2013届高考英语一轮复习课时作业6《Unit 1 Cultural relics》(新人教版必修2江西专用)

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2013届高考英语一轮复习课时作业6《Unit 1 Cultural relics》(新人教版必修2江西专用)_第1页
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2013届高考英语一轮复习课时作业6《Unit 1 Cultural relics》(新人教版必修2江西专用)_第2页
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2013届高考英语一轮复习课时作业6《Unit 1 Cultural relics》(新人教版必修2江西专用)_第3页
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111课时作业(六)必修2Unit 1 Cultural relics限时:30分钟.单项填空1The drunken driver said his father was Li Gang after the accident in Hebei University._ He must take the blame, no matter who his father is.AWhat for? BSo what?CNo doubt. DNo wonder.2In order to _ the financial storm, many families cut their daily expenses.Aprevent BsurviveCquit Dmiss3Many young people left their hometown for big cities _ better jobs.Ain favour of Bin search ofCin charge of Din honour of4The book, mainly _ use in college, is a bestseller this summer.Adesigned for Bdesigned toCdesigning for Ddesigning to5Dear, I can find a better job if I go to Germany, maybe.Dont be silly._, you know.AActions speak louder than wordsBA golden key can open any doorCA bird in the hand is worth two in the bushDBetter late than never6Please remain_; the winner of the prize will be announced soon.Aseating BseatedCto seat Dto be seated7I am interested in that laptop.It seems to be the latest style.What do you charge for it?$8000._, but I cant afford it.AIts worth that BIts really niceCPlease lower the price DThats too dear8I have no_ that he will pass the exam, but I still think there is something about whether he has really got everything ready.Adoubt BwonderCchance Dpoint9I dont think he could have finished his work last night,_?Ado I Bdid heChas he Dcould he10The TV series is_.Ive never seen a better one before.Athought little of Bthought highly ofCthought little Dthought highly11Fred entered without knocking and, out of breath, sank_ a chair.Aon BoffCinto Dto12The song In Spring has brought national fame to Xuriyanggang, _ won the second place in the 2010 Avenue of Stars Finals.Awhen BwhatCwhere Dwho13Hank is always rude, _ is why people tend to avoid him.Athat BitCthis Dwhich14Green tea, _ many experts suggest, should be drunk regularly to improve health.Awhich BwhereCwhen Das15We should learn from the spirit of the Foolish Old Man_ the mountains in our daily study.Aremoved BmovedCwho removed Dmoving.完形填空A man wanted to make an investment (投资).An idea struck him:“Why dont I plant a small mango tree and enjoy the benefits when it grows into a big one?” So he went to the _16_,bought a small tree and took it home. To the pride of his family,he _17_ it in the center of his _18_.He read everything about _19_ a mango tree. He got up early every morning,for he was determined to supply the tree with all the necessary nutrients. He watered it,_20_ it with manure (粪肥),and took good care of its leaves by removing those _21_ ones. He made sure the tree received enough care.Many times he sat and _22_ the beauty of the growing tree while dreaming about the _23_ mangoes that the tree would _24_. His mind was always filled with the wish to taste the first fruit of the tree.Years went by _25_now,he had a big tree with its leaves shining and healthy,its bark healthy and hard. It was a big attraction _26_ it decorated his whole garden.Then one day he noticed a small bud (花蕾),which in a couple of days grew into a beautiful _27_. Now he could _28_ wait for the fruit so he started to increase his supply of nutrients and care. Then one day the tree let out its first producta small green fruit. The man was so _29_.He waited for a few more weeks till the fruit grew in _30_. The day came when he decided to _31_ the first fruit of the tree. He _32_ the tree,picked the fruit and then came his _33_. The fruit was not like what he expected. It was hard,big and round. He was puzzled. He was sad.Seeing this,his _34_ came and asked him what happened. He told them that the fruit from his tree was not what he wanted. When the neighbours heard this,they did not know whether to _35_ or comfort him,for what he planted years ago was not a mango tree. We can only reap (收获) what we plant.16A.city Bfarm Cmarket Dshop17A.grew Bmoved Cplanted Dthrew18A.garden BhouseCvillage Dyard19A.buying BimprovingCkeeping Draising20A.decorated BequippedCserved Dsupplied21A.green BredCwhite Dyellow22A.admired BdrewCgreeted Doperated23A.beneficial BexpensiveChealthy Dtasty24A.bear BburstCdeserve Dmake25A.immediately BquicklyCnarrowly Dsuddenly26A.because BifCthough Dwhen27A.flower BfruitCleaf Dnut28A.always BhardlyCnever Dstrangely29A.greedy BhappyCnervous Dsad30A.age Blength Csize Dwidth31A.observe BsellCsteal Dtaste32A.climbed BcutChid Dkilled33A.anxiety BcheersCdisappointment Dopinion 34A.children BfriendsCneighbours Drelatives35A.complain BlaughCmotivate Dsupport.阅读理解Today, one can trace Venices rich past from its buildings. Most cities can claim at least a handful of outstanding churches, palaces or houses of historical interest, and nearly everything is remarkable, from the magnificent Piazza San Marco (St. Marks Square ) and the palaces that line the Grand Canal to the centuriesold homes of simple fishermen. It would be easy to say that the city itself is an enormous museum if it were not for the fact that it is so obviously alive.At first sight, Venice looks unbelievably permanent, an apparently complete Renaissance (文艺复兴) city so untouched by time that there seems no reason why it should not go on forever. Now the city is slowly sinking, as the clay on which it is built loses its elasticity (弹性) and the massive wooden piles rot (腐烂) away. Flooding, such a rare occurrence a hundred years ago now happens several times each winter.The damage caused by the flooding is immense, and the fabric of the ancient buildings is now being further damaged by pollution from the mainland town as well as by the wash produced by the constantly increasing number of motor boats that speed up and down the canals.A further threat to Venice comes from the Venetians themselves, some of whom are not particularly interested in preserving the city as one of the wonders of the world and would prefer to see it modernized.“What better place is there for the meeting of dear friends? See how it glows with the advancing summer; how the sky and the sea and the rosy air and the marble of the palaces all glimmer and melt together.” Thus wrote the famous author Henry James, of Venice, which provided the setting for his story The Aspern Papers, in the nineteenth century. The splendor of Venice has captured the imagination of artists for centuriesand not just of the great painters and novelists. How tragic now that she is faced with the double threat of man and nature. Venice indeed will be lucky to survive.36Venice proudly boasts_. Aits beautiful churches, palaces and houses Bits unique St. Marks Square and the Grand Canal Cits picturesque waterscape Dits marvelous ancient buildings37The writer thinks that_. AVenice can be regarded as a big museum BVenice is no longer a big museum CVenice is different from a big museum DVenice can never be a big museum because of its modernization38How do the motor boats endanger the buildings? AThey produce violent movements of water. BThey pollute the air. CThey pollute the water. DThey produce too much noise.39From the fourth paragraph, we know that_. AVenetians are eager to modernize their city BVenetians value the Grand Canal CVenetians dont care about any threat to the Grand Canal Dthe threat of man is greater than the threat of nature40In the last paragraph, the writer_. Ais very confident that Venice will survive Bis doubtful whether Venice will survive Cthinks that Venice will have luck Dis afraid that Venice will no longer attract artists and novelists课时作业(六).1.B考查交际英语在具体语境中的使用。句意为“河北大学内酒后肇事的司机说他爸爸是李刚。”“那又怎么样?无论他爸爸是谁,他都得承担责任。” 表示“那又怎么样?”用So what? ;What for?表示“为了什么?”;No doubt 表示“毫无疑问”;No wonder 表示“毫不奇怪”。2B考查动词。survive “经历之后还存在,幸存”。句意为:为了在金融风暴中幸存下来,很多家庭削减了他们的日常开支。3B考查介词短语辨析。句意:很多年轻人离开家乡到大城市寻找更好的工作。in search of “寻找”;in favour of “赞成,支持”; in charge of “负责,主管”;in honour of “向表示敬意”。B项符合句意。4A考查过去分词作定语。designed for相当于which is mainly designed for,be designed for sth意为“是为了(而)设计”。5C考查常用谚语的辨析。说话人的意思是等到了德国可能会找一个更好的工作,答话者却要他最好现在先找一个,所以选“二鸟在林, 不如一鸟在手”。6B考查remain的用法。remain后接过去分词作表语;remain to do sth往往有“将来”的含义,不符合语境。7A考查情景对话。根据题意,是买卖双方的对话。是最新款的手提电脑,问要价多少,在得知要$8000的时候,表示这台手提电脑值这个价格,但自己承担不起。8A考查名词辨析和常用句型。句意为:他能通过考试,我绝不怀疑,但是我仍在想有关他是否已经把一切都准备好的事情。no doubt “毫无疑问”,根据句意选A。9B考查反意疑问句。当主句的主语是第一人称,谓语动词是think, believe等动词时,反意疑问句部分要针对从句进行反问,因此排除A项;宾语从句中could have done有明显的时间状语last night, 因此反问部分使用一般过去时,排除C项;情态动词表示推测时,不用情态动词构成反意疑问部分,因此排除D项。10B考查动词短语辨析。表示“受到很高的评价”要用think highly of,变为被动语态时介词 of不能丢掉。11C考查动词与介词的搭配。sink into sth. “渗透,陷入”,sink into a chair意为“(一屁股)坐到椅子上”,其中into表示“(动作的方向)进入,到中”,其他搭配均不恰当。12D考查非限制性定语从句的引导词。代替指人的先行词Xuriyanggang(旭日阳刚),引导一个非限制性定语从句,并在从句中作主语,所以用关系代词who。【变式训练】The Avenue of Stars,_ Xuriyanggang gained national fame, is very famous.AwhenBwhatCwhere Dwho【解析】 C代替表示地点的名词“The Avenue of Stars(星光大道)”,在从句中作抽象的地点,所以用where,相当于in which。13D考查非限制性定语从句的用法。句意:汉克总是很鲁莽,这就是人们常常躲避他的原因。定语从句的先行词是前面的句子Hank is always rude这件事,又因为是非限制性定语从句,故用which。14D考查非限制性定语从句。句意:就像一些专家建议的一样,绿茶应该有规律地喝来保健。as引导的非限制性定语从句,意思是“就像一样”。故选D项。15Cwho removed the mountains用作定语从句,remove意为“移开”。句意为:在日常学习中我们应该学习愚公移山的精神。.一个人想发财,突发了要栽植一棵芒果树的想法。想不到结出的不是芒果,这个人很是失望。原来他栽的不是棵芒果树。16C考查语境化选词。city “城市”;farm “农场”;market “市场”;shop “商店”。由后面的bought a small tree可知,购买树苗,应该是在“市场”。17C考查动词。grow “种植”;move “移动”;plant “栽种”;throw “扔,丢掉”。买芒果树苗回来后,将其“栽”在花园里。故选C项。18A考查名词。garden “花园”;house “房子”;village “村庄”;yard “院子”。B、C两项可轻易排除。D项易错选,但根据第四段最后一句“it decorated his whole garden”可知选A项。19D考查动词。buy“购买”;improve“改进,提高”;keep“保持;饲养(动物)”;raise “养殖,种植;增加”。此处raise a mango tree指维护、管理芒果树。故选D项。20D考查动词。decorate “装饰”;equip “装备,武装”;serve “服务,供应”;supply “提供”。此处是为果树施肥,应使用supply A with B,故选D项。21D考查形容词。果树管理,需要剪去老叶子枯萎的叶子。枯萎的叶子会变黄,而green leaves属于好叶子。red leaves只是有些树有,一般是秋天才有,也是即将死去的叶子,但秋天不需要剪枝。white leaves很少见,显然A、B、C三项可排除。故选D项。22A考查动词。admire “欣赏;赞美”;draw “画画”;greet “打招呼,欢迎”;operate “操作,管理”。根据接下来的“dreaming aboutHis mind was always filled with the wish to taste the first fruit of the tree.”可知,那个人是经常坐在树下“赞赏”树长得漂亮,并展望着早日品尝其结的芒果,故选A项。23D考查形容词。beneficial“有益的”;expensive “昂贵的”;healthy “健康的”;tasty “可口的,美味的”。根据句意,这个人是展望早日品尝果树结的“可口的”芒果,故选D项。24A考查动词。bear“生育,结果实”;burst “爆裂,突发”;deserve “值得”;make “制造”。此处是指果树“结果实”,使用bear,故选A项。25B考查副词。immediately “立即,马上”;quickly “迅速地,快”;narrowly “勉强地,狭窄地”;suddenly “突然”。根据接下来的“now,he had a big tree”可知,这一天到来了,说明时间过得很快,故选B项。26A考查连词。because表示原因;if表示条件;though表示让步;when表示时间。此处前后为因果关系,it decorated his whole garden是原因,It was a big attraction为结果,故选A项。27A考查名词。flower“花朵”;fruit “水果”;leaf “叶子”;nut “果仁”。根据常识可知,先是长出花蕾(a small bud),然后花蕾长成flower,花粉受精后才会结出果实,故选A项。28B考查副词。always “总是,始终”;hardly “几乎不”;never“从不”;strangely “奇怪地”。cant/hardly wait for意为“等待不及”,这个人等不及要品尝芒果树结出的果实,故选B项。29B考查形容词。greedy “贪婪的”;happy “快乐的”;nervous “紧张的”;sad “悲伤的”。果树总算结出了第一批果实,这个人显然非常“喜悦”,故选B项。30C考查名词。age“年龄”;length “长度”;size “尺寸,大小”;width “宽度”。这个人又等了几周,以便让树上的果实“长大点”,果子不像他所期盼的那样,故选C项。31D考查动词。observe “观察,观看”;sell“卖”;steal“偷”;taste “品尝”。这个人一直期待的是“品尝”自己栽的果树上结出的果实,故选D项。32A考查动词。climb “爬上”;cut “砍伐”;hide “躲,收藏”;kill“杀死”。这个人感觉树上的果实应该成熟了,决定“爬到树上”去摘下来吃,故选A项。33C考查名词。anxiety “焦虑”;cheers “欢呼声”;disappointment “失望”;opinion “观点,看法”。根据接下来“The fruit was not like what he expected. It was hard,big and round. He was puzzled. He was sad.”可知,这个人摘下树上的果实品尝后,很是“失望”,果子不像他所期盼的那样,故选C项。34C考查名词。根据最后一段中的“When the neighbours heard this”可知选C项neighbours “邻居”。children “孩子”;friends “朋友”;relatives “亲戚”。35B考查动词。complain “抱怨”;laugh “笑”;motivate “激励”;support “支持”。邻居们听完这个人的诉苦后,不知道是该“笑”他还是安慰他,因为他几年前栽的树不是芒果树。故选B项。.本文为说明文,主要介绍威尼斯引以为豪的古建筑正承受着来自人类与大自然的双重威胁。36D细节理解题。根据第一段and nearly everything is remarkable, from the magnificent Piazza San Marco (St. Marks Square) and the palaces that line the Grand Canal to the centuriesold homes of simple fishermen.可判断威尼斯以它杰出的古建筑而闻名,故选D。37A细节理解题。根据第一段It would be easy to say that the city itself is an enormous museum if it were not for the fact that it is so obviously alive.可推断作者认为威尼斯是巨大的博物馆,故选A。38A细节理解题。根据第三段 the wash produced by the constantly increasing number of motor boats that speed up and down the canals.可判断选A。39D细节理解题。根据第四段A further threat to Venice comes from the Venetians themselves可知人为因素比自然因素对威尼斯造成的损坏更大,故选D。40B推理判断题。根据最后一段How tragic now that she is faced with the double threat of man and nature. Venice indeed will be lucky to survive.可知威尼斯面临着来自人类和自然的双重威胁,要想幸存下去将是一件碰运气的事,即可推断作者对威尼斯的未来持怀疑态度,故选B。111

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