高考英语人教版选修7Unit1《Living well》单元强化训练

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111单元强化训练(一)(解析为教师用书独有).单词拼写1She resigned from the committee.2His holiday has had a beneficial (有益的) effect on his health.3Children should be encouraged to think independently (独立地)4Im looking for a companion (同伴) on my journey.5He a adapted himself to the hot weather.单项填空1He gets a _ pension from the government because of his _ in a fire accident.Adisabled;disabilityBdisability;disabilityCdisabled;disabilitiesDdisability;disabilities【解析】句意为:他在一次火灾事故中因残废而得到政府的伤残抚恤金。disability pension“残障津贴”;disabled adj.“残疾的,残废的”;disability可数名词,“无能力,伤残”。【答案】D2You dont want _ and neither do others.Ato make fun ofBmaking fun ofCto be made fun ofDbeing made fun of【解析】句意为:你不想要被别人取笑,别人也不想。want sb. to do sth.“想要某人做某事”,又因主语与make fun of 之间为被动关系,可知答案为C项。【答案】C3I would love _ to the party last night but I had to work extra hours to finish a report.Ato goBto have goneCgoingDto have been gone【解析】would love/like to have done sth.“本来想做某事(但事实上未做成)”。【答案】B4The teacher was _ with me because I wasnt paying attention to what she was talking about.【答案】B6If you want to stay slim,you should avoid eating fat meat,pork _.Ain particularBin generalCin allDin short【解析】in particular“特别, 尤其”,符合题意。in general“通常;大体上”;in all“总共”;in short“总之,简言之”。【答案】A7Can you give me a chair _?Sorry,Jack has taken away my chair _.Ato sit;repairingBto sit;to repairCto sit on;repairingDto sit on;to repair【解析】第一个空为不定式作定语,不定式中动词若为不及物动词,需要带上相应的介词;第二个空为不定式作目的状语。【答案】D8He has been on business,so I have to deal with all the letters during his _.AappearanceBdistanceCabsenceDpresence【解析】由前一句“He has been on business”可知,我是在他不在的时候处理所有的信件的。故选C项absence(缺席)。during/in sb.s absence意为“当某人10Im afraid the book I have lent you wont be interesting enough._AMy pleasure. BYoure welcome.CNever mind. DWhy didnt you tell me earlier?【解析】A、B两项是对别人道谢的答语,意为“不客气,不用谢”;D项语气太生硬,不符合英语表达习惯。只有C项是对别人道歉或表达歉意时的答语,意为“没关系,不必担心”,所以选C。【答案】C11The easily _ computer system is unsafe from hackers.AaccessedBcrushedCsealedDrefreshed【解析】考查形容词的辨析。句意为:容易进入的计算机系统对于防御黑客是不安全的。accessed“能够进入的”;crushed“变形的”;sealed“盖章的”;refreshed“令人耳目一新的”。【答案】A12Mr.Smith eventually_his position as chief executive.AretiredBretreatedCwithdrewDresigned【解析】句意为:史密斯先生最终辞去了他总裁的职务。retire“退休”;retreat“退却,撤退”;withdraw“撤回,收回,辞去”;resign“辞职”。根据题意可知答案为C。【答案】C13The prisoner was released early because of good_.AconductBpraiseCcommentDcondition【解析】句意为:这罪犯因表现良好提前获释。conduct指“(人的)行为、品德、品行”。【答案】A14We must know what we should do and what we should avoid _a good impression on others in public places.Ato leaveBleavingCto have leftDhaving left【解析】考查动词不定式作目的状语。句意为:为了在公共场合给别人留下一个好的印象,我们必须知道我们应该做什么,应该避免什么。【答案】A15_ diet and sleep is highly necessary for ones health.AEfficientBEffectiveCAdequateDAdvanced【解析】考查形容词辨析。efficient“效率高的,有能力的”;effective“有效的”;adequate“足够的”;advanced“先进的,高级的”。句意为:足够的食物和睡眠对一个人的健康是极度必要的。【答案】C.完成句子1He has difficulty with eyesight by nature (生来就有视力障碍)2My ambition is to (理想是) become a pilot.3他们的学校生活很轻松,还有时间坐在那里闲聊。Their school life is quite relaxed and they have time to sit around and gossip.4这是他自己也是他全家的一个巨大的成功。It is a great success for him as well as for the whole family.5我们谈判中的努力最终获得了一些成功。Our attempts at negotiation finally met with some success.完形填空He _13_ to run four to five miles a day,every day even the day he had a 103 degree fever.I was _14_,so I went to look for him after school.I found him running all alone.I asked him how he felt, “_15_,” he said.He had two more miles to go.The sweat _16_ his face and his eyes were glassy from his fever.Yet he _17_ straight ahead and kept running.We never told him he couldnt run four miles with a 103 degree fever.So he didnt knowTwo weeks later,the name of the team runners were _18_.Joey was number six on the list.Joey had made the team.He was only in seventh the other six team members were all _19_.We never told him he shouldnt _20_ to make the team.We never told him he couldnt do it,so he didnt know.He just did it.1A.howeverBorCbutDthough 【解析】此空格处是一个转折的话语,破折号是用来表示一个很重要的信息。B词意不合;A、D不应用此结构。【答案】C2A.attentionBdevelopmentCcirculationDtreatment【解析】此答案根据前文的“The doctors.run very well”得出。【答案】D3A.wouldnt knowBdidnt imagineCshouldnt findDcouldnt identify【解析】答案“wouldnt know”表示“不会知道”。B表示“没有想象到”;C表示“不应发现”;D表示“不可能鉴别”,皆不通。【答案】A4A.keep just outBjump right inCstand only behindDsit still away【解析】此句的意思是“别的小孩在那里玩(游戏),他也就(直接)进(跳)入他们的游戏圈内,无所困难或顾忌。”【答案】B5A.neverBgenerallyCoftenDsincerely【解析】根据下文可以得出此答案,下文多次出现与本句意义、结构类似的话语,据此断定。【答案】A6A.liveBjumpCrunDhope【解析】答案“run”是本文的中心。【答案】C7A.competitionBclassCgameDteam【解析】根据下文可知,答案的意思是“加入(长跑)队”。后文有解析。【答案】D8A.meant BsensedCshowedDnoticed【解析】动词sense表示“意识到”;notice表示“(表面的)发现”。【答案】B9A.eventuallyBsuddenly CsafelyDnaturally【解析】前后一致。由come naturally to him可知答案。【答案】D10A.entireBsame【解析】make 是个万能词,此处的意思是“作为”,“成为的一分子”。 词组make the team表示“入队”。后文亦可印证。【答案】C13A.likedBcontinuedChopedDaimed【解析】根据上文,他(一直)在训练,故这里自然是“继续”。【答案】B14A.movedBexcitedCencouragedDworried【解析】根据全文,作者因担心才去看儿子。【答案】D15A.Never mindBOkay CDont worryDSorry【解析】此答案是根据情境判断得来的。A、C项不是用来回答feel的。 【答案】B16A.ran downBcame fromCdropped offDcame down【解析】词组run down此处意思是“汗水流下,淌下”。【答案】A17A.stoodBlookedCfacedDglanced【解析】词组look straight ahead表示“目视前方”。【答案】B18A.madeBcalledCdesignedDchecked【解析】动词call此处意思是“宣布(读)”,call the names“点名”。【答案】B19A.sixthgradersBseventhgradersCeighthgradersDfifthgraders【解析】根据语境(only 一词)可知,其他选手应是高于他的年级的。【答案】C20A.expectBfightCavoidDrefuse【解析】此处expect的意思是“指望”、“期待”。【答案】A厚积薄发在本篇文章的阅读过程中,你有没有发现自己尚未掌握的或比较重要的词汇、短语或者句型?赶紧动手,把它们记下来吧!单词:_短语:_句型:_.写作第一节短文填词阅读下面短文,根据以下提示:1)汉语提示,2)首字母提示,3)语境提示,在每个空格内填入一个适当的英语单词,并将该词完整地写在右边相对应的横线上。所填单词要求意义准确,拼写正确。Dear Mr. Principal,I am a senior student of our school. Id like to say something about the canteen service in our school.In general, the service is _(令人满意). The hall is 1.satisfactoryclean and tidy.The dishes look inviting and taste delicious as _. Whats 2.wellmore, the workers there treat us as their friends, _ makes us feel very happy. 3.whichH_, we feel the price of the meals is a little too high. Besides, we can only 4.Howeverhave a limited v_ of dishes with little change every week. In addition, we 5.varietyoften have to stand in line for a long time _ we can get the meal. You could 6.beforeunderstand how _(珍贵) time is to us students. _(因此), may I 7.precioussuggest something be done to s_ the problems so that we can all enjoy our 8.Therefore meals at school?Thanks for your _(考虑). 9.solve 10.considerationYours sincerely Li Hua第二节书面表达全世界的环境问题在变得越来越严重。请你根据漫画内容和下面要求给China Daily写一封信反映这一情况,并提出保护环境的建议。注意:1.信的开头与结尾已经给出,不计算在总词数内。2. 字数要求: 120左右。人口膨胀population expansion;过度开发overdevelopmentDear editor,Environmental problems are becoming more and more serious all over the world._Yours truly Li Hua111


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