Module 6《Animals in Danger》cultural corner教案3(外研版必修5)

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111必修5 Module 6 Animals in Danger教学内容:高中英语(外研版)必修5 Module 6 Animals in Danger教学对象:高二学生教材分析:本模块介绍珍稀动物正濒临灭绝这一严峻现实,帮助学生增强“拯救野生动物,保护自然环境”的意识。单元的课时划分计划:Period 1 Introduction & Reading (阅读课)Task:复习和学习一些与野生动物保护有关的词汇,学会简要分析珍稀动物濒临灭绝的主要原因。学习词汇,阅读拯救藏羚羊的文章,了解藏羚羊濒临灭绝的现状,以及我国政府的世界自然保护组织为拯救藏羚羊所作的努力。Period 2 Grammar & Function (语法课)Task: 复习定语从句,完成有关定语从句的巩固练习。学习表达“担忧”的日常用语。Period 3 Vocabulary and Listening, Everyday English and Speaking (听说课)Task: 学习词汇,进一步了解濒危动物的情况。学习几个口语表达形式。谈论某一种濒危灭绝的动物,讨论采取何种措施进行拯救。Period 4 Cultural Corner & Reading and Writing (阅读与写作课)Task: 阅读短文,了解世界自然基金会(WWF)。读表格,获取信息,根据范文写短文。Period 5 Task and Module File (复习课)Task: 调查一种濒临灭绝的动物,写一份报告。对本模块学习内容进行归纳,帮助学生进行反思和检验,帮助老师获得反馈信息。 第一课时教案 Teaching aims and demands:a. Get Ss to learn some words and information about the protection of the wild animals b. Read a passage about the Tibetan antelope and learn some information about the present situation of the Tibetan antelope and the effort made to protect them.c. Help Ss to consolidate their reading skills .Teaching important points: a.Get Ss to realize the importance of saving the animals in danger and protecting the nature.b. Get Ss to learn how to call on more people to realize the importance of saving the animals in danger and take measures to protect them.Teaching difficult points:a. Enable the Ss to talk about the current situation of wild animals.b. Guide the Ss to summarize the main idea of the text Teaching methods: Discussion, cooperative learning and oral practice.a. Task-based activities and fast reading skills for main ideas and detailsb. Discussions to improve Ss reading skillsc. Individual,pair or group work to make every student work in class.Teaching aids: Powerpoint , computer, tape recorder, and blackboard Teaching procedures:Step I. Lead in Show the class some pictures about animals , and ask them “What is the English for them ?” Show a picture of the Siberian tiger and the giant panda. Ask:How much do you know about the Siberian tiger and the giant panda ?设计意图:通过展示动物图片,吸引学生的注意力,提高学习兴趣。同时还能复习所学有关动物的词汇,为下一环节做铺垫。Step II. Introduction 1. Read the short passage on P51 to get more information about them ,2. Match the words in the box with their meanings.设计意图:通过这段文章,了解濒危动物的现状。Step III. ReadingHave you ever heard of the Tibetan antelope ? How much do you know about it ?To get further information, lets read the passage on P52.1. Fast reading: help the Ss get some general information of the passage.1. Who is Jiesang Suonandajie?2. Why do the poachers kill the antelopes?设计意图:通过快速阅读,了解文章大意,有利于提高学生阅读能力。2. Careful reading: Summarize the general idea of the whole passage (pair work).Para. 1 Jiesang Suonandajie died when protecting antelopes.Para. 2 The reason for the trade.Para. 3 The process of the trade.Para. 4 The result of the battle.Para. 5 The present situation and the future of the battle.设计意图: 通过精读,概括段落大意,进一步提高学生的阅读归纳能力。3. Listen to the tape and ask the Ss to fill in the blanks. There used to be millions of antelopes on the Qinghai-Tibetan _. But unfortunately many _ killed them and skinned them on the spot for their wool, which is the _ material for a coat. Now the government begin to take an active part in _ the antelopes. Many poachers were caught and 300 vehicles _. Police are getting _ with the dealers. As a result, the antelope population has slowly begun to grow again.The writer tells us the facts about the _ antelope to make us realize the importance of protecting animals.设计意图:通过听录音完成填空,训练学生听细节的能力。Step IV. Discussion (group work)What measures should we take to protect animals in danger?设计意图:通过小组讨论引导学生分析问题及解决问题,激发学生热爱动物的感情,增强保护动物的意识。Step V. HomeworkAccording to the result of discussion, write a short passage.设计意图:引导学生学会使用语言表达自己的观点,即学以致用。教学反思:这节课通过使用多媒体进行教学,使学生形象直观地了解了濒临灭绝的珍稀动物的现状,并增强了学生“拯救野生动物,保护自然环境”的意识。同时通过多媒体和板书,让学生更好地理解掌握教学重点和难点。在学习过程中,通过学生个人思考、小组交流,激发学生爱护自然,保护自然的意识,通过学生讨论-归纳-巩固-运用的模式,让学生更好地掌握和运用所学知识。111

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