Unit 1《Getting along with others》Project同步练习1(牛津译林版必修5)

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Unit 1《Getting along with others》Project同步练习1(牛津译林版必修5)_第1页
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Unit 1《Getting along with others》Project同步练习1(牛津译林版必修5)_第3页
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111Choice: (20%)1. I cant forget the days_ I spent in my hometown.A. whenB. on whichC. thatD. in which2. The physics teacher told the students that light _ faster than sound.A. has traveledB. traveledC. travelsD. traveling 3. Those _ not only from books but also through practice will succeed.A. learnB. whoC. that learnsD. who learn4. Is this the way _ you worked out the physics problem?A. whereB. by whichC. /D. in that5. Is there a market near our house _ I can get some fresh fish?A. whichB. whereC. thatD. to which6. The naughty child was made by his father _ .A. apologizeB. to apologizeC. apologizingD. apologized7. They often cross the _ bridge behind the bridge.A. old Chinese stoneB. Chinese old stoneC. old stone ChineseD. Chinese stone old8. I was late for school this morning because of the traffic jam _ I was caught.A. whichB. whereC. in whichD. when9. Can you imagine the best boy in the class _ in the examination.A. cheatingB. to cheatC. cheatD. to have cheated10. Is this book _ you wanted to borrow last time?A. whichB. thatC. the oneD. then 11. I want to buy such a dictionary _ you bought last week.A. thatB. whatC. likeD. as12. The workers produced 200,000 TV sets, _are of great quality.A. most of themB. most of whichC. most of thatD. which of most13. He is the only one of the students _ the truth.A. who knowB. who knowsC. that knowD. who are knowing14. It was in the classroom _ I found the wallet.A. whereB. thatC. whenD. at which15. They demand that their voice _.A. should be heardB. would be hardC. were heardD. was heard16. It is time we _ strong action against them.A. tookB. takeC. will takeD. would take17. The policeman _ his wife _.A. said where she had lost her licenceB. asked where had she lost her licenceC. said where had she lost her licenceD. asked where she had lost her licence18. The doctors cant find a cure for that strange illness until they have found out the _. A. causeB. reasonC. cueD. clue19. The bookstore is just _ the street.A. throughB. acrossC. crossD. to20. I was surprised _ hearing from him after such a long time.A. atB. fromC. onD. ofTranslation:1. Debbie 总是提前完成工作。(ahead)2. 我担心他是否能独自完成任务。(own)3. 由于她是一个紧张的人,在考试时她晕倒了。(nerve)4. 这个神秘奖属于那个穿红衣服的女孩。(belong)5. 这位诗人把祖国比作东方正在升起的太阳。(compare)Key:ListeningABDBA BADAB ACAfast foodcomputer programmer make more money fast learnerChoice:CCBCB BACAC DBBBA ADABACloze:CBADA CCDABReading:ABA ACDBTestTranslation:1. Debbie always finishes her work ahead of time/schedule.2. He worried whether he could finish the task on his own/by himself.3. Because she is a bag of nerves, she fainted during the examination.4. The mystery prize belongs to the girl in red/wearing red clothes/dressed in red clothes/who is wearing red clothes.5. The poet compared his motherland to the sun rising in the eastVerbs:1. had been2. not to ask3. listening, reading4. offers, taking5. Frightened6. throwing7. was not injured8. (should) avoid111

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