高二英语人教版选修7同步检测《Unit 5 Travelling abroad》第3课时

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高二英语人教版选修7同步检测《Unit 5 Travelling abroad》第3课时_第3页
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111Unit 5 第3课时.单项填空从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。1The students gave a quick answer to the question_they did it,_was raised by the foreign visitors.Awhich; which Bwhy; whichCwhy; that Dthat; that答案:B第一个从句是同位语从句,应用why引导,因为,why从句是说明question的内容的。第二个空选which引导一个非限制性定语从句。2_is known to all, Taiwan is a part of China.AAs BWhichCThat DWhat答案:Aas引导非限制性定语从句,代替后面的整个句子。3Ill never forget the years_I lived in the country with the farmers,_has a great effect on my life.Athat; which Bwhen; whichCwhich; that Dwhen; who答案:B第二空不能填who,因为,如果将farmers作为先行词,这与从句中的谓语has的数不相一致。which在此处是代替前边的整个句子。4I saw some trees_the leaves were black with disease.Awhere Bof whichCin which Dwhose答案:B不能选用whose,因为在whose the leaves中冠词多余了。5The building_windows are bright is our school library.Awhere Bof whichCin which Dwhose答案:D不能选B,因为of which windows中缺少定冠词。6On the bus I saw a student_I thought was your brother.Awho BwhomChe Dwhose答案:A关系代词在定语从句中作主语,故用主格形式,whom是错的。本句中含有两个句子,在它们中间没有任何连词是不允许的,所以C、D也不能用。7He is the student_you think to be worthy of our praise.Awhich BwhomChe Dhim答案:B关系代词在此作定语从句谓语动词think的宾语,故用宾格。8Jack is the only one of the classmates who_invited.Ahas BhaveCis Dare答案:CA、B项语态有误。定语从句的先行词只能是the only one,如果one前没有the only,则classmates是先行词。全句意为“在这些同学当中,只有杰克受到了邀请”。故选C。而Jack is one of the classmates who are invited.这句话的含义为,“杰克是这些被邀请的同学当中的一个”。9Is this book_I bought for you the day before yesterday?Awhich BthatC/ Dthe one答案:D将这句话变成肯定句,其结构便清楚了:This book is the one(that)I bought.其余选项的语法结构均有错误。10The health club_I am a member meets once a week.Awhich Bof whichCthat Din that答案:Bof which结构可以和定语从句的主语形成比例关系,这时比较容易辨别,而这里的of which结构却同表语构成比例关系,这时不易辨别,这是因为它们之间被分离开了的缘故。11The science of medicine, _progress has been very rapid lately, is perhaps the most important of all the science.Ato which Bin whichCwhich Dwith which答案:B介词in的选用和从句主谓结构的搭配有关,即progress be rapid in,这里的in意为“在某方面”,相当于rapid progress be made in。12Ill remember the time_we spent together in the country.Athat BwhenCduring which Dat which答案:A此处不能用关系副词when,应该使用关系代词,作spend的宾语,即spend time的关系是动宾关系。13The owner of the cinema needed to make a lot of improvements and employ more people to keep it running,_meant spending tens of thousands of pounds.Awho BthatCas Dwhich答案:Dwhich在此引导非限制性定语从句,且which在从句中作主语,先行词为整个主句。14The Beatles,_many of you remember, came from Liverpool.Awhat BthatChow Das答案:Das在此引导非限制性定语从句,同时as在从句中作宾语,先行词为整个主句。15_is reported in the newspapers, talks between the two counries are making progress.AIt BAsCThat DWhat答案:Das在此引导非限制性定语从句,同时as在从句中作主语,先行词为整个主句。.完形填空阅读下面短文,理解大意,从题中(120)所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。When your kids were six or seven, you sent them to school. Did you ever wonder what goes through a teachers_1_as he or she tries to teach your kids? Did you ever wonder what the teacher_2_from you, the parents?Parents can be_3_or suspicious. They can be of great help to the teacher_4_be in need of help themselves. Some teachers think parents are too_5_on their children. Here is_6_one teacher puts it.“I usually have the_7_of parents coming in and_8_me how much they care about the kids education and how they really_9_their kids. They tell me they stand and_10_them closely when they do their homework. Sometimes they_11_offer help with the kids lessons as if they were teachers. They check their school work, and are too sensitive to_12_. They blame the kids on everything having to do_13_school. When a parent asks me how his or her kid is getting on in my class, my answer usually is“Well, you know, he is_14_a good kid. He is fine in my class. Maybe you dont have to be so_15_with your kid.”Teachers want parents to know that they are professionals at_16_with children. They have_17_many children and even parents. Because of this, teachers can be_18_at educating children. Teachers are_19_that parents want their children to do well, but they know more about what children should be able to do at different ages and_20_.文章大意:家长对自己刚刚上学的孩子抱有很大的希望,因此对孩子非常关注,但是老师毕竟是教育孩子的专家,他们对孩子的教育是很专业的,所以家长没有必要担心自己的孩子在学校的学习情况。1A.heart BmindCsoul Dspirit答案:B根据语境“你是否知道老师脑子里想的是什么?”可知B项正确。mind“头脑”。2A.reflects BresultsCbenefits Dexpects答案:D“你是否想知道老师对你们这些学生家长的期盼?”expect“期望,盼望”,符合语境。reflect“反射,反映,深思”;result“发生,产生”;benefit“得益于,得利于”。3A.effective BattentiveCsupportive Dpositive答案:C家长可能会很支持老师,也可能怀疑老师的能力。supportive“支持的,给予帮助的”;effective“有效的”;attentive“注意的,专心的”;positive“肯定的,积极的”。4A.but BorCthus Das答案:B通过语境“父母可能对老师很有帮助或者本身很需要帮助”可知答案。or此处表示选择,此句与上句形式一样。5A.hard BkeenCdependent Dcrazy答案:A句意为“一些老师认为有些家长对孩子太严格”。从下文第三段可知答案。hard“苛刻的,严厉的”。keen“热心的,渴望的”;dependent“依靠的,依赖的”;crazy“疯狂的”。6A.where BhowCwhen Dwhy答案:B其中一个老师是这样说的。put在这里意为“说,表达”,此处应该用how表示方式。7A.problems BcontractsCaccidents Dagreements答案:A通过上下文可知,此处讲的是老师会经常遇到一些有关家长教育孩子的问题,因此此处用problems。contract“合同”;accident“事故”;agreement“同意,一致”。8A.advising BexaminingCtelling Dinstructing答案:C通过句式分析可知此处应该和前面的coming in构成顺承关系,故用telling。一些家长过来告诉我。9A.help with Bdeal withCmake up Dgive up答案:B下文讲述的是家长们是如何关注和教育自己的孩子的,故此处应该用deal with,表示“应付,处理”。10A.connect BguideCwatch Dinspire答案:C句意为“家长们站在孩子们旁边,看着自己的孩子做作业”。watch.closely“密切注视”,能够很好地体现出家长们的心情。11A.even BalreadyCstill Dmerely答案:A句意为“有时他们甚至为孩子提供课上的帮助,好像他们是老师一样”。此处用even,意义更进一步,更加形象地表示家长对孩子的关心。12A.marks BeffortsCpains Dwords答案:A文中讲的是家长对自己的孩子的关心。家长对孩子的关心无非是孩子的成长和学习成绩,因此此处应该用marks,表示“成绩,分数”。13A.at BbeyondCin Dwith答案:D他们就与学业有关的一切责备孩子。be/have to do with sb./sth.是固定用法,表示“关于,与有关”。14A.nearly BreallyCseldom Dhardly答案:B根据语境可知老师此处对孩子是肯定的,故用really,表示“真正地,确实地”。15A.satisfied BcarefulCstrict Dcautious答案:Cbe strict with“对严格”,是固定搭配,此处与前面第二段的倒数第二句照应。16A.working BplayingCstaying Djoking答案:A句中提到“老师想让家长知道老师在教育孩子方面是专家”,work在此能够表达出老师跟孩子一起,教育孩子这层含义。17A.fed BobservedCattended Dgreeted答案:B句意为“老师们已经观察过很多学生,甚至家长”,从下面一句可知答案。observe“观察,观测”。18A.pleased BworriedCdisappointed Dexperienced答案:D老师在教育孩子方面是很有经验的,be experienced at“对有经验”,是固定搭配。其余选项不合题意。19A.content BdoubtfulCaware Dsuspicious答案:Caware“意识到”。老师们意识到家长想让孩子做好。content“满足的”;doubtful“可疑的,不确定的”;suspicious“怀疑的”。20A.stages BclassesCschools Dprojects答案:A句意为“老师们知道在不同的年龄和阶段,孩子们应该能够做的事情”。stage“阶段,时期”,符合题意。.阅读理解阅读下面的文章,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。When the time comes to send the kids to college, some Asian parents may do their budget in Malaysian money. Malaysia wants to become a regional center for higher education. “Were introducing a bill in October to allow the University of London and other wellknown foreign universities to come in and establish fullscale branch campuses,”says Fong Chan Onn, the deputy minister with responsibility for Chinese education. The University of London will be opening a branch near Kuala Lumpur. Fong says Australian institutions have expressed interest. “Even one of the Japanese universities is interested,”he adds.Malaysia hopes the imports will solve several problems. Local universities have limited places and many are reserved for Malays and other native groups. Ethnic Chinese and Indians often have no choice but to study overseasor not go to university at all.“The country has been spending billions on the thousands of students who go abroad for their higher education.”says Penang state assemblyman Kang Chin Seng.“The figure is almost equal to all the revenue we earn from tin mines. The government itself sends scholars(奖学金获得者)to other countries. Many could be placed in the foreign campuses here, saving government funds.”As an education center, Malaysia can even make money. “The slogan is that one foreign student studying in Malaysia is worth 4365 tourist days,”says Fong. Kuala Lumpur is eyeing students from ASEAN countries, and perhaps Hong Kong, where it is difficult to be admitted into local universities. Will foreign students come knocking? Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad says Malaysia will be offering“quality education at reduced cost”. As for the local institutions, Fong believe they will rise to the challenge. Malaysia will know it has become a regional center for education when its homegrown schools can rival foreign universities as centers of excellence.文章大意:这是一篇关于教育的新闻报道,报道了马来西亚的高等教育实行一种独特的、国际化水平很高的教育方式课程转移的情况。1What must be done before foreign universities can open branch campuses in Malaysia?AA law allowing them to do so must be passed.BEducation fees must be the same in all universities.CThere must be enough applications from foreign students.DMalaysian scholars must finish their education overseas.答案:A细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Were introducing a bill in October to allow the University of London and other wellknown foreign universities to come in and establish fullscale branch campuses”可知答案为A项,bill和law同义。2The underlined word“revenue”in the second paragraph means_.Ataxes BmoneyCcosts Dbudget答案:B词义猜测题。根据后面的we earn from tin mines猜测,该词的词义相当于money。3What does Kang suggest Malaysia do with Malaysian students who have won scholarships?ASend them to study in homegrown universities.BMake them pay back the scholarships.CAllow them to study in foreign universities.DHave them study in foreign campuses in Malaysia.答案:C推理判断题。根据第二段最后一句“Many could be placed in the foreign campuses here, saving government funds.”可以推断:马来西亚不必派奖学金获得者去国外,可以直接送他们去马来西亚的外国学院学习。4Students from ASEAN countries are expected to study in Malaysia because_.Athey will be near their parentsBeducation there will be good and affordableCall of the subjects will be taught in ChineseDthe educational quality will be as good as the University of London答案:B细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad says Malaysia will be offering“quality education at reduced cost”可知,马来西亚将会提供质优价廉的教育。其中reduced cost可以理解为affordable cost。5What is the best title for this passage?AMalaysian International SchoolsBMalaysian Education OpportunitiesCMalaysias Plan for Educational ExcellenceDMalaysian Education vs Chinese Education答案:C主旨大意题。本文主要叙述了马来西亚计划发展为高等教育区域中心,为留学生提供优质教育,所以C项作为本篇短文的标题非常合适。111

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