《the advertising game》教案1(北师大版必修4)

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教学无忧http:/jiaoxue5u.taobao.com/专注中小学 教学事业!Unit 11 The MediaLesson 3 The Advertising Game教案Objectives1. To read a text about advertisement development.2. To discuss advertising.Possible problemStudents may have problems with some verbs which need to use the ing form as objects.Teaching ProcedureTask one: Discussion1. Can you think of some adverts you have seen? Where have you seen them? (with pictures)2. Word corner: match the words in the box with the correct advertisements. (with pictures)(Jewellers, baker, airline, cinema, gym)3. Do you think advertisement will mislead you to believe that a product is better than it really is?4. What do you think of the design of nowadays advertisements?Task two: Pre-readingLook at some words that exist in the text and match them with the most suitable definitions according to Chinese meanings in vocabulary.a) traditional, typical classicb) company corporationc) right for something suitabled) contain consist ofe) plan of how money should be spent. budget f) rapid increase boomg) idea concepth) method approachi) belonging to the present time contemporaryj) area around where you live neighborhoodTask three: Reading1. Read the text quickly and decided the sentences are T of F.1). “Tsing Dao Beer” tells you 3 pieces of information so it is attractive. (F)2). Advertisement must be attractive and creative. (T)3). The purpose of all advertisement is to make customers spend money. (F)4). Producing public advertisement mentioned in the text is free. (F)5). The purpose of advertisement is creating something that has never been seen before. (F)6). Standing out your advertisements is not easy because people are used to high standards of visual design. (T)2. Read the text again and answer questions.1) When does the simplest type of advertisement work? They works when there is not much competition.2) Why are modern techniques of design not enough for advertisements to be noticed in modern cities? Because people are used to seeing high standards of visual design.3) What ideas do todays advertisers use to make you notice their products?New and unusual ideas, humor.4) What has the government done during the last decade?Public advertisementsTask four: Post ReadingWatch four public advertisements and discuss their good points.Task five: HomeworkExercises on page 27.Exercises on page70 & 71.客服唯一联系qq 1119139686 欢迎跟我们联系

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