Unit 20《New Frontiers》同步练习1(北师大版选修7)

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111Module 7Unit 20 New Frontiers.品句填词1We offer free _ support for those buying our software.2I phoned her and she told me she would be back _.3Do you believe in _ between men and women?4Mothers are often the ones who provide _ support for the family.5She _ her face against the window.6Who was the _ (最早的)owner of this house?7The state has planned to _(投资)two million in the dam.8This is a _(方便使用的) little safety box.9The moment the 28th Olympic Games were _(宣布)open,all the people present are very excited.10The designer asked me to _(帮助) him in designing a new building.答案:1.technical2.shortly3.equality4.emotional5.pressed6.original7.invest8.handy 9declared10.assist.短语识境assess ; take over ; give away ; in advance ; meanwhile ; outcome out ; figure out ; correspond 1They _ the damage at 250,000 yuan.2There was a rebellion in that country.The rebels soon _ the capital city.3Susan went to tidy up the house;_,Lily started to do some washing.4The _ of the game is beyond his fondest hopes.5It is hard to get a plane ticket at this time,so youd better book one _.6The color in this silk material will not _.7I assure you my actions will _ with my word.8This news is only between us two,so you shouldnt _ the news.9His new books will soon _,maybe next month.10She spoke so fast that I really couldnt _ what she said at the meeting.答案:1.assess2.took over3.meanwhile4.outcome5.in advance6.fade7.correspond 8give away9.come out10.figure out.完成句子1在商业中,没有永远的敌人,只有永远的利益。(permanent)In business,there is no _ _ but there is only permanent interest.2两个学生帮助我做了这个实验。(assist)Two students _ me _ the experiment.3他从失火的高楼内救出了三个孩子。(rescue)He _ three children _ the burning building.4他向慈善事业捐款数千英镑。(donate)He _ thousands of pounds _ charity.5他已把早起锻炼当成了一种习惯。(it 作形式宾语)He has made _ _ _ to get up early and do exercise.答案:1.permanent enemy2.assisted;with3.rescued;from4.donated;to5.it a habit.单项填空1Please remind me of the meeting again tomorrow _ I forget.(2008上海春招)Athough Bso that Cin case Duntil解析:句意:请明天再提醒我开会的事以防我忘了。考查连词词义辨析。in case“以防”,though“虽然;尽管”,so that“以便;为的是”,until“直到”,C符合题意。答案:C2The lawyer rarely wears anything other than jeans and a Tshirt _ the season.(2008海南、宁夏)A. whatever Bwherever Cwhenever Dhowever解析:考查让步状语从句。本题容易误选C。本句表达的意思是“这个律师除了牛仔裤和T恤衫外很少穿其他衣服,无论什么季节”。句中表达的是“无论什么季节”而非“无论什么时候”,并且连接词在句中作表语。答案:A3After studying in a medical college for five years,Jane _ her job as a doctor in the countryside.(2008宁夏、海南)Aset out Btook over Ctook up Dset up解析:句意为:Jane在医学院学了五年后,在乡村开始从事医生工作。set out“出发,开始”;take over“接收,接管”;take up“开始从事”;set up“建立,竖立”。根据句意选C项。答案:C4You seemed to have been impressed by his lecture.Well,not exactly so.It was his way of speaking,_ his lecture that really impressed me.Arather than Bas well as Cbut also Dtogether with解析:考查介词短语辨析。rather than“而不是”;as well as“不仅 而且”;but also前常与 not only 同时出现。意为:“不但而且”;together with“和一起”。答案:A5If weather _,I plan to go climbing on Sunday with several of my classmates.Ais permitted Bpermits Cto permit Dpermitting解析:考查动词在句中的正确形式。空格处动词在句中作谓语,因此先排除C、D两项;此处表示主动关系,因此选B。如果去掉if,则D项正确,weather permitting在句中为独立主格结构。答案:B6Wang Xia was doing her homework and _ her father was watching TV.Ameanwhile Bthe meanwhile Cwhile Dmeaning解析:本题考查词语辨析。句意为:王霞在做作业,与此同时,她的父亲在看电视。meanwhile是副词,作状语,若用while前面不加and,因为while为连词。答案:A7It is certain that his son will _ his business when he gets old.Atake over Bthink over Chand over Dgo over解析:本题考查短语辨析。句意为:可以确定,当他老了的时候,他的儿子将接管他的事业。take over“接管”,think over“考虑”,hand over“移交”,go over“复习”。答案:A8It is easy to drive an electric toy car._ this button to start the engine.APress BExpress CPass DMiss解析:本题考查动词辨析。句意为:开电子玩具车很容易,按此钮发动引擎。press“挤,压”;express“表达”;pass“传递”;miss“错过,想念”。答案:A9Its the protection for trees that matters,_ how many trees are planted.Ainstead of Brather than Cnot only Dinstead解析:句意为:重要的是树林的保护,而不是栽了多少树。此处用rather than表示“而不是”的意思。答案:B10In the _ society,human beings had to eat whatever they could find,whether it was raw or cooked food.Apermanent Bprimitive Cancient Doriginal解析:permanent“永久的;永恒的”,primitive“原始的;落后的”,ancient“古代的”,original“最初的”;primitive society“原始社会”。答案:B.阅读理解Imagine if spiderman came down from the ceiling to save Yao Ming or Shaquille ONeal every time they injured their ligaments(韧带)on court.Though this idea will have to remain a daydream,spider silk may really be able to cure their wounds,scientists say.Though to be the strongest natural fibre on the planet,spider silk could be used to rebuild injured ligaments.Randolph Lewis at the University of Wyoming in Laramie has been working on the idea.Spider silk has interested scientists for centuries.An ancient European folk story at least 2,000 years old tells of the possible medical value of spider webs.It said they could help in fighting infections,stopping bleeding and healing wounds.Researchers have found no evidence so far that spider webs can kill germs.But studies on animals have shown that spider silk helps prevent the rejection of medical implants(移植)So Lewis lab and others are changing spider silk into fibres that they hope might be useful in medicine.Researchers have found that spider webs could be used to rebuild ligaments damaged in one of the worlds most common knee injuries.“Were also looking at spider silk in artificial tendons(腱),”Lewis said.Scientists are also developing spider silk to be used for stitching up(缝合)wounds,to help them heal without scarring.1The belief that spider silk is useful for rebuilding injured ligaments is based on the idea that_.Ait has cured Yao Ming and ONeals woundsBits the strongest natural fibre in the worldCit has long been used to cure the injuredDspider silk can be used for stitching up wounds解析:根据第二段得知蜘蛛丝可以用来修复受伤的韧带,是因为它被认为是地球上最结实的天然纤维。答案:B2We can learn from the passage that_.Ait has been proved that spider webs can surely kill germsBscientists have long been interested in spider silk because of a folk storyC2,000 years ago the westerners were sure of the medical value of spider websDmuch of the medical value of spider silk is being developed by some scientists解析:根据第二段最后一句可判断科学家们正在研究这个课题。答案:D3The passage is most likely to be found in_.Aa story book Ba scientific journal Ca textbook Da news report解析:本文属科普文章,其行文方式及内容经常见诸科学书刊等。答案:B4What is the best title for this passage?AUnique Medicine BWonderful InsectsCNew Findings DMysterious Spiderman解析:文章围绕蜘蛛丝特殊的医用价值而展开,因而“独特的药”更能概括文章的中心。答案:A111

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