高考英语一轮复习课时作业12:Unit 12《Culture Shock》(北师大版必修4河南专用)

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111课时作业(十二)必修模块4Unit 12 Culture Shock限时:40分钟.单项填空1Have you ever seen any deer?No, but I wish I_.Awill Bhave Cdid Dhad2 I didnt attend your party, Im sorry. But I would rather you_.Adid Bhad Cwould Dhave3Mr.Black always works hard at his business.His wife, Mrs.Black, _, sometimes even sleeps at home.Afor one thing Bon the contraryCon the other hand Dwhats more4I had the same experience as you _ I went to Hong Kong.Afor the first time Bthe first timeCfor the last time Dat first5Exercise as well as a balanced diet _the key to keeping fit.Ais Bwas Care Dwere6We can_ten people for the night if necessary.Aput away Bput upCput off Dput aside7A few people were killed in the SARS, but _were saved.Athe most of whom Bmost of whomCthe majority of whom Dthe majority8Can you spare five minutes _ its convenient?Aafter Bwhen Cuntil Dsince9You may not be familiar _Tom Hanks, but I bet his film Forrest Gump is familiar _you.Awith;to Bwith;withCto;with Dto;to10Do you like a house with no garden?Not really.But _, its better to have one than none.Abesides BsomehowChowever Danyhow .2011课标全国卷 完形填空In our discussion with people on how education can help them succeed in life, a woman remembered the first meeting of an introductory_11_course about 20 years ago.The professor_12_the lecture hall, placed upon his desk a large jar filled with dried beans(豆),and invited the students to_13_how many beans the jar contained. After_14_shouts of wildly wrong guesses the professor smiled a thin, dry smile, announced the_15_answer, and went on saying, “You have just_16_an important lesson about science. That is: Never_17_your own senses.”Twenty years later,the_18_could guess what the professor had in mind. He_19_himself, perhaps, as inviting his students to start an exciting_20_into an unknown world invisible(无形的) to the_21_, which can be discovered only through scientific_22_. But the seventeenyearold girl could not accept or even _23_ the invitation. She was just_24_ to understand the world.And she_25_that her firsthand experience could be the_26_. The professor, however, said that it was _27_. He was taking away her only_28_for knowing and was providing her with no substitute(替代). “I remember feeling small and _29_,” the woman says, “and I did the only thing I could do. I _30_ the course that afternoon, and I havent gone near science since.”11A.art Bhistory C. science D. math12A.searched for B. looked at C. got through D. marched into 13A.count B. guess C. report D. watch14A.warning B. giving C. turning away D. listening to15A.ready B. possible C. correct D. difficult16A.learned B. prepared C. taught D. taken17A.lose B. trust C. sharpen D. show18A.lecturer B. scientist C. speaker D. woman19A.described B. respected C. saw D. served20A.voyage B. movement C. change D. rush21. A. professor Beye Cknowledge Dlight22A.model Bsenses Cspirit Dmethods 23.A.hear B. make Cpresent Drefuse 24.A.suggesting BbeginningCpretending Dwaiting 25.A.believed BdoubtedC. proved Dexplained 26.A.growth Bstrength Cfaith Dtruth 27.A.firm B. interesting Cwrong Dacceptable 28.A.task Btool Csuccess Dconnection 29.A.cruel Bproud Cfrightened Dbrave 30.A.dropped Bstarted Cpassed Dmissed.阅读理解A2011福建卷 Book 1Elixirwritten by Eric WaltersTwelveyearold Roth becomes a friend of Dr. Banting and his assistant, Mr. Best, who are in search of a cure for diabetes(糖尿病). She finds herself torn between her sympathy for the animals being experimented on and her friendship with Banting and Best.Book 2George Washington Carverwritten by Elizabeth MacLeodMeet the “Peanut(花生) Specialist”, George Washington Carver, the inventor and professor who made over 325 products out of peanuts. Through his agricultural research, he also greatly improved the lives of countless black farmers in the southern United States. See also MacLeods Albert Einstein: A Life of Genius.Book 3 The Inuit Thought of It: Amazing Arctic Innovationswritten by Alootook Ipellie & David MacDonaldExplore more than 40 ideas necessary to Inuit survival. From ideas familiar to us today to inventive concepts that shaped their lives, celebrate the creativity of a remarkably intelligent people. Also see other books: The Chinese Thought of It by Tingxing Ye and A Native American Thought of It by Rocky Landon and David MacDonald.Book 4Made in Canada: 101 Amazing Achievementswritten by Bev SpencerWhat things do we use daily that have a Canadian connection? Here are 101 common things that were invented in Canada or by a Canadian, including the Blackberry, alkaline(碱性) batteries and the Blue Box recycling program.Book 5Newton and the Time Machinewritten by Michael McGowanTenyearold boy Newton has invented a time machine to see dinosaurs up close. But it disappears on a test run with his two huge friends, King Herbert and Queen Certrude, in it! Can he save them before time runs out?31. Which of the following best describes Roths feeling in Book 1?A. Painful. B. Curious.C. Frightened. D. Disappointed.32. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. Animals are mentioned in Book 1 and Book 5.B. Book 3 introduces 40 inventive concepts.C. Alkaline batteries were invented by Dr. Banting.D. George Washington Carver was a black farmer in the US.33. In Book 5, King Herbert and Queen Certrude are_.A. Newtons human friendsB. the names of the time machineC. two dinosaurs D. the inventors of the time machine34. If you are interested in native Americans, you may read the book by_.A. Elizabeth MacLeodB. Eric WaltersC. Rocky Landon & David MacDonaldD. Bev SpencerB2011北京卷 Submission GuidelinesBefore sending us a manuscript(稿件),look through recent issues(刊物)of the Post to get an idea of the range and style of articles we publish.You will discover that our focus has broadened to include wellresearched,timely and informative articles on finance,home improvement,travel,humor,and many other fields.The Posts goal is to remain unique,with content that provides additional understandings on the everevolving American scene.In addition to featurelength(专题长度的)articles,the Post buys anecdotes,cartoons,and photos.Payment ranges from $25 to $400.Our nonfiction needs include howto,useful articles on gardening, pet care and training,financial planning,and subjects of interest to a 45plus,homeloving readership.For nonfiction articles,indicate any special qualifications you have for writing about the subject,especially scientific material.Include one or two published pieces with your article.We prefer typed articles between 1,000 and 2,000 words in length.We encourage you to send both printed and online versions.We also welcome new fiction.A light,humorous touch is appreciated.We are always in need of straight humor articles.Make us laugh,and well buy it.Feature articles average about 1,000 to 2,000 words.We like positive,fresh angles to Post articles,and we ask that they be thoroughly researched.We normally respond to article submissions within six weeks.You are free to submit the article elsewhere at the same time.Please submit all articles to Features Editor,The Saturday Evening Post,1100 Waterway Boulevard,Indianapolis,IN 46202,(317)6341100.35. Before sending a manuscript to the Post, a contributor is advised to_.A. get a better understanding of American issuesB. find out the range of the articles in the PostC. increase his knowledge in many fieldsD. broaden his research focus36To submit nonfiction articles,a contributor must_.A. provide his special qualifications B. be a regular reader of the PostC. produce printed versionsD. be over 45 years old 37From the passage we can learn that the Post_.A. allows article submissions within six weeksB. favors science articles within 2,000 wordsC. has a huge demand for humorous worksD. prefers nonfiction to fiction articles .短文改错Dear Miss Zhang, Your letter comes to us from the USA only yesterday. We read it with a great pleasure. Im writing to you not only for myself and for the whole class. As you know it,Im monitor of the class. Id like,first of all,express our thanks to you for your teaching. For the last 2 years,we have learning a lot from you. Thank to your help,weve made great progresses in our English study. We are determined to do still well in the future. We hope to hear from you as often as possibly. Good luck to you. 答案课时作业(十二).1.D虚拟语气,“但愿我曾经见过”,为对过去情况的虚拟。2B“would rather从句”时用虚拟语气,与过去事实相反,谓语用had done形式。3Bfor one thing首先;on the contrary正相反, 与此相反;on the other hand然而,另一方面;whats more更有甚者。4Bthe first time后接从句;for the first/last time,at first等介词短语,只作状语,不能接从句。5A考查主谓一致。as well as连接两个名词作主语时,谓语动词和第一个名词保持一致,exercise为不可数名词,故谓语动词用单数形式,又因阐述的是一般性的状态,应用一般现在时。6B考查动词短语辨析。put away意为“收拾起来,储存(钱)”; put up意为“举起,张贴,为提供食宿”;put off意为“延期,推迟”;put aside意为“节省(钱、时间),储蓄,把放在一边”。根据语境中的ten people可推测,此处表示:必要时我们可以留宿10个人。7D借助majority考查句子结构。the majority (of people)a larger number (of)指人的“多数,多半”。题干中由but引出并列句,所以A、B、C项均排除。8B句意:方便的时候,你能空出五分钟的时间吗?9A考查介词。表示某人对熟悉“sb.be familiar with sth.”;表示某物被某人所熟悉“sth.be familiar to sb.”。句意:你可能对汤姆汉克斯不太熟悉,但是我敢保证他的电影阿甘正传你一定熟悉。10D考查交际用语。句意为:“你喜欢不带花园的房子吗?”“不是很喜欢。但不管怎么说,有个房子总比没有好。”anyhow不管怎么说,无论如何;besides 而且,此外;somehow由于某种原因,不知怎么地;however然而。.11.C联系下文an important lesson about science我们知道,这是一节科学实验课。12D从空后的placed upon his desk a large jar filled with我们可以知道,老师走进了教室。13B联系空后的how many beans the jar contained我们可以知道,教授让学生们猜一下,这个坛子能装多少豆子。14D联系空后的shouts of wildly wrong guesses我们知道,学生们喊出了各种错误的推测,教授听了他们喊出的推测。15C联系空前的announced和空后的answer我们知道,教授向学生们公布了正确答案。16A联系空后的an important lesson about science我们知道,教授认为他们学到了一堂非常重要的科学课程。17B学生们的推测都是错误的,因此教授说,“不要相信你们的感觉。”18D联系下文But the seventeenyearold girl could not accept我们知道,这个妇女能够推测当时教授心里是怎么想的。19C20A联系空后的into an unknown world我们知道,教授的目的是带学生们进行一次激动人心的知识旅行。21B联系后文which can be discovered only through scientific _我们知道,这个世界是眼睛看不到的,只有通过科学方法才可以看到。 22D联系前文的invisible(无形的)to the_我们知道,这个世界只有通过科学的方法才可以看到。23A联系空前的could not accept我们知道,她不能接受,甚至24B联系前文的the seventeenyearold girl我们可以推断,这个小女孩年龄很小,只是刚刚开始认识这个世界。25A空后的her firsthand experience could be the_ 是她的认识,因此我们选believed。26D联系前文我们知道,教授想告诉学生的是第一手经验并不一定是事情的真相,我们要通过科学实验来验证真相,但是小女孩的想法与之相反。27C联系前文我们可以知道,教授认为小女孩认识世界的方式是错误的。28B显然上文提到的her firsthand experience就是她认识世界的工具。29C联系下文的havent gone near science since我们知道,她对科学产生了恐惧。30A联系空后的havent gone near science since我们知道,那天下午她就放弃了科学。D有一定干扰性,miss意思是“错过”,因此可以排除。.A31. A推理判断题。根据Book 1“She finds herself torn between her sympathy for the animals being experimented on and her friendship with Banting and Best.”可知Roth很痛苦。32. A细节理解题。Book 1中提到用动物做实验,Book 5里提到恐龙。33. C推理判断题。根据书中提到的dinosaurs和huge friends可知这两个巨大的朋友是恐龙。34. C细节理解题。根据Book 3中“Also see other books:A Native American Thought of It by Rocky Landon and David MacDonald.”可知该书是介绍美国土著居民的。B35B细节理解题。 题干关键词为:Before sending a manuscript。由文章的第一句话可直接得出答案。36A细节理解题。题干关键词为:nonfiction articles。由第四段的“For nonfiction articles,indicate any special qualifications you have for writing about the subject”可知答案。37C细节理解题。倒数第二段的第一句话告诉我们,稿件一般在6周内进行回复,由此可知A项错误;倒数第三段第一句话说的是feature articles而不是science articles,所以B项也错误。文章只是告诉我们需要哪方面的稿件,并没有说和fiction article相比更喜欢nonfiction,由此可知D项也错误。从倒数第四段可以看出,幽默作品的需求量比较大。故选C。.Dear Miss Zhang, Your letter to us from the USA only yesterday. We read it with aKG2mm great pleasure. Im writing to you not only for myself for the whole class. As you know itKG2mm,Im monitor of the class. Id like,first of all, express our thanks to you for your teaching. For the last 2 years,we have a lot from you. to your help,weve made great in our English study. We are determined to do still in the future. We hope to hear from you as often as . Good luck to you.38comes came。时态错误。39去掉with后的a。with pleasure意为“愉快地,高兴地,十分愿意”。当它为可数名词时,意思是“乐事”。40and but。not onlybut (also)为固定搭配,意思是“不但而且”。41去掉 it。 as you know是非限制性定语从句,know的宾语是as,所以要删除多余的it。42express前加to。would like to do是固定短语。43learning learned。for/in/during the last/pastyears作时间状语时,句子中的谓语动词应该用现在完成时态。44Thank Thanks。thanks to幸亏,因为。45progresses progress。progress是不可数名词。46well better。47possibly possible。asas possible尽可能地111


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