河北省张家口市第一中学高一英语学案:Unit 2 English around the world(新人教版必修1)

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河北省张家口市第一中学高一英语学案:Unit 2 English around the world(新人教版必修1)_第1页
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河北省张家口市第一中学高一英语学案:Unit 2 English around the world(新人教版必修1)_第2页
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河北省张家口市第一中学高一英语学案:Unit 2 English around the world(新人教版必修1)_第3页
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1111.2. official adj. 官方的,正式的; 公务上的,职务上的 an official language e.g. I can hardly believe that is our official attitude. ( ) His official duties kept him busy. ( )n.官员,政府官员 a high official e.g. a bank company court government official 银行|公司|法院|政府要员officially adv. 正式地;官方地;公开地2. because of prep. because conj. 因为;由于e.g.I didnt buy it _ it was too expensive. He is absent today _his illness. He knew she was crying _ what he had said. We said nothing about it_ his wifes being there.3.native adj. 本国的, 本地的 be native to 原产于某地的;土产的;当地的 e.g. ones native language 本国语;本地语 e.g. The tiger is native to India. 这种虎产于印度。n. 本地人;当地人e.g. You can always tell the difference between the tourists and the natives.4. come up (1) to be mentioned or discussed 被提及;被讨论(不及物动短,不用于被动语态)(2) come up (to sb.) to move towards sb. 走到跟前,走进(3) come up to sbcome up with sth. :think of 想出,提出 come across (偶然)发现,遇见come out 出来;(花)盛开;(书、产品等)上市,发行come on (用于催促、鼓励)快点!加油!;别装腔,得了吧! come about 发生Ex: Fill in the blanks with the above phrases.He _ to me and asked for a light. Have you _some new ideas?The subject _ in conversation. _, get moving!They _ some old photos when they were tidying their room . The flowers _ early this year. How did such a thing _? When is her new novel _? Oh, _. Tell me the truth.5. actually adv. = in fact= as a matter of fact= in reality 实际上;事实上e.g. Hes actually the boss of a large company. 他实际上是一个大公司的老板。 Actually,everything is changing all the time. 6. base n.(1) the base of a glass ( )(2)a military base ( ) an air base ( ) (3)The company has its base in New York, and branch offices all over the world. ( )v. base sth. onupon sth. 以为基础(或根据) (被动形式) be based onupone.g. You should _ careful research. 你应该使你的结论以仔细研究为根据。 The film _ by D.H.Lawrence.该影片是根据D.H.劳伦斯的小说改编而成的。7. at present 现在;目前 for the present 暂时;目前e.g. At present, he is on holiday. 目前,他正在度假。The old man is all right at present / for the present. 这位老人现在很健康。present adj. preznt (1) 现存的;当前的e.g. in the present situation在当前形势下 _of the house 现在的房主(2)出现;在场;出席e.g. There were _at the meeting. 有200人出席会议。Many officials were present at the opening ceremony of the eleventh National Games.很多官员出席了第十一届全运会的开幕式。n. preznt 礼物;礼品 e.g. birthdayChristmaswedding, etc. presents v. prizent sb. with sth. sth. (to sb.): to give sth. to sb., especially formally at a ceremony 把交给;颁发;授予e.g. The sword was presented by the family to the museum.这家人把宝剑_博物馆。When Mr. Brown left the firm, the director _.布朗先生离开这家公司时,董事长送给他一只金表。8.gradual adj. happening slowly over a long period; not sudden 逐渐的;渐进的e.g. a gradual change in the climate 气候的逐渐变化_ adv. e.g. The weather gradually improved. 天气逐渐好转。9.enrich vt. 充实,使丰富; 使富有;使富裕e.g. (1) The study of science has enriched all our lives. ( )(2) He used his position to enrich himself. ( )拓展:en + adj.n.vt.或adj.n + envt.enlarge vt. _ enable vt. _ strength vt. _encourage vt. _ broaden vt. _ length vt. _10.make use of 使用;利用 = take advantage ofmake goodfull use of 好好利用;充分利用make the bestmost of 好好利用;充分利用make better use of 更好的利用e.g. You must _.你必须利用一切机会练习英语。Do you know any use we can make of the chair?你知道这把椅子的其他用途吗?易错练习:1. We should consider what use can be made _ such a material(材料).A. of B. from C. up D. in2. His progress in study lies in the good use he _ of his spare time.A. let B. get C. made D. calm3. Most of his time there is made use of _ (learn ) English .11. latter adj.后者的 n. 后者 反义词 ( )e.g. (1) The latter point is the most important. 后面提及的那一点是最重要的。 (2)They keep horses and cattle, the former for riding, the latter for food.他们养马和牛,前者供乘骑,后者供食用。辨析late/ later/ lately/latter/latest(1) She has been very busy _. (2) He came back _ yesterday.This is the _ news from London .It will rain _ in the day.He came up with two solutions. _ seems much better.【点击高考】1. My father is a classic music fan. He has bought hundreds of classic music CDs. _, however, he has changed his taste. He listens to Jazz every evening.A. Late B. Later C. Lately D. Latter2. That is the _ issue of the magazine.A. last B. least C. latest D. latter12.such as ,for exampleOpportunities _this did not come every day. 这样的机会不是天天都有。He knows several languages, _ English and French.Noise, _, is a kind of pollution.Many great men rose from poverty Lincoln and Edison, _.13.fluent adj. able to speak, read or write a language easily and well 流利的,文字流畅的 be fluent in sth. 在方面流利的e.g. He speaks fluent Italian. 他说一口流利的意大利语。He is fluent in English and French. 他的英语和法语都讲得很流利。fluently adv.流利地frequent adj. happening or doing sth. often 频繁的;经常发生的 e.g. There is a frequent bus service into the center of town.公共汽车有很多班次开往市中心区。frequently adv. often 频繁地;经常 e.g. Buses run frequently between the city and the airport.公共汽车频繁地来往于市区与机场之间。14.command n. an order a control 命令;指令;掌握e.g. The army is under the kings direct command. 军队由国王直接统帅。have a good command of 掌握得好;精通e.g._ . 他的法语很好。vt. to direct, to order 指挥,命令,指令搭配:command sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事 command that (should+) do 命令.e.g. The policeman_. 警察命令小偷停下来。易错练习:The teacher commanded that the exercises _ in an hour.A. was finished B. were finished C. should finish D. be finished15.request n. a polite demand, sth. that has been asked for 要求,请求,请求的事物e.g. We should make a request for help. 我们应该请求支援。vt . to ask, to demand politely 要求,请求搭配:request sb. to do sth. 请求某人做某事 request that (should+) do 请求e.g. May I request _? 能不能请你不要再讲了?I requested that _. 我请他提早一个小时来。16. play a part in to be involved in 参与某事;在中起作用;在中扮演角色e.g. She plays an active part in local politics. 她积极参加地方的政治活动。The UN plays an important part in the international relations. 联合国在国际关系中起着重要作用。The actress played a leading part in this film and became famous very soon. 这个女演员在这部电影中扮演主角并很快成名。Similar phrase: play a role in 在中起作用17.recognize v (1) to know who sb. is or what sth. is when you see or hear them, because you have seen or heard them or it before 认识;认出;辨认出e.g. I recognized him/his voice as soon as he came into the room. 他一进屋我就认出了他。(2) to admit or to be aware that sth. exists or is true 承认;意识到e.g. They recognized the need to take the problem seriously. _。Drugs were not recognized as a problem then. _。(3) be recognized as sth. to be thought of as very good or important by people in general 赞赏;赏识;看重;公认e.g. The book is now recognized as a classic. _。n. recognition beyond recognition _ 18. accent n.重音, 口音, 强调 a perfect accent , a heavy accent e.g.He speaks English with an American accent.19.block n.(1) a group of buildings with streets on all sides 街区;一段街区e.g. Walk two blocks, and youll find the store at the corner. 走过两条街区,你就会在拐弯处发现那家店。(2) 一块 e.g. a block of stone/ ice/ wood 一块石头、冰、木头vto stop sth. from moving or flowing 堵塞;阻塞e.g. After todays heavy snow, many roads are still blocked. 今天下过大雪,许多道路仍然堵塞。Period 2Language points .1.more than见新坐标P222. In some important ways they are very different from one another.(P9)c.f. be different from have difference in A differs from B (in) 完成句子(1) City life _country life. 都市生活与乡村生活有区别。(2) They _ their tastes. 他们在品位上有差别。 (3) Our customs _ in America. 我们的风俗习惯与美国不一样。3.Why do you think people all over the world want to learn English?(P10) do you think 在句中是插入语。这种句式也可叫作双重疑问句。 构成形式如下: 疑问词插入语(do you think/suppose/believe/imagine/say/suggest)其他 e.g. _ as our monitor? 你认为谁会当选为我们的班长? _to talk about the problem? 你建议我们什么时候举行会议谈论这个问题? _ to attend our party? 你想我们会邀请谁来参加这次宴会? EX:1) -I havent heard from Henry for a long time. -What do you suppose_ to him? A. was happening B. to happen C. has happened D. had happened2) Since you have seen both fighters, _ will win? A. do you think B. who do you think C. whoever D. who you think4.Native speakers can understand each other even if they dont speak the same kind of English. even if相当于even though:“尽管,即使”,引导让步状语从句。 e.g. Ill help you with English, _ for a night. 即使我一夜不睡觉,也要帮助你学习英语。 Ill get there, _. 我就是走也要走到那儿去。 even if/though引导让步状语从句,主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时表将来。So 5.Why has English changed over time?(P10) over time 随着时间的过去;随着时间的推移 e.g. Bad habits are developed over time. 坏的习惯随着时间慢慢滋生。over作为介词的其他用法:1) 在.上方; 在.上面(未接触) e.g. a bridge over a river 河上的一座桥 the roof over ones head 头上的屋顶2) (数目、程度等)高于, 超过 e.g. He is over fifty. 他五十开外了。 It costs over ten dollars. 它值十多美元。 3) 从.边缘往下 e.g. look over the hedge 从篱笆上面看过去speak to sb. over ones shoulder 转过头去和某人说话4) 在.期间, 在.时间内 e.g. over many years 在许多年内 work over night 通宵工作5) 遍及,从头到尾 e.g. all over the body 浑身 all over the world 遍及世界 go over ones notes 从头到尾看笔记6) 一边.一边; 在(做).的时候 e.g. fall asleep over ones work 工作时睡着了 talk over a cup of tea 一面喝茶, 一面谈话6. At first the English spoken in England between about AD450 and 1150 was different from the English spoken today. (P10)e.g. _will probably reach him tomorrow. 今天寄出的信或许明天他就能收到。7. Then gradually between about AD800and 1150, English became less like German because those who ruled England spoke first Danish and later French. (P10)e.g. Those _ shall be punished.那些违反法律的人将受到惩罚。 _. 天助自助者。8. Today the number of people learning English in China is increasing rapidly.辨析the number of, a number of e.g. The number of homeless people _.无家可归者的人数增加了。A number of teachers _ today; the number of them_ 300.许多教师今天都出席了,有300人。9. The fly agreed immediately without a second thought.(P11)without a second thought 毫不犹豫e.g. He joined in the work without a second thought.他毫不犹豫地参加了那项工作。10. Believe it or not, there is no such thing as standard English.(P13) Believe it or not独立结构,通常用于口语,意为“信不信由你,我说的是真的”,。 e.g. Believe it or not, John cheated in the exams. 信不信由你,约翰在考试中作弊了。 Believe it or not,the meeting next week is cancelled. 下周的会议取消了,我说的可是真的。 英语中常见的插入语有: to tell (you) the truth 跟你说实话 to be honest 老实说 to begin/start with 首先 judging by/from 从来判断 generally speaking 一般来说 in other words 换句话说 in a word 总之,一句话 whats more 另外,而且whats worse 更糟的是11. However, on TV and the radio you will hear differences in the way people speak. 1)however与but e.g. His first response was to say no. Later, _, he changed his mind. I thought those figures were correct. _, I have recently heard they were not. Sally was amused, _I was very embarrassed. 2) however可以作连词(conj.),表示“无论如何,不管怎样”,引导让步状语从句。 e.g. However high the mountain is, we must climb up to the top. 无论山有多高,我们必须爬上山顶。 You can travel _. 你可以随心所欲地去旅行。 _, well finish it in time.不管这个任务多么困难,我们都要按时完成。3) way 后面的定语从句e.g. 我不喜欢他说话的方式。 I dont like the way that he speaks. I dont like the way he speaks. I dont like the way in which he speaks. 但是: The way which/ that he explained to us was simple .练习1)We should try to get a good nights sleep, _ much work we have to do. A. however B. no matter C. although D. or2)You have not told us your opinion. You can, _, make it clear now. A. but B. and C. however D. or3) Can you think of a way_ we can use to work out the math problem? A. which B. in which C. in what D. where4)The way _ he answered the question was surprising. A. in that B. which C. that D. what12. So people from the mountains in the southeastern USA speak with almost the same dialect as people in the northwestern USA.(P13)the same as 表示同类的事物 the same that 表示同一个事物e.g. Ill buy the same car as you bought. This is the same dictionary as/that I lost last week.13. The US is a large country in which many different dialects are spoken.(P13)e.g. They went to a large garden _.他们来到一个大花园,里面长着许多红花绿树。 Period 3 Writing How to write a good letter asking for advice. Here are some steps.Step 1 The basic steps No.1 Collect the main information ansd try to find the key words. No.2 Make sentences using proper sentence pattern. No.3 Join the sentences into a passage. No.4 Check the passage and correct the mistakes.Step 2 Two modelsModel OneDear XiaoDong, Im glad to receive your letter. In your letter you asked me how to make friendsFirst, Secondly, .Thirdly,Hopefully these ideas are helpful to you.Yours,Miss Wang Model TwoDear _,You have asked me for my advice on/about _ , and I will try to make some conductive suggestions here.In my opinion, you would be wise to take the following actions: _(建议的内容.I hope you will find these proposals(建议) useful, and I would be ready to discuss this matter with you to further details.Yours sincerely,Li MingStep 3 A sample (给校长的信)Dear Headmaster, I am Li Hua, the minister of students life in the Student Union, I am writing to you to reflect something about our canteen.To our satisfaction, the canteen supplies us with various kinds of food. This gives us many choices. At the same time the price for the food is low and the food is tasty/delicious. And the surroundings for having a meal have been improved. The canteen has become clean. And when we are eating, we can watch TV. But something unsatisfactory exists, too. For example, the quantity of a helping is less than it should be. This is unfair. Besides, in the canteen, the seats are not enough. Some students have to stand while eating. We hope that the school will consider adding more seats for us.Finally we hope that they can improve the quality of the food and their service. We will be very happy if our advice is taken.Yours respectfully,Li Hua 尊敬的校长:我叫李华,学生会生活部部长,我给您写信反映食堂的情况。令我们满意的是,食堂提供很多种类的食物,这给了我们很多选择。同时饭菜价格便宜,味道可口,而且就餐环境也改善了。食堂干净了。我们吃饭时还可以看电视。但是令人不满意的方面也存在。例如,食物分量不足,这是不公平的。并且食堂的座位不够,一些学生不得不站着吃。我们希望学校会考虑增添些座位。最后我们希望他们能改进饭菜的质量,改善服务。我们的建议若被采纳我们会非常高兴。尊敬您的 李华111

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