 Brainstorming 1Let Ss read the instructions and focus on the four pictures and illustrations first. The pictures in the four postcards are only a small part of them There are a lot of amazing adventures and places to see in the world Step 2: Discussing and practicing 1Will those who have visited these places bring some photos? Those who still havent had the chance please prepare some postcardsLets discuss the photos based on the following questions 1)When and with whom did you go to? 2)Did you enjoy yourselves there? 3). What impressed you most about that place? 4)Do you think it is worth a visit? Id like to offer some background information for you to reference Grasslands of Africa Have you ever thought of visiting Africa one day? What interests you most about Africa? The grasslands of Africa are home of many animals. Animals live comfortably and peacefully thereDo you think it is worth visiting? How much do you know about animals? Are you interested in knowing about some of them,such as giraffes,elephants or zebras? Australias famous beaches Where is Australia and what is Australia famous for? How many of you have ever been to a beach to spend your holidays,for example,Beihai or Qingdao? Do you think enjoying sunshine or walking on the beach is relaxing? What about going to Australias beaches,such as its famous Gold Coast,to experience its scenery? Brazilian rainforest Have you ever heard of the famous Amazon River? Where is it? Apart from the river,what else do you know about Brazil? Rainforests in Brazil are very famous Usually scientists and explorers go there to make discoveriesAre you interested in exploring that wonderful place some day? Gobi Desert Where is the Gobi Desert? What is it like? Is this a place youd like to visit? Tell me your reasons Have you ever heard of a person who traveled across the Gobi Desert all by himself/herself ? Can you think of the difficulties heshe might have met with during hisher journey ? 2Talk about the three questions listed under the four pictures in groups for a couple of minutesPlease focus on the three questions individually and think of proper answers to the questions Make the best of the chance to express your opinion and listen to your group members opinionsId like to invite some students to report your opinions to the class 1. I would like to visit Africa the mostAfrica is a continent rich in natural resources,oil,gold,diamonds and countless other mineralsA large variety of animals like elephants,lions,zebras and giraffes live in this mysterious and wild land Being the second largest continent on the Earth,it contains more countries than any otherEach has unique customs and natural attractions 2。Guilin is the most exciting place Ive ever been to 3. There are many other exciting places to visit in the word such as Tibet and Xinjiang in China, the pyramids in Egypt, Nepal, Thailand, etc. Resources Grasslands of Africa The grasslands of Africa are home to various animals. Lions are the only cats that live in large family groups. Elephants usually live in groups that consist of 8 to 15 related members. Zebras, with a horse-like appearance, have wide black-and-white stripes all over their bodies. Giraffes in Africa can grow to a height of over 17 feet. If youd like more information about these animals, you can visit the following websites: http:/www.davidireland.com/library/african_animals/lion/ http:/www.davidireland.com/library/african animals/giraffe/ Gold Coast Australias Gold Coast is famous for its attractive beaches. With 70 kilometres of coastline, Gold Coast beaches have something for everyone. Every year the Gold Coast attracts visitors from all over world to sit back, relax, experience the fun and taste the excitement of Australias most popular holiday playground. For more information, you can visit the following website: http:/www.seaworld.com.au/visitor_info/gold_coast.cfm Rainforest in Brazil The Amazon rainforest extends for 4 million sq km and is home to hundreds of thousands of animals and plant species. Although it covers only 3.5% of the overall Earths surface, it is home to around 50% of the worlds living species, many of which are still unknown to humans. The following website will give you more information: http:/www.junglephotos.com Homework 1. Read and recite the new words. 2. Workbook Ex. P.92 ABC 课 题B2U2 Wish you were here 课时7-2备 课 日 期2006.12.主备人教 学 内 容Reading 1复备人教 学 目 标1. Learn the text and catch the main idea. 2. Do some Ex. to train S reading ability. 教学重、难点Learn knowledge of the travel and understand the route of the travel and what to take in the travel教 、学 具recorder; multimedia预 习 要 求教 师 活 动 内 容、方 式学 生 活 动 内 容、方 式旁 注Step 1 Lead-in Look at the map of Africa and discuss the following questions: In Unit 1, we talked about African pyramids, a world wonder that cant be explained by humans. Can you tell me where these pyramids are located? Also,. we got some information about the grasslands of Africa, a faraway but exciting place that welcomes you visit. Apart from the grasslands, what else do you know about Africa? Do you think it is an island full of mystery, charm and attraction? Is it worthwhile going to Africa for your holiday? Step 2: Fast reading for general ideas Lets skim the passage and try to find answers to these questions: 1) Who wrote the following letter? (Toby) 2) What animal is uncomfortable to sit on? (Camel) 3) How long will the author stay in Africa? (about four weeks) Step 3: Detailed reading for important information 1. Lets reread the letter and complete Parts CI and C2 individually to check your reading comprehension and to test your analytical thinking skills. Answers C1 1 C 2 D 3 B 4 C 5 C 6 C ; C2 325416 2. Now Id like you to focus on the language and the writing features of the letter. Report back on whether or not youve any difficulty reading the letter. 3. Lets see the structure of the letter. Try to analyze the relationship between the title, its content and the cohesions between each paragraph. 1) Refer back to the title An adventure in Africa and have a discussion on why the writer uses adventure instead of excitement, journey or some other words here. And think of the connection between the title and the content. 2) Identify the words which are used in the letter to describe adventure and try to think of other similar words. 3) Now lets see what words the writer uses in the letter, what route they are taking and what activities theyve planed. (1) Which words help illustrate the title An adventure in Africa? (2) Try to identify such kinds of words in the passage. (3) Which places are they going to visit and which activities are they doing? (4) Which paragraph deals with Tobys traveling through the Sahara Desert? (5) What are they going to take with them? And why? (6) How is Toby traveling down the River Nile? In which paragraph does the writer mention it? What things are they going to take and why? (7) Which paragraphs talk about Tobys traveling in Kenya and Tanzania? How are they going to travel in these two countries? What things are going to be taken and why? Tobys travel plan Paragraph Route How to travel What to take Why to take them 2 through the Sahara Desert by camel tents, sleeping bags, a torch to camp; to sleep in; to see in the dark 3 down the River Nile by raft Special clothing, a helmet, a life jacket to keep safe 45 in Kenya by walking a large, strong, light backpack, camera to carry food & water; to take photos 6 in Tanzania by climbing special clothes and shoes for mountain climbing to be comfortable, to keep out cold 4. Please complete Parts D and E individually and then well check the answers as a class. Answers D l.c 2. d 3. b 4. a 5. f 6. e E 1. adventure 2. camel 3. scared 4. white-water 5. helmet/life jacket 6. life jacket/helmet 7. blood8. local 9. astonishing 10. places Step 4: Post-reading activities 1. Please give an ending to the letter. The following questions may give you some idea. 1) Do you think climbing the Himalayas is a bit challenging for Toby and Colin? 2) What kinds of difficuhies might Toby and Colin experience? Do you think they will overcome all the difficulties? 3) If you were one of Tobys friends, what advice would you give to him? 2. Heres some situations for you to imagine. Try to use your own words and expressions to express yourselves and make the best to participate in your group work. Suppose you were Toby and were being interviewed by a journalist. Make a brief introduction about your travel plan. If you were offered a chance to go traveling around the world, which place would you like to visit most and why is that place your favorite? 3. Read the instructions for Part F, discuss the questions listed with your partners and report your answers to the class. 4. Go over the Reading section of this unit in Workbook. We will first read the story in Part B on page 93 to know more about the adventure in Africa. Then read the book review in Part A on page 92 to get some information about another kind of adventure. Answer the questions to check your understanding of the two articles. Here are more questions about Part B: (1) In the photo taken by Kanu, Julie and Kanu saw a leopard. What does it look like? Can you guess what it is from the context? (2) Julies parents work for the charity Save the Children. Do you know what charity means? Answers: (1) It looks like a large cat. Its a large, ferocious cat living in Africa and southern Asia. (2) It refers to an organization to help the poor and the homeless. Here in this article it is an organization to help poor children in Africa. 5. Do Part A1 and A2 on page 88 in Workbook to get more familiar with the text and the usage of the words in it. Answers Part A1 (page 88) 1. a took b spent 2. a wish b hopes 3. a containing b including 4. a expect b looking forward Part A1 (page 88) 1. uncomfortable 2. local 3. close to 4. rough 5. dusty 6.light 7.dangerous Homework 1. Read the text and try to retell it . 2. Finish Ex.课 题B2U2 Wish you were here 课时7-3备 课 日 期2006.12.主备人教 学 内 容Reading 2复备人教 学 目 标1.Learn some useful words and phrases. 2.Practise using them. 教学重、难点Whoever/whomever/whichever/whatever.,in case , supply,教 、学 具 multimedia预 习 要 求教 师 活 动 内 容、方 式学 生 活 动 内 容、方 式旁 注Step 1 Revision Check the homework exercises. Step 2 Listen to the tape and read the text after it. Step 3 Language Points Ask Ss to watch the Powerpoints and learn the useful Phrases. (见知识点讲解)Step 4 Practise Do some exercises. Step 5 Homework Read the text again and try to retell it. Finish the exercises.课 题B2U2 Wish you were here 课时7-4备 课 日 期2006.12.主备人教 学 内 容Word power复备人教 学 目 标Learn some new words and enlarge Ss vocabulary.教学重、难点Enlarge the vocabulary (the names of some countries and places and )教 、学 具预 习 要 求教 师 活 动 内 容、方 式学 生 活 动 内 容、方 式旁 注Step 1 Brainstorming 1. Think about the following questions: From our own experience, when we go on a tour with a travel agency, what kind of things do we take? Suppose you want to plan a holiday with your friends, what kinds of things will you plan to take? What about planning an adventure holiday? 2. Please read Part A and summarize the items Colin wants to take on his holiday. 3. Lets have a brief discussion on the topic in pairs: 1) Do you think Colin has made good preparations for his travels? 2) If you were his best friend, what suggestions would you give him? Step 2: Vocabulary learning 1. Think of all the items Colin has packed for his holiday and Id like some of you to write your answers on the blackboard. 2. Compare your answers with the items listed in Part B. Consult each other or the dictionary wherever meeting with difficulties. 3. Pay attention to your pronunciation and spelling. 4. In pairs ask each other questions and try to explain the reasons why these items are necessary for an adventure trip. You may begin your conversation like this: What items has Colin packed? Do you think candles are necessary? And the other may answer: Of course they are,especially at night when there is no electricity. 5. Please read the letter in Part C. Try to understand the letter first and then choose the proper words to make the letter meaningful. Answers C (1) boots (2) parka (3) towel (4) tent/sleeping bag (5) sleeping bag/tent (6) waterproof matches (7) compass (8) torch (9) candles (10) water purifying tablets (11) pan (12) book (13) camera (14) fihn (15) first aid kit (16) pocket knife Step 3: Vocabulary extension 1. Lets discuss the following questions: Is Colin really well-equipped for the journey? Is he missing something very important? 2. Read the instructions for Part D and try to complete the items individually. Consult each other or dictionaries before asking help from me. 3. Do Part B 1 and B2 on page 89 in Workbook to get more familiar with the text and the usage of the words in it. Answers Part B1 (page 89) 1. endless 2. surround 3. viewer 4. towers over 5. beauty 6. northwards 7. speechless 8. vast 9. freely 10. perfect Part B2 (page 89) 1.is surrounded by 2. provides with 3. look like 4. covered with 5. are joined together 6. between and 7. feed on 8. discovered 9. stay 10. in harmony with Homework Finish the Ex. 课 题B2U2 Wish you were here 课时7-5备 课 日 期2006.12.主备人教 学 内 容Grammar and usage复备人教 学 目 标Learn the grammar Future continuous tense and future in the past教学重、难点Were to do /were going to do/were about to do/were doing教 、学 具预 习 要 求教 师 活 动 内 容、方 式学 生 活 动 内 容、方 式旁 注Step 1: Future continuous tense Continuous (Progressive) Tenses Verbs in Continuous Tenses always express actions that are in progress during the time framework indicated: present, past, future, or any of the perfect timeframes. Continuous Tenses always engage the verb BE, which expresses the timeframe of the action in progress. The main verb is always in the continuous form (ING). Future continuous tense The Future Continuous Tense applies the verb BE in the Future Tense (WILL BE). The main verb is always in the present participle form. Or to make it clear, it is formed by using will be or shah be with the verb form ending in -ing. The Future Continuous Tense is used to express an action expected to be in progress at another relative time in the future or to describe an ongoing or continuous action that will take place in the future. An adverb of time that indicates the future, is often used with the future continuous tense, e.g.: 1) I will be eating dinner with my friends at 7 tonight. 2) I will be riding the bus at 11:30 3) At this time next year, Ill be scuba diving off Mexico. 4) What will you be doing when new year arrives? 4) We ll be having dinner when the film starts 5) Take your umbrella. It will be raining when you return. 6) Next week we will be having a party. Can you come? 7) The fog shall be covering the land and sea. 8) The temperature will not be rising above 11 ?C 9) Next week, Dr Tanaka will be presenting her ongoing research into genetically modified plants. 10) Dr Tanaka will be investigating issues of biodiversity with colleagues in the United States when she takes up her scholarship. 11) Changes in government funding for universities will be aiming to stop Australians who have technical and scientific expertise leaving the country. 12) Many countries shall be signing an agreement on controlling greenhouse emissions in the hope of limiting the depletion of the ozone layer. Step 2: More about Future continuous tense 1. Compare the following sentences, and find the differences between them. 1) Toby will be climbing in the Himalayas all next week. 2) Toby will not be in London on 5th September. He will be climbing in the Himalayas. 3) Toby will go and climb in the Himalayas next week. In the first sentence, the action climbing in the Himalayas will be a continuous activity next week and Toby will probably not do other things. In the second sentence, the action climbing in the Himalayas starts before 5th September and probably continues after it. In the third sentence, will +the base form of a verb expresses future with intention. The speaker announces a deliberate future action in accordance with Tobys wish. 2. Go over Point 1 on page 28 to get familiar with situations in which the future continuous tense is usually used. 3. Discuss how to form the future continuous tense in statements, in questions and in short answers, and then go over Point 2 on page 28. 4.Go over the exercises on page 29. Read the note first to find out what Wang Hailing, the boss, wants David to do. Then read the schedule to find out what David is going to do from 13th June to 30th June. 5. Complete the reply by David. Pay attention to the forms of the verbs or auxiliary verbs used. Answers (1) traveling (2) will be (3) will be (4) will (5) will be exploring 6. Do Part C1 on page 96 in Workbook to get more practice with the future continuous tense Answers Part C1 (page 96) 1 am planning will be helping 2 will be waiting will be standing will be having 3 have been practicing will be giving 4 Will be using will be staying Step 3: Future in the past Future tense In linguistics, a future tense is a verb form that marks the event described by a verb as not having happened yet, but expected to in the future. The Simple Past Future(The Future-in-the-Past Tense) 过去将来时 The past future tense is used to indicate future time within the past. It has two purposes. First, it is used in the reported speech to express what is expressed in the actual speech by the future tense. Second, it is used to express various degrees of supposition. Form l: would+ 动词原形would 可简缩为:Id, youd, hed 等:would not 常简缩为 wouldnt. Form 2: was/were going to +动词原形 Form 3: was/were (about) to +动词原形 Form 4: was/were+-ing e.g.: 1) I told him I should visit it at three oclock. 2) I didnt know if she would come. 3) I wasnt sure whether he would do it. 4) It was said that the building would be completed in a year. 5) We asked him where we should go to work next week. 6) He said he would write to me as soon as possible. 7) I was told that we would be given an exam soon. 8) Lei lei said that she would visit her uncle the next Saturday. 9) Im here because they/he told me to come back when I had my phone number。(时间状语从句中一般过去时代替过去将来时) l0) I didnt know if she was going to come. 11) Lei Lei said that she was going to visit her uncle the next Saturday. 12) Yesterday I said that we would/were going to do it today. Step 4: More about Future in the past 1. We can use different verb forms to express future in the past. Read the following sentences and identify which tense are used in these sentences. Toby said that he would go and climb in the Himalayas soon. (future in the past) Toby was busy packing, (the past continuous tense) because he was leaving that night. (future in the past) Toby phoned his friend and told him he was going to leave at 10. (future in the past) Toby was just about to dive into the sea when he saw a shark. (future in the pas


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