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111课时作业44Unit 2Robots.短语填空1She has formed a good habit of _ a bit of money every month.2Before you buy a new type of car,you must _ its functions.3At the sound of her mother,the little boy _ and came running to her.4The secretary _ me _,telling me that the meeting was put off.5It seems that most of the young people in the country _ knowledge.6Can you _ me _?There is something wrong with my MP4.7Obviously,your friends youngest daughter _ music.8I have told you to _ my things _;but you are always forgetting about it.9If you dont follow my advice,you will _ fail again.10I respect these young workers very much although they _ me.答案1.setting aside2.test out3.turned around4.rang;up5.have a desire for6.do;a favour7.has a talent for8.leave;alone9.be bound to10.are junior to.单词拼写1He has no _(同情) for them in their misfortune.2He had no _(天才)for expressing himself on paper.3She is my _(初级) by three years.4I _(羡慕) your ability to work so fast.5We saw a _(动画) in addition to a feature film.6I _(浏览) the newspaper for the information I needed.7You will find the _(解释)in the notebook.8Boswell wrote a famous _(传记) of Dr.White.9The news of their _(结婚) was not made public until three months later.10This agreement will _(铺平) the way to peace.答案1.sympathy2.talent3.junior4.envy5.cartoon6.scanned7.explanation8.biography9.marriage10.smooth.单项填空1Lorry, how do you think an Englishwoman will feel if you ask how old she is?Well. She may probably feel_.A. absurd B. embarrassedC. satisfied D. awful解析在英国年龄是避讳的话题,询问会令人尴尬。embarrassed尴尬的,困窘的,符合题意。absurd荒唐的,可笑的;satisfied满意的;awful糟糕的,可怕的。答案B2The accident happened on such an evening with strong winds _by heavy rain.A. appeared B. happenedC. accompanied D. mixed解析本题中过去分词短语accompanied by heavy rain作定语修饰winds,accompany意为“伴随、陪伴”,符合语境。答案C3Its a lovely day,isnt it?Yes. I love _when the weather is like this.Why dont we sit outside and have our lunch?A. this B. thatC. it D. one解析本题主要考查it作形式宾语的句型。动词love,like,hate,dislike,enjoy,prefer,appreciate等词后一般不能直接跟句子,而应在句子前面加it,然后再接when或if所引导的句子。答案C4When I was passing the Town Hall, I heard the clock_twelve.A. beating B. strikingC. hitting D. announcing解析beat指轻轻地重复地拍打;strike可用于表示“时钟的敲响”;hit指“击中,打击”;announce指“预示,宣布”。答案B5Busy as they are, parents should _at least two hours every week to spend with their children.A. set out B. set upC. set aside D. set off解析题意:尽管很忙,父母每周也应该拿出至少两个小时的时间与孩子们在一起。set aside two hours留出或拿出两小时的时间。答案C6_,all the students passed the entrance examination.A. Much to the teachers satisfactionB. To the teachers much satisfactionC. Much to the teachers satisfactoryD. To the teachers great satisfactory解析本题考查固定短语。to ones satisfaction使某人满意的是。to为介词,而satisfactory为形容词,故排除C、D项。much to ones satisfactionto ones great satisfaction。答案A7The young couple are always quarreling _family affairs,so its only a matter _time before they get divorced.A. over;of B. of;ofC. over;over D. of;over解析quarrel over family affairs为家庭琐事而争吵;its only/ just a matter of time(before).为固定表达,意为“早晚的事;只是时间问题”。答案A8The teacher allowed us 5 minutes to _the text through to get a general idea of the whole passage.A. discuss B. adaptC. pile D. scan解析题意:老师给了我们5分钟时间来浏览(scan)全文,掌握其大意。答案D9Do you know when Britain_war on Germany during the Second World War?In 1939,I suppose.A. announced B. declaredC. fought D. attended解析declare通常指正式地“公布;宣布;宣告”,declare war on对宣战。答案B10It is not enough to have _for the disabled. We should learn to respect them and help them understand their valuable roles in society.A. sympathy B. satisfactionC. dignity D. companion解析have sympathy for sb.同情某人。答案A11One of my classmates was trying to _me by asking me questions I couldnt answer.A. alarm B. amuseC. envy D. embarrass 解析句意:我的一位同学试图问一些我答不上来的问题来让我难堪(embarrass)。答案D12What about inviting Mary to our party?Youd better not. She prefers to be _, so far as I know.A. tested out B. rung upC. left alone D. turned around解析leavealone在此题中意为“让一个人待着”,符合语境。test out考验;ring up打电话给;turn around转向,回转。答案C13His sons excellent work _his rise in the company, while her daughters laziness _her failure in the entrance exams.A. led in;resulted from B. led to;resulted inC. led in;resulted to D. led for;resulted from解析本题考查短语辨析。lead to意思是“导致;导向;通向”。result from意思是“出自于”,表示原因。result in意思是“结果是”,相当于lead to。答案B14President Hu Jintao said China and the US have common _in Taiwan.A. affairs B. businessC. projects D. interests解析考查名词词义辨析。题意:胡锦涛主席说中国和美国在台湾问题上有共同的利益。affair事务;business生意,事情;project工程,计划;interests利益。答案D15(2010湖北八校联考)As long as we persist in spreading scientific knowledge among the masses,all the strange beliefs are _ to go out of our life.Anecessary BimportantCdifficult Dbound解析be bound to一定会。答案D.阅读理解(2010湖北高考)Have you winterized your horse yet?Even though global warming may have made our climate more mild,many animals are still hibernating(冬眠)Its too bad that humans cant hibernate.In fact,as a species,we almost did. Apparently,at times in the past,peasants in France liked a semistate of human hibernation.So writes Graham Robb,a British scholar who has studied the sleeping habits of the French peasants.As soon as the weather turned cold,people all over the France shut themselves away and practiced the forgotten art of doing nothing at all for months on end. In line with this,Jeff Warren,a producer at CBC Radios The Current,tells us that the way we sleep has changed fundamentally since the invention of artificial(人造的)lightning and the electric bulb. When historians began studying texts of the Middle Ages,they noticed something referred to as “first sleep”,which was not clarified,though.Now scientists are telling us our ancestors most likely slept in separate periods.The business of eight hours uninterrupted sleep is a modern invention. In the past,without the artificial light of the city to bathe in,humans went to sleep when it became dark and then woke themselves around midnight.The late night period was known as“The Watch”It was when people actually kept watch against wild animals,although many of them simply moved around or visited family and neighbours. According to some sleep researchers,a short of period of insomnia(失眠)at midnight is not a disorder.It is normal.Humans can experience another state of consciousness around their sleeping,which occurs in the brief period before we fall asleep or wake ourselves in the morning.This period can be an extraordinarily creative time for some people.The impressive inventor,Thomas Edison,used this state to hit upon many of his new ideas. Playing with your sleep rhythms can be adventurous,as anxiety may set in.Medical science doesnt help much in this case.It offers us medicines for a full nights continuous sleep,which sounds natural;however,according to Warrens theory,it is really the opposite of what we need.1The example of the French peasants shows the fact that _.Apeople might become lazy as a result of too much sleepBthere were signs of hibernation in human sleeping habitsCpeople tended to sleep more peacefully in cold weatherDwinter was a season for people to sleep for months on end解析推理判断题。根据第二段内容可推断,在人类睡眠的习惯中也有冬眠的迹象。其他三项的表述与文章内容不符。答案B2The late night was called“The Watch”because it was a time for people _.Ato set traps to catch animals Bto wake up their family and neighboursCto remind others of the time Dto guard against possible dangers解析细节理解题。根据倒数第三段最后一句可知,这段时间被称为“The Watch”是因为人们在这段时间内站岗放哨,预防可能发生的危险。答案D3What does the author advise people to do?ASleep in the way animals do. BConsult a doctor if they cant sleep.CFollow their natural sleep rhythm.DKeep to the eighthour sleep pattern.解析细节理解题。根据最后一段第一句可知,作者建议人们遵循自然的睡眠规律,否则会产生焦虑等问题。其他三项表述与文章内容不符。答案C4What is the authors purpose in writing the passage?ATo give a prescription for insomnia.BTo urge people to sleep less.CTo analyze the sleep pattern of modern people.DTo throw new light on human sleep.解析主旨大意题。通读全文可知,作者写这篇文章的主要目的是从不同的角度对人类的睡眠进行全新的阐释。答案D.短文填句(2010北京崇文期末)There was a legend about one small thing changing the world history.Sir Alexander Fleming was a Scottish biologist. His discovery of Penicillin (青霉素) had changed the world of modern medicine by introducing the age of useful antibiotics (抗生素) _1_Alexanders father was a poor Scottish farmer. When Alexander was young, one day, while trying to make a living for his family, his father heard a cry for help coming from a nearby muddy ground._2_ There,stuck to his waist in black mud,was a terrified boy, screaming and struggling to free himself. Farmer Fleming saved the boy from what could have been a slow and terrifying death.The next day, a fancy carriage pulled up at the Scotsmans rough surroundings. An elegantly dressed nobleman stepped out and introduced himself as the father of the boy Farmer Fleming had saved.“I want to reward you.” said the nobleman, “You saved my sons life.”“I cant accept reward for what I did,” the Scottish farmer replied, waving off the offer._3_ “Is that your son?” the nobleman asked.“Yes,” the farmer replied proudly.“Ill make you a deal. Let me take your son and give him a good education. If the boy is anything like his father,hell grow into a man you can be proud of.”And that he did. Farmer Flemings son attended a very best school, and in time, he graduated from St. Marys Hospital Medical School in London. _4_ Why? Because he discovered Penicillin. Years afterwards, the noblemans son was stricken with pneumonia. What saved him? Penicillin.The name of the nobleman? Lord Randolph Churchill. His sons name? Sir Winston Churchill.Sir Winston Churchill was a British politician known chiefly for his leadership of the United Kingdom during World War . _5_A. His father dropped his tools and ran to the muddy ground.B. If the farmer hadnt saved the boy, he wouldnt have met the nobleman.C. Penicillin has saved, and is still saving, millions of people around the world.D. At that moment, the farmers own son came to the door of the family cottage.E. Both the discoverer of Penicillin and his father saved Sir Winston Churchills life.F. He served as Prime Minister of UK from 1940 to 1945 and again from 1951 to 1955.G. And he went on to become known throughout the world as the famous Sir Alexander Fleming.答案1.C2.A3.D4.G5.F.短文改错Mrs Pan was my first English teacher. I cant forget the first one lesson she gave me. I was deeply attracted by her wonderfully teaching and charming voice,but I have been interested in English since then. I remember her a warmhearted and responsible teacher. Every time I ask her questions, she always explained it in detail patiently. Besides,when I had difficulties in my daily life, she would offer me as many help as she could. Now Im still quite grateful with her for her hard works and encouragement. Ive been working hard, hope to be a teacher like her.答案Mrs Pan was my first English teacher. I cant forget the first one lesson she gave me. I was deeply attracted by her wonderfull teaching and charming voice,bu I have been interested in English since then. I remember her a warmhearted and responsible teacher. Every time I as her questions, she always explained i in detail patiently. Besides,when I had difficulties in my daily life, she would offer me as man help as she could. Now Im still quite grateful wit her for her hard work and encouragement. Ive been working hard, hop to be a teacher like her.111


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