高中英语优秀教案:Unit2《Robots》Period 6(新人教版选修7)

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111 Period 6Listening and Reading TaskTeaching aims1Learn about robots and robots in the fight against landmines.2Help students to learn how robots are helping human beings in clearing landmines.Teaching proceduresStep 1LeadinPresent the pictures on Page 54 and ask students to tell what each robot does.(Students are encouraged to speak out their opinions freely.) Step 2Listening1Listen to the interview and number the pictures in the order that you hear about them.Keys:4,2,1,3.2Listen to the interview again and fill in as much of the table as you can.Share your answers with a partner.Listen once or twice more to check your answers.RobotWhat is the robot?What can the robot do?1234Suggested answers:RobotWhat is the robot?What can the robot do?1Vacuum cleanerIt can move from room to room cleaning your house.You can program it so that it cleans when you are away and you can control what its doing from your computer at the office.2Personal robot called “PaPeRo”It understands 650 phrases,speaks more than 3000 words.It can recognize different people.It can check your email.It can help children do research on the Internet for their homework,talk to them about their day at school and play games.3Tiny helicopterIt will be used to fly into dangerous areas.For example,it can fly into a house thats been destroyed by an earthquake and check if anyones inside.4Walking chairIt helps people who cant walk to go up and down stairs.Step 3Reading task1As we know,Robots are designed and built to do a task that is dangerous,uncomfortable,or repetitive for humans.Today we are going to read a magazine article about landmines.First,ask students to read this piece of news about landmines.Three decades of war in Cambodia have left scars in many forms throughout the country.Unfortunately,one of the most lasting legacies of the conflicts continues to claim new victims daily.Landmines,laid by the Khmer Rouge,the Heng Samrin and Hun Sen regimes,the Vietnamese,the KPNLF,and the Sihanoukists litter the countryside.In most cases,even the soldiers who planted the mines did not record where they were placed.Now,Cambodia has the one of the highest rates of physical disability of any country in the world.At the current rate of progress,it may take as many as 100 years to clear all the mines in Cambodia,and the UN estimates that with current technology,it will take nearly 1100 years to clear all the mines in the world.2Next,present the students some mine signs and remind students that in spite of so many warning signs,there are still many victims as the pictures show.(In spite of so many warning signs,there are still many victims.Look at the following pictures.)3Ask students to glance through the text quickly and answer the following questions in Exercise 1 on Page 58.(1)What is the main topic of this article?Which part of the text tells you that?(2)Who wrote the article?(3)What do the three pictures show you?(4)Where is research being done on robots that can find landmines?(5)In which two countries might the robots be used?Suggested answers:(1)The main topic is the role of robots in the fight against landmines.The title tells us that.(2)Natasha Wesley.(3)Someone using a metal detector to find landmines;the robot that can find landmines;some people who have lost their legs because of landmines.(4)Chiba University (Japan)(5)Afghanistan and Cambodia.4Work in groups to write questions for these answers in Exercise 2.Check your work with your partner.QuestionAnswer126 000 people.2One person every 20 minutes.3For decades after wars have ended.4100 million.560 countries.6100 000.72 000 000.84 m long,1.8 m wide,1 m high.9900 kg.106.111997.12122 countries.Suggested answers:QuestionAnswer1.How many people are killed or injured by landmines every year?26 000 people.2.How often is someone killed or injured by a landmine?One person every 20 minutes.3.For how long do landmines keep causing damage?For decades after wars have ended.4.How many landmines are buried just beneath the surface of the ground?100 million.5.In how many countries are landmines buried?60 countries.6.How many landmines are removed every year?100 000.7.How many landmines are buried in the ground every year?2 000 000.8.How big is the robot that can find landmines?4 m long,1.8 m wide,1 m high.9.How much does it weigh?900 kg.10.How many legs has it got?6.11.When was an arrangement to stop the manufacture and use of landmines signed?1997.12.How many countries signed the agreement to stop the manufacture and use of landmines?122 countries.5.Read the article again carefully and look at each paragraph in turn.Underline the sentence which sets out the main idea of that paragraph.Then fill in the table below.ParagraphMain ideaSupporting details1Introduction:the damage landmines cause26 000 people killed or badly injured each year;100 million buried in 60 countries;Most victims are innocent people;2345Suggested answers:ParagraphMain ideaSupporting details1Introduction:the damage landmines cause26 000 people killed or badly injured each year100 million buried in 60 countriesMost victims are innocent people2The problem of landminesEach year 100 000 removedEach year 2 000 000 buriedDifficult and dangerous to remove3Robots can help find traditional minesMuch safer in the hunt for landminesFaster at finding landminesResearch at Chiba University4Robots can find plastic minesExperimental robots in productionTo use radar to locate minesTo identify types of mines5World opinions turned against landmines in the 1990sAgreement in Ottawa,Canada to stop the manufacture and use of landminesStill a lot of work to be doneStep 4Discussion1First,ask students to read the following materials.From the text weve learned how serious the situation is.Many lives are put into danger.So we must do something to improve the situation.As we know,the US hasnt yet committed to the Mine Ban Treaty.I hope you will write a letter of suggestion to the president of the US.You may refer to the text2Encourage students to write a letter of suggestion to the president of the US,for the US hasnt yet committed to the Mine Ban Treaty.In the letter you will suggest the US should stop manufacturing landmines and spend more money on solutions to clearing landmines,for example developing new robots to remove the landmines.You can refer to the following material:Producing one landmine costs $3,yet once in the ground it can cost more than $1000 to find and destroy,according to the ICBL.Over 80 per cent of the 15 000 to 20 000 landmine victims each year are civilians,and at least one in five are children,according to the International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL)The deadly legacy of landmines far outlasts the conflicts that gave rise to them.Among the most contaminated countries are Iraq,Cambodia,Afghanistan,Colombia,and Angola.If time is limited,ask students to finish it after class.Step 5HomeworkFinish writing the letter to the president of the US.A sample:Dear Mr.President,I read in the newspaper that the US hasnt yet committed to the Mine Ban Treaty.Im writing to suggest your country sign on the agreement.1Landmines kill or badly injure around 26 000 people every year.There are about 100 million landmines buried just beneath the surface of the ground in 60 countries.Among the most contaminated countries are Iraq,Cambodia,Afghanistan,Colombia,and Angola.I think this is one reason why people in these countries hate the US so much.2Producing one landmine costs $3,yet once in the ground it can cost more than $1000 to find and destroy,according to the ICBL.So stop manufacturing landmines and spend more money on finding solutions to clearing the landmines.As you know,your country has designed the most advanced robots.Why not use your advanced technology and spend more money on designing some robots to clear the landmines.If so,it will benefit the whole world.People all over the world will think highly of you and your country.You and your country will become more influential.Japan has set a good example.They have developed robots that can be used to clear landmines.I hope your government will follow Japans example.Thank you for reading the letter.I hope you will consider my suggestions.I believe you also hope the whole world will enjoy peace.Lets work together and make a peaceful world.Yours sincerely,Sun Cheng 111


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