Unit 2《The Environment》Welcome to the unit教案4(译林版必修5)

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111Module 5 Unit 2 The environment Welcome to the unit【教学目标】Knowledge aims:Help the students know something about different environmental problems according to the six pictures as well as their previous knowledge.Ability aims:Encourage the students to participate in the discussion about these environmental problems caused both by nature and by man.Emotional aims:Have the students discuss how serious the environmental problem is in the world and in our hometown and what they can do for the environment.【教学重点】Get the students discussing different kinds of environmental problems in the world and have some of them describe one of them they experienced or saw by themselves.【教学难点】Help the students know the arrangement of the whole unit and make preparations for making a poster and writing a report about Taihu Lake at the end of this unit.【教具准备】CAI equipment with a Multi-media classroom and other normal teaching tools【教学过程】Step 1 Greeting Before the class begins, let the students enjoy some beautiful pictures of nature, which is in another power point named beautiful picture. And ask the students how they think of them.Step 2 Review the new words and expressions Design this part according to the different classes. We can ask the students to have a dictation, or translate some example sentences, or ask them to read out their beautiful sentences or short passages in their homework. Step 3 Lead inTalk about the title of this unit “The environment”. Ask the students:When we talk about “the environment”, what will come to your mind? (When students brainstorm it, praise some of them or write part of the good answers on the blackboard.) Possible answers:We should live in harmony with nature.There are different types of pollution in the world, such as air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution and so on.There are lots of natural disasters in the world, such as tsunami, earthquake, flood, volcano, draught. Some rare plants and animals are in danger because of the environmental problems.Trees shouldnt be cut down without permission.The population in the world, especially in the developing countries, is increasing fast, which should be controlled.Wars should be stopped since they brought great damage to the earth.All of us should learn to protect our environment in our daily life, for we have only one earth.Can you name some of the environmental problems you know?Possible answers:tsunami, earthquake, flood, volcano, forest fire, the greenhouse effect, acid rain, water pollution, air pollution, noise pollution, sandstorm, desertification, overpopulation Step 4 Group discussionAsk each group to choose one of the environmental problems and talk about it.Step 5 Speaking (talk about the six pictures on page 21)This part can be combined with Step 4 if possible. If some of the environmental problems are not mentioned by the students in Step 4, ask them to look at the pictures and discuss them. Ask the students to describe them and explain the possible cause of each one. We can turn to the reference book for details. Or we can use the following table:Environmental problemsDescription /One exampleCausesResultsMeasuresair pollutionchopping down treesforest firessandstormswater pollutionrubbishtsunamioverpopulationThen ask the students to talk about the three questions on page 21.Step 6 Workbook ExerciseAsk the students to read the news article in Part A on page 102 in Workbook, which is about the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami from a school newspaper, and answer the questions about the passage.Or we can ask the students to finish the following table.drinking waterhospitalsThe biggest problem illness causedDisaster Strikes South-east AsiaresultsName: tsunamiTime: Dec.26th, 2004Countries: 12,Deaths: 200,222,including help solutionThailandIndonesiaSri Lankainformation Step 7 Conclusiondestroyed our environment.polluted the air and water.started wars.cut down lots of trees.went against nature.It was human being thatHuman beings should be well educated, and live in harmony with nature.Build a better society in harmony with nature.Wipe out the poverty.Develop the economy without damaging the environment.It is education thatcan help peopleStep 8 Make preparation for a debate and a poster (If time permits, the teacher should help the students to prepare for a debate and a poster in this unit.)Tell the students that well have a debate on the topic Big city or beautiful scenerymust we choose, and we will do some research work into the pollution of Taihu Lake, and then well make a poster of it later. The teacher should focus on the way of doing the research work. The students should be divided into several groups and each student should be sure of his/her duty.Or focus on the topics:1. As a citizen of the earth, what can we do to protect the environment in our daily life?2. Wuxi, our hometown, is developing fast. At the same time, we are faced with a lot of environmental problems. Can you think out some and how can we solve them?Step 9 Homework1. Preview Reading.2. Review words and expressions.3. Prepare for the debate and the poster making.4. Visit the following website: http:/www.abc.net.au/science/news/enviro/default.htm5. Describe one of the terrible natural disasters you have ever heard of on TV, or on the radio, or in the newspaper orally.Teaching plan for Unit 2 Module 5Welcome to the unit Teaching aims and demands: Make students know the importance of the environment to the human beings .To show students the current situation of environment .To arouse students sense of environment protection.To learn some words in this lessonTeaching procedures :Step 1 : Brainstorming 1 Review the word environment and let them imagine the adjectives related to environment .Write the words on the blackboard : Harmony, peaceful, destructive , pollution, disaster , protection, environmentalists.2 Ask students to express their opinions freely by asking them questions below:1) Compared to the last few years , do you think the environment is getting better or worse ?2) What might be the reasons for the changes?Step 2 : Sharing information 1. Before moving on to discuss the pictures , encourage students to talk about some environmental problems they know about , e,g , floods , forests fires , the greenhouse effect and acid rain.2. Ask students to read the instructions and study the pictures one by one . 3. Show the students the other pictures and let them talk.4. Ask students to read the three questions and put students into groups of four and ask them to discuss the questions .5. Ask some students to report their answers to the class.6. Ask students to think about other causes to the pollution of environment . 7. Ask students to think about the ways to protect the environment .Homework : 1.Preview reading 2.Do the exercise in the workbook 3.Write a short passage about the environment .111

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