Unit 10 Lesson4《Money》Advertisements教案1(北师大版必修4)

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111 教学设计 Teaching Plan of Unit 10 Lesson 4 Adverts Teaching contents(教学内容):1教材:北京师范大学英语。2内容:必修模块4: Unit 10 Lesson43教材说明:本课内容对教材进行了适当的选择和补充,综合了阅读和写作的训练,符合新课标中对教材使用的合理建议。 Teaching aims(教学目标):1.语言知识和技能方面:*掌握有关广告的新单词。*学会运用广告里的形容词*总结出广告写作的要素并运用。2.情感态度方面:通过课前和课堂上的体验、参与、实践等探究性活动,让学生学会合作、自主学习,增强学生学习的积极性和学生的自信心。Difficult points (教学难点):本课是一节任务型读写课,“读”是为了“写”, “学”是为了“用”。因此在整个教学过程中,让学生通过阅读,探究总结出好广告的要素和写作技巧, 并加以运用,以组为单位在规定时间内根据教师所给材料和信息写出广告词,并让其相互评价,及时反馈。Teaching aids (教学准备):电脑,多媒体讲台,麦克风,实物投影。Teaching steps (教学步骤):Step 1 Leading in1.Play an advert on the screen. ( Pepsi Cola )2.Greeting.3.Present some adverts collected by the students and introduce three kinds of adverts briefly. Then tell the students todays tasks. Step 2 Reading1.Fast reading. And ask them: “Which advert do you like best? Why?” 2.Read the Reading Strategies box with the students.3.The students read the four adverts again, and find out some opinions and facts to complete the table. 4.Ask some students to give the answers to the class. Explain some new words in the adverts.5.Take one advert as an example and ask them to sum up “What makes a good advert?” (4A)1). A creative idea.2). A clear title.3). A brief description.4). Attractive words.Step 3 Writing1. Divide the class into groups. List the writing stages to direct the student to write an advert. 2. Remind them to use all the necessary information:1). What is it called?2). What can you use it for?3). Where can you use it?4). What is it made of?5). What are its advantages?6). How much does it cost?7). Where can you get it?3. Show a picture of Siemens mobile phone, and ask them to use the key words to write adverts in groups. ( music )4. The students check their adverts.Step 4 Presentation1. Choose some groups to show their adverts on the screen and read them out.2. Ask some students to evaluate others adverts using the factors of good adverts, and then find out their problems and the way to improve.3. Tell them the teachers idea.Step 5 Conclusion & Homework1. Make a brief sum-up.2. Homework for today:1). Write an advert for a gadget following the writing stages (P.90)2). Finish the exercises in the workbook.3). Do the exercises in English Weekly.111


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