高一英语备课《Module 4 Fine Arts—Western Chinese and Pop Arts》学案(外研版必修2 )

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高一英语备课《Module 4 Fine Arts—Western Chinese and Pop Arts》学案(外研版必修2 )_第1页
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高一英语备课《Module 4 Fine Arts—Western Chinese and Pop Arts》学案(外研版必修2 )_第3页
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111Module 4 Fine ArtsWestern, Chinese and Pop Arts 学案Teaching Aims:1. Knowledge and Skilla. Learn some useful words and expressions about western, Chinese and pop arts. Encourage them to use more new words to describe art and artist.b. Improve students speaking ability by discussion or description.c. Learn and compare different styles of painting in different areas.d. Encourage students to find out more world-famous artists and their paintings and know how to express their likes and dislikes about something.e. Introduce v.ing form and the infinitive and make the students have systematic explanations of the two kinds of non-infinitive.f. Improve the students knowledge about some world-famous artist and their ability to grasp the main idea of a paragraph or a passage by the topic sentence.2.Emotion and Valuesa. To arouse the Ss curiosity about arts and make them appreciate different styles of paintings.b. To help them form the right attitude towards arts and cultivate students artistic sentiment.c. To have ability to enjoy and evaluate various paintings and drawings3. Cultural awareness:a. Promote their knowledge of domestic and international artists and works.b. Understand westerners view on various artists and cultivate their aesthetic consciousness. 4. Character-building:a. To help them form the good method of appreciating different styles of paintings.b. To let them know the importance of cooperating with others in a group.Difficulties and Importance:a. Get the students to know how to write a paragraph that begins with a topic sentence.b. The basic usage of v. ing form and the infinitive and learn to use them in different situations.c. Improve the students ability of grasping the general idea of the passage. Teaching Method:a. Task-based methodology b. Communicative ApproachTeaching Time:Five periods:Period 1 vocabulary and speaking+Everyday English+FunctionPeriod 2 Vocabulary and readingPeriod 3 Listening and Vocabulary +Everyday English and PronunciationPeriod 4 Grammar 1 ing form and the infinitive Grammar 2 ing form as subjectPeriod 5 Cultural cornerWritingTeaching Procedures:Period 1Step 1 Warming-upAsk them to answer the following questions freely.Q1. Are you interested in art?Q2. Do you like paintings?Q3. What kind of painting do you enjoy most?Step 2 Vocabulary related to art and artists.Show some fine pictures to the students and have a discussion on art by ask some questions such as:Q1. Can you describe what you can see from each of them?Q2. Which one do you like best? And Why?Q3. Can you name a great nineteenth-century Chinese artist?Q4. Do you know the name of the following paintings?Q5. Do you like traditional Chinese art using brush and ink?Encourage them to use more adjectives to describe the pictures and their first feeling. At the same time introduce the new vocabulary about art. The following words may help you.1. artist: a person who produces works of art, esp. paintings2. art gallery: a room, hall or building where works of art are shown3. brush: an instrument for cleaning or painting4. colourful: brightly coloured; full of colour5. contemporary: modern; belong to the present time6. delightful: very pleasing7. draw: make a picture of sth with a pencil or brush8. drawing: the art of making pictures with a pencil or pen9. ink: coloured liquid used for writing, printing or drawing10. paint: to paint pictures11. painter: a person whose job is painting buildings, walls, and so on.12. painting: a picture that has been painted:13. scene: a single piece of action in one place; a place seen (as if) in a picture14. traditional: following older methods and ideas rather than modern onesStep 3 Discussion and expression.Look at the following three pictures and answer the questions.1. Which one do you prefer?2. Can you give a title for each one? 3. Use two or three sentences to describe what you think about it.The following phrases may help you:Picture1 a quiet girl/ a lean girl/ a sad girl/ a thoughtful girl/ a pondering girlPicture2 a good place for seclusion/ a good place for relaxing/ the beautiful(peaceful/quiet) countrysidePicture3 cold winter withered willow trees water oxen / buffalos a desolate sceneStep 4 Speakinga. Encourage the students to find out more expressions about likes and dislikesI likeI really likeIm fond ofI loveIm interested inI enjoyI dislikeI hateI cant standI get tired ofIm fed up withb. Look at the pictures, and make up a dialogue, including the following information:Q1. Which picture do you like best and least?Q2. Who do you think painted it?Q3. What does it tell us?Q4. Why do you like/dislike it?The following sentences may help you to express your views.I think some western art is beautiful and interesting. I like pictures that show reality. I really like paintings of animals. I cant stand modern art. I think its awful. Im interested in pictures that are different in some way. I want something beautiful to put on my wall.Homework:1. Choose one painting you like best or least. Try to describe the painting, say what you know about it and why you like or dislike it.2. Preview the passage in reading and vocabulary.Period 2Step 1 Pre-readinga. How many kinds of arts are there?Suggested answers: watercolor; oil painting; landscape; mural; drawing; cartoonb. Match these words and phrases with the definitions.Alive aspect imitate movement observe ordinary reality style 1.the way in which something is done _2.to watch carefully _3.a style of painting adopted by a group of artists _4.to copy _5.living or full of life _6.not special or unusual _7.one of the separate parts of something _8.the way something really is _Suggested answers:1. style 2. observe 3. movement 4. imitate5. alive 6. ordinary 7. aspect 8.realityStep 2. Fast-readingSkim the passages A-F, then:1. Read paintings 1-4 with descriptions in paragraphs A-D.2. Say which paintings are mentioned in paragraphs E and F.Suggested answers: 1). CADB 2). E.1, 4. F. 3, 2Step 3. Detailed Readinga. Read paragraph A-D and check :u Who painted this painting?u Which paragraph?u What about other paintings?Suggested answer:Para. A 2 PicassoPara. B 4 Roy LiechtensteinPara C 1 Qi BaishiPara D 3 Xu Beihongb. Read paragraph E-F and find the main idea of each paragraph.E. Wu Hangs idea of paintingF. Sarah Hardwicks idea of paintingb. Read the passage carefully and finish the chart.Name Nationality Achievements CharacteristicsPablo PicassoRoy Liechtenstein Qi Baishi Xu Beihong Suggested answers:Step 4 Post readingNameNationalityAchievementsCharacteristicsPablo PicassoSpainGreatest western artistStarted CubismPainting objects and people with differentaspects of the object or person showing at the same timeRoy LiechtensteinAmericaA world famous example of pop artShow ordinary twentieth-century city lifeQi BaishiChinaFollow the traditional Chinese style of paintingObserving the world of nature carefullyXu BeihongChinaFamous for his lively paintings of horsesTry to show the “life” of its subjectReading Comprehension.1. The Cubist art movement_.A. showed different sides of an object in the same pictureB. is considered to be the greatest art movement of the twentieth century2. Pop art _. A. advertised the twentieth-century lifeB. tried to show ordinary life in the modern world3. Qi Baishi _.A. painted in a very unusual way B. was a very traditional Chinese artists.4. Xu Beihong _.A. wanted to do more than imitate reality.B. Tried to paint horses5. Wu Hang _the picture of a golden-haired girl.A. lovesB. dislikes6. Sarah Hardwick thinks that _.A. A Chinese artist painted picture 3 B. Pablo Picasso painted picture 3Suggested answers: ABBABAStep 5 Language Explanations:1. This is a painting by the Spanish artist, Pablo Picasso, considered to be the greatest western artist of the twentieth century. 这是西班牙画家巴勃罗毕加索的一幅油画,他被认为是20世纪西方最伟大的艺术家。 consider .to be (as). 认为Consider +n+(to be)+n/adjConsider+doingEg: We consider him (to be/ as ) our friend.We should consider what we could do to help him. He is considering studying aboard.2. Cubist artists painted objects and people, with different aspects of the object or person showing at the time. 在描绘人或物体的时候,立体派画家会同时展现对象的不同侧面。 with引导的短语作状语,表示伴随。 1). He fell asleep, with the windows open. 2).The artist arrived, with many people following him. 3).we studied with the door closed all the afternoon.3. 3. For example, it shows things such as soup cans and advertisements.句中出现了for example 与 such as 两个类似的短语。For example 用于举例说明,往往用逗号隔开。例如: Many great people have risen from poverty. For example, Lincoln and Edison. 而such as 用于列举。例如: We study many subjects, such as English, maths and physics.4. Instead, a picture should try to show the “life” of its subject. 相反,一幅画应该努力表现对象的生命。 Instead adv.意思是“代替,反而,而”。放在句子用逗号隔开;或放在句子后面。 Eg: He is tired, and let me go instead.She never studies. Instead, she plays all day.5. I can tell by the style. 我可以从其风格看出来。tell by 从看出来Like Qi Baishi, Xu painted in the traditional Chinese style. 与齐白石一样,徐的绘画采用传统国画风格。A. style: n. 风格;样式;文体。 in the traditional style 以传统的风格 follow the style 沿用的风格E.g.1) Its the painting in the style of Picasso. 2) The letter was written in a formal style. Homework:1. Review the reading passage and the language points.2. Finish the exercises 11,12 on page 88.Period 3Step 1 Warming-upDivide the students into two groups and tell them we are going to have a competition on words,(I will explain the words one after another in English, if you know what it is, stand up and tell me the answer.)1. A (n) _is a painting in which you use thick paints that have oil in them.2. The _on her face is very friendly.3. A(n)_is a picture of a person.4. When you _something, you notice something that you didnt notice or understand before.5. A(n) _is a country scene.6. If something is _, it looks very real.7. A(n) _ painting uses a type of paint that is mixed with water.8. A(n) _is a public show where people can go and see paintings or photographs.Suggested answers:1. oil painting; 2 expression 3. portrait 4. realize 5. landscape 6. realistic 7. watercolor 8. exhibitionStep 2 While-listeningListen to the tape carefully, and answer the following questions.1. What are the boy and girl discussing?2. Which picture is the boy painting, picture 1 or picture 2? 3. Why does the girls say sorry at the end of the conversation?4. What does the girl think of the portrait?5. Why does the girl like the portrait?6. What is the boy fond of?7. What does he prefer, oil painting or watercolor painting?Suggested answers:1. The boys portrait of Paul/visiting an art gallery/likes and dislikes.2. Picture 2. Because the girl mentions the light coming through the window.3. Because she thought the picture was of Mike While its of Paul.4. Its realistic. 5. Because its realistic. It has the right expression(the look in his eyes) and the light coming in through the window is really good.6. He is fond of drawing and oil painting.7. Oil painting.Step 3. Post-readinga. Choose the right answer according to what you hear.(1). Youve got it right means _.A. Youre correctB. Turn right(2). Dont change a thing means _.A. Change people not thingsB. Dont change anything(3). Im not half as good as you means _. A. youre much better than me B. Im almost as good as you(4). What do you make of it? means _. A. What have you made? B. Whats your opinion of it?(5). Theres an exhibition on means _. A. An exhibition is starting soonB. theres an exhibition happening at the moment(6). Thanks for the compliment means _. A. Thanks for doing thatB. Thanks for saying something nice about meSuggested answers:A B A B B Bb. Listen to the tape a second time, and fill in the blanks with proper words according to what you hear.Girl: hey, that is a good _. Its so realistic. Youve really got the expression rightthe look in the _.Boy: Yes, Im pleased with it. What do you make of the _? Do you think I need to do more work on it?Girl: No, dont change a thing. Its brilliant. And the light coming in through the _is really good. Youre a good _, you know.Boy: Thanks for the compliment! Im really fond of painting. But learning to paint well takes a long time. How about you, are you _ in it?Girl: Yes, but Im not half as good as you. Painting is difficult for me. I couldnt possibly _a portrait as good as this. I think drawing is a lot easier. I do quite a lot of drawing.Boy: So do I, I always learn a lot when I draw. It _you to observe things very carefully. Do you go to art galleries?Girl: No, I dont but I should, I know. I really do _art.Boy: well, how about going to an art gallery next weekend? Im sure you can find something interesting.Girl: Id love to.Boy: Theres a _ art exhibition on at the _.Girl: um, I dont like pop art.Boy: Nor do I, really. I know, theres an exhibition of watercolours on at the same gallery.Girl: Oh, that sounds interesting. I love _.Boy: do you? I prefer _paintings, myself. But Id still like to go.Girl: Lets do that thenand I do think your picture of Mike is wonderful.Boy: Mike? Its not a picture of Mike! Its a picture of Paul!Girl: Paul? Its a picture of Paul? Oh, I didnt _that, Sorry!Suggested answers: 1. portrait. 2 eyes 3. mouth 4. window 5. painter 6. interested 7. paint 8. teaches9. love 10. pop 11. moment 12. watercolours 13. realizeHomework:Finish the exercises 13,14,15 on page 89-90.Period 4Grammar 1 ing form and the infinitiveStep 1 Presentation Read the sentences below and decide if the following statements are true or false.1. Pop art aimed to show ordinary twentieth-century city life.2. Instead, a picture should attempt to show the life of its subject.3. I can get tired of looking at pictures all the time.4. My parents are fond of going to art galleries.A. When verbal phrases are followed by a verb, the second verb must be the -ing form.B. When verbal phrases are followed by a verb, the second verb must be the infinitiveC. Certain verbs can be followed by an infinitiveSuggested answers:A. F B. F C. TStep 2 Explanations动词不定式和动名词作宾语分类补充:A 后跟不定式的单词: manage/ expect/ offer/fail/ aim/ attempt/ promise当用it作形式宾语时,不定式放在补足语之后。I regard it as necessary to attend the meeting. I consider it a waste of time playing games.(动名词放最后) B.后跟动名词的短语:cant stand/ crazy about/ tired of /think of/ good at /give up/cant help/ feel like/ look forward to/ succeed in/ put off/ have difficulty(trouble, problem)/ permit/ consider/ busy/there is no point动名词用在介词后作宾语,但在少数介词but, except, besides后用不定式如do but to do/ to do but do 如:I had nothing to do but to stay here for another year, waiting for a chance.C.后可跟不定式、动名词的单词: go on/ continue /prefer/ learn/ begin/start /mean/ regret 只用不定式:1)当continue/ begin/start用于进行时态中时。如I am starting to work on my essay next week.2)主语是物或后接感觉性动词know/realise/understand等。The rain began to rain/He began to know what to do.Step 3 PracticesFill in each blank using the correct verb form. 1.Xiao Li is used to _(do)the work.2.Scientists have found ways to prevent air from _ (pollute).3.Missing the bus means_ (walk) home.4.He forgot _ (hand) the manager his business card so he handed himanother one. 5.Toms parents dont allow Tom _ (go)swimming.6.I cant help _ (paint)the wall, for Ive got a lot of work to do.7.She failed _(buy)a film ticket.8.I dont think it easy for_ (answer)the question.9.Betty didnt expect him _ (treat)like that.10.I cant but _ (ask) _ (give)another chance.Suggested answers:1.doing 2.being polluted 3.walking 4.handing/having handed 5.to go6.(to)paint 7.to buy 8.to answer 9.to be treated 10.ask;to be givenGrammar 2 ing form as subjectStep 4. PresentationLook at the following sentences. Underline the ing form in these sentences.1. Painting is difficult form me.2. I think drawings a lot easier.3. Learning to paint well takes a long time4. Collecting stamps is a good hobby.Step 5. Explanations-ing form as subject and object.1、 动名词或动名词短语作主语,放在句首。 e.g. Learning a foreign language is very useful to everyone. Reading in bed is bad for your eyes. 2、 动名词及其短语放在行为动词介词后,作宾语。 e.g. Have you finish doing your homework ? (动词宾语) He is not good at making friends. (介词宾语) 注意事项: 1、 动名词作主语表单数概念,谓语动词用单数形式。 e.g: Walking after supper is good for your health. 2. 动名词作动词宾语,往往是一些固定搭配,常跟动名词作宾语的动词有:finish, enjoy, mind, practise, deny, consider, suggest, admit, put off, insist on等。 3、 动名词的复合结构作主语和宾语 什么是动名词的复合结构?指物主代词、名词所有格是动名词逻辑上的主语、动名词是其逻辑上的谓语。 (1)动名词复合结构作主语 e.g. Your coming made us happy. Your fathers cooking is very good. (2) 动名词的复合结构作宾语 e.g. Do you mind my smoking ? My friend insisted on my staying here. 动名词的复合结构作一般掌握,重点在前面。Step 6 Practices1.Journalists should avoid _ mistakes in their newspapers.A. making B. to make C. being made D. to be making2.They called at every door, _ people to buy their products.A. forced B. forcing C. to force D. having forced3.Most people suggested _ the date for the meeting.A. to change B. changing C. change D. changed4.A _ expression appeared on his face when he learned his _ bicycle had been stolen. A. surprised; raced B. surprising; racingC. surprised; racing D. surprising; raced5.- Who do you think will win the first prize in your class this time?- The one _ hardest.A. is working B. working C. works D. who working6.Do you know the girl _ flowers in her hands?A. to hold B. held C. is holding D. holding7. -What made you look so happy? -_ the exam. A. I passed B. pass C. passing D. passed8. Im sorry for _ the homework on time.A. having not finished B. having finishedC. not having finished D. not finishing9.I can just imagine Sarah _ her own business.A. run B. to run C. running D. to have run10.The figures in Chinese temples usually look _.A. to frighten B. frightened C. frightening D. frighten11.The boy was seen _ in the examination and was punished by the teacher.A. having cheated B. cheated C. cheating D. cheat 12.He opened the envelope, _ the letter to read it.A. unfolding B. folding C. unfolded D. folded13.The teacher opened the letter, _ it through, then nodded in satisfaction.A. read B. reading C. to read D. was reading14.- why was he fined ?- He happened to _ several flowers in the park.A. see to pick B. be seen picking C. be seen to pick D. be seen pick15.The water of a hot spring carries many dissolved minerals, usually _ the water an usual taste and smell.A. given B. gives C. to give D

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