高一英语备课《Module 6 Films and TV Programmes》-Writing and Task教案2 外研版必修2

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高一英语备课《Module 6 Films and TV Programmes》-Writing and Task教案2 外研版必修2_第1页
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111外研版高中英语第二册(必修2)Module 6 Films and ArtsWriting (1)Teaching Aims:To let the students know how to write a review of a film. Teaching Important Point:The teps of writing the structure of writing a review of a film.Teaching Difficult Point:To teach students know the patterns of review of a filmTeaching Methods:Individual and pair works can allow every student to act in the class.Teaching Aids:MultimediaTeaching procedures:Step 1 Greetings as usualStep 2 Lead inT: I think every one of you must have seen some films before. Now first, I will show some pictures about some films and ask some of you to guess which film it is. (Show pictures on the screen)T: What film it is?S: Harry Porter.T: And this one?S: The Star War.T: Now,read the text Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and fill in the blank using the key words.Setting: in the early 1800s, Pecking rooftops, western deserts of ChinaPlot: fall in love with, a good friend, get the stolen sword backCharacters: Li Mubai (by Chow Yun-Fat)Yu Xiulian (by Michelle Yeoh)Yu Jiaolong ( by Zhang Ziyi)Opinion: a masterpiece of martial arts films, exciting Step 3 Individual and pair work T: Well done, you must have seen a lot of films, and you can name the pictures. Now I will divide you into groups of four to discuss the films you have ever seen. And you must discuss it from the following points: 1. When and where did you see the film? 2. What is the name of the film and who are the heroes and heroines of the film? 3. What is the kind of the film? 4. What is the plot of the film? 5. Do you think it is well worth seeing? And why? 6. What do you learn from it? 7. What will you do in the future? 8. How do you feel about the ending of the film?(Give students at least 10 minutes to discuss the film they have ever seen, and students prepare the speech they will talk)T: Now who will have a try to say something about the movie you have ever seen?S: I will have a try. Last Sunday, my brother and I went to the theater to see the film called BaoBei Jihua, a very popular comedy starred by Jackie Chen, Tianle Gu and YuanYuan Gao. Both of the male heroes are thieves. Though they stole a lot of money, they are still very poor. By chance, they slided into a very wealth family to steal a baby. They had to keep the baby in order to exchange money. After that, they lived with the baby, and caused a lot of trouble for themselves and a lot of laughter. As time went by, they loved the baby deeply. They didnt want to exchange money with the evil man. So they rescued the baby from the evil man, and they themselves were also into prison. However, the ending is happy. From the movie, I know that you should not judge a man from his appearance. Everyone has the spirit of love. They could something surprising motivated by the spirit of love. That is all.T: Excellent, Job. Well done. Who will be the next?S: I want to have a try.Step 4 A model for them to follow.T: You have done excellent job, all of you. Im very happy to hear that you can describe the movie so vividly that all of us want to see the movie. And you all have learned something from the movie that is the most important thing for you to do. And now look at the screen, there is a model of review of a film for you to learn. (Show the model on the screen)Model:Rumble in the Bronx is directed by Tang Chi-Li the story is about Jackie Chan who acted Ah Keung in the film. He worked in New York and he met Elaine (played by Antia Mui), Nancy, and Danny. Danny was a handicapped boy in wheelchair. Nancy was a beautiful girl but she mixed with some bad people but she was very good. Finally, Elaine liked Ah Keung and she had a big supermarket. One day, the bad people went to the supermarket and stole the goods and they always made trouble in the supermarket, but Ah Keung was very brave and beat them up. At last, the bad people lost and Ah Keung won. Though Antia Mui died, her excellent performance makes us remember her forever. Jackie Chan is always brilliant.I felt this film is very exciting but it had many violent actions. In this film, I also found Jackie Chan a good kung fu hero and he is very handsome but his hair is very long. I hope he can cut his hair short when he performed other films soon.Step 5 Summary and homeworkT: In the period, we have learned some steps of how to write a review of a film. And some of you describe the movie you have ever seen very well. And then you see a model for you to follow to write a review of a film. So todays homework is to write a review of a film you have ever seen.Appendix: Through this class, students could practise their spoken English and cultivate their sense of cooperation. They could use their own words to describe what they have seen about a film. And students also know how to write a review of a film, which make it easy for them to write articles in the future.教学点评老师的这节写作课是一节很有特色。为达到其教学目的“How to write a review of a film”,学生们在他指导下,通过学生进行了大量听说的语言实践练习,使学生掌握了“影评”应含盖的主要内容及其基本写作思路。老师采用了“师生问答设问分组讨论(学生)汇报讨论结果(教师)示范”这一完全建立在语言实践的引导式(Guided Training)写作训练方法进行写作教学。这节课的最主要特点是有的放矢地进行练习,在练中学,在学中用,学用结合;学生在语言交流和实践中自然轻松地掌握了“影评”的写作方法,这对引导和培养学生们用英语思维意识、排除他们写作时的恐惧心理具有非常重要和积极作用。这节课是节非常典型的利用听说、突出读写的综合训练课;另外,同时还注重了对学生们小组合作意识的培养。以上这些均体现了新课程标准的精神。但要说明的是,这样的课需要教师和学生均要具备交广博的电影方面的常识和较扎实的语言功底。111

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