高一(上)英语 M2U2《Wish you were here》语法讲义(学生)

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高一(上)英语 M2U2《Wish you were here》语法讲义(学生)_第1页
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高一(上)英语 M2U2《Wish you were here》语法讲义(学生)_第2页
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高一(上)英语 M2U2《Wish you were here》语法讲义(学生)_第3页
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111Rules:一. 将来进行时构成: 二. 主要用法: 1.表示将来某一段时间内持续做的动作。如 2. 表示将来某个时刻正在发生的动作。如 3. 表示预计即将发生或势必要发生的动作。如 4. 表示委婉地询问对方或别人计划要做的事。如 三、将来进行时与一般将来时的比较:1. -I thought I asked you to fix the radio.-Oh, I am sorry. Mother, I_ it right now.A . will be doing B. will do C. was about to do D. am going to do2. We _ dinner at seven oclock when CCTV _ to broadcast news.A. are having, will start B. will be having, startsC. will have, will start D. are going to have starts3. - _ you _ your car this time tomorrow? My car is broken. Can I borrow yours to pick up a friend at the airport? - You can take it. I _ at home tomorrow watching TV.A. Will, be using; have been staying B. Will, be using; will be stayingC. Have ,been using; have been staying D. Have, used; will be staying Rules:1. 一般将来时侧重 意愿,而将来进行时则强调动作的 。Ill work on this tomorrow.(表示意愿或许诺)Ill be working on this tomorrow.(纯粹表示将来要发生的动作)2. 将来进行时比一般将来时在语气上更 。比较:When will you finish these letters? (只是问一个将来的事实)When will you be seeing Mr. White?(语气较委婉)第二部分:过去将来时Translate the following sentences.1. He said he would go to the north for the holiday. 2.They wanted to know when you would finish the article.3. I thought he wouldnt attend that evening party, but to our surprise he came. Rules:过去将来时构成: 表示从过去某个时间看将要发生的动作或存在的状态。当主句谓语动词用过去时态时, 用于间接引语或宾语从句中。注意:过去将来还可用下列形式来表达,但含义有所不同:1. was/were going to do: 表示过去的主观打算。但未必能实现。 1). We were going to leave, but then it rained.我们正打算离开,但这时下雨了。2). I was going to visit the factory but in the end I went to the country. 我当时打算去参观工厂的,但最终我去乡下了。2. was /were about to do:即将发生的动作“刚要/正要做某事”,不能再与时间状语连用。 I was about to sit down when the telephone rang.我正要坐下这时电话响了。3. start, go ,come, leave;see, meet类动词的过去进行时:表示就过去某一时刻而言即将发生的动作 1). I didnt know that they were coming until this morning.直到今天上午我才知道他们要来。2). He was busy packing, for he was leaving that night.4. was/were to do:表示“曾计划干什么”,如果表示“本来计划干什么,动作没实现”,则需用 “was /were to have done” 1). She said she was to tell me about the accident.她说她计划把事故的事告诉我。 2). She said she was to have told me about the accident. 她说她本来想告诉我事故的事的。5. 用某些动词的一般过去形式,表按计划或时刻表要发生的事.1) They told me school began on September 1.2) He wanted to be a pilot when he grew up.Choose the best answer.1. In a room above the store, where a party _, some workers were busily setting the table. A. was to be held B. has been held C. will be held D. is being held2.-Alice, why didnt you come yesterday?-I_, but I had an unexpected visitor. A. had B. would C. was going to D. did3. -What were you doing when Tony phoned you?-I had just finished my work and _ to take a shower. A. started B. was starting C. Have started D. had started4. I am glad youve come, Miss Rose, I _ you , but youve saved me the trouble, A. am going to call B. was about to call C. had called D. am to call5.-The Chinese astronaut Yang Liwei is here already.- I_ he_. A. think, is coming B. thought, would come C. didnt think, was coming D. dont think, will comePractice makes perfect!1. He _ (lie) on one of the sunny beaches in Hawaii all day when he spends his holiday there. 2. Dont call me between 2:00 and 4:00 this afternoon. I _ (have) an test then.3. Nobody knew what _ (happen) to the Earth in a centurys time.4. Mr. Lee said he would give the CD to me as soon as he _ (return) from Canada.5. When we were young, father_ (take) us for a special treat on Mothers day.6. -Did you invite Sarah to your birthday party? -Sorry, I forget. I _ (call) her now.7. I _ (tell) you about my plan, but you stopped me before I could speak. 8. Will you _(use)your computer this time tomorrow?9. I _ (close) the kitchen door when a little mouse popped its head out.Choose the best answer.1. The Blacks with us for the time being.A. will stay B. would stay C. have been staying D. will be staying 2. The plane at the present speed until it crosses the mountain at about ten tonight.A.would go B. went C. will be going D.goes 3. Mr. Smith will not be able to attend the meeting tonight because _ then. A.he must have a class B.he will be teaching a classC.he teaches a class D.he will have been teaching a class4. I wont be able to watch the concert on TV tonight because I homework at that time. A. shall have done B. shall be doing C. shall do D. have been doing5. I _ my boss at three this afternoon.A. shall be picking up B. shall be picked C. shall have been picking up D. shall have picked6. You cant miss Frank. He_ a dark green suit and a yellow tie waiting for you. A. is wearing B. will wear C. wears D. will be wearing 7. -Could you give these books to Mr. Black? -Absolutely, _him at five oclock this afternoon. A.I will have a talk B. I have a talk withC.I can have a talk with D.I will be having a talk with8. Im afraid I wont be available then. I _ a friend off at three this afternoon. A. see B. am seeing C. will see D. will be seeing9. Next Friday I will go to another concert .They _some thing by Mozart at that time. A. play B. will be playing C. are going to play D. are to play.10. -What are you doing, Jack?-Making a model plane. I _ it in the science class at 10 oclock tomorrow morning. A. will be showing B. am going to show C. show D. have shown11. We _ a debate on some environmental issues all afternoon tomorrow. A. will be having B. are having C. are going to have D. have 12. What do you think you _at this time next year? A .will do B. will be doing C. are about to do D. do13. -What will you do tomorrow evening? -I _my favorite program between 8 and 11, and then I will go out to drink in my usual bar. A. will watch B. am about to watch C. will be watching D. am watching14. -When will you come to see me, Dad? -I will go to see you when you_ the training course.A. will have finished B. will be finishing C. are finishin D. finish 15. Tom sat under a tree and seeing his friend, up in no time.A. to stand B. standing C. stoodD. would stand16. I _ very happy if I could be of some service to you.A. would be B. have been C. must be D. can be17. The meeting was to at 9 oclock but the manager until twenty minutes later.A. start; didnt turn up B. have started; didnt turn up C. start; hadnt turned up D. be started; hadnt turned up18. - he come to see you?-Of course, please. And Id rather he me the truth.A.Will; informB.Shall; told C.Should; would say D.Can; spoke19. If the building project _ by the end of this month is delayed, the construction company _ fined.A. will be completed; is to be B. to be completed; will be C. being completed; will be D. completed; was 20. - I rang you at about ten, but no one answered the phone.- Oh, that was probably when I _ my neighbor. A. visitedB. was going to visit C. was visiting D. had visited21. Because I the next day, I went to bed early on Saturday evening.A. was leaving B. will leave C. had left D. was about to leave22. -Henry, fancy meeting you here. -Oh, its you Jack. Sorry, I _ you _ to me.A. didnt think; were speakingB. dont think; spokeC. didnt think; would speak D. thought; are speaking23. By next summer John in this factory for thirteen years.Ahas been working B.will have been working C.will be working D.has worked24. He will have learned English for eight years by the time he _ from the university next year. A. will graduate B. will have graduated C. graduates D. is to graduate25. I _ the office when the telephone rang.A. was about to leave B. would leave C. left D. was to leave26. According to their agreement reached in 1943, no country _ peace with Germany alone. A. is to make B. was to make C. would make D. was about to make27. He promised me if we_ the game, he _us a round of drink. A. win; will buy B. would win; would buy C. won; bought D. won; would buy28. He said time and time again that he _, but he actually stayed well after midnight. A. is leaving B. was leaving C. was to leave D. will leave29. - Mom, I got the first prize in the spelling contest. -Oh, how great! Daddy will be so proud of you. He _ you _ to win. A. never think; are going B. never thought; were going C. didnt think; were going D. hadnt thought; were going30. Tom_ to Jerry and tell him about his new school at once.A. will write B. writes C. wrote D. writes 111

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